Should I call CPS on my ex?

You let your child go there so it must not be that bad.

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U didnā€™t when yā€™all were together so donā€™t do it now.

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Why do you let you child go there

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If anything, just think of your own child, take Dad to court saying you donā€™t feel that your child is safe when at his home

Wellā€¦if you want your kid in the system, sure. There is a reason you donā€™t have custody either.

No, you let your kid go there. Mind your business if you still allow your child to go over to such an awful environment

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If you legitimately are concerned then yes.

Talk and offer the help first those people are bad news

I would personally never call cps on someone without at least discussing my concerns with them first. And thereā€™s a difference between dirty or nasty and being so dirty that itā€™s unlivable? Is there feces and roaches? Things like that would be a major no. But just being dirty is there problem.

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Stop ur child going over. Simple. Cps are evil ( not all but a lot are ). Please donā€™t call cps just keep ur child away. As long as thereā€™s food in house, clothes, toys, educational thingā€™s. No illegal drugs etc then its fine. Kids can wonder off at times. As bad as it is. U could always offer support

I would question the adults first, and maybe even question the kids further before getting law involved.

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Only if itā€™s a health hazard should as far as feces covered, no food in the fridge, child is in the road, theyā€™re using drugs in front of the kidsā€¦etc. discuss with the ex before doing anything that drastic

CPS is a crime against children. They ALWAYS make it worse. Try and find an advocate center first. Or do a well check with the police.

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Being outside alone is no issue. My 3 and 5 year old play together or alone outsideā€¦

But. The house however- thereā€™s a difference between untidy and unsanitary

No mind ur business donā€™t call CPS on someone u donā€™t know anything truthfully thatā€™s not coo for someone to just up and call CPS I hate people like that ugh effn Karenā€™s

Talk with the dad first. Are we talking clutter or a dirty house? Document everything and if you can, take photos. If things donā€™t improve call CPS.

Iā€™ve thought about this and with that one child wondering around outside everyday all day is abuse and neglect.
Yes by all means please call customer before someone gets hurt real bad or even kidnapped for that matter. Maybe she kicks him outside and tells him not to come back inside. So terribly :pensive: :worried: sad. I hope noone gets hurt.

Unless you suspect physical or sexual abuse I would not involve CPS if you truly care. That system is not a pretty one at all.

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Mention how the house looks and stop bringing your child there for that reason and if thereā€™s no change then report

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Why do you let your kid over there

I would talk with them first and see if there isnā€™t something you can all work out ā€¦and if they donā€™t wanna talk then I would make that call.

Just file for emergency custody and explain why then u wonā€™t have to put the child in the care of a dirty place

Absolutely you should call cps

I think I would mind my own fking business and you probably should too. :woman_facepalming:t4:

Yes. Right now. And keep calling.

Always advocate for the child. They have NO voice. Let CPS make the decision. They will come and investigate and decide.

If your concerned yes then you should call

No. What if there isnā€™t anything wrong? Talk first before you do anything else other wise you sound like a jealous ex causing trouble

I ainā€™t even read the rest after the opening sentence ā€¦
CPS is in the business of stealing children. Unless you never wanna see your kids again, handle it.

A 4 year old playing in the yard by themselves is not a concern. Talk to them first,

I would call and I wouldnā€™t let my daughter be there anymore.

Id absolutely call cps, even if you do it anonymously

Nah sweetie have a conversation of ur concerns. Having an untidy is no reason to call CPS. You wont want that done to you.

Call them, but stop letting your child go there,

Yepā€¦ If I thought any child was in any kind of issues of that I would.

Ring them . Might be the kick up the arse they need. And keep your child away till theyā€™ve pulled their finger out ā€¦rather check on the kiddies and nothing be wrong rather than ignore it and them get hurt

Without question yes I would!!

Itā€™s hard looking after a family :family: so mind ur business

If your questioning if you should then yeah.

So they can go into a foster home and be treated the same if not worse and be terrified? No


being messy and being dirty r 2 totally different thingsā€¦its up to us as adults to not ignore stuff like thatā€¦I would callā€¦nasty mfs

Is your daughterā€™s or the other childrenā€™s health or life in jeopardy? Iā€™d think that if you were actually that worried and felt as such, you wouldnā€™t be allowing your child to go over there. Be an adult and talk to them. Express your concerns and go from there. If those children are not in danger then you will only be wasting valuable time when cps could be helping more children that are in need. Start with communicating.


Are you actually concerned tho or just a jealous ex cos I see jealous exā€™s alot pulling stunts like this tryna say they worried for the kids safety but really they were haters still in loveā€¦ Just saying.


Depends on what your version of dirty house was cluttered but not dirty and to my landlord was dirty lol.also some 4 year old are pretty gd at staying in the kids were

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I would not let my kid go in those horrible conditions because if that 4 year old is unattended what makes you think they wonā€™t do the same to your daughter too.

Iā€™m a mandated reporter and a dirty house is not an upfront sign of child abuse or neglect. If the kids donā€™t have food, clothing, or a home to live in, sure. You trust it enough to send your own child there but wanna call cps? You put your child in that environment when you felt it was unsafe? That says a lot about you. Just talk to them and voice concerns to your lawyer if you have a custody agreement and be able to provide proof of your claims.


CPS is not somebody you should trust they have literally been busted for sex trafficking children do not call CPS.


Honestly kinda sounds like they need help calling cps due to the place not being clean is pretty shitty i know i sometimes have trouble cleaning right now my sink is full of dishs iam rising two babys by myself n had a c section 3 weeks ago i would be pissed if someone called cps over that

Why are you sending your child there then. It will make you look like an instigator and they will keep t ha t on record and from that point on you wont be taken seriously. If the kids are happy, healthy, have food and clothing, bed and utilities onā€¦how someone lives really is none of your business.

CPS is a terribly corrupt organization that makes their money off kidnapping and ā€œrehomingā€ children.

If the child isnā€™t in any imminent danger you donā€™t call the cops or CPS on people. Thatā€™s a terrible reflection on you. I promise the kid would rather be in a messy home with his parents then lost in the system. :unamused:

Just Be careful in doing that it can change ppls lives forever including yours as they will investigate u in return. Unless your child is directly affected then MIND YOUR DAMN BUSINESS!!!

If the children are roaming alone I definitely would!!

This smells fishy and petty. If you are honestly concerned (which seems doubtful) then have the police do a well check they will decide. Cause itā€™s honestly none of your business

Iā€™d call CPS no questions asked if you think that it is unstable living conditions if you were concerned for the little ones and your daughter Iā€™d call CPS sometimes itā€™s all people need is a little bit of an eye-opener and will change their ways

Cps would probably just go over and see if thereā€™s food in the house and ask the kids if anyone is hurting them. If those two things check out, theyā€™ll likely not open a case.

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The risk with having a conversation first is this, if that conversation does not go well and you decide to make the call they will know it was you

And they want do nothing about 4 year old outside cause i had neighbor whoā€™s kid did that and someone called she still got her kid

Some 4 year olds wait outside for their neighborhood friend to get there to play with them. You donā€™t know the story. When I was 4 we played outside all day.

A messy house is not necessarily an abusive house. Plenty of spotless households are abusive.

I donā€™t see what the issue is. 4 year olds are allowed to play outside. How do you know that nobody inside is watching them? Playing outside is much healthier than watching TV.

Just remember they will be in your life tooā€¦not just his.
You share a childā€¦and allow said child to be in the environment.

No. Offer to take the kids. Social services ainā€™t gone do shit but put them in a (most likely) worse off home.


Iā€™d take the little one inside and make a big deal about it like omg he mustā€™ve snuck out without you noticing. Good thing heā€™s ok. Thatā€™s scary. Make them think about it. My youngest is 5 and heā€™s constantly outside - with his brothers or sisters and where I can see him if Iā€™m inside. If you call cps- dot forget YOUR child lives there also.

If you feel safe with your daughter being there, donā€™t tear up the family. Maybe the son needs some time outside and it lines up with pickup time.

Maybe ask. If you think the kid is in danger what makes you drop off your kid? Maybe he gets jealous when your daughter is over. Itā€™s a matter of communication

Why is everyone so quick cps now a days? Could be the most basic shit and yall wanna go running trying to get babies put in a system that not there to actually help them. ( few and far between they actually help) talk to them about it get them aware. Jeesh be an adult.

I would talk to them first about it and maybe call the cops but you can put a call into cps as well.

If your that concerned why do u let your kid go over there I gaurentee you they will be looking at u as well

Donā€™t call ocs on know one unless itā€™s life r death situation they want take kids for house being dirty i been there before still got my kids babydaddy tried all kinds stuff didnā€™t work

As a mom of 5 imma say that mess probably just literally happened :rofl::sob::woman_facepalming: and I can relate my 4 and 5 year old are able to lock and unlock the door. Ugh many times I found em outside jumping on trampoline when Iā€™m only going to the basement to switch laundry. Smh Iā€™d talk to your ex express that others might call cps and warn em to keep better eye on the child hense the unsafty of the matter and just get reassured that your child isnt out by them selfs. But kids are kids smh

I feel that if youā€™re legitimately concerned, you wouldnā€™t have made this post. You wouldā€™ve called CPS without spilling the teaā€¦ But thatā€™s me.

I would say try talkin to the parents about your concerns and what you see. If that does not work stop your child from going over there and if it does not change then contact PCS.

If the
House that nasty why are
You allowing your child
Over there? Make
It make

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But 4 year old outside alone thatā€™s kinda something worry about it he lives on vidy road of kid can reach water r a road thatā€™s scarey

First off if it is really as bad as you are saying and you are so worried why do you feel safe enough to take your child their and leave her?

How wonderful for these children to be brought up in a house full of animals.

If you so concerned, why you sending your kid there???

You can call and make an anonymous report. It is then up to CPS if they choose to investigate and they wonā€™t communicate with you after the report is made. I would call.

Nope keep Cps out of it. You could lose your kid.

As long as youā€™re doing it for the kids sake and not just because heā€™s your ex

I wouldnā€™t even be letting my kid over there

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Yes. You donā€™t have to leave your name. If he asks say you know nothing about it. Say nothing to your son about it too

Probably a good idea and maybe you donā€™t want your child there either

Id def call the cops and ask to do a welfare check!

I would. Thatā€™s terrible and I wouldnā€™t trust my baby with him

Treat people how you want to be treated

No Iā€™d mind my own business.

Like someone else said like to the parents first!

Perhaps a conversation with them first ā€¦

Have the police go over and do a Well Check, and go from there.

No. Donā€™t be a twunt.

I say follow your gut.

They wonā€™t do anything anyway. The case will be dropped.

When on doubt call them out.

Why donā€™t you ask how they are doing first and see if you can offer them any help

Mind your business :woman_shrugging:t4:

A messy house and wandering kid are not really a reason for cps more of a talk parent to parent in my opinion the system is no place for kids they get abused raped etc every kid I have met in the system only has horror stories

Sounds like thereā€™s more to the story.

Why the fuck come online looking for attention.

I would absolutely callā€¦

Iā€™d sit down with the dad first and explain your issues

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I would mind my business.

No i wouldnā€™t call cps. It isnā€™t a cps matter.