Just call… I would!
What’s your definition of a pig sty? Cluttered counters & unvaccumed carpets or…worse? Cps probably won’t do anything. I would confront them first because cps is going to ask if you’ve expressed your worries to your ex before calling.
Talk to him. If you are worried let him know.
No. You call CPS for actual abuse and neglect
I mean… offer help. Coparent.
Calling CPS is extreme.
Mental illness is real.
I meant CPS not customer
Why is everyone’s first response with children in a home to call cps. Do you have any idea how exhausting it is to have to work take care of kids and clean a home and parent children… more than one child at that. If you do then take a step back and be an adult not an undercover asshole. It will bite you in the ass in the end.
You are concerned about their kids yet you send your kid to that pig sty. That’s just funny. I think you should just use your brain and mind your own business
This should not be on social media
No ~ pick your battles. CPS is serious.
I would ask them if they need help in any way/what’s going on because you noticed some things that concern you, such as, maybe someone is overwhelmed/needs help/is in some type of distress like burnout, anxiety or depression.
Explain you are just trying to help & that one issue isn’t a problem but there are many.
Before discussing, write out & explain w/ each item why it’s a concern (could get kidnapped, etc get statistics if you think it helps, it’s public info by neighborhood in most places), & have ways you can help listed, but only bring those up if the chat goes that way.
Rank them from most concerning to least. Pick the top 2-3 at most instead of bombarding if there’s a lot.
This will keep things compassionate and help focused vs a confrontation/attack, and also help you assess what’s a big deal or not . . . It won’t be an easy chat, so dont make it harder than it has to be.
Sometimes if we reach out, a lot of trauma and stress can be avoided on the children that would be caused by putting them into a government system & giving them an adverse child experience of sudden separation from their family.
It could happen. Are you ready for what that does to a children vs reaching out as a compassionate human?
That’s how I would my decision.
Damn ladies… Easy! Sheesh smh
Not your business honestly
Fuck no😎
And fuck you if you do this
Do y’all not know what court orders are? Geesh.
Well you can but I do doubt that they will do anything. My sister’s has a situation similar to that she has reported so many times yet nothing is done. They said that the dirty house is a lifestyle. One of the kids is very asthmatics and she smokes in the house and he also has heart problems. Also once it was -19 and she had her 9th month bb wrap in a wet towel only running around. My sister reported that and the only thing the police did was clothe the bb and said that poor lady had no funds to clothe her as an excuse. But that is not true. They didn’t even put it it in the thick file they should have by now
I would have a chat with them first…
I would call for sure
They will not do anything.
Do it. Worse case scenario they pretend to care more.
Every time it happends call 911.
Call 911 and leave next time.
Hire a cleaner for them, be kind
CPS can’t make you clean your house
I’m a mandated reporter. I would.
I would address the issue first, then if you had to yeah
CPS causes problems not only will they lose there kids you will lose your daughter as well. GOAT advice for you mind you own business. Have a blessed day.
If you I so concern talk to her first and see if she need use to help her or get some to help her and then if she don’t you do what you have to do. But first talk to her and don’t arbor with her just be there for her.
I agree I would do a simple welfare check
All she has to do is call and say shes sees a child outside alone and cps will make a visit. My cousin had this happen to her because of neighbors who didnt like her. Her kids were never by themselves but because of the report cps made random visits for a while before closing her case.
CPS will also look at you as well. Just a heads up
Yes. But be prepared because cps will probably come to your house too
I have personally called CPS on my friend before because I was concerned about her kids. We are still very good friends and she actually thanked me for making that call. Her kids will always be out and about by them selves in their yard but we live in such a crazy place that I rather be safe than sorry.
How old is your daughter? That is some major info being left out. If she is young why would you send her there if they don’t keep an eye on the toddler in the house? If she’s 12+ then I would suggest she tried to help clean here and there so the house isn’t a “very dirty space” but having a “dirty space” isn’t necessarily going to lead to any consequences on their part unless it is dirty enough to be considered a health hazard. The animals wouldn’t lead to anything either unless there is urine and feces everywhere … again leading to a health hazard. I would definitely be concerned for the toddler however you have to consider you allowing your daughter there could potentially raise red flags on your behalf as well since you know these things are going on and still send her…I would definitely report them if you seriously feel the child is endanger and risk any consequences you might receive for the sake of the other child’s safety.
Of course I would. When I worked at a child development center I was a mandated reporter. I also worked with children with special needs and children in the system. This does not mean children will be pulled from their home,and families. Sometimes these parents are having a difficult time and need help. CPS is there to help, not just to judge.
Yes, call. I’m a former CPS worker. They will work with them to get it cleaned up
A simple wellness check is sufficient. If they see something they will further investigate
When it comes to the kids safety call CPS
My option won’t be popular but l would ask for a meeting between the three adults and hire a sitter so little ears don’t hear. Try to work things out with them first. I would offer help to tidy their home. There may be health issues, time constraints, etc…but these precious children need three loving parents in their lives. They will grow up to be loving siblings who aid others in their time of need. Your daughter will witness her parents adulting for them all.
Yes I would but I would not have your daughter over when they show up cause they can take your daughter to
I would bring it up to their attention first!!! And tell them look this house needs to be clean. Just give them a warning… I wouldn’t go cps right away
If they have nothing to hide and nothing is wrong with the situation… A wellfare visit shouldn’t be an issue.
And PSA: “BY LAW” you MUST report any suspension of child abuse, endangerment and/or neglect. If she KNOWS a 4 year old is wondering around outside unattended and GOD FORBID something happens to that child… Guess who else’s head is going to be on the chopping block… YEP! The one who DIDN’T report something that could have been avoided.
I’d probably butt right in and try and sort them out. As we know parenting is hard freaking work and theyre (besides your ex) young. Say something if your concerned, don’t just bring in the big guns. These people are known to you.
Worry about what your puting out. Dont worry about them. The system is not for people that care. You can’t control what goes on over there but you can control what your kids see you do. So set an example and they will know what is ok and what is not. I can’t say this enough.
Question is do you want them in your life bc your child is there and the child goes over there would put them in your life as well so if there is no drug use or abuse then I would simply talk to your ex about it and his wife or gf first and address your concerns
It’s such a hard call… are you concerned for the (your) children or do you just want to stir the pot? That’s my first question…
Next thing is, cps is just going to go over there and just tell them to pick up the mess. Are they drinking, doing drugs, are the harming the children in any way?? It’s so difficult to figure out the best way to handle this type of situation…I mean are they neglecting the boy or does he just like to be alone???
Unfortunately, most CPS have little staff and are overwhelmed. They will do a home check, tell them to clean it, they’ll clean it, get the ok from cps and then probably go right back being dirty. As for the wandering baby, they will be told to take parenting classes and get a check once in a great while and nothing will come from it. I just don’t think cps is what it used to be. Too many kids being thrown to the side and then something truly happens to them and there was 3847 previous complaints but nothing was done. Then it’s all played off as it wasn’t THAT BAD. I feel like a child has to be killed or have serious trauma these days for anything to be taken seriously.
Yes. Call humane society/SPCA about the animals and cps about the other children. If nothing’s wrong they will make that decision. Nothing wrong with being concerned. Just look at other children who have fallen through the cracks.
Children can not speak for themselves …
Yes, if you’re concerned for the smaller children’s safety and for your own daughter’s safety while she’s there, yes definitely call. I’m not one to be nosy, but when kids are involved that’s a different story. What does it matter if it’s the ex? Would y’all be telling this person to ignore it if it was a neighbor or other family/friend? Not everything involving an Ex has to be petty!
Theres nothing wrong giving a call to have them do a warness checkup on them especially if u feel the environment itself its safe for them children shouldnt live in that nd sadly cps will not like that part
Sounds like a lot of stress going on in that house, why don’t you offer to help do a deep cleaning day, and Bring up your concern and maybe offer a solution to the child getting out of the house, such as putting extra deadbolt locks up high on the doors.
No, not your problem. If your daughter is ok then nothing matters
I would simply say something about the condition the kids are in. You can say things out of kindness and still say what needs to be said, however if you are so worried then it’s better to call than not. You can be anonymous so they won’t know it was you that called in them. Everyone that’s getting mad for you being concerned needs to back off. That’s so frustrating that women(moms) are like that. Children can not always speak up for themselves. We are the only ones protecting them(concerned family or friends) speak up for them if there is legitimately a cause for concern and that is. A 4 years should NOT be left alone like that much less live in such an environment
Since you’re sharing a child with him they’ll look into all children I’m assuming, maybe try talking to them first to address the issue or atleast take pictures of proof if it ever becomes a serious enough reason to call.
I wouldn’t waste my time. CPS won’t do anything. My ex tested positive for weed and fentanyl and they did nothing because he lived with his parents and they said that they could supervise. This was after my daughter found a spoon and two needles under her pillow & sent me a picture of it at 5:00 in the morning. They don’t care. That was the second time CPS was involved… first time he let “our” 7yo drive his moms car. Basically, I wouldn’t go that route. It will not do anything but cause issues.
Id start by having a mild conversation with them how none of what is going on there is at all acceptable, and for the safety of the children you are kindly asking that they fix the problems asap, maybe they just wasn’t raised no better, and they think living in such a way is acceptable… however if they start saying you’re being judgmental or nit picking, then I’d gv them the choice to either hv it cleaned, and do not let that baby out alone, or you will be forced to call dcbs in X amount of days if they haven’t cleaned up, and stopped neglecting their children and home!!
Don’t do it think of your daughter once cps gets involved they don’t go away cps is not here to help children but to do harm
If you believe the child, children are in danger, you have to report it. If your child is there, you could be liable also for leaving your child in an unhealthy and unsupervised environment.
If you plan on reporting it make sure you know facts and what is going on in the house to back it up. False accusations can get you into a lot of trouble due to deformation of character and that could make you be charged if the other party chooses to.
If you are concerned for the little ones and I’m guessing this includes your daughter as well my question is why are you still sending her there if you are that concerned
Yup. Call. Most parents put up a better front when another adult is around- if you are seeing concerning things- it’s not a stretch to think theres worse going on.
CPS won’t care unless he’s a foster child. Don’t waste your time.
If its deplorable and dirty, if its warranted, yes. As long as it’s not malicious intent, yes
Mind your business lots of false accusations not knowing the full story
Video record several times & try to get proof of the pig sty then call anonymously
Is it your house??? If so, throw them all out…if.your nd does not like it, throw him out, too
Make sure you know what ye saying ndoing sounds like you wanna make trouble or jealous of yr hubbys relationship make sure you know the truth
Yep, I would. But I’m a child welfare worker.
Just remember karma is a b****
And you’re letting your daughter go there too, so…
Call the CPS on the kids parents, not your husband
I wouldn’t think twice about that. Absolutely!
Have police do a welfare check.
Tell them your concerns especially if your child goes there
I don’t wish this upon anyone
Only focus on YOUR child. If you honesty feel the kids are unsafe then tell him how you feel without mentioning anything that has to do with the other kids. If you see nothing has changed let him know politely that since the conditions haven’t changed that he either needs see your daughter at your home or a public outing that way you know where she is. If he says no tell him to take you to court for visitation.
Sounds like you just wanna stir the pot.
Stay in your lane petty Betty. You can be “anonymous” here but in real life they’ll figure out it was you who did it and some well deserved recourse would be headed your way.
No. I don’t think living with strangers is better then living in a messy house. If the kids are fed and healthy I’d offer to help or leave it be
You should have ready done it! There is no excuse for that! And when you call any authority they will.send for a well check first anyways.
i would 100% call someone! that’s not only the safety of your child,but also the other children!! good luck
Offer to help clean it up talk to them.
I feel like if you were that concerned by the “lack of supervision” in the home and the filth (according to you) why would you send your child there? My kids go outside all day and play (5,6,7 and 9) and while I’m not standing there right next to them, I’m sure in hell supervising! Is the child in their own yard, or wandering the street? HUGE DIFFERENCE! My ex has called DCF (that’s what CPS is in FL) on me about 15x with random erroneous claims. And each time, the case was dismissed as there was no merit. It’s annoying AF, and because your daughter goes there, there will want to speak with her as well. As someone who’s been a “victim” of false claims by my ex (he’s just mad I have sole custody and the courts won’t even give him supervised visits) make sure if you decide to call your claims are VALID. Adult to adult, I would speak to them first if you feel there is an issue. Then if the problem persists make the call. But I wouldn’t jump the gun.
I cant with this page or any page connected to mamasuncut because this is the fifth page in a row who has posted this and it’s all to get clicks on the website for money and advertising
Wouldnt allow my child in that unsafe dirty environment. Tell him to clean up his act or he doesn’t get to see your child…yes I’d report the situation for the sake of the kids
Report them the child needs supervision
If there is no custody order keep your baby outta there!!! Call and report. Protect the children
Your child lives there also so beware of calling cps. IF, they do have reasons for taking the children out of the home, YOUR child will also be involved too
Why would you subject your child to this situation? Apparently your husband isn’t demonstrating proper parenting and apparently has always been this way since his eldest child does the same. Don’t subject your child to this.
Nooooo keep out of it. Cops is not the answer
Did you offer to help?
If it’s that bad then why do you leave your daughter there?
Have you tried talking to them about it ? Some people are totally oblivious until you point it out . Open the conversation up and if you hit a brick wall call CPS .
When in doubt place the call and let them check it out.
Is your child hurt? Sick? Depressed? Scared to go there? If the answer to any of those is no, then mind your own your business. Your child has 2 lives now. Stop trying to control both Iives
About the unsepervised toddler, maybe. About the conditions, well that varies, we have 5 kids here, and though often quite disorganized, it’s cleaned and wrecked weekly so it’s hard to say what their mess is like, if it’s like hoarding bad, I would worry
Im gonna tell you this now: for the wandering depending on age cps will care. But as far as mess goes it depends on the mess. Like piss and poop everywhere and things like that they care. General mess or even organized hoarding situations they tend to not care about for the most part. (Depending on area it could be based on if the kids have their own space or not amongst the mess.)