Should I call CPS on my ex?

Report them for sure. Child neglect

Do you know they aren’t keeping an eye on the 4 year old when he’s outside? What does having a multitude of pets have to do with the house being a mess? Just because it isn’t clean to your standards doesn’t mean you should call CPS. Are there dangerous items where your child can get hurt? Is she being abused? Honestly from the brief bit of information you provided here… it sounds like you’re being petty.


If it’s that bad why leave your child there, and also the other children are not getting the care they should be getting to what you are complaining about


Yes! It’s ALWAYS better to be safe than sorry!!!

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See something, say something as long as you are not doing it out of spite and you are truly concerned


Why would you leave your child there if it wasn’t safe?


You’re not concerned, you just want to get your ex in trouble. Let’s keep it real!


Why all the the questions lately with the should I call cps??? Can you help??? Is anyone in danger or being abused??? Or are you just trying to inconvenience someone??? If you need to call CPS on someone there should not be a doubt in your mind

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If you get cps involved they’re in both your lives not just exs and they’re hard to rid of . If you’re asking if you should then no because if you needed to you wouldn’t need anyone to advise you.
His age has nothing to do with it

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Would you like them to be called on you talk to your ex and explain what’s bothering you give them a chance

Yes I would because no child should have to go through that

:woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:how do you know if they aren’t keeping a eye on him. kids play outside all the time doesn’t mean they are unsupervised. Talk to them it’s common sense :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: and they have kids of course it’s gonna be messy. I can bearly keep up with two kids . Stop trying to ruin people’s lives and if your so worried don’t leave yalls child :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:stop trying to cause problems and grow up probably just jealous he moved on and FYI if you make a false report YOU will get in trouble

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Absolutely better safe than sorry! Where I am it is a state law if you so t report stuff and they find out you knew you could get jail time! Always report to be safe rather than sorry!

I would say yes 4 years old is far too young to be out alone better be be safe than sorry

So you continue to drop your daughter off at a home you feel is unsafe enough that you need to call child services…how does that make you look? Are you sure you arent just bitter and looking to cause trouble? If its as bad as you say which i doubt how bout you not subject your daughter to it.


Is this concern on the “pig sty” and the multitude of animals or the fact that a toddler is outside by himself? If it’s on the filth and living conditions and you’re so concerned then why would you continue to send your child over there in the 1st place?

If you are truly concerned for thghe well being of their children and your daughter’s as well then yes! I am concerned though that you allow her to visit if the situation is that bad. I understand not wanting to have issues with the ex. However, the safety and health of young children must take priority!

I would have called yesterday

Have you tried having a conversation with them? Yes they are adults but your child goes there as well. If your are worried about their living conditions with your child being there that alone should be enough for you to say something to them. Why get CPS involved and possibly have these children removed from their own home/parents. That could also possibly screw up them kids mentally. Talk to them about the child being outside alone or wondering. Yes they’re the parents but sometimes it takes a village to raise kids.

Absolutely not. Talk to them and address your concerns, and stop sending your daughter there until they get it sorted. If you were that worried you wouldn’t be sending your own child there, you are effectively putting your own daughter in the same situation.


Should call them on yourself then for sending ur kid up there . ! And if u were decent person at least go and speak to them say u will contact the cps and ur child won’t be back unless they get there act together


Maybe try having a conversation with them first? From the point of view of someone who has been through the foster system I would put more of an effort trying to help them find a solution rather than having the kids pulled out of the home. Foster care is traumatic and many times the foster homes are less than a healthy environment for a child. Quite literally one of the worst experiences of my life actually. Just take that into consideration before calling CPS

I’m a good mom. My fiance and I were going through some stuff the house was cluttered and messy. Cps got involved and it’s going on 2 years. I’ve had. My daughter back for almost a year but can’t get these these fucking people out of my life . Why… fucking covidd
And shifty fucming lawyers who I can’t afford to replace… if u do it think because now yeah I’ve turned my whole life around but these people won’t go away and I have to stress about everything I can’t move on in my life I’m literally stuck and they think they are helping

You are a mandated reporter in Indiana. If you don’t call you could be responsible for anything that happens to any of those kids in the house because you know what it looks like and the 4 yr old wondering around unattended. Better to be safe than sorry.

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If talking with him doesn’t work then…

Yes! You can’t get in trouble for being concerned . And it can be anonymous.
Let the state do their investigation…
Every time I tried talking to my ex things would escalate… so I stopped trying and just let the professionals do their job.

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So you’re worried about someone you leave your child with :thinking: maybe call it on yourself!

People acting like he can just refuse to let the ex see the kid but if there’s a court order he’d be thrown in jail and since it’s dad most likely mom has custody. Id say talk to a family lawyer, if u can’t afford one then just start calling them just tell them you’re thinking about taking ur ex to court and wanting advice. Most will offer you advice without paying them.

So because they have animals and the house is dirty you want to call CPS? That’s ridiculous. If the children are well cared for, loved and their needs are met, you should leave them in peace. A dirty house and animals don’t make them bad parents!

No you talk to him like an adult. My aunt is a cps worker, when they get called for a dirty house, they have to tell the parents they have x amount of time to have it cleaned. They then go back and check, if it’s cleaned they don’t open a case, if it’s not, they open a case but almost always they don’t take the kids. Since your son is involved in their household, he will be named as part of the case which means you will also be on the case paperwork.

A dirty space is not abuse or neglect. If you’re on good terms ask if they’d like help picking up. If you aren’t on good terms… mind your business.

I have medical issues and my house isn’t always the cleanest. Doesn’t mean my kid should be taken from me.

I would never call cps…… I was a victim of the cps system when I was a kid, I was beaten, raped as abused by several foster families…… just try to help them all where you can if you can…. Don’t subject the innocent kids to having to deal with a broken system that will damage them beyond repair

I will never understand why someone will come to social media w these posts instead of going w your gut feeling. Is FB really helping you find answers??

Granted sometimes agencies are needed in involvement to protect. Yet, not always. Did you know that Family courts, CPS and multiple other agencies only get grant money if they take children away from one parent to the other. Over 50 billion a year in revenue is generated in these places. Best thing to do is to keep the states government or government period and their involvement to a minimum at best.

I wouldn’t call CpS on any child unless there wa a literally no other option. A child is typically better off in the care they are in then some random strangers home.

It’s hard to judge on a dirty house. We all have our definitions of a pig sty. But if the child wonders alone and depending on age that’s the only reason they should investigate. Not over a dirty house.

How about address your concerns with them and be a woman / leader. Instead of being shady

I’d let them know like hey its getting kinda crazy in here do you need help cleaning up?

Yes and defo wouldn’t be dropping my child off!

No. Cps is drastic measures. Talk to them before completely turning their world upside down.

Once u get CPS involved they’re hard to get rid of and they’ll pry into your personal lives way more than you’d probably like

Please save the kids.Dont let your child be exposed to that.

I wouldn’t. I would send my child there ever again. End of story.

If I was legitimately worried about a child then yes

Talk to him and tell him things need to change. The first thing out of my mouth personally if i was in your situation would be “hey these things need to change and until they do my kid wont be over here because wtf is this? You got babies running around out front where the street is and everything. Nope.”
Trust me neighbors see a lot more than you think they do. Give it a little more time someone will call cps but if youre allowing your child to go over there in that situation youre gonna be investigated as well just like they will be.

Just remember. CPS will be involved in your life too.

If you see something SAY SOMETHING 1-800-4A-CHILD

Why would you drag These children into CPS and be in the system forever. I used to work for CPS and I’ve seen what was done to people that didn’t deserve their kids taken away some people need parenting skills I could admit that was shopping skills money management skills because when they go to school or when they’re adults they are not paying attention in school with life’s going to hit them with didn’t need to get educated and learning to take care of the responsibilities before they start having children this is an cruel world now… You should have confronted the mother and the father let them know what’s going on and what your current concerns are

Yes you should call CPS on them

Why the fuck would anybody want to put their child through that intentionally

Sounds like your jealous to me

And hopefully they just help them to clean up the place and idk remind them that dirtiness like that is attached to low ass energy and behaviour… the cleaner it gets there, the cleaner life will be…, and not just take their kids and never give them back…, hopefully your ex gets his house together cause damn. That’s just damned ass energy.

I would leave CPS out of it unless you speak with him about this and nothing is done about it. Is your daughter being neglected or abused?? Because a dirty house is no reason to remove children from the home. It has to be really really bad and dangerous for children before they remove them. I dont know what your end goal is here? Are you wanting to prove him unfit so you can jump in and save the day, or are you truly concerned about the children? It doesnt sound like your child is in danger so maybe you should leave it alone. Unless your child has problems or is being hurt, I wouldnt go stir the pot for no reason. They do not like to remove children from their parents.

No! Talk to him and tell him you’ve noticed that the 4 yr old is outside alone and that if he wants you can help clean. Be a good adult and do your part as a parent. Sometimes things get crazy and adults can’t take care of things right away. Just speak to him offer him help

Thats b.s I stopped taking my kid to her dads because it was nasty and his ex was a nut case. State was on my side. No trouble.

If your concerned, call them

You can always call the local police station and ask for a well child check up when your child is there. My sister is a addict and a few yrs ago when her husband divorce her and she was still getting weekends with my nieces I knew she was still using I sent them out basically ever weekend she had the girls to make sure they were ok. I know that a big difference between a dirty house and and someone using but her girls were left alone outside all the time to fend for themselves and I wanted to know if they were ok plus it started a trail so she would :100: lose her weekends, which in this case she did. It’s a start and something not extreme if your uncomfortable calling cps first

Why can’t people mind there own dam business and quit taking peoples lives away from them and taring up peoples homes and lives get a dam life people and mind your own dam lives