Should I continue paying my sons bills?

My son has taken it upon himself to move out of my house the second he turned 18. We have never really gotten along, but I still love him, of course. He made his decision, and I respect that. My question is, should I continue paying his car insurance and cell phone bill? Are these things still things I should be covering?


My mom wouldnā€™t :rofl: But she also put me out at 17

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He wanted to adult. That includes his OWN bills


If he wants independence then give it to him. Heā€™s adult enough to move out heā€™s adult enough to pay his own bills


Big boy moved out, so big boy can get a big boy jobšŸ˜


Nope. Fly little bird, fly!


Nope I wouldnt let him go he moved out I moved out my parents didnā€™t pay for nothing of mine

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Nope. He wants to be a out on his own let him figure out itā€™s not as easy as he thinks.

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I never had my own phone till I got my first job

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He wants to be a manā€¦let him

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Nope. I was paying for that myself when I was 16. I didnā€™t get car without having a job to pay for the car payment, insurance, gas and any repairs. That didnā€™t make my parents strict it just taught me how to be responsible.


If I wanted a phone or car I had to get a jobā€¦time for him to man up. You did your job mamaā¤

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Heck no on the cell phone, but if the car is in your name it would be wise to get it out of your name before you stop paying the insurance.


Iā€™d tell him he has a month to get his junk figured out and then itā€™s his problem. :woman_shrugging:


I would have an honest conversation with him.

Set a date when he will become responsible. ā€œIn 6 months I am going stop paying for these billsā€

My mom and I had a huge fight when I was 18. We stopped talking to each other, I moved away, I got a jobā€¦ but she paid my phone and my insurance until I was 19.5ā€¦ by then we had made up, but she never just stopped paying. When she did, she gave me time to make sure I could cover the cost, or I could change plans to something I could afford. I feel like that was the best thing she ever did for em


No, itā€™s time to cut the strings. If he wants to adult. .let him adult. Itā€™s the only way he will learn to depend on his self.

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No way. Heā€™s a ā€œmanā€ now. Itā€™s his responsibility.


His phone (maybe) only. Just so you can still get a hold him. And only if was part of a family plan.


Easy answer is no. However, if you want to have a discussion with him and express a timetable for when you will no longer be paying for things, that might be the ā€œniceā€ thing to do. (But since he took it upon himself to hit the road, you donā€™t have to have this discussionā€¦ you can just stop. :woman_shrugging:t3:)


Absolutely NO.
He has to take responsibility for himself and his bills.

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Nahhhhh he moved out? He wants to be an adult?
He can pay his own shit period
Its one thing to help em out every once in a while when their paycheck wasnt good enough or some emergency happened like a flat tire or something
But to continue to pay bills on the reg? Nah

Nope! he wants to be on his own he needs to do it 100% on his own.
Big boy wants to be grown show him how hard it is on his own.


That depends on whether or not you still want to provide for your child :woman_shrugging: if you admitted neither of you get along then I think it was the right choice for him to move out. That doesnā€™t necessarily mean he has to suddenly ā€œman upā€ or whatever. Heā€™s still a child. You just donā€™t live well together.


I didnt mind paying phone bill , that way I knew we could get hold of one another and they could get help in an emergency. If they want a new phone that is on them. Rest of the bills are theirs

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If he is trying his hardest to make it on his own why make it more difficult for him. If you two didnā€™t get along well itā€™s probably best for the relationship he did move out. If you have no animosity towards him, and youā€™re capable of helping why wouldnā€™t you.


I would not. Just have a conversation with him and deadline of when those things will be cancelled so he has time to set this up. Something he hopefully budgeted for already.


Absolutely not! Heā€™s left home and heā€™s 18.


Absolutely not they have to learn how to support themselves if they want to be out on their own


Heā€™s gotta grow up sometime.

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Cell phone, yes. The only reason he has a phone is to answer your calls. Remove the privilege if he doesnā€™t respect you enough to call back


Absolutely no way!!!

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Nope sounds like he needs to be treated like a big boy momma

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18 yr old son. High school graduate. Works a 40 hrs a week. Pay his own phone bill and insurance and pays one household bill. Electric. And takes care of all his own personal stuff, plus mows the yard almost an acre.


I have a different mind set than most, thatā€™s my baby. I will always help him, I would let him know. ā€œYou decide to move out I need you to help me pay X amount of whatever billā€!


let him get used to paying the bills he has gained first, dont throw it all at him at once. If he gets to ahead of himself then he will probably end up back under your roof. Give it time

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Tell him join the ARMY

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Nope. He decided to move out and be grown. Let him be grown.


Hes still your child and moving out of the nest for the first time is always difficult. If you can still pay those things and live comfortably I would definitely pay it. But set a time limit. My dad paid my phone bill until I was almost 20. Kept me on his medical insurance until I was 25.


Is the car in ur nameā€¦ if it is take the car back first. Leave the phone for say 3 months. Then stop it also

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Nope. Give him 30 days notice and tell him you are not his ATM.

My husband says up until theyā€™re 18 itā€™s a parents ā€œresponsibilityā€ within reason but after 18 itā€™s a giftā€¦


PLEASE do his future partner a favor and raise him to be a MAN and not a man-child. Cut him off.


Sounds like itā€™s time to pay his own bills

Cell phone no, but maybe half of car insurance. It can be expensive for young people under 25 and if he needs it for work or to get to & from work.


Yet those things finish out the contracts then he should be on his own.

Nope! He wants to move out and be an adult he can pay his own bills!

Nope heā€™s old enough to start paying his own bills

Cover his insurance maybe the phone

No once they move they are.on there own his responsibility now time to grow up

Gno maā€™am. Heā€™s grown enough to get out from under your roof , heā€™s grown enough to pay his bills or suffer the consequences!

The only thing I still pay for of my 18 year old daughter ( who still lives with me) is medical insurance she has had a job since she was 16 and has paid for her own car insurance and Maintenance and her clothes and shoes ( unless itā€™s a gift) and phone bill she even buys her own groceries since going vegan a year ago.


As long as theyā€™re in school or training or somehow further theirselves be a contributing member of society, I will always help out my kids. If they just want to act grown and move out to avoid rules and party, get a job. Youā€™re on your own. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Depends i mean heā€™s out trying it on his own. Can he make it with paying those bills? I didnt have the help from my parents but I would do anything for my kids. Iā€™d talk to him about taking over one bill at a time to see if he can do it. We want them to succeed not fail trying


You have never gotten along with your child? Never? :grimacing:

No. Most kids donā€™t even get cars. You done your job now itā€™s his turn. Let him figure out his life. Spend that money on a spa that you deserve after 18 years.

If heā€™s doing the best he can and needs some help and your able to pay I do it. My daughter does the best she can very responsible. but need help. I help. Iā€™m her mom. Just my opinion.


My 16 year old daughter got a phone when she was 15, (she usually got our old phone when we upgraded but she wanted the phone that was more popular at the time).
the only reason why we did was she had a job and agreed to pay for it herself weekly. An she pays it every week.
I believe it gives her that responsibility knowing not everything is free an she works for it.

But no I wouldnā€™t pay once he moves out. He needs to budget it in to his own responsibilities of living by himself.

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To be nice I would give him at least 3-6 mo to settle before transferring it all to him because itā€™s his first big move into adulthood then you can cut the cord.

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You never should have

My parents helped me with my bills when I moved out, hell my mom STILL helps me out when I need it even though Iā€™m a grown woman with kids.


Nope :scissors::scissors::scissors::scissors::scissors::scissors::scissors::scissors:

My son works 2 jobs plus college and lives at home. He pays his own school tuition, no loans. Pays his portion of his cell bill and a car payment. Plus he has household chores. He also cooks, cleans, and does laundry. Make that boy grow up. Otherwise some other person is going to have to take care of him. I was married to on of them.


Nope once they move out and no longer under ur roof their bills become their responsibility itā€™s up to ur son to pay his insurance and cell bill


Maybe you two will have a better relationship not living together, I would discuss it with him and see if he can pay his own bills, I wouldnā€™t just cut him off unless you donā€™t want to have a better relationship with him!

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I would talk to him and give him a timeline of when he would be responsible for the rest of his bills. Give him a chance to adjust. I told my kids I will pay their phone and car insurance as long as they are going to school and passing their classesā€¦


I would say he should take over his bills

I moved out of my parents house the moment I turned 18. They paid for my car insurance up until 2018 when I got a different car, and they still pay my phone bill to this day and Iā€™m 24. :woman_shrugging:


If he is a good kid and you can afford it then pay it


Continue to help your son. Your relationship might improve with some space.

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If heā€™s on your insurance you and phone it probably costs him less for those on your plan so you could tell him what each total and let him know theyā€™ll be his responsibility now. Give him a date of the month they need to be paid by each month. If he doesnā€™t pay, youā€™ll need to shut them off. If he balks at paying you for them give him a deadline to switch his services.

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Everyone needs help every once in awhile. Being a parent is about helping our children become responsible adults, itā€™s not about making things difficult for them or unachievable. Ask yourself if it beneficial or hindering to progress-
If adding two bills (that you currently budget for) to his monthly finances, is going to break him so he canā€™t make it on his own and is forced to come back home.

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When I turned 16ā€¦if I wanted driving privileges I had to pay my gas, insurance, and vehicle maintenance. Cell phone? Had to be able to pay for it myself. I worked around home for almost 6 months after I turned 16 earning money to pay for everything with my vehicle and it was tight (my parents provided the vehicleā€¦I just had to take care of it). Managed to get a job that summer and the day I got hired I met my Dad to go get a cell phone when he got off work.

Mama and Daddy didnā€™t pay for our stuff. Your son wants to move out? Personally he should have already been paying for a good chunk of his stuff. Ainā€™t no way I would continue helping to pay.

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Nope. If heā€™s grown, he needs to function like a grown man.

Nope! Plain and simple Noā€¦

Nope, heā€™s 18 and out of home heā€™s an adult man, he needs to learn his responsibilities.

Make him pay his own. Thats what happens when you wanna move out. Thatā€™s the reality of being an "adult " phones can be 50 bucks and car insurance should be cheap enough for himself to pay

Oh my gosh. Why is this a question? NO!

Ummm hell no. He wants to be a big boy and move out, he can act like a big boy and pay his bills.

Thats up to you. You can help him out or leave him to figure it out. Totally up to you.

Noā€¦ unless the car is in your nameā€¦

Iā€™m 25 and have lived on my own since i was 19. My mom still pays my phone bill. She likes it and knows Iā€™m very appreciative. Heā€™s 18 so heā€™s pretty young to take on so many bills all at once. I guess Iā€™d say itā€™s up to you. Is he appreciative?
As a mom, Iā€™d continue,
But if you donā€™t want to, donā€™t. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Nope, nope, and nope. Let him figure it out. Nothing makes them realize how good they really had it like a cold hard dose of reality. Welcome to adulthood, buddy.

Na, he moved out the first opportunity he got. Seeing how it went down I would save my money.
I have kids who are 23 and 22 and then three younger one
22 year old has a daughter I buy things for the baby diapers formula and I am sure as she gets older I will buy bigger more fun things but thatā€™s my right as a grandma and mom I get to pay for what I want at this point.
23 year old he lives out of town I will send him random money
Food dinner out bar money on a Friday

Heā€™s moved out not your problem
If y out want to go for it

How about 1/2 of each?

I would sit down and talk to him, if car is in your name, pay the insurance until it is put in his name which needs to be done ASAP, you can also say to him I will pay phone & insurance for 3 months then your on your own, itā€™s a hard decision but he chose to move out, he wants to be an adult, adults pay their own bills.

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My daughter and I have a very good relationship, but she moved out to another state right after graduating from high school this summer. I told her if she ever wants or needs to come home I will help her anyway possible and get her here but you have decided you want to be considered ā€œgrown folksā€ so be grown folks and take on the responsibility of you

Itā€™s not an issue really wait till he gets stable on his feet and that could be when heā€™s 20 or 25 some kids need a little more timeā€¦ my opinion

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Is he renting his own place or is he living with someone?

Lol I wouldnā€™t even be paying for his stuff now.

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No. He should already be paying for those.

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He moved out. He should cover his own bills. Which includes car, phone, rent, electric etc. Unless heā€™s on a family phone plan with you thatā€™s your choice if you want him to pay his part. Or obviously canā€™t pay it himself and asked for help thatā€™s different. Your house parent if you have it to help then help. But if he has they money to pay everything himself then heā€™s out of the house now itā€™s up to him


None. If he is playing adult and not a full time student then he also plays his bills. Donā€™t enable him

If heā€™s working, then no but if he is not working give him one month or two to find a job and then cut him off.


If you can afford Then do it. I would say for those things if hes being a good kid and taking care of business not an issue till either in a career job or 25 if heā€™s doing schooling

I personally would continue paying them if I were you and if I could afford it. Especially if heā€™s working or in school. Sure, he chose you move out, that doesnā€™t mean you have to stop helping him financially.


I seen this post in a different group my answer is still no

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Hahahaha no honey, the second he walked out those doors HE decided he didnt want you to anymoreā€¦


He wants to be in adult and move out on his own then he can be and adult and pay his bills

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I would pay his phone bill but limit his data. That way if heā€™s in trouble he can call you. Nothing else though.

However at the end of the day itā€™s your decision if thatā€™s what you want to do

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