Should I Continue This Conversation with My Ex... Or Is He Trying to Start Things Back Up Again?


"I need some opinions. So I’ve been separated from my husband for almost two years. I’ve been working on myself lately and going to therapy & one thing I decided to do was talk to my ex and apologize for what I did wrong in the marriage.

As soon as I did, he broke down crying, saying he didn’t want any of this. He’s still hurting from everything, and he married me so we could be a family, how he doesn’t like our son growing up in two different homes.

He then told me that he had a girlfriend, which I never knew about until this conversation; the conversation ended there because he had to go to work, and he wants to talk more about it later.

My friend thinks that it sounds like he wants to work things out, and I shouldn’t continue this conversation because he’s got a girlfriend and he already crossed some lines saying what he did while having a one. What do you all think?"

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“You did what you wanted, apologize for what you did wrong in the marriage. Was that all your intentions were. If so, keep working on yourself and making you a priority. But if there is still a flame, hear him out…”

“My husband and I were separated and both in ‘rebound’ relationships when he was killed in a motorcycle accident. We were trying so hard to work through our problems but we ran out of time. I guess my point is, if you’re even taking the two seconds to let the possibility of fighting for your marriage go through your head, do whatever it takes to at least give it that fighting chance. Marriage counseling. Anything.”

“It depends; I know several people who have gotten back together. He’d have to really show he could be a decent husband, but if you still love him and he loves you, take a breath and go to couples therapy together a few times to see if it’s worth working on.”

" I don’t think he crossed a line. Are you guys officially divorced??

I think some people meet at the wrong time and place and with growth and maturity people can make it work you guys obviously have a child together. I truly don’t see the harm in maybe dating. I definitely don’t recommend dropping your guard and moving back in. I feel like you’re posting this on here because you have some feelings towards him that are not resolved. I feel like if you were completely over him you wouldn’t even be considering getting back with him. You sound like a friend of mine that is absolutely in love with her husband and needed some time to work on herself before her marriage could work. A marriage is between a husband and wife keep your friends and your family out of your marriage is the most important key."

“Two years is a really long time to be separated. Honestly, I give you both credit for being honest to one another (you for apologizing and him for telling you about his GF). It is 100% worth the conversation. Marriages are so easy to throw away these days. Hear him out. I’m sure you both miss and love the best version of each other. Everyone evolves to a degree.”

“If there are still feelings for him, hear him out. Otherwise, you probably already said what you needed to.”

“Every situation and every person is different. Sometimes it takes a separation for 2 people to see their marriage for what it is, to make changes, and adjust. You do what’s in your heart and don’t listen to anyone else on the matter.”

“You have a son. It’s worth continuing the conversation whether it’s to get back together or get closure. Don’t stop communicating. It will be healthy to continue the conversation.”

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You’re too far off on your own
Don’t turn back.


I think you definitely deserve the closure and respect to know what was really going on in your relationship but honey he cheated and in my experience it will happen again… like you said hes already said some things he shouldnt have as hes in a relationship currently. Being separated is hard but you can do this.

You did what you wanted, apologize for what you did wrong in the marriage. Was that all your intentions were. If so, keep working on yourself and making you a priority.

But if there is still a flame, hear him out…


Follow your gut
You must make it clear that you are respecting yourself these days

If there are still feelings for him, hear him out. Otherwise, you probably already said what you needed to.


First of all he didn’t really cross a line imo, second of all he has moved on, even if it still hurts he has moved his life to a different place.


I agree with ur friend. Never look back things get so much better!


It depends I know several people who have gotten back together He’d have to really show he could be a decent husband but if you still love him and he loves you Take a breath and go to couples therapy together a few times to see if it’s worth working on.


Whatever you decide ultimately will be based on numerous things. You know in your soul what to do. Hugs. Nobody can say anything except an opinion. Life is hard. Miscommunication makes it harder.

He’s your husband. Do what you feel is the right thing. Nobody can tell you how to feel. If you want to have the conversation and see where it goes then do it. It’s your life and you have to do what’s best for you


Youre his ex wife, hes allowed to have some feelings there still if he does. Just because he has a gf doesnt mean you two cant continue to communicate better. Even if ypu dont get back together ypull be able to find some common ground and maybe even be less resentful towards each other in the longrun.


Separated doesn’t mean divorced, there is always time to make your marriage work if that’s what you to wanted to do. If not than at least you two can be better parents and communicate better.


I don’t think he crossed a line. Are you guys officially divorced??
I think some people meet at the wrong time and place and with growth and maturity people can make it work you guys obviously have a child together. I truly don’t see the harm in maybe dating. I definitely don’t recommend dropping your guard and moving back in. I feel like you’re posting this on here because you have some feelings towards him that are not resolved. I feel like if you were completely over him you wouldn’t even be considering getting back with him. You sound like a friend of mine that is absolutely in love with her husband and needed some time to work on herself before her marriage could work. A marriage is between a husband and wife keep your friends and your family out of your marriage is the most important key.


If there’s still feelings there I say work it out but if there is none than move on from it it depends on situation to if there’s something that you feel it can be repaired I’d definitely give it another shot because sometimes things can be broken but be fixed but it all depends if there’s feelings and you both want to fix it

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Hmmm… Yu have to ask yourself if you still love him… If you do, hear him out! But, if the reason you left still haunts you, let him be.


If there’s love still there then hear him out

Well you have a family with him and the other doesn’t. Maybe he just had her trying to heal from you. Clearly it didn’t work. If he still loves you and you love him why not try. For you and the baby

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When dating someone who is not fully divorced, them getting back together, is a part of what COULD happen. If he doesn’t want the divorce and wants to work it out, his having a girlfriend not not going to stop that.


No, let him bring it up. If he bring it’s up possibility he wants to reconcile. It’s up to you if your wanting to work it out or move on. That means both parties willing to put the work and effort in. Good luck!


If you’re asking this question, the feelings are there to reconcile… he was honest about having a girlfriend and that’s a big deal to me… if things could work out between you two in a healthy relationship that’s the ultimate for yourself and your child…


If you love him still, hear him out. If not, let him go.


Finish the conversation maybe he needs to have everything out in the open and better communicate is always better if you have a child together even if you’re not together


Take one day at a time. If it happens, it happens, if it doesn’t. then it wasn’t meant to be. Don’t over think anything

Always have the conversation. You were married and have a kid together. Sounds like he loves you still

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I would just leave him alone let him have his life you apologize. You need to respect that he has a gf…if you all are meant to be together then it will happen

Mine did the same thing after I left him after he moved his girlfriend in. I told him if he really wanted me back then he had to get rid of her first. He never did.


I’d continue it. At least it will give you both a chance to be honest, get everything in the open and go from there.


Work it out girl if you still love him

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You have a son. It’s worth continuing the conversation whether it’s to get back together or get closure. Don’t stop communicating. It will healthy to continue the conversation.


Just because you have started healing doesn’t necessarily mean he has. I would give him the opportunity to talk to give him the opportunity to start healing. I dont know the relationship or why yall separated in the first place so it’s hard to say. Where are you at with it? Did he harm you physically or mentally? If so, I would be extra cautious not to slip into old habits or not entertain it at all

If he’s your husband there aren’t any lines to cross. You guys are married, he and his girlfriend are not. I would continue having these conversations. If it ends in reconciliation, and that’s what you both want, then great. If it only leads to more open communication then that’s great, too. I think one thing you need to be insistent about is clear and honest communication about where he stands with his girlfriend. If they break up that’s his prerogative to do so, but don’t let him string you both along.


I think that you should listen to him. Hear what he has to say.
I think a part of you wants to work it out, or you wouldn’t be asking.


If not divorced, ans only separated and he moved on, let him continue to move on. To me thats showing he easily replaced you, he may be crying now bc he sewa rhw grass isnt greener on the other side. If you try to work things out, you might be haunted by this action of his and it create even more turmoil in the relationship. Your kids deserve to be happy and they wont be when theres constant tension between the two parents… Whether together or apart and trying to coparent.

My husband and I were separated and both in “rebound” relationships when he was killed in a motorcycle accident. We were trying so hard to work through our problems but we ran out of time. I guess my point is, if you’re even taking the two seconds to let the possibility of fighting for your marriage go through your head do whatever it takes to at least give it that fighting chance. Marriage counseling. Anything.


Tell the girlfriend about the conversation, Don’t continue it with him.

Even if so it leads to is closure, I’d say have that conversation. You both deserve at least a real talk…


What’s to continue? You said you wanted to apologize and you did. Move on

If he had a girlfriend while you were separated, then he really did nothing wrong. You couldn’t expect him to live his life without someone if he thought that your relationship was really over. However if he was dating or seeing someone while you were still together and it was “cheating” that would be hard to forgive. If it’s the first, and he’s dated someone during the time when your relationship was ended, I think his honesty is very important and it shows that he has respect for you. Wish you the best :heart:


He may have a girlfriend, but he also still has a wife (you).

If you still have feelings for him and wish to get together again, please continue the conversation. :heart:
If you still have feelings for him but feel like you are better off now then don’t, you got closure and thats is great.
In my opinion he didn’t cross the line due to him having a girlfriend…


Do what you want to do and don’t listen to the opinions of others because they are not you in your situation. You could always hear him and decide from there for yourself.

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That’s entirely up to YOU. Its YOUR life not anyone else’s to influence you either way.


I think the past two years separation speaks for itself. Move on. He already did. Xx


Two years is a really long time to be separated. Honestly, I give you both credit for being honest to one another (you for apologizing and him for telling you about his GF). It is 100% worth the conversation. Marriages are so easy to throw away these days. Hear him out. I’m sure you both miss and love the best version of each other. Everyone evolves to a degree.


Every situation and every person is different. Sometimes it takes a separation for 2 people to see their marriage for what it is, to make changes, and adjust. You do what’s in your heart and don’t listen to anyone else on the matter.


I think you’re overthinking it. You was talking to him about your wrongs and that’s why he was saying what he said and plus he let you know he has a girlfriend…

It’s not uncommon for divorced couples to get back together even after separation. Him expressing his he felt wasn’t cheating on his girlfriend but I don’t think there is any going back for him in that relationship.
If you want to be with him, you should. There’s obviously some therapy that needs to happen if you decide to make it work.


I would want to know if he had that girlfriend while ya’ll were together. If so, I would just stick to your apology and move on cause he will probably do the same thing all over again. Heal yourself and get a divorce and take care of your child. If you’re not legally separated he can take your child if it is his child also and you can’t do anything about it. Talk to him and get things finalized.

I’d definitely finish the conversation, you got the closure you wanted, maybe he needs his too. Or maybe you two aren’t finished. Either way I think the conversation needs to happen.

He listened to you ao I feel its only respectful to hear him out too.

Yes he has a gf but as long as its while you were separated, i don’t think he did anything wrong.
2 years is a long time but you guys never made it final, ask yourself why and obviously why you separated in the first place . People change and grow so if there is still a chance for you 2, don’t listen to other people, no one else can be responsible for your happiness.


Listen make your own decisi on

I wouldn’t…but at the end of the day it is 100% your choice. Your friend is probably saying this because they may have witnessed reasons why it didn’t work in the 1st place

Y’all have a child together, if you both want to work things out, the can get out of the way. If u do not want to work it out find a gentle way to let him know.


Move on … it takes two. Don’t take the blame for everything

It sounds like you’d also like to try again. Never forget the reasons you separated. Will it be different now? You don’t want to waste your life repeating the same mistakes.

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He opened up to you. Him having a girlfriend is because he had no other choice but to move on. That doesn’t take away from their relationship because it already started out that way. Hear him out. If you think this relationship is worth salvaging, do it. But if. You two are better people being apart, then don’t go down that road. Sometimes people need time apart to mature and realize what their priorities are. The fact that he told you the truth about the girlfriend and broke down sounds like he is being genuine. I separated from my now husband after 5 years. A lot of things were different when we first got back together. Some things went back to the way things were that I didn’t like but the good of our family being back together outweigh the bad.


I think if you want to continue the conversation than do so both sides need a chance to express how they feel and apparently he is not done expressing or explaining how he feels

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If you want peace in your future you need to make peace with your past. But you need to be clear with you intentions. And that your NOT trying to get back together. You need to do this for yourself and your child. Good luck.

Why would your therapist suggest getting entangled with him again ? Or did you decide on your own to reach out ?
Of course when taking the blame for things hes happy. Did he apologize too for his wrongs?

Honestly if youre really doing self work this wouldn’t even be in the realm of possibility.

You have both growen and changed in 2 years. Do you still have feelings for him? If not you need to talk and let him down easy. If you do you need to talk to him but not rush into it and set boundaries. He will obviously need to break up with his gf, don’t start anything romantic just occasional outings as a family, you talk to your therapist about it all then when you feel ready couples therapy.

I would definitely talk to your therapist about it and an important thing to discuss is what’s changed with either of you if anything at all

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Let him go!!! Be happy! That’s to much stress , he realizes now a good thing is gone, if he’s doing that to the girlfriend he will do that to you as well.

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Tell him if hes happy with the gf then theres no point in trying anymore

Still Drama!!! Keep moving forward!!

Both of you need to get right with Jesus first. Start going to church together. Read your Bible together. Jesus is the only way!


Hey hey. Do you want to work things out. He might have thought he had to move on. Since you never heard of her. She’s not important to him. So here is the question. Are you ok w that if he says he wants to come back ofc without gf? Take things easy and don’t listen to your friends. They’re not living your life. Listen to your heart.


Saying that to you while he has a gf is wrong. It’s not fair to her.
Him having a gf is wrong to you. And illegal in some states if you aren’t divorced.
It sounds to me like he doesn’t really want to be with you, he just doesn’t want all of the stuff that goes along with divorce when kids are involved.
I wouldn’t tolerate that but everyone has their own limits.

I would figure out what you want first. If you want to try to reconcile then have that conversation. It’s not like he started hitting on you while he had a girlfriend, I’m sure he was caught off guard. If you wanted to get back with an ex but tried to move on and had a boyfriend then your ex opened his heart what would you do?

Good luck!


Has anything changed since the separation (not just words, but actions)? If you can answer that honestly to yourself, There’s you’re answer :purple_heart::sparkles:

Can’t hurt to talk to him. Y’all have been separated for some time so the gf shouldn’t be part of the equation of you and him talking about your marriage unless he and you decide to try things again. Then he needs to talk with her.

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He has a gf. Already not a good start if he really wanted to reconcile. Be very cautious trust your gut and not your heart.

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This is just my personal opinion but I believe in second chances but also I would follow your heart/gut. How do you feel about it? And if you really want to get back together and try again. I would weigh the pros and cons of how he was before y’all separated and if he has changed any since then.

Had the same convo and now we’re in marriage counseling working through things we are happier than ever! Do you babygirl!! Follow your heart

It’s good to clear the cloud. Just hear him out. And you also speak your heart out. Get everything cleared up.

He is being honest with u listen to what he has to say and go from there ur not wrong for listening as long as that is all ur doing then u decide what u want to do and he will also have to make his choice

He just wants to work out a co parent relationship for the kids sake and letting you know that the girl friend might be a part of that relationship

You have been separated for YEARS. I’m not sure what lines having a gf could have crossed tbh. If you think you might want to reconcile you need to figure that out for yourself and do it quickly.

This is between you and your husband. No one else’s opinion matters. It’s what you decide is right.


You wouldn’t be asking if you didn’t want to work things out. You want to know if it’s worth the risk, that’s up to you.

Just listen to him. Communication is key in ANY TYPE of relationship.

Y’all married who cares about the gf…that’s y’all’s family if y’all wanna work it out start slow


You need to hear what he has to say…

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He should get rid of the gf and then you two can talk.

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If you don’t continue the conversation you’ll always wonder what if. :heart:

Continue the conversation, you all are family.

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Me and my husband were seperated for four years…both of us had moved on but we were still best friends…well we had went to church together and the sermon they were doing that day was comebacks for marriages. We started all over and have been together almost four years now and it’s been the best years of our lives…welcome the Lord in your family. Go to life groups together…get healthy uplifting friends that are God driven. I’m telling you…your life will come up.


Listen to what He has to say

If there was no abuse or infidelity, talk to him again.

You have nothing to lose by talking to him. He may have a girlfriend but it’s not fair on anyone if you both have feelings that need sorting out. He obviously cares about you and your son. Don’t end up in bed together just yet though and don’t get back together for the sake of your son. It needs to be about the pair of you.

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If I were you, I’d definitely hear him out. Would love a follow up if possible!

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Honestly, it sucks for the girl and you can feel sorry for her but if you were that girl and your boyfriend was still in love with his ex wife would you want to be with him.

Sounds like maybe she was the one that had wronged him in the marriage. I understand that they have been separated for 2 years but key word is separated not divorced. Maybe he never wanted her to leave and she left so he moved on bc he felt there was no hope. He also hasnt said how long he has had a girlfriend. It maybe something new. If they both feel the same and want to work on their marriage then maybe they should. They do have kids and sounds like she maybe wants to work it out as well bc she hasn’t told him no or that she doesn’t want to get back in a relationship with him. Maybe she needs to give a little more info. Like how long has he been dating the other girl? Does she feel the same? Stuff like that. :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2: Hard to say but she should do what is best for the kids and if she has no intention of getting back with her husband she definitely needs to leave it alone.

If he has a girlfriend let them at it ,ye have been apart 2years and your doing work on self love ,this will make u stronger as a person and for you to coparent yer child together, best of luck to you xx

You know your husband better than anyone.
If you still love him then takj it out. You’ll get the right vibe from him. Wish yo uh all the best

My therapist once said to me… You don’t put dirty clothes on after a shower!

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If hes with someone it’s best to leave him to it.

Talk about it. Usually these things work itself out. You should know by now what you want to do. If he wasn’t abusive to begin with and you both grew apart then may be it’s a second chance. Give him space to talk, he gave you the space to express yourself. Hear him out. Maybe he wants to apologize too and it doesn’t necessarily mean you are going to get back together. It could mean great co-parenting between you two for the sake of your children. If you aren’t divorced then now is the time to talk about moving forward or letting go. It is really up to you both, no one else.

How did he treat you and your child? Did he verbally, emotionally or physically abuse you? What was the cause of the break up/ what finally made you leave? The reason I ask this is because it will be the same relationship it was before, you are the one who has changed. So if whatever mad you leave the first time is something you can deal with then talk to him. But if you left for the reason I suspect, I would shut it down. He can’t be that broken up about it if he has a girlfriend, but certain men just don’t lose well and will do and say anything to get you back but they won’t change for long once they are back in your life things go back to normal . If for any reason you have doubts about Behaviors, things you just can’t deal with, run the other way. I learned the hard way.

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