Hell no!! Toxic is toxic! Sharing DNA or bring married into it does not give anyone the right to treat you like sh!t!! Don’t allow it! If they don’t like you, then they have no reason to be around your children.
Keep the kids away.
They will end up saying these same things about you to the kids and in front of them; the kids don’t need the toxicity or the drama.
If they don’t respect you they don’t get access to your kids period. They could hurt your kids to hurt you.
My in laws used to call my niece and nephews mom a whore infront of them their dad died of a drug overdose and my little nephew used to to tell his friend “my dad died because he was a druggie” thanks to grandpa… teaching your kids is so hard especially when adults don’t do it. I wouldn’t allow the kids around them health issues or not it won’t change them to be nice you have to do what’s best for your kids and until now you’ve kept them from the negative I would continue to do so
Ugh call the police? Leaving letters of hate and threatening to jump you are more than means enough to open a case with authorities.
Why make your kids go through loss of people like that
That’s awful they have treated you so badly
So what is your husband doing about this?
My advice is to pray for them and stay away from toxic people. What you do is between you and God. What they do is between them and God.
Family or not. It is their choice how they act. Don’t deal with them, there is nothing you can do. Make other arrangements to visit those with limited time. Without them around. If possible. Change your phone numbers and send their mail unopened back to them.
Abusive family: “Look, it’s the consequences of my own actions! How dare you firmly defend yourself and your kids!”
If I had any family, inlaw or not, wish death upon me or joke about harming me… that’s it. They’re dead to me. If someone is going to wish death upon a parent but expect to have some sort of contact with their children, they’re a joke of a human being. Don’t crack! People will always attack others when they don’t get what they feel they’re entitled to. They can kick rocks.
No never someone don’t like you can’t fully like and accept your off spring
No . They just have more harsh things to say and will put your kids in the middle
Yes, you can’t make people like/love you no matter what you do. If they don’t accept you in the family just pray for them and stay away. Your husband as the head of your family should not accept that abuse from them either.
No. You worry about you, your husband and the kids. That’s all. The others are …CRAZY? Dangerous? Immature? Petty? Toxic? You protect you and those kids.
How I look at it is that they obviously don’t care enough to be in your children’s lives if they can’t show respect to their mother.
No leave that drama out yall lives. If they threatened you again take out warrants and if they leave voice mails let the court hear them. I bet they will think twice about doing it again if they go to jail
Doesn’t sound like the role models I’d want around my kids, wouldn’t even be a conversation if it was my family treating the mother of my children that way💯
Seriously? It’s your job to protect your children. This is a complete no brainer for me. Remove the negative for a healthy peaceful life.
I think that you are right to keep them away from hate
No way! I can see these type of people talking bad to your children!
Even on there death bed, your kids should never be subjected to toxic people how have wished death on there mother.
Toxic abuse is toxic abuse… disrespect is disrespect and everything else they have done shows you what they really are…related or not it’s not ok and you should never be guilted into being in a relationship of any type when you’re going to be treated this way
I hope u have kept all of the letters and brought them to the police U never know what their going to do.Stay safe and no I would not let them anywhere near you or your children.The safer the better.Look after you and your children and forget about them I’m going threw the same thing.Hugs
You did the right thing to not be around them. For you and your family. They don’t get a pass go free now that they are dealing with ill health. I’m sure they make it out to be all your fault but we all know better don’t we? Why worry about what they think? Keep them out of your life. Who needs ugliness and drama to live with. Don’t apologize for your choice either. State it like any right minded person would act like you are.
NO ! They sound like trash and your entire family especially your kids are better off without ever seeing them !
If they want to visit your children they can go to the police station and have supervision.
Between my partner and I we have 1 blood relative we associate with on each side, despite all those names on all those branches of the “family tree”. Toxic behavior is toxic behavior. I don’t want my children growing up thinking that it’s “Normal” to treat anyone much less family the way they treated either us or other members in our family. Depending on the age of the children, maybe better if they just go with their dad to visit and you go do something for yourself, like a spa day, and keep the negativity out of your life while allowing them the opportunity to be around that side. But if they’re like that at all around or towards the kids, that’s a hell no from me. Then again I’ve seen the most toxic of toxic families, and so I’m basing my opinion on I don’t want my children within eyesight of those types of behavior. My kids know who they have as family, and it isn’t always blood. People who call you a villain for having boundaries are the ones who benefited from you not having any. You’ve drawn the line at their behavior, they crossed it. That’s their consequences. They will NEVER see it that way. That would be mean they are in the wrong. The secret is you have to stop caring, because the ones who matter to you and yours know the truth. Everyone who truly know them, know it’s lies. Those siding with people who are toxic have something to gain from looking the other way or no boundaries themselves. They will try to turn as many people against you as possible because when a narcissist can’t control you, they will try to control how others view you. I would place BIG money there has been quite a few conversations with your husband from them about “your wife is a monster”. He knows both, he obviously knows the truth. He matters. Cousin Becky twice removed who they told you’re Satan, and believes them, who cares? Peace is more important than people who don’t matter knowing the truth. Their true selves with show themselves to those they’re trying to convince, because they need something from them, whether it’s acceptance or just side building, or they don’t want that person they benefit in 1 way shape or firm to see how literally abusive they are. What you described is MENTAL ABUSE. What you also described is called gaslighting, where it’s your fault for their behavior and absence of your kids lives. Honey, some how it sounds like your husband didn’t get nature or nurture from them to behave like that, so just be thankful. If your choice is to come around, and you do want to give one more chance, lay FIRM boundaries. Say “This will not be tolerated, at all. First time, we’re out, I don’t care what we’re doing. We could all be going on vacation and I hear the first words, we will turn around and go home, or Disney World, or Africa and do the rest of our vacation there without you.”. Or bring them on your turf to visit. And again say “I don’t care if we’re half way through dinner, 1 nasty comment and I’ll call you a cab or a cop escort off my property”. Be firm, be realistic with your expectations of their behavior, be direct with the consequences, and hold firm on the boundaries. Because YOU and YOUR kids are worth growing up in a world without that crap. Forgiving people does not mean that you have to continue taking their abuse. I wish you luck momma.
Toxic is toxic, family or not, don’t let your kids be subjected to that
Nope dont do scare them
Death is circle of life. I have cancer and I still do not allow my children around certain family members or friends period. The mental well being for my children and I is very important my hubby stands behind me 100 percent.
Why would you expose your children to such hateful people? Absolutely not! Just because they are family does not excuse them from decent human morals.
If they have limited time left they should change their fucking attitude and then they’ll be able to see your kids more simple fix
When no sickness was involved they didn’t care, so no reason for you to care now. Keep protecting your babies momma. They don’t deserve to know your babies
tell’em kiss old sunshine
My husband’s family hated me from the beginning but I involved them no matter what because I’m better than that. If they chose not to be around that was on them not me. And here we are 22 years latter and they still don’t care for me
Veronica Gomez Why is that funny?
Definitely not…they’ve made their beds, let them lay in them… You have no idea if one of them might do something to " teach you a lesson"…why would you want your kids to be around such dreadful people? Their loss… tough.
Nope. Don’t allow haters back into your life. Sorry, but NOPE. You must protect t your kids ( and yourself ) Remember This !!!
No. Absolutely not. If they’re okay saying those thing to you, how do you think they’re going to treat your children. Nope. No way.
Yes, they are Toxic people, your children don’t need them
Yes you should… F that side of the so called family… Who cares about their feelings or what they say… If they’re mean to you they will be mean to your kids
Absolutely not! Toxic is toxic no matter what the situation
NO continue to protect you & your children’s peace. They’re toxic and disrespectful. Blood relation does NOT mean FAMILY.
You don’t have any obligation to them, however how does your husband feel? You can also press charges for the threats.
I wouldn’t allow my kids around them.
No, no, no I would not.
You can’t respect people that do not respect you. You’re better off without them.
This isn’t about you. It’s about them, apparently they have issues and they want to bring you down with your family.
If you want to be happy stay away from them… All you can do is pray for them.
No. Set your boundaries. Your kids are apart of you and your husbands marriage and if it weren’t for that marriage they wouldn’t have kids to be complaining about not getting to see anyway. When they try to gaslight into feeling like the bad guy remind them that their behavior is counterproductive to how your choosing to raise your kids and if they want to be apart of their lives then they need act like it
No, anyone who doesn’t like you should be kept away from your kids. People are evil these days.
I strongly believe that if you can’t show respect when I’m alive then don’t be phoney when I’m sick or dead. So I’m saying that if their treating you bad but need to falsify a living family to look good don’t put yourself or kids through that
Absolutely not…protect your children from toxic people…even those who are blood related…just because they’re blood doesn’t make them family or entitled to be around your children
Nope, they threatened your children’s mother with more than words but bodily harm and wished death upon you… give them their wish, let them relish in pretending you don’t exist.
PPO or other protection order. Record all messages and threats and present them to the police
Absolutely not. They have no rights to your children. Funny how people want the babies around when they’re on the verge of death. Screw that and screw them. Your children do not need them.in their lives. You owe them nothing. Now, if your husband would like to mend a fence post or 2, he should do it without involving the kids. If they would apologize to you, then maybe the kids could be introduced eventually. Otherwise, hell to the no.
No way & I would consider moving as far away from them as you can…
Nope follow what your gut is telling you.
They dont exist to your children because thats what they chose… Let it go. Let your husband visit and take care of what he needs to. Support him… Loss is hard. As a mother who has experienced the loss of my daddy and all grandparents and most recently my momma and mother in law 35 days apart. Just state your reasons and choices s to the family and leave the children out of it.
Yes lets fuck them up protect them from these people
It’s been 11 glorious years since we went no contact with my husband’s maternal side. They never accepted me and his mother treated her other grandkids as the golden children and ours as the outcasts bc I’m their mother. She tried to continually interfere in our marriage and how we lived our life. They were very toxic to us and he issued the ultimatum of accept me and treat our kids the same or have no business in our life. The MIL whines about it to others and blames me, but continues to put her other grandkids on a pedestal and acts like she has a relationship with my husband with no mention of us.
Your job is to protect your kids. Sure, they’ll get old enough and start to ask questions so you just explain the situation in age appropriate manner
Take them to court and let them know you are going to sue them for harassment, defimation !of caricature! Record them and use it!
Just live your love an stay a way from them
Continue to protect your kids
Not even for a minute.
That’s what narcissists do, gaslight you into second guessing yourself.
Fuck a bunch of people!
Absolutely not. I’d never let my kids around them
Honestly toxic is toxic you nor your kids don’t deserve to deal with the abuse. If your kids don’t have an issue with not seeing them then no need to make an effort
It’s their loss cut them off permanently then go live a happy life their loss
No. Toxic family members who behave like that don’t deserve to see ur children
Tell me, why the dislike for you? I find it difficult because my mind is saying there’s 2 sides to every situation. So why the dislike?
I feel that people only change if they want to. They don’t sound like they’ve wanted to. If it were me, I would keep them away unless I’d be open for more pain.
Why do you have to be the villain? IF THEY WANTED TO THE WOULD! If they cherished that relationship with those kids they would have it. They’d show up, apologize, and put on the work if THEY WANTED TO! If they don’t you shouldn’t put in the works for them
Eff that. They threaten you they don’t deserve to be in your lives. It’s one thing to dislike you. It’s another thing to be completely disrespectful to you and your family by saying things and acting on it. They’re not safe to be around and I wouldn’t care who dies or is sick. They’re out for good.
Absolutely not!!! Your children are a part of you. So if they don’t like YOU, how do they feel about your children?
Your husbands family need their butts kicked. Karma will get them.
You don’t owe them anything!!!
I get it
My inlaws haven’t ever meet my 2 youngest kids and only saw the 1st one for 2 yrs and my 2nd only a month . Before we cut them out.
Horrible people my husband deserved so much better.
So like I said you don’t owe them a thing. And in all fairness i don’t think people like them should be around your kids.
Stay strong momma
It sounds like a sad situation but if they make an effort to want to see the kids and be good to them you should try be the bigger person and keep the peace maybe your love that you’ve taught your kids is exactly what they need to be shown through your kids to them to change their hearts while there is still time only do so though with the help of your spouse and set healthy boundaries for all involved forgiveness is from God praying for you and your family
what disgusting pos his family is…they need to mind their own business and grow up
Are you kidding me. Get a restraining order instead
I wouldn’t. They showed you how they feel about you. Anyone that would disrespect me like that is someone I would not trust to be around my kids. This world is a bad place. One wrong mistake and it can cost you so much. People that have time to hate on you shouldn’t be sitting at your table. But that’s just my opinion.
If they display the sort(s) of behavior that your okay with your children emulating then by all means allow them to visit.
Absolutely not. They are tixic and don’t belong anywhere near your children.
Abuse is abuse. They haven’t shown any concern of loving you and your family and they have had ample time. You have control of how you would handle this situation. Dr. Phil has said numerous times that when your parents are gone, they are gone. If you decide to visit with your children have a very serious positive talk with them of what to expect. Keep yourself with your children at all times. Your children are your number one priority. Don’t involve them in their pettiness, keep it a positive loving experience. You’ll do what is right for your family.
No no no it’s to much. And socialpath behavior. Thats enough ??
No. They ruined it. Not your fault about their health.
It’s a No for me! Don’t need the evilness around your children! They hate you but want to be around the person who had them. Absolutely Not!
Nope…protect your children.
Not at all. It is your responsibility to protect your children and keep rhem from harm. They don’t need to be exposed to such toxic behavior. You’re doing the right thing. Hang in there and stick to your beliefs
Why is there so much hate? Thee must be more re to the story especially for your husband not to intercede, it is his family.