I say if they were ready to lay with a woman a make a child then he should be ready to care of him/her. Dropping it will make him think he’s more important than your child. DON’T DO IT!!
Maybe its time he became a man and stop asking for help and instead of giving to your daughter he wants to take away. Tell him to get his a** a job!!
Tell him no…and have it forwarded for your childs college fund…its what I’m doing.My childs father was bitter about his stimulus…told me he was tired of supporting me.
…but I told him…You dont support our daughter in any other way…then you can pay child support for your daughters college fund…6 years old with over $5000 already. My childs future matters…it should matter to him too!
hold to your case, he will ony get worse if you do. The insanity has to stop somewhere. Let it be here where is child will gain the most and not him.
Drop it. If he has little to do with her and his parents have no problem helping then why are you even keeping the case going. Actually yes, this child support case is holding him back from getting work. If you want him to ever have a chance at life, adding up a debt that he can’t pay because he can’t get a job because he has a warrant for his arrest will never make him “grow up.” I really don’t believe in child support as it’s rarely issued to men who have custody. You don’t even have it that hard since you do have help from his family. Some women don’t even have that.
No don’t drop it he needs to pay his child support ain’t no agency told him no such a thing don’t feel sorry for him if something happen to the grandparents what you going to do
Don’t drop it, he will never grow up, his parents are his enablers, I have seen this thing time after time
He wants his stimulus check and other perks. To be fair, that is YOUR daughter’s stimulus check. Hold that boundary.
Don’t drop the case…it is his responsibility as the other parent…just because he has made choices that has gotten him in the shape he is in is not the child’s faulty and he should pay what he owes PERiOD
Doesn’t your child deserve something from his father? Put it in a savings account if you don’t need it. Don’t let him off that easy, that’s nonsense. I’ve been through this it’s not fun.
It took 1 time of my 14 yr old son yelling at me that his dad was gonna be in jail bc I only care about the money, I stopped child support and struck all the arrears and his donor is currently in jail but not bc of me and my children know that, I dont want or need his help I got my babies, they are now 23, 21, 16, 16, and they do not speak to “dad” at all bc they know who raised them who put in the effort. He was recently in hospital for 6 weeks so so very close to death and all 4 children did not call or go visit, so I guess it’s a personal choice and vary by situation good luck
Don’t drop it, it’s his daughter too and he needs to step up to the plate and be a man and take care of his kid. His mom and dad aren’t the ones that should take care of it he is.
Don’t do it. He needs to grow up. His parents aren’t always going to be around. Then what will he do then? This is for his own good too.
Don’t do it… My son’s father tried that with me my son is 7 and he never seen him came in his life for 1 hr and begged me sike… Don’t let him manipulate you and don’t feel sorry either
Do not drop it. He’ll expect you to do it everytime money is taken for child support. Do not listen to any of his lame excuses. He is responsible to help.
Dont you dare drop it! Not only does he owe you but if hes on drugs getting a warrant and going to jail could save his life
NO! If he were active in her life and tried financially then sure…if he cared in any way he’d have stepped up and tried before now.
Jessie Corman i agree she shouldnt drop it, but since your my sister im going to tell you. The man your with needs on child support asap… hes a dead beat and doesnt pay a damn thing. A control freak and child abuser, and so much more.
Please do not drop this, at some point he must man up. It takes two to make a child. If he won’t do it apparently the State will. Oops, so sad…
Don’t drop,I had a dead beat ex too and he was about to go to jail and then stupid me drop cs and nevergot a penny after that so don’t feel sorry yes your right he needs to grow up and take some responsibility.
Absolutely not! He did help make that child, it’s the least he can do.
Don’t you drop it!! It’s not your daughters not your fault that he doesn’t want to get a father. You’re right if you drop the case you’ll never get him to help his daughter. You’re an amazing mom! Keep up the good work!!!
Girl this is his wake up lesson. Don’t drop it. Because if he did get the stimulus check how much would you see of it for your child. Time for him to grow up and stop depending on mom and dad
Don’t drop it, I was a single mom for 12 years and he harrassed me all the time about dropping it, last time he saw his son was when he was 2.
I ignored it, when my son turned 18, he thought it was over, but my sun eas still in school, he went to buy a house with his 2nd wife and couldn’t without paying back child support. Ended up in court, my son never wanted to do anything with him, I settled for 1/2 of what he owed me as it was better than nothing.
DON’T DROP IT, it’ll catch up to him.
He is responsible! Do not drop that case. If you do and you get any benefits like Medicaid or food stamps, you could lose them.
Don’t drop it. Don’t even think about it.
He needs to grow up!
Some of y’all on here need to stop posting it’s more than obvious that you use your kids as pawns to get money or to try to ruin the dads life by making him pay but he cant so he goes to jail gets a suspended license and cant work and then u want to call him a pos cuz he doesn’t pay , y’all need to grow tf up , he ain’t paid in 10 years he ain’t gonna , and if he’s on drugs then he obviously ain’t worried about it , y’all need to realize that you also decided to have these children it ain’t something a man did to you , raise your children stop using them as a way to get money , some men just ain’t it and ur kids will know that when they are older.
Your enabling him…take from a woman who went thru the same thing…i was truly blessed with a mother in law and sister in law…
He is lying to you first of all if he owes back child support the siblings check will come to you anytime he files taxes it will come to you because you have a child support case on him so he’s lying to you he don’t want to work because he doesn’t want to pay child support That’s it he thinks his family posed to do everything for him Tell him to step up and be a man and help you with your kid point blank Don’t feel sorry for him he wants you to feel sorry for him
Nope! It’s just a pathetic excuse for you not to collect child support from him. It’s not your fault he spends his money on drugs. Tell him if he does not stop harassing you on dropping the case then it will escalate things and put him in a worse situation.
Nope!!! Unless he will sign over all parental rights!! You can keep his parents in her life… but you will find your soul mate and he can adopt her!!
This is my story! Don’t do it as I didn’t! She is his child too, too bad for him, ps he will never grow up, mine isb42!
Even if you keep the CS case… its still possible to see nothing come from it but his stimulus check. Just sayin.
Even if you drop the case he still has to pay what is owed in past due fees
He has obligations that he should be taking care of!!! My daughter has the same issue with her ex. I think they need to pay for being dead beat dads.
There comes a time in your life after your divorce that you have to stop falling for the emotional black mail that you are feeling. Do not drop the case, thats his daughter also.
Think of the reason why he wants you to drop it…he will longer have to fear losing HIS stimulus check. Well poor baby guess what child support took it because you were not your part as a parent. Oh my he doesn’t have a driver’s…pay your child support. You didnt get a stimulus check…pay your child support. You might have to go to jail…PAY YOUR CHILD SUPPORT. Then you would have no need to have the case dropped. Do not let emotional black mail make your decision.
Mine started paying finally after 22yrs she just turned 24 the 19th. Dont do not n any way drop that case. Everything u just said is my ex. Do do it for ur childs sake dont
As a recovering addict, I can say the worst thing you can do for your daughter is to let her dad off the hook! You can step back if you want but do NOT allow him to avoid his responsibilities!
Dont drop it. He made this mess. If he didnt want this he should have been more responsible before having children.
Sounds to me he’s manipulative and honestly so what his stimulus got taken. He sounds like a real piece of work. Dont you deserve something for raising his child solely?
HELL NO!! Let him b held responsible for the child he helped make for 1x in his life n not his family!
No do not drop it. It is his responsibility to help support her don’t feel sorry for him
No! Do not drop case.That child is deserving from her father. It is his responsibility as much as yours. Be grateful grandparents helping you
Do NOT drop it!! Warrant? That’s his prob…he still has a child that he has apparently not done anything for…you owe him nothing…he owes his child!!
I wouldn’t drop it you don’t need him on drugs and want her to see and understand what that means my ex didn’t want to help with my daughter because he said I would send the money getting my nails done or then I would spend it on me like I don’t have to buy her stuff
Do not drop it!! It is his easy way out! If he is on drugs he wanted that money just for drugs.
Do not drop it! Your child deserves to be taken care of. His problems are not your problems. Keep doing what you’re doing.
Don’t drop it, that money will only go to his dependence on drugs.
Sweetie he helped make ur child he is 30 its high time he steps up and supports his child. U said he is doing drugs. If he gets his hands on the stimulus money all he will end up doing is spending it on more drugs. Don’t cripple him any more than his parents r doing. Force him to stand on his own two feet and find a job and support himself and his child. If he goes to jail oh well he put himself there not u or his parents. Look at the whole picture not just part of it. I’m sorry this is happening to u but a line needs to be drawn and enough should be enough. God bless and hugs to u and ur sweet child.
It sounds like you have a good relationship with his parents. If they’re reasonable, ask their opinion?
Nope … his check was taken because he owes back support … so no …
Don’t drop it. Seems like he is a privileged man who has never had to take responsibility for anything.
Don’t drop it, he want you to care about him but he don’t care about you and his child. He needs to struggle just like you
Do not drop it. Why does he deserve the stimulus check. You wont get any of it.
Oh hell no. Don’t drop it. You’d be a fool to fall for it. If he is on drugs it is better that ot goes to your daughter than slammed into his arm. He can’t get a job? He means he WON’T get a job because it will get flagged and his checks will be garnished. Ugh… Think about the bigger picture.
You should have got his stimulus check if he owes back child support.
He’s a pansy ass who likes the action of creating life, but not the responsibility. Don’t drop the case because a druggie is complaining his stimulus check was taken. Look at your daughter. Ask yourself is she worth it? If the answer is yes, then tell him to suck it up, be an adult, and deal with the consequences of HIS choices! It’s NOT your fault or the child support case’s fault he is a druggie who can’t get a job. If HE can’t pass a drug test for employment, then it’s HIS FAULT for being on drugs, NOT the CS case against him!
No…he is an adult and needs to start acting like one
First off understand he will NEVER step up to the plate so expect nothing. Second make his life a living hell. Cause he only cares for himself.
Don’t do it I fell for something similar I was asked to have 3k so he can get his licensed to work n fly passport and he would spend money on kids but once it was sign poof he was gone
Don’t drop it! He’s just trying to make you feel sorry for him! It’s his child too. He needs to step up.
Don’t drop your child support case. It’s his job to pay for his child. Think of your child and her needs first.
Don’t drop it. If he is on drugs he is going us it to get drugs and he is going to kill him self and then you feel worse then now.
They took both my son’s taxes and stimulus payment, they didn’t like it. They fell behind when they were out of work. Both have jobs now, and asked child support recovery to withdraw payments from their checks so it gets paid on a regular basis. When I got my stimulus check, all I heard was " must be nice". Lol. My response was if you didn’t want to support a child for 18 years, YOU SHOULD HAVE WRAPPED YOUR WILLY! So yes I say make him pay, it’s not solely your responsibility to pay every thing and not his parents either. You didn’t get yourself pregnant.
No I have been there. You didn’t make her on your own. Some day his parents won’t be there.
No! I did twice because I was promised every week I’d get payment on new slate and never once received a penny! My boys are 24 and 20 now and I’ll be damned if I drop the lousy remaining $500!! Ever!
First off stop feeling bad he made that child also you didn’t make her on your own did you? NO!!! Exactly so no DO NOT DROP IT!!! Hes a grown ass 30 year old man well boy apparently and he does need to step up and take responsibility for her. Your not the bad guy here he is and he should be ashamed of himself. When yohr daughter grows up and sees hes never done nothing and looks back and sees what you did for her I’m sure you bend over backwards to make sure she has and needs everything she has. Thats only gonna make her a better person when she’s older…Good Luck with him, I’ve been here and done it myself for years it usually never does get any better but she still has you!!!
No. Don’t drop it. It’s not your responsibility to worry about him. Take care of you.
Do not drop it. You are right he needs to grow up
No never drop it she is his responsibility and even when she turns 18 he still owes that back pay
Plus if he gets that stimulus check back sound like all he will do I probably buy drugs with it
No don’t be needs to provide for his child that’s his problem not yours
Dont do it im going through the same thing right now with my 12 year olds dad.
Under no circumstances should you drop the case the money owed us money your kids need its theres if he doesn’t pay now/he still has to pay even when she is grown he help to make her he needs to man up and take care of her its responsibilities if he loved her he would as well ugh my kids are going through this with tbetr biological fathers I keep them on the books its not being selfish or mean its taking care the the child yall SHARE TOGATHER
No, he needs to grow up and take responsibility for his actions alone
Don’t drop it… that money is for the daughter. He may just spend it on his last high.
NO! Do not drop it. He will have to get up off his sorry ass and make a way for his child just like YOU have had to do. His parents are enabling him instead of using tough love. Like I always say “Stand on your dick and be a man.”
That is money that is owed to your daughter. Don’t drop it. You don’t owe him anything
No, do not drop it. You didnt get to decide raising her alone!
Dont drop it. The stimulus money will come to you for your child. Use it get what has to gotten, but hes her father make him pay
No ! Don’t Drop. It would be different if he was helping
You fixing to get another stimulus check and it’s generous too. Don’t drop it
do not drop the CS case he needs to be held accountable for his OWN responsibilities. I have a 16 yr old whos father has never paid a dime. Her grandparents buy her birthday gifts and that is all… I have raised her by myself. I have a CS case on him and he cried saying my daughter wasn’t his… proved she was and now he is telling her that i am the reason he is on drugs and doesn’t work because i filed for CS on her. I heard it many times… but it sounds like you are in the same boat as I am and I feel for you but dont drop that case… he needs to be responsible and man up, get a job clean his life up and stop blaming everyone else and people around him needs to stop enabling his behavior. He needs to snap into reality and I pray that you get through this… good luck
No dont drop it because he will just blow on drugs why that dont help your daughter he should grow up
Do not drop it! My oldest daughter’s dad called me last summer and asked me to do the same thing. He said he was in debt and that he isnt making that much $ from which the child support order is based off of. Yet he also takes care of his girlfriends kids. My daughter will be 17 in November and she only hears from him on her birthday and if she is lucky Christmas. Thats like saying $ is more important than his own child. He doesn’t even know his daughter and I dont feel bad for denying his request. If he is man enough to make that baby than he is man enough to take responsibility as a father. Don’t let him guilt trip you.
No! He helped brining that child in your life.
If you drop it you are an enabler for his drug habit…
Heck naw don’t drop it. You deserve it she deserves it. You didn’t make her by yourself why should he not have to support her too screw that.
Is he giving you the stimulus check?? No!! So, don’t drop it.
No don’t drop nothing on this dead beat dad I have a son just like that he never helps his kids mom out. We help her when we know and can.
Don’t drop shit hunny!! You keep that case going he helped in creating that beautiful life and you have been the sole provider and caretaker. Let it bite him in the ass till it bleeds let him take responsibility for his actions let him step up and do the right thing. Don’t feel bad because he is giving you a song and dance on how it’s affecting him. Did he ever consider what you had to do as a single mom or the stress of not having the man who helped create your daughter not be around and the mental and emotional stress on you and your kid!! Fuck that your a bomb ass mama doing the right thing I commend you!!!
Dont drop it. He needs to be an adult not a child. Stand your ground for your daughter.
Don’t drop it. She’s entitled to every dime he owes her
Don’t drop it,at least in jail he might sober up and if he gets money he will spend it on more drugs.
Oh, honey, he’s lying to you. That check has already been taken and won’t be given back even if you did drop the case.
No! Wants his cake & ice cream. If he dont pay shows he dont care about her, any father worth his salt will take care of his kids , no matter what
DO NOT DROP IT. There are ways he could have had the amount adjusted.
Do not drop its just pitty party on his end he’s irresponsible your child needs the support not her dad
Think about this. Is your child going to stop eating, growing, and needing while your ex complaint. Then guess what… when you child stops then that is the only time when you stop. Think only about your child.
No do not drop he only wants it for drugs time for hard love