Should I drop the child support case against my ex?

Fuck it!! Everything jas comsequences…looks,like he dont wanna,pay it…and if u drop like eberybody else says…then you are complive of him…dont complain later…

Keep it going. You are in the right.

Don’t drop it think about your daughter not what HE wants

No, don’t drop the case

Do not drop the case!

Is this a serious question?

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A) Reread your post
B) You answered your own question already

If you get cash aid you can’t drop the case

My ex paid 50.00 a month for child support he went back to prison got behind on child support when he got released he got disability then wanted me to stop child support i told him hell no please do not stop his child support let him go to jail maybe he will grow up

No… Make his ass help you financially… F*** that

Most states won’t let you

Nope…dont you dare drop it.

Don’t drop it. You didnt make that baby by yourself and he should grow tf up and help. I deal with a drug addicted sperm donor and I was lucky to get 25 dollars from him last NOVEMBER! Still haven’t gotten his stimulas check and probably won’t.

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No never absolutely not. He made that child he will always be financially responsible. He’s trying to kiss ass and make you feel bad for his loser ass!! I’d laugh in his face!!

Don’t drop it that would be so stupid if you did make him pay the only person you should feel sorry for is your daughter because she has a dead beat dad

Don’t drop it. He needs to grow up


Absolutely do NOT drop the case! Don’t enable him, more!

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Absolutely Not! You’d be a moron if you did. Let the him keep digging his hole!

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Nope! Nope! Nope! Dont drop it. Karma is a Btch so hes getting what he deserves. Sorry not sorry.

Girl boo
Let his lowlife ass suffer
He been having you do his and your part for the last 10 years fukk him

Umm def not. He owes you

Nope!!! Don’t do it!!!

Do what you feel is right

Fuck him don’t drop it

Fuck him. Don’t drop the case.

Is this really a question :weary::woman_facepalming:t2:

Hell no don’t do that case

Please don’t drop it, she deserves better .

Dont drop it sis. Just dont.

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Heeellllllll Nooooook

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Keep it going… you help make them you gotta help raise them :woman_shrugging:t4: blessings to you and your daughter.

Your crazy if you do that!!!

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No, these are the consequences for not keeping up his obligations . As a mother you do what you have to to provide for your daughter , he needs to learn to do the same (not his parents) you need to stand firm , you can be at peace knowing your doing what’s best for your daughter . Good luck , be strong!


Do not drop it! A real man wouldn’t ask you to drop it because a real man would be more concerned about providing for his child and paying rather than why he didn’t get his stimulus check! Remind him if he were to be doing as requested by the courts, then he would’ve gotten the stimulus check.


It is not the parents fault. But also do not drop the case. You will be enabling him even more. That stimulus check should go to his child, not drugs. If he had been paying child support all along then he would be able to keep his stimulus check. He has responsibilities.


Do not drop the case! I got the baby daddys stimulus check…at first i felt bad…but then it took 2 yrs before child support kicked in and there has been plenty of times he never paid…its not your fault he lost his license or that they took the stim check


Please do not drop it. If he was a productive member of society, or even trying that would be different. A lot of dead beat dads and moms finally felt a little pain not getting their stimulus checks. The government did good on this.


He had 10 years to get it together. Ots sad that he has to be forced but cos would not be preventing him from getting a job. He is just using it as an excuse not to work. He had a child he can sign his rights away and never have to worry about child support or he can pay. Its not fair for a man to abandon a child. It takes 2 to make a baby. Its not fair to your daughter to miss out on life adventures because he won’t accept responsibility.


I’ve gone through this several times. They need their license, they’re getting wages garnished, their tax return is getting held. Waa waa waa, each time is drop it, id be sorry later. He has new stuff while i was struggling with the kids, then he’d tell them “I don’t know why your mom’s trying to hurt me” my kids come crying “why mom”. I refuse to bad talk him to them, but i wou feel bad for my kids hearing this and I’d one more time give in. Now they’re in they’re mid 20’s. I’m owed over 40k back support. He bought a house and put it on his wife’s name. Smh.


Pray on this and don’t take anyone’s advice. Be sure that you have a clear picture of why you are doing anything. Realize that you are not responsible for his actions. You are only responsible for how you act because of anything he does. Sometimes it’s better to be at peace with yourself as this will make your life better which in turn makes your child’s life better. Take care.


I dropped mine years ago and dropped the back child support as well. He never paid and wasn’t going to and I was tired or having to go to court when he was trying to get it lowered. It wasn’t worth the hassle.


Do not drop it!!! If he hasn’t gotten himself together in the last 10yrs & his parents are enabling him, then he’s not going to!!! Worry about taking care of your child, period! If he’s on drugs, then that’s where the stimulus check would’ve went to, to buy drugs! It was better spent on your child! Best of luck to you!


I say drop it. I mean if he hasn’t paid child support in 10 years then he never will. I understand it’s his child as well and he should help. To me sometimes it’s better to let it go.


I wish the CS Officer would have told him TO PAY CHILD SUPPORT! He has no one to blame but himself. DO NOT DROP THE CASE!
God bless his parents!!


I worked as a child support caseworker for 9 years and I’ve heard all the stories. He’s had enough time to get himself together to get a job and support himself and his child. Don’t drop the case. Because she deserves that support from him. At some point he has to grow up. The stimulus check is another excuse for him to make you feel guilty, he’s being a narcissist. He wants you to feel sorry for him. Stand your ground.


Don’t drop it! It must be a bummer when you want money but can’t get it. He is going through what you have gone through for 10 years! He should be helping out too bad for him.


Actually you could do both. Drop the case but make him sign a Promissory Note to turn over the stimulus check to you then have it notarized. For his daughters sake he needs to start paying for her care because he loves her and not because he’s forced to do it. I think his parents mean well but it seems that they’re the ones enabling him not you.


I had 3 kids and we struggled for a long time. He was threatening so I let the child support go. Years later still threatening but no support for his kids . I know it’s hard but stick to your guns. Your daughter deserves whatever additional support he can provide.


Do not ! He needs to pay and help ! He’s lazy and irresponsible been their done this ! Think of your child not him ! She will only need more expensive things as she gets older … he can get a job and help !


Definitely do NOT drop the child support case. He needs to be accountable and help you financially raise her


No way Jose. Children are a responsibility and that $ was owed to you and then some. He’s dug his own grave. A child support case doesn’t prevent you from getting a job. A track record does. :roll_eyes: sounds like he’s unreliable in every aspect of life.


Do not drop it. I was forgiving in my custody case. Now I’m going back to do it all over again years later because he never changed and my laxness did nothing to help. You’re going to be the bad guy if you were nice anyway so don’t worry about him. He will find his way one day. For now worry about yourself and your daughter.


If he would have paid his support they wouldn’t have taken his check. The money belongs to his child. He needs to grow up and deal with his responsibilities not let his parents pay. They raised their child.


This is not money for you. This is for your child and can be used for college, emergency funds, etc. He is not not paying you, he is not paying her. If he does nothing else for her in life he can pay this. If he has issues with it have him explain to her how he loves her enough to make you and the rest of the family suffer to meet her needs and wants.


I wrote off child support years ago because my ex promised he would pay current support. He was always late or paid just enough to keep him out of trouble. I kicked myself for years. He layed down and did the dead it’s time for him to stand up and help provide for his daughter. Hang in there


Don’t drop the case. Talk to his parents and explain why. They and you would be his enablers. If he is locked up for not paying and can’t get to the drugs, he might get some parenting skills and accept responsibility. Just pray that it isn’t to late for a relationship with the child. As she get older she will understand why you made the decision for her and his sake. Of course you won’t be getting any support if he is picked up other than what the Grandparents continue to offer during this time. Pray on it.


Don’t so it. He needs to take responsibility he just wants money for drugs. You daughter deserves that money. Been down this route with grand daughters father.


No. He helped make your baby he needs to man up and pay. It’s not his parents responsibility for paying his child support. Keep going after him


My ex husband once held a gun to me demanding I give him his child support money back and to this day he still owes $ and my kids are in their 30’s! I did get one of his income tax refunds and he tried to convince me to give it to him because he had another child on the way!! I told him he couldn’t help with the 2 kids he already had should not be having any more! I kept the money!!


Dont drop the case maybe jail time will help him detox and be better The state shouldve taken it over and required him to pay but if he doesnt have a job then they cant so tell him its the state not you and you cant drop it block his number you deserve that $ for your child


Don’t drop, you didn’t make this baby by yourself. His parents need to quit enabling him. When and if he starts paying he will have to pay through the court and if he misses a payment to them he’ll be picked up and put in jail. You have taken responsibility for your child, he needs to also. Quit babying him.


Don’t drop it. Let the state take care of it. He needs to pay no matter what. My ex is the same way and he is in their life and still owes money and they are 22 years and 18 years old. It is not about you, it is doing right for the kids.


Absolutely not. If he helped I would say sure why not but he doesn’t do anything to help and his legal issues are his issues not yours. He should be a more responsible adult and father.


Don’t drop it. Even if he never pays you one cent, he should be inconvenienced daily - no drivers license, no stimulus check, no tax refund and hail if he won’t pay. Your daughter is being damaged by him not paying.


Its sound like his parents are to blame alsoif they are still supporting him and enableing him sounds like a life deal what was he like when you we’re with him ? anything like he is today if so what were thinking and no i wouldnt drop it but i would pay 500 buck for dance class either just saying were seeing a small picture of yhe much bigger deal


No way. Why make it easier for him
Sounds like he doesn’t even take care of himself. Maybe risking going to jail will make him wake up, get a job and take care of his responsibilities.


Honestly once a child suport case is issued unless someone adopts said child or he gains custody in most states it cant be dropped only sign notarized paper that he has paid back support then they may let him have his licence back but wont change the stimulus check situation its gone


If he wasnt behind, they wouldnt have taken it. You put him on CS because he wasnt paying. Now hes behind and thats his own fault. Dont do it sis. He needs to be more responsible


Don’t drop it. He needs to step up & get his life together. What’s happening to him is because of his choices not yours


No Way do not drop he will never pay for his daughter let him suffer he need to know she is his responsibility not his parents


Don’t drop it. If you do, you are enabling him. I went through something similar, and my ex didn’t pay for years. Now, it’s just the state’s problem to deal with him. The money I get goes towards all the extras for my daughter, and will go towards her college once she graduates. (He owes so much back support that he will be paying for a good while.) It is not mean or cruel to hold people to the minimum standards of decency.


Do not drop that case!!! He may be struggling, but you are raising a child, his child!!!having a child support case does not stop him from getting a job. I went through the same thing with my ex. He asked me not to file and he would help, but the help never came. If you drop the case now you will never get a done from him. Think of your child and what she needs. Fu*k him!


My opinion is drop it. Guess he would never learn and it’s nice his parents helping out. Just let it go for ur peace of mind


No no no Lady. He eventually will be held accountable and he deserves to be! Sending you love in your decision.



He owes it to your daughter. He should have been trying to pay something. I struggled as a single mom for almost 15 years without child support before they caught up with him and took 25% of his SS til he died.

Tough luck he lost his stimulus check.

On another note - you cannot drop the case while he is in arrears.

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Drop it. He’s not paying you anyway it’s not making him a better person it’s not making him stand up and care for his child at this point the only thing that order to pay is doing is giving him a reason (real or not) to blame you for his inability to be a parent. Make him forfeit any legal rights to your daughter. And release him from all future rites and obligation. If he signs you are free of him. No matter how hard you try to keep your daughter out of it she knows what’s going on. He will blame you convince her that your the reason he’s not around. My sister didn’t do that when I told her to and my niece learned the hard way that he was always lying. But she was an adult then and he manipulated her many times and broke her heart over and over again and we couldn’t protect her then. The child Suport has nothing to do with parenting and do you really want the stress and disappoint that comes with it? It’s just a reminder to she’s not enough. And I guarantee he’s made her feel that way. Even if you think you’ve protected her from it she feels that way. She’s young enough for you to control the narrative.


He won’t grow up if everything is handed to him. It’s called tough love.


To me it’s a no-brainer…why even ask you know what he’s going to do with the money. I’m sorry if I sound cold but he needs to change for the good stay clean then earn your trust back. Good luck on your decision😊

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Agree to lower the amount he pays and return to court in a year and ask for income increase. Do NOT DROP CASE. As long as your in the system you can ALWAYS NEGOTIATE the monthly child support amount. Realistically, with no transportation how can he get to work. If hes in jail, you wont get a cent

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There is no way I would drop that case! It’s way beyond time for him to grow up and put his big boy pants on. What he is experiencing- no stimulus, loss of his license, impending arrest warrant- those are all consequences for his lack of responsibility. They are in place to teach a lesson… a lesson that he just isn’t getting. You and your daughter have paid the price of his irresponsibility for 10 years, let him pay the price now.

DO NOT DROP IT!!! My son’s father owes me over $40,000 in back child support. And I’m going to try to get every penny. Men need to realize that they are responsible for their child too!!


Absolutely not!! No! Don’t do it!! The child support system exists for a reason and you are not being unreasonable. It is there to help you give your child a better life as a single parent.

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If he is on child support, go to child support recovery and see if you can claim his stimulus check. I know one year I got my ex’s tax check because he was far behind. Other than that I got very little.

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Take the support the State has to take from him. He doesn’t get a free ride and woe unto him for not being more supportive of his child. Thank God for his parents and keep working with them. Don’t drop nothing, but his begging, immature manipulative behind!

Absolutely not. He needs to be responsible for his child. He wants you to allow him to have his stimulus check…and for what? Does he plan on giving you any of it to help support his child…likely not. Do not enable him. Let him whine all he wants, you and your daughter deserve that check.

I would not drop the child support case! He has just as much responsibility in helping to raise his daughter as you do. He needs to be a man and start standing on his own two feet and quit guilting people into making life easy for him.

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If you drop the case, the stimulus check which legally can be used for back child support purposes, will be used for his drug habit and not your minor aged child’s needs. Do NOT enable his drug habit by dropping the child support case. It took 2 of you to create this precious child and he needs to step up and assume responsibility. If he cleans up his act, he can surely find a job. What he’s doing is psychologically blaming you for his mistakes. Don’t allow him to. God bless you and your precious daughter.

Pray about it. Someone commented above to seek for the reason why you are doing this within your heart. If you truly need the money, then explain that to him even if he gets upset with you. If you are hanging on to it just to hurt him then you only end up hurting your daughter. And it sounds like she has already been hurt enough by his absence. She doesn’t need any more seeds of bitterness and resentment sown into her. When you bless others, God blesses you back MORE than you could ever give❤️

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He is a drug addict he’s irresponsible he has to the
Accountable for his actions if this is what he chooses to be there for he pays the penalty it’s called tough love do not drop anything do not enable him his parents should not enabled him by doing this eventually he will hit his bottom he has not been there yet when they get in the pit where they can’t get out that’s when they turn their life around believe me I know thank God that my daughter found her pit and God gave me the strength to turn my back on her today God has made a new woman amen good luck stay Tough

Don’t drop the case. Your child deserves anything they can take from him. If he wants things to go his way he has some serious work to do. Good luck! My prayers are with you!

Personally myself I would have to look beyond the problem. Maybe jail is what he needs to get himself clean? Hopefully he will go through a re-Hab. He sounds very dependent on everyone letting him off the hook. His parents helping him so much along the way. No I couldn’t let him off the the hook. He needs cleaned up so he can make better future decisions. Stay strong and pray for him.

I don’t think you’re ever going to get his help, regardless of what you do. If his parents are a resource, thank God for that. Whether you enable him or not is not going to change who he is. Continuing to try to get his help would be like believing he’s going to turn into a different person.

Do not drop the case. That will further “enable” him to continue his current behavior. Your case represents responsibility. If you drop it, he is no longer responsible to “step up to the plate”.

I dropped mine since I never got anything from him in the first place. If you drop it and you have sole custody I personally would have his parental rights terminated. It won’t affect your or your daughter but will protect her if he decides to go for visitation, custody or even school records. His name will still be on her birth certificate he just won’t have any say in her life again.

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My former husband never paid support and the times he saw the children, I drove them outta state and picked the up. I get aggravated when I remember the money, but I put the children ahead of the hardships his lack of support caused. Pray about it. You have the gifts from God, the kids. Make sure you are comfortable with your decision. No one else will be affected like you and the babies

I wouldn’t drop the case. You both had the child you both are responsible for the child. He may not be given you any funds but why should he be let off the hook. Any parent choosing to not be financially responsible for their child shouldn’t get an easy way out. Is he concerned that you have to say no to your child when you are unable to provide for her. Of course not child support is there for the child’s sake. And thanks to his parents for stepping up and providing help. I many years made it ok for my exhusband to not be responsible for his children had to work a horrible job to provide for them. But it paid the bills and I was blessed so I stuck by it. My kids are grown blessed and responsible adults. But many times I wish I would of for their sake not have made it ok for him. Let the courts and the system do their part and you keep being the awesome mom doing your part. He chose for this outcome not you. Be blessed

No! It is not your fault he has all these problems. He needs to suffer the natural consequences of his actions. His parents are terrific to help! They are his children and he needs to be responsible. DO NOT drop your request for CS. I was a single parent of three boys for 18 years and needed every dime I could get.

Maybe a stay in jail for non payment will dry him out. His choices, his consequences.

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Stop enabling him. His parents enable him by taking care of his responsibilities and you as a single mom have been enabling him by not forcing him to pay his child support. He is not able to stop the drugs and maturely grow up because everyone is covering for him. Let him face this and hopefully this will force him to grow up and be the father and mature adult he should be. Tough love!!!

Do Not Drop The Case!! It’s time for him to grow up & support his child! I know I’ve been there.

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