Should I drop the child support case against my ex?

They didnt take his stimulus check against fed.regs

Prophet my ex when you give me a penny either until he was forced to wear they took it out

I pay child support. I am the mother of 3 boys. I am also very behind. I pay every month but got behind at the beginning of our divorce. Even if u chose to.“drop” the case. Health and Welfare WILL NOT. The only way he can get out of paying is if he gives up his rights completely. DO NOT give him any slack. There have been plenty of times in the past i had to go hungry because i paid child support. THAT’S THE WAY IT GOES!! Do not feel sorry for him. There are solutions to all the EXCUSES he is coming up with. I didnt get my stimulas and i am only getting half of my unemployment (covid related) its tough but I have a responsibility to make sure my children are not with out. That is also his responsibility.

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Don’t drop the case. You and your daughter deserve it. He needs to grow up and be responsible

No make him pay for child support if he paid it they wouldn’t of took his stemlius check or income tax

Girl, he doesnt give a damn about that child. he lets anybody except himself take responsibility for her. Let him see this as a result of his own actions. keep it moving.

Do not drop it. He needs to grow up and man up

Don’t you dare drop it…that’s not the reason he can’t get his life together…just block his calls

NOPE. I was in almost the same situation. NOPE! You are owed it whether or not you ever get it. Your child is owed it. NOPE

dont do that honey i did that 4 my ex never got a red pennyfrom him and regreat it every day my kids could have used that money even when they new we were living in a park him or his family never helped so dont let him get away with this plzzzz ty

Don’t drop it. It takes two to make a baby, he needs to step up and care for her at least through child support

Don’t drop it, even if you don’t get a dime from it, maybe it will show him life is not a free ride!

Stand your ground! Def do not drop case, and don’t be intimidated by ex to do so.

Don’t drop it he was man enough to make her, make him man enough to help support her not his parents!

No way in hell he just wants the money for booze and drugs , let him rot in jail and maybe just maybe he will dry out just my opinion do not make it easy for him

Dont drop it. I lower mine to help my ex and in the end he tried taking kids from me because I got remarried.

Dont drop it. He cant just have babies and depend on his parents. Do not drop that case

Dont back down make his butt pay he help make that baby and if u dont get any when she or he turns 19 they can sue him and he will have to pay the child

It is your decision no one else it all comes down to what u want not any one else good luck

Do NOT drop the case - this is not your money, it is your child’s. If you do, you’ll never get anything

Never drop the case. Why do you feel bad. Does he feel bad for your and his child.

No, even after the child turns 18 you can still collect back child support

I raised two kidsafter my husband of 10 years walked out, I am now raising three grandkids that I had to get custody of. I never canceled or stop child support from my husband and I will not stop trying to get child support from my daughter and her husband for the grandkids. Whatever little bit I get from them is always a blessing. He’s blaming you for the bad decisions he’s made it his life

No do not drop his child support, your child deserves it , and so do you !!!

My dad never paid and we got a check one day as an adult. They took it from his social security . I was shocked

Been there and done that. My ex never paid child support. He collected SSDI. They sent a check for the kids until they turned 18. I had an attorney and a judge tell me that SSDi was not child support. Also child support has nothing to do with his visitation rights. Now I have a son who refuses to pay child support and his kids are grown. it does not go away because your kids grow up. If your ex does not do something about it now, it will just keep getting bigger and bigger. My son can not get a decent job. He will never have a retirement, never own a house or a decent car. Do I feel bad for him. Sometimes because I want him to have a better life but he stops speaking or having anything to do with me when i tell him he made all the decisions that led to this whole mess. i.e. not paying child support. I told him to get an attorney and fight it. His ex had one child and he had the other, Should have been a wash… right??? The thing is an attorney costs money he does not have because he cant get a decent job. it is a vicious cycle.

I would talk to his mom about it…it seems like you guys are close and have a good relationship…what are her thoughts?

Federal law requires child support agencies to have procedures to collect past due child support from federal tax refunds. In the federal stimulus bill, the CARES Act, Congress did not exempt the stimulus rebate payments from federal offsets for child support arrears.

His child and he needs to support her. Noone sees you staying home paying for sitters and giving up. Responsiblity is to BOTH parents not just one.

Never. If he is a sperm donor, then he should be a financial supporter. The two go hand in hand.

I wouldn’t drop it. He’d just use the money for drugs. I’m in the same boat. But my son is almost 20 now. Why give him more money to buy drugs?

Hell no you dont let him off the hook. He has a child he doesnt support and he wants you to help him get his stimulus… ummmmm have him go kick Rocks with that nonsense

No!!! Think about your daughter. Her needs come first. He was adult enough to bring her in the world so he needs to be man enough to support her!

Dont drop it. He needs to man up and don’t feel guilty for expecting. If he bothets you too much change your number or screen your messages

Tell him you will drop it when he gives up parental rights.

Don’t drop! But if he isn’t working, even if going on with it you’ll never get financial help from him! Guys like this gives guys like myself that has busted their asses to support their kids a bad name!

I would say only if u sign over your rights as a parent…

Nope,he needs to pay,he’s more worried bout the money then the child,

Don’t drop it the money is for your child I had a dead beat dad too we suffered for years

I wouldn’t drop it. He helped create her he should help pay for her

Do NOT under any circumstance drop it. He should have thought about all this instead of being a deadbeat dad.

Why would you drop it that money Is for your child who cares if he don’t get a stimulus check

Nope!!! Consequences for his poor choices!! Tell him to suck it up, straighten out his priorities and take care of his responsibilities!!

Your child is 10… Life is to short to live like that always having drama…live your life and be happy.

Absolutely not. You both made that precious bundle and you both are financially, emotionally and spiritually responsible for that child.

Time to pay the fiddler
It’s time he takes responsibility for his life and starts to grow up

Don’t drop it. Let your be a part of grandparents life keep the child out of it. It is between you & the father. It is time father grows up.

As a man who o
Paud child support No! Guys lie and its his problem! Hes your x?
Then let him deal with it! I’m betting he’s flaked out before on support
He probably gas a sweety and needs the money!. Be firm its your kids money-

Do not drop the case. At some point you may be able to get something from him but if you quit, you will never get anything.

NO, don’t drop your case. He owes that child!

Effe him. Do not feel bad for him. He does not feel bad for you. He can get high but he can’t take care of his kid?? Yeah ok. Do not take him off a thing…

Do not drop it! He helped create your child he can eventually help with your child

DO NOT DROP THE CASE men will try to guilt women into dropping child support don’t do it

Can’t get blood from a stone notice do you report what his parents give you I bet no

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I wouldn’t drop it.then he would just have money for drugs.

He made his bed now let him deal with it, it’s called growing up and being responsible. I think he needs to figure out what it means to be an adult.

Don’t do it. Your daughter doesn’t benefit from you doing that. He does. He will just get High

No!!! A father should take care of their children!!!

No don’t drop it my ex never paid me I work 2and 3 jobs to take care of mine it ain’t right

Do not drop it! Don’t worry about him. Your child comes first.

Keep it in place. Show your daughter that you love her enough to fight for her wellbeing

Child support is for your child that you have together.

I say proceed with the process. If he keeps bothering you then let the authorities know and record any calls

Don’t drop it. He is a adult. He could find a job if he really wanted one .

Do not drop it. He is just making excuses. Don’t feel bad for him. Be angry for your daughter…

Do not drop it. I was in this same situation. He is a grown ass man. Maybe the jail time would clean him up. You did not produce her by yourself. You grew up and raised her he should too. His problems are not yours.

Plenty of men and women are in his position and can manage. His parents are enabling him.

You do what’s best for you and your daughter not him. He needs help and needs to fix himself. The answer is NO!!! He’ll either straighten up or die or go to jail – all his choice all in his power to change if HE WANTS TO.

Make him pay! He made your child with you and deserves to pay up.

Not sure where you live. In some states you can not drop it.

No do not drop the case. Your child is his responsibility also. Not just yours

Tell him you’ll drop the case if he gets a job and begins to see his daughter and spend some quality time with her.

Don’t drop the case. It’s time he grows up and chooses, drugs or his responsibilities. Don’t enable him any longer.

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Do not drop it. You didn’t make this child by yourself you shouldn’t be the only one raising her.

Stick to your guns. He does not deserve a stimulus check.

No he’s a grown ass man. Don’t enable him. What ever money the take away should be going to you for your daughter.

he’ll never get his act together if you drop it

I’d tell him to Suck a egg. Geez. I got back pay CS now. Abd she’s 38y. I saw my first check when she Turned 27y. But it sucked working 2 jobs so I could put her in Sports/ Cheerleading. I wish it could have been sooner so I could Enjoy it with her. I tell you Some Ppl. You poor thing!

No - if you think about it as your daughter’s money, the choice is much easier!

No. Not only no but h*** no. In the long run you’ll be doing what’s best for your child.

Does your daughter have state insurance or any help from the state if so you couldnt cancel it anyways the state will make you pay it all back

Do not drop the case, your being played!

Don’t drop it. I could go on with so many reasons but just don’t drop it.

Do not drop the case it’s not his parents place to pay for his responsibilities to his child, it is HIS. God be with you and your daughter

Depends upon the circumstances of the birth. Was this a planned child while you guys were married, or an oops? If an oops, then I think a woman needs to think about the fact that SHE had the option to not be a mother, if she wanted, but that the man was afforded no such “out”, after the mistake had occurred… It’s my belief that a man should have a legal ability to sign off of a child, in cases where the pregnancy wasn’t planned. As long as a woman can abort without asking the guy first, then it’s really only fair…

Nope… don’t drop it. His parents need to stop enabling him as well. He’s never going to grow up! Send his ass to jail!!!

Don’t drop the case. He is the classic dead beat dad. It’s not his parents responsibility to pay for your child.

It has to be your decision, noone else can make it for you, follow your heart, your daughter shouldnt be the one suffering.

Don’t drop anything, it’s not for you but her. You owe him nothing.

No don’t drop the case he needs to step up and grow- up. I hope he is in her life.

Where do u live in the state of Florida once you file you can’t drop it.

I would keep it it’s not the fact that you need it’s the fact that you didn’t make that baby by yourself and he hasn’t even tried to help I keep it as my daughter s n money for her

Gosh, could we talk. Do not drop the case. You need the money to raise your child. You sound just like me and my x boyfriend my daughter is almost 40 now and I still receive child support.

I fought for every dime of my support. And I don’t regret it at all. My daughter is 21 now

Not my business but you answered yourself in your post. “he’s never given me a penny…”. It is your choice but your daughter is who is important here not him.

I wouldnt drop it, I pay child support myself i couldn’t imagine not being able to see my kids

Agreed. Too many deadbeat ‘dads’ that always have an excuse not to pay

You didn’t make the child on your own, why should you support her on your own

It’s the law that you have support your child…let him figure it out. Don’t drop the case.

Do not drop it. He needs to man up and take care of his child.