No I would not drop it until he steps up and does the right thing and helps out.
What do his parents say to do?
Do not drop it, there are too many dead beat dads, they have been giving numerous chances and only care about themselved, not their children
He wouldnt get the stimulas check anyway, If you drop it it would come to you as cs. Your between a rock and a hard place kiddo, you dont want to enable him, so how about tell him if I drop it you will go in for help?
Well might as well. What difference would it make. He’s not paying anyway my mama always said it’s a pitiful hen that cannot scratch for one little bitty
Hell No! Don’t drop it, if you do this than he’ll expect you to drop other things too. This is his child too!
Don’t you dare drop the case! This man is milking the system. He owes his daughter the support.
Ask your self would he drop it for you . Hell no .so he had fun making the baby now have him help raise the child its not fair for you or the grandparents to do it all
Don’t drop the case and if he is on drugs why is he even allowed in her life?
If he was actually trying I would think about it but nope nope nope!
I wouldn’t drop it because that is still his child. You didn’t make her by yourself.
His child has received nothing. HE OWES. Do not let him off the hook. YOU are paying your share…why do u think he shouldnt have to???
It kills me these men don’t help with the children they helped create then want help and sympathy when it finally catches up with them!! Went thru something similar with my son’s “father”. He asked me to drop his child support case cause he couldn’t afford the payments since he went on to have two more children after my son and even had the audacity to cry and say all he does us work and had no time to spend with his current gf! And mind u he makes no effort towards his 3 children… Ugh makes me sick
Cry me a river, dude, and cough up the stimulus check if nothing else! Don’t drop the case!
Don’t drop it and don’t feel bad for the choices the HE made…
You know the answer! Now follow through! If the system and his parents can’t get a dime out of him, what makes you think you can?
You stand your ground and hold on tight do not drop your case
Getting his stimulus check won’t change a thing. I would keep the order in place. It may come in handy one day.
Drop it. Have him sign his rights away.
He the dad it’s your kids right he needs to step up and take cair of his kids and as a grandmom I by. My grandkids school close. Because that’s what I do
Nope don’t drop it unless he gives up all his rights period
Do not drop it. Maybe sitting in jail will help him. Do not be afraid.
Never drop it every parent should be responsible for their child he’s no different
Always put your daughter first when he grows up and takes responsibility for her then you could consider his request
Don’t drop it. He had part of it he needs to pay.
Absolutely not. You will probably never see a dime anyway. His behavior caused this, not you.
Drop it down to $1 a week… Your child will know you dropped it to a reasonable amount and he decided not to pay it
Is he going to give you the check??? If not, keep the case.
No no no you need it for your child if he never paids he not going too ever. You child deserves it
do not drop it ,sometimes it takes hard love as they say to drive a lesson home .Keep it.It takes 2 to make a child it’s time he steps up & is responsible it shouldnt fall on his parents to do it.
I did not see one yes, in the responses, so I hope that answered your question
Drop it but have him sign his rights away.
Do not drop it. Clearly he has not grown up. Maybe this is his wake up call
I made the father sign off. He would never have paid me a nickel. Why do I have to have his face at my front door.
Are you out of your mind!!! Dont drop it and dont feel bad about it either!!
Don’t you drop it. Get you & his child something special
My ex and I never did child support…we agreed while the boys were in school and under age we would split the cost of everything they needed…
Do NOT drop the case… he wouldn’t pay so he gets a free ride??
I would tell him too bad, the child is both of yours and he should be doing his part
Dont drop it he made the child also
That egg didn’t fertilize itself.
He pays.
I thought they couldn’t take the stimulus check???
Do not drop the case. That baby deserves every penny that can be squished out of dead beats.
Ever you do don’t drop it that’s his responsibility let them grow up and smell the roses
Don’t drop it. My ex is 47, & likes to have kids. He cheated on me when we were married & then married the 19 yo when I left him. He only comes into her life when it is convenient for him. I gave him SO MUCH money to take care of things & things for his other kids & mine did without. Now he wants a DNA test to prove she is his. She is & fine if he wants a DNA test. He owes over $7,400 in child support but sends me nasty text messages that I only care about the money. I had more before I got with him than when I left. I know my daughter misses her dad, but he isn’t going to mess up her head like he did with his other kids. Don’t drop the suit. His irresponsibility isn’t your fault.
You picked him. And then you thought it would be a good idea to have a child with him.
He is the one that has something to feel bad about. He is the reason he has no license, etc. Not you or your daughter. You say he is a drug addict, then he can obviously find a way to buy drugs. So it’s not like he is physically incapable of support, he just puts his lifestyle first. And just think, if you drop it and then he gets hit by a car and gets thousands of dollars in settlement you would get nothing. And it sure don’t sound like he would give it to your daughter voluntarily…
Do not drop it. He would just drink or but drugs with his stimu
Even if you drop it they will bill you for the poundage owed and put a lean on your refunds. Been there done that.
Dont do it! Stand your ground sounds like a deadbeat dad!
He owes you child support, not his Mom and Dad… Don’t drop it.
Give it to his parents if anyone
They’ve been helping you raise his child ,That A No For Me
Don’t Drop it if anything make him start paying
No. Don’t drop the case. It sounds like you still have a soft spot for him despite him proving he will not be the father or partner you or your daughter need. He can find a job if he wants one and get on his feet if he wants to. He is trying to manipulate you into throwing out the case so he can have his little stimulus check. It’s not preventing him from getting a job. He is just embarrassed to tell his employers he is a deadbeat who the government has to garnish his checks to enforce his child support he owes. You are right that if you drop it you are enabling him. You need to do what is best interest for your daughter and her best interest is to get whatever money you can to help pay for the necessities that children require. If his parents want to help out that is good but if they are doing it because they think you won’t let them see their granddaughter then you should talk to them and let them know you appreciate any help they do and can give but it is not a requirement to see their granddaughter and no matter how much they give it won’t make the guilt they feel for their deadbeat son not being a productive member of society and upstanding father go away. Keep the case and get what your daughter needs now and until she is done with schooling.
They are not giving him the check back. Boy boo! Don’t drop anything
Don’t drop it. You can work out a different payment arrangement…BUT DO NOT…I REPEAT …DO NOT drop it.
Drop it. You do have help. You have his parents. HIS parents. It is still a contribution from his side whether its him or not. He will have to meet his maker someday and pay in other ways. I agree 100% the child is his responsibility but making his life a living hell is not going to create a good energy or a desire for closeness in their relationship. Ive known male friends in the past that get bitter and withdrawl completely because they cannot handle such a large amount of financial disparity. I haven’t met a person yet who thrives mentally when they are destitute. Right ot not. These are facts.
I am glad that your daughter has loving grandparents for both you and her …
DO NOT DROP the case. Ask yourself what he would spend the money on?
Don’t do it I went through the same thing and my daughter is 23 and nothing yet
Dude has not been responsible a day of his life and wants you to essentially pay him for nothing?? Nope.
You can drop past due and still get new CHILD support IF YOU want.
No don’t drop it. It’s right and for your daughter!
Do not drop the case!!! The older your daughter gets the more expensive things will be.
keep the ck,if she’s ten,and has not paid,you won’t get any of the ck
If you sign off, you can never back for child support…ever
Drop for what so he can get money to buy drugs girl please girl bye your smarter than I fifth grader right
Don’t drop it! Make him grow up and be a man
My granddaughter father pays almost 500 hundred a month and he don’t want to see her. She is 3. I am going to drop his child support and file to terminate his parental rights here in California.
If he did not want to support a child he should have used some kind of protection so he would not have a child. She is his responsibility. Let him go to jail for not supporting his daughter.
Do NOT drop it!!! It’s not even your money it is your daughter’s! Make him pay for the child he helped make! If you can put the money in a savings account for her future! Screw him and his guilt trips!!!
Don’t drop it at all for the sake of the child. Please ! Don’t do her like that.
So if it were me I’d give him two choices…pay child support for the kid he helped make…or relinquish his rights.
If you drop the charge when you’ve already been given money then don’t be complaining when you don’t get help from him.
If you drop it, and IF he would come into any money, he’d be off the hook😠
Can’t miss what you never had…he will get a payback…
Don’t drop it!!!let the chips fall where they may
No way! He needs to be a productive member of society and get his act together. It is not your or your child’s fault he is a bum.
Suck every penny from him. And if he doesn’t pay it now he’ll pay for it later. I didn’t start getting money from my dad till I was like 23
I dont know if this will help or not. Sounds to me that this man does not know the difference between right or wrong! People might laugh at this, but this is a real problem in this country! Not many know about this mental condition. If his mom or dad drank alchohol or did drugs or took heavy medications or smoked. This condition can effect their children in not a good way. The children cannot determine the difference between right or wrong. It happened to my son! His father was a alcoholic most of his life and he smoked. Because my son could not know right from wrong in time it cost my son his life. Your husband needs help badly. His parents need to get him help before it’s to late! If I had known this years ago my son would be alive today, but because I didn’t know my son is dead at 45 years old.
No. He did this to himself. Fight for the right of your daughter…
Do not drop it, perfect example of a deadbeat Dad.
No way, Do not drop it. Slim chance but in case he wins the Lotto then you’ll get a share.
Don’t drop the case, he helped to make your child, he needs to help in supporting her financially. It is not up to grandparents to buy your child anything. I went through 6 years of being a divorced single parent, sometimes i worked 2 jobs to help support my child, yes I got child support and still get it. Dont let your ex walk away from being responsible.
The last time I looked you cannot drop a child support case
He need that money bag huh? I’m sure your daughter won’t see a dime. Don’t even think of dropping it. Don’t be an enabler like his parents, albeit they are good to their grandchild.
I absolutely would not drop it but that is only my opinion.
Nope, why would you? Your daughter is what’s important. He has enough people babying him.
Ask yourself this question? If your daughter was in your place and had your grandchild to take care of what would you tell her?
As soon as you drop it he could win the lottery and then where does that leave you and your daughter?
This is a no brainer… Did you read your post? I’m not trying to be mean to you at all. My question is why ask this question?
Do not drop it!!! He needs to own up to his responsibilities. You have one child, not two. You need to take care of your daughter and yourself!!
Drop it. He doesn’t even see her, why are you forcing him?
No. Can he drop his case of being a loser?
Why would you drop the case. There is no reason he can’t get two jobs to support. That’s all on him. I’m pretty sure you can’t drop the case if he is in rears.
Nope, don’t drop it. Your and your child deserve it. He needs to grow up pay his child support. Let them set his butt in jail.
Absolutely not! It is you and your daughters
Don’t drop the case. Why on earth would u question that.
Nope. If he has money for drugs he has money for his kid
it’s important that you hold him accountable for your daughter’s sake…that her dad paid one way or another for none support