He’s knows she’s alive and needs to be a father and help support her. Don’t drop the case. If he gets a job by the time it goes to court they may just make him pay his monthly payment and then extra for the money he owes. His Dad will still support him and he should be able to support his share for his daughter.
How exactly would dropping enable him? Enable him to do what exactly, survive? Forced to pay money he doesn’t have is not responsibility, it could turn into a serious mental condition, depression and overwhelming anxiety (which i suspect he may have because of the economic stress) and eventually suicide. So think about it. If you SUSPENDED it, you could always revisit the claim in family court.
Do not drop the case!!! Tell him to grow up and learn responsibilities! Don’t enable him and his drug use!!!
I went through this exactly. Don’t do it, no way, no how. Really. My ex’s in-laws called me and BEGGED me, giving me the full story on why I should call off the State. I never did. If I had to do it over again, I would keep the State on it, just like I did in 1985. Back then, dead-beat dads didn’t go to jail. Today they do.
If he is on drugs that’s where the money will go. He doesn’t need a way to get more drugs. Besides if he wants the drugs he will find another way to get them. You are the only voice your daughter has in this matter.
I say you owe him no pity …he doesn’t deserve his stimulus …he needs to grow up and start acting like a man and father
he either needs to be in rehab or jail why cant his parents see this??? they are enabling him and I am sure the grandparents love the grandchild but it is not their responsiblity to pay for her stuff and I am sure they want too if feel so bad for your situation and your child😢
I say no! I have had same issue and too bad for him he should be helping raise the daughter you BOTH created!
Stand firm … do NOT drop the case. He needs to take care of his responsibilities, shame on his parents for enabling him.
Don’t. My ex paid every month have it or not. However never took him for an increase. Should have paid me !700 bur i settled at 500 a month. Be fare but don’t drop it
Should you deside to drop your child support (even though he doesn’t contribute any thing for his daughter) you will be an another enabler to him. He need to get any job he, ride the bus to and from work. The State took his stimulus check because the State is helping you financially (somewhat) for her, not him and he must be owning alot of back child support pay. REMEMBER he chose to break the law and lose his driver’s license and do drugs and have his parents support him. You can enable him more or he can face the consequences, you have the ball in your hand, be smart!!!
No, he has a obligation to support his child. His parents are enabling him to to be worthless. They should put the hammer down and force him become a responsible adult and father.
No, he has responsibilities even if he doesn’t take care of them.
Do NOT drop the case against him. My ex left the state without telling me and I did not see my kids for 20 years. Yes I did pay child support.
Don’t drop it! He needs to grow up and step up and if he hasn’t paid then he deserves the consequences of his choices and loss of his stimulus is a consequence
I’m so sorry for you honey
Almost same boat here. I have a wonderful son and a very loving familyHe is now 27 yrs old. I only received 3 child support payments nothing else in his entire life. The closeness we have and time he makes for me are my rewards. Some people never change. Its a blessing that his parents are involved with your child, but supporting him is only enabling his issues. I pray your love for your child gives you the strength you need
Maybe have him sign over his rights of the child! Would be beneficial to you…i got my child support rearage when my daughter was in her thirty’s , 125.00 a month he owed 49,000…he just got it payed off.
If you drop the case you are allowing him to hurt you and your daughter your daughter deserves to join cheers or whatever and be happy !!! If you drop the case he will buy drugs and god knows what else and you and your daughter will go without!!
NO! Do not drop it. He helped make the child and he has to understand he has an obligation. I would not even consider it. He is playing on your emotions. He is a grown man and he can get up and do something about his life or he can roll around in his own squalor! You have to think that this road in his life could be temporary and he could later succeed in life and this current case would ensure you got help with the baby!!! He wants that money because of drugs and you wont see a dime. Leave the case open.
i don’t believe you can drop child support as long as he’s the legal dad.
I would drop the case when he admits himself into rehab! But … he must complete the course or you will refile the case!
He is never going to help you with your daughter , he is only for himself or he would be doing his share now. DON’T drop the case because he will only spend it on him and your daughter not you will ever get anything from him! He is a loser if he can’t even support his child!
Absolutely NOT. That’s for your daughter and she needs it. It is not your problem that he has been irresponsible enough to get his drivers licence suspended in the first place. My ex has all of these things… do you know how many written notices and phone calls are made before any enforcement ever happens? No way in hell should you do that. OMG! No way!!! His problem!! Not yours! Don’t you dare. He got his ass into it and he can get out of it. Walk away from the entire mess it’s not your problem. Ughhh I can’t stand deadbeat Dads. They can make them, but they can’t look after them.
If he has no money to live on let it go until he has an income so he won’t be left to starve. If things change let him know you will go after him. I really don’t think our savior would be against sho w ing compassion for someone’s life.
This is the reason why he’s in the situation he’s in he’s never stood up and faced anything to take responsibility for blame this on his parents he’s probably living in their basement for a long time playing video games and smoking dope you’re not his mommy and if he really cared about them kids he would have straightened himself out and did what a real man supposed to do
Don’t drop it I did and he got away with over 200,000 of back child support it was the worse thing i did
I think it’s tender. Not about him but about his parents. I think I would have a sit down w his parents and let them know your end goals such as putting him in a position where he needs to grow up. Since they are so involved in her life, it’s going to be best to maintain the relationship w his parents who is her link to him. I would also sit down and have a heart to heart w your daughter and explain things on a kids level and even let her give HER input. But you need to also let her know that you are the decision maker. Who knows. She may have a great idea. If you continue w the case which overall i think you should, you need to communicate, communicate, communicate. You don’t want him demonizing you behind your back for what he believes is coming against him. Keep her in the loop and always genuinely consider her feelings and if she offers legitimately helpful solutions, go with it. It will reinforce the idea that you are the amicable one of the two and that you feel she’s smart. It will build her confidence and using a strategy she might come up with is going to endear her to you even more and if Dad tries to lie about you she’s going to know instantly. I would go through w it but suggest you truly make it a team effort.
Don’t Drop it! She’s His Responsibility Also. I’ve Been There, Don’t Do It.
Do not drop it. If you do you are just allowing him to continue to be a deadbeat. I wouldn’t continue to discuss it with him at all.
No, he makes his choices. He needs to step up and be a father.
Don’t drop it I have the same problem they will never grow up or do anything for their child
If he can pay for drugs, he can support his child. You drop the charges, he is off the hook. DO NOT DROP THEM, let the deadbeat go to jail.
Don’t drop it! Let him know that that will never be an option. It takes 2 people to have a baby and 2 to care for that baby. Unfortunately for you my beautiful queen. You are carrying the load by yourself. This is his contribution, since he does not want to do anything else:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Nope, why should he not pay for his child. Your child is blessed to have grandparents who love them. Sadly, they may not be around at some point. Besides, it’s his responsibility.
Don’t Drop It that Stimulus Check Belongs to his Daughter, he needs to StandUp and be a Man that Supports his Child:bangbang:
Do not drop it. He owes that child something. She did not ask for this and he can pay to see that she has what she needs.
You make a baby, you’re responsible for that child. Why are you even questioning getting money to support your child? If you do renta to use it, set up a college fund.
No way, if he’d b paying his child support like he was suppose to the state wouldn’t of taken his money
No!!! Absolutely not…he has made no effort to help you or her…he reaps what he sows…
do not drop it, that will just show him that he can talk you into anything and he will use that and still will not help you with your child, I know been there done that
No dont do it my daughter is dealing with the same thing they choose to be parents let th them step up and grow up
No, don’t drop it. He has an obligation
No, because if you do it would be telling him it’s ok to be a loser and not support his child… Don’t feel bad for the decisions he makes
I was in the same situation (except he did work… no drugs) and I DROPPED it…
Sorry but stimulus checks were not taken for any debt or child support.
Don’t drop it.He should get a job and pay support and he would not have this problem. This is for your daughter. Stand up and be a father.
Make him step up and get his life in order. He is a grown man. Do not drop the case he needs to take responsibility.
Do not drop the case. He needs to hit a bottom and grow up. Don’t inable him.
He helped you make this child He is responsible What would happen to your daughter if you reacted the way he has? Why do we feel so sorry for the dead-beat parents?
He will just use that money to go to drugs! I know all to well where drug addicts money goes.
I was not able to drop mine because the children had state insurance it may not even be possible if you are getting any kind of state assistance
Hell no, don’t let him off the hook! He has had 10 years of slacking off. Your child needs food, clothing, a house to live in, electricity, food, clothes, shoes, school supplies, etc.
My ex may be an ass hole but he has never once not paid child support. This man has a responsible to his child. Don’t give in
Don’t do it. If he ain’t paying with money, make him pay in other ways.
Nope! Are you supposed to only feed and clothe your child every other day because her father isn’t covering his half? Think about that!
I wouldn’t drop it. Why should you just let him off the hook? Tell him wen he wants to contribute you will drop it.
DO NOT DROP IT. He just wants the money to feed his drug habit. That money is for your child. Next time he connects you about it tell him NO
Its about the children not him
Do not drop it
Do not drop it but I do think it’s stupid they take your driver’s license and your only way to get to work to pay the child support
Noway do not drop it he has to help pay for his daughter if you drop it he would just use that money to get drugs with
It’s time he grows up, do NOT drop this, it will only make him worse
No, just excuses, maybe he’ll find out what you and daughter have suffered
Can’t get blood from a stone, be the bigger person (which you obviously are) and drop the case. What exactly are you or your daughter gaining by not dropping it?
Do not drop it. He needs to step up and be a man.
Nope…it’s not yours or your child’s fault he never decided to grow up. He made his bed hard and it’s time to lay down in it.
Seriously, there should be no question here. Never a dad to her? Get real mom.
I would find out if he is on SSI. Because some people who are on drugs. Do get a check every month. And if he is I bet you his parents are over his check. That being said if he is your daughter can get a check just like him. From SSI check into it that might be how his parents are helping
I would drop it on a condition he give me half.
No he did it himself He figures he bugs you enough you will! That is your daughters money
Don’t drop anything! Unless it’s a duce on his front lawn.
No do not drop it. He needs to grow up your daughter comes first.
Only answer is a big fat NO. He hasn’t paid in past, not going to pay Future.
Hello no!!! Guess the dead beat should have paid. Your child could have a better life from with that money. Don’t let him pull a guilt trip on you
You will never get anything from him so just drop it.
Do not drop it!! He will just use it on drugs. You need the money for your daughter.
Did the Gov give u the stimulus money they kept??
My ex was on ss they got him for back support
Do not drop it stand up for yourself dont enable him be strong good luck.
Why would/should you?
Nope he will just buy drugs with it take it for your daughter
You know I dropped the child support case against my ex when he had a brain stem stroke. He had not been keeping up with any payments or help for our 2 girls since our divorce, his mom always helped when needed. When he had the stroke I could have gotten his social security for them but this is how I looked at it. I hadnt been receiving money anyway and his mother and sister were going to be out tons of money for his every day care. My girls were being well taken care of by myself and their stepfather so as the old saying goes, “Two wrongs dont make a right.” I did t feel the need to take from him when he was in way more need than I was. He didnt ask me to drop it nor did his family. I made that choice and made that phone call. Listen to your heart. Do what is best for your situation. Make that decision based on what you feel not what everyone else thinks you should feel about your ex.
NO! You know you won’t see a penny of that money! DO HIM A FAVOR AND HOLD HIM RESPONSIBLE! As you said -Do what you have to do to provide for her! God bless you and your daughter!
Be strong!
That’s a Big N-O…he made the responsibly he should either pay up or face the consequences for not paying…Its not about him it’s about the welfare of your daughter…and It shouldnt only be on your shoulders to provide for her…Obviously his parents have enabled him all these years…so he thinks everybody should feel sorry for him…Time to face His responsibilities…
He needs to get a job and be responsible. Do not drop the case!!!
Don’t drop it, he doesn’t deserve a stimulus check. He needs a reality check, maybe jail will do that
No if he has money for drugs , he should have money to pay child support ! !
NO. He needs to be a man and take responsibility for his daughter.
Screw him, do not drop it. He needs to be held accountable
Do not be an enabler. His poor choices.
Don’t drop it. His child,he needs to help support her.
Any money he would receive would go for drugs !
Donot drop case this is for your child,she comes first. He can get help @ AA.
No! He needs to provide for the child he helped make
Do not drop it. Like you said you will be another enabler in his life.
Do Not Drop it!! It’s time for him to grow up
Dont drop it its his child to let him dit in jail maybe he will learn something
Keep your private life private and make grown-up decisions.
Don’t drop it. If he keeps bothering you, get a restraining order.
Be strong girl! Don’t drop it !