Should I drop the child support case against my ex?

You need to call the child support office yourself and see about these questions your ex will not be honest with you. So I say stay in course bc if you drop now and do it again the judge will not be happy with you

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No don’t let him hand you that BULLSHIT

Lmao do not drop that case. It doesn’t stop him from getting a job the drugs do

If he owes back child support they will not give him the money back. He is lying.

I wouldn’t drop it. He doesn’t sound deserving of the stimulus check, it’s for people in a hardship, not lazy expectant addicts. Plus you don’t want the guilt of enabling him because he’ll possibly use it towards his addiction. He needs to man up and not asking his mommy and daddy to take care of his kid, although thank God you have them to support her!

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It’s for your daughter. He needs to man up.


Don’t drop the case! Don’t enable him! The only thing that the CS case is doing one he gets a job is taking money that is owed to your daughter, don’t do it.

Do not drop your case… You’ll regret it of you do.

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Stay on track. He needs to support his daughter.

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Nope. Just nope. Don’t let him guilt you. I’m a recovering addict and I can say if he gets that check he will probably blow it on drugs

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My mum never got a penny of my father. She raised my brother and I by herself. She has NO regrets in her choice


She will need the money when he finally pays. Eventually he will have to pay and she could use that money for college, first car, wedding, ect. Keep him on it. Not yours or your child’s fault he can’t grow up

Nope. He deserves no pity.

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Don’t drop it. He her daddy and should help out. Not his parents. Maybe with a responsibility from the court he will straighten out his act. I’ve been there and done this. Don’t drop it!!!

Too bad sunshine. He fathered a child, he needs to man up. STOP blaming others for his shitty mistakes… Don’t let him manipulate you. Stay strong mumma, its for your baby NOT him xx

Same situation. I wouldn’t drop it.

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Fuck him. He only wants you to drop it so he gets the stupid stimulus check. Let him suffer. If he cant get a job and support his baby without government funding what makes you think hes gonna help while hes on drugs sucking the government? :woman_shrugging:t3: think about it. Be a hard ass for
Your babies sake.

No no no no. I’m in the same boat. Don’t drop the case.

Sometime people have to learn the hard way. Don’t drop it. He needs to learn.

No way, you need the money he hasnt paid child support.

Nope don’t drop shit. He’s just wanting drug money

Tell him to go fuck himself.

You didn’t get pregnant alone

Hell no. This is a lesson he needs to learn and take responsibility for :bangbang: keep that case open girl. Don’t enable him. Hugs and kisses to you and your daughter.

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He’s 10 years behind so when will he start paying??? It’s his fault not yours, as sweet as his parents sound they’re part of the problem by enabling him.


Don’t drop it. It’s his responsibility.

Nope nada NOT. I got nothing for my daughter her entire life. Sucks for him. Why do you want to help him anyway???

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Stone wall that loser :kissing_heart: he doesnt deserve your sympathy.

No! It takes two to make a baby and two should support the child.

Absolutely not. Also, if you are getting any sort of state assistance and you drop the c.s. the state will stop and medical or food assistance.

If you do, I’ll be mad at you. Let him suffer… his parents sound like angels… he sounds like a loser.

Not a chance! If he is possibly going to jail that means he hasn’t paid anything in a LONG time, And taking his stimulus cheque is proof. If he doesn’t help raise and support the child he helped make why the hell would you want to help him?!?
This is what snakes do…They dig themselves into a hole and then try to play the victim to get others to do their dirty work to get out…NOPE!

Please don’t drop the case, you want him to grow up then he needs to get a job and pay his child support. ( it would be a good time for him to get a job, & pay back support while he’s living with his parents)He’s trying to guilt you into dropping it, you drop the case you will never get back child support owed or any current support. His parents know how he is and help you with his child, so they obviously aren’t upset with you having support filed on him.

Oh please. Don’t drop it! Everyone let’s him get away without consequences and that’s why he continues to be a child! You deserve that money, whether he gives it now or 29 years from now when he wins the lottery or finally gets his shit together (doubtful). Don’t drop it!

Oh hell no! He has a responsibility to support his child. Too bad he has to be forced to take care of her but that’s his problem. Think of it like this, if u dropped it you would basically be taking away from your daughter to give to him. Is that what u want?

NO - absolutely not. How is this even a question?

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No your child deserves for her father to be responsible. And he shouldn’t get off with not having to assist you on the financial part of your child.

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If his parents give You everything that your daughter needs ,why keep him on support ?You said they are also paying for Your ex. I say ,give up on child support. Your only harming the Grandparents.


Don’t drop the case. He is her father and needs to help support her.

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I would not do anything he owes you that money let him pay

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Hell No! Don’t drop a darn thing. My son’s sperm donor would jump jobs move out of state. He even had the nerve to claim him on his taxes. But baby, once I got the IRS straight .I would get my child support once a year …yes his check. The sorry so & so even had the audacity to ask for his refund check back. Hell no ! I raised my son .I had God and some friends. He’s a fantastic husband and father. Don’t give that piece of crap…nothing. Why support his drug habit?

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My Son is a Fantastic Husband and Father…not the sperm donor.

Let him go to jail!! Waste of space he is…

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Do NOT drop that case! Let him bug you all he wants about dropping it who cares in one ear out the other. Walk away or hang up the phone when he brings it up


Does he plan on contributing with his stimulus? I doubt it. Its not in his habit.

Child support is the cheap way out of raising a child anyway. Sorry it but takes more than $200/month to raise a child


hell no, If he doesnt help screw him…Thats how it is…kids cost money


Nope don’t do it he is a selfish drug addict!

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Nope. He needs to grow up.

Sounds like my ex. The only reason I terminated any required child support (which I also didn’t get for 6-7 years) was because my husband adopted my oldest, legally terminating any rights and back owed support.

Getting stimulus money taken, and his license taken and a warrant are all because of not paying child support. That was his choice and his problem. Do not terminate child support. THAT IS OWED TO YOUR DAUGHTER

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if he already lost his licence he has to pay to get them back now anyway and fuck him you nvr made the baby alone!! dont let him guilt him

Id drop it. Not like it will make a difference as its his family and not him helping. Id not let him go to jail knowing he is unable to pay, but i would negotiate around it. Force him to pull himself together

I can’t believe you even considered it. He needs to grow up.


Even if u drop the case his not getting that money back their sending it to u that I’m aware of… and their not just gonna tell him have u drop it. That would he dumb of u he would never grow up and be a dad if u just made it that easy for him

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Don’t do it, he’ll not get the stimulus check back, it went to help pay for his daughter…ie…child support. He’s just guilt tripping you girl.


If you drop it you can’t go back and open it back up

Do not drop the case. He’s had 10 years to get his life straight and his parents help!!! He is and always will be a screw up. Sorry but true, if it were 6 mths or a year and he was trying being there and doing for his daughter then maybe. But he’s not. He puts forth NO EFFORT. His parents are awesome to shoulder his responsibility that is their choice because they love the child. He doesn’t get a “pass” cause he’s a sperm donor. If he’s not helping now hold it to him! Besides one day way down the road you will get it all!!!

Don’t drop it. That does nothing but enable him to keep doing shitty things

Do not drop it! He needs to grow up and that stimulus check should go to you and your daughter!

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Honey don’t drop that child support case because I’m going to tell you right now my ex is $16,760.23 behind I have not dropped my child support case and this has been going on since 2013 up to now he didn’t get his stimulus check I ended up getting it and it was only $960 my caseworker had to call them and have them unfreeze it so my kids could have their money so please please do not drop that child support case

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I could be wrong, but don’t you have to have worked last year and filed taxes to be eligible for a stimulus check?

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A dead beat dad fir sure. He is under an ordee by the Court to support his child. Absolutely under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you let him not pay. I agree with above comment that CS did not tell him they would give him his stimulus check if you would drop the Order. If you do you are violating a Court order as well as enabling him. Your child deserves better.

Um no don’t drop the case and if he keeps bugging you tell him you will get a restraining order. He won’t grow up as long as his parents treat him like a child.

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That’s big fat NO. ESPECIALLY if he’s got money for drugs, but not his daughter. Some people just don’t learn unless its the hard way.

He’s totally full of sh*t. There’s no way he will see a dime of a stimulus check. They’ve already got it and don’t typically send money back, with the exception of overpayment. He just wants to get out of paying child support. Which, if drugs are an issue and he can’t keep a steady job, and dad keeps footing the bill and allows him to continue his drug habit, then clearly jail is his only option for getting clean and sober, and a chance at getting his shit together.

No because if they pass for the second check they have already said that they would not take it for child support so I would say nope.

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You need to quit the pity party

He is not going to pay. He is never going to.
And his good parents are doing their best by supporting you and his daughter.
Leave him alone. Keep up the family connection between his parents and their Grand daughter. Your daughter deserves to know they are good people.

Do not let him manipulate you into dropping it!


I personally wouldn’t drop the case…he hopefully some day will learn responsibility… Long as he is enabled he will continue to do what he does (nothing)…

HELL NO !!! No no no!!

You are already doing it on your own, just have him sign over his rights, cut all ties with him. He clearly cares more about his “stimulus” check than his daughter, cause he is doing all he can to try and get it back but nothing to get her. Guarantee if he get any kind of money (stimulus or a job) you aren’t going to see any of it.


Absolutely not. He has created his own situation. If he gets arrested, he gets arrested. It’s his own fault.

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I’m not even sure why this is a question. You’re a fool if you drop it. You deserve every dime of that stimulus check. Tell him no and move on.

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Do not feel bad he is just reaping the consequences of not supporting his child. He did not get those because he has stolen his daughters support. All he has to do is get a job and care for her needs. His parents helping does not released him of his obligation. Custody has nothing to do with it. He owes it.

:joy::joy::joy: negative. Nope. That is a grown ass man who made a grown ass decision to not pull out. He sure as hell isn’t feeling sorry for you while you raise the child you guys made TOGETHER.

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DON’T DROP a child support case ever!!!

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No way- I wouldn’t drop it.

Nah he made his bed. Let him sleep in it. It seems pointless in a way to keep the order but if he turns things around, EVER he should pay his dues cuz you’re taking on all the labor. I have been in a similar situation. But again, if he has all that time to not be raising a child then, he has all that time to turn his life around and hold a job.

Why did you wait 10 years to file, was it just to get the stimulus check? Honestly I wouldn’t drop it… he owes HIS daughter that along with so much more.

Don’t drop it. His fault not yours for the predicament he’s in. He should have stepped up long ago.


Even if you did drop the case, that stimulus check has already been sent to child support. It’s going to come to you. There’s nothing he can do to get it back, unless you choose to give it back. You’ll also get his income tax if he files. Keep the case open. The state could even tell you that you can NOT drop it since it’s already been started. Depends on where you live.

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Umm absolutely not! You have taken care of BOTH responsibilities of your child and he has done nothing so NO!

Honestly no i wouldnt…like u said he needs up if he got a job n paid the support he wouldnt owe money n would.of gotten his stimulus…my x finally paid off his back support with his taxes and he got his stimulus…so he needs to grow up deal with his own mess n be a dad…if his parents want to continue helping you thats great…about the cheer thing ask around to the coach see if there is some way to get it alil cheaper or see if maybe another family can sponser you

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If you don’t need the $$ drop it. I didn’t force my daughters bio to pay C S. He hasn’t been in her life for 15 years, she’s 22 now with 2 daughters who don’t know him.

Tell him you called and they said it wouldn’t make a difference and it’s too late, he can’t be that bright

NOPE that’s your daughters money for her needs and college he should have thought before having sex.

Not no but HELL NO!!! He owes that to your daughter. Tell him to get his crap together and then he won’t have to worry about it. If he was helping on his own I would feel different but he’s not.

My bf is kinda going thru the same shit, They took his stimulus check and taxes. He use to make $1000.00-1250.00 every 2 weeks & now only gets $250.00 every 2 weeks. If that. I assure him that’s what he gets for having a child. He’s supposed to help. Although his sons mother gets every kind of assistance she can she tends to milk the system but again. That’s what happens having a child now a days. I understand you need help but I’d say drop it. You don’t want him saying “ I did this or I did that “ My son is 7 & I don’t receive child support & never have so I don’t know much about it but I think if you get it then her dad will be able to have a right to see her. :thinking: and if he is on drugs that’s not good for her to be around. Pray about it, Talk to his parents & see what they say, Reassure them & let them know how much you appreciate them & how thankful you are for them. Just keep your head up & do what’s best ! Tell your daughter to just chill and wait till middle school & high school & she can be a cheerleader then & has tons of other sports & clubs she can join :blush: You keep being strong . Fuck him. It takes 2 to make a baby but you seem to be doing a great job. HIS LOSS. When she’s older she will know his true colors. If you want to send me a message between us & we can see where you live at and I can send your daughter & you some little packages of stuff you both can use & that you will like. Expecially stuff for YOU ! :two_hearts:

No I would drop the case. That money is for your child. It takes to make a baby. Yes it’s great his parents help but they shouldn’t have to. And it’s his fault he didn’t get the stimulus check. That he lost his drivers license. And his fault he will have a warrant. Plenty of jobs hire regardless if you pay child support.

child support is the right of the child you absolutely should not drop it and frankly stop taking his calls.


Oh hell no don’t drop it

Love how you and your Daughter have an awesome relationship with her Grandparents :heartbeat:

Nope don’t drop it!! Stand strong!!

R u serious? Drop the case? Hell to the NO… He is all about excuses. He could take a bus to work if he actually wanted to work.


No he need to help and be a man

NO NO NO NO AND NO!! DO NOT DROP YOUR CASE! Child support does not keep you from getting a job. He has a responsibility to your daughter and if you drop your case your giving him a free ride

Do not drop the case. It will enable him, you will loose whatever little help you do receive from him, and then if things go south you’d have to go through the hassle of locating him again to refile for child support.

His problem not yours, keep it moving.

Similar situation…dont drop it. Hold him accountable

Nope do not drop it maybe prison time will sober his ass up and learn to grow the hell up. Don’t feel guilty for his crap. That’s on him not you. Just take care of your baby.