Nope… I would leave immediately! He will never change and he clearly doesn’t love you and needs help! You deserve better than that and so does your kid!
He won’t change you ate giving him permission to behave this way if you stay it will get worse
Leave him. He hooked up with those other girls. Don’t be stupid
He is gaslighting you. You’ve already left for the night, id say thats farther than most get. Start over and grieve your loss in a healthy, stable enviornment. Stay gone.
Nope, once a cheater always a cheater.
A VERY small percentage of people will actually take the time to work on themselves to heal a relationship after cheating.
It’s called gas lighting. He knows exactly what he did.
YOU already know what you need to do you don’t need completed strangers telling you hus a douche bag he will continue this destructive behaviour because you allowed him to get away with it the first time. Take your son and keep walking
You’ve already caught him multiple time either multiple women cheating. Whether or not he has sex with them is inconsequential. He won’t change. You aren’t the woman for him and you don’t deserve this. You need to leave and never look back. I hope you recover from everything you have been going through.
Your question should be why would you want to forgive him for ANY of that?!
You have PROOF that he told some girl that he wanted to leave you and be with her, you found naked pictures of some girl IN YOUR BEDROOM… but you what, think he just took her to y’all’s bedroom and took a tit pic and then they didn’t do anything, she just got dressed and left the bedroom?
I’m very sorry for the loss of your child, but sharing that loss with him is no excuse to stay with a lying, cheating, POS. Is that the example of a man that you want for your son?
You have two options.
You can believe him (when you have proof that he’s lying) and stay and accept that this is now your life.
You can leave and start over, be happy and healthy, and wait for a man that treats you (and your son) like you’re the best things on earth!
Uhhhh leave there’s nothing tying you to this guy
I didn’t even get half way. You answered our own question. Get you and your son away from that situation. Was your son home when he had girls over? Girl run.
He is a narcissist and is gas lighting you leave now before you have a child with him he wants to act single drunk or not then let his ass be single
Why would you even have to ask? Leave and don’t look back.
Leave, go, depart, do not turn around and go back.
Run girl!! And keep running
Move on. He’s repeatedly doing the same things and doesn’t care. He remembers what he did.
The very bottom sentence of your post is his way of guilting your and trying to play on your emotions. This is not healthy and he is not going to change. If you have the means and a place to go, you need to move on.
Seriously shake your head… take your child and leave. Focus on raising your child while dealing with the grief of losing your baby. He’s got more red flags flying. Let him go.
There’s so many signs that show it’s not a healthy relationship time to start fresh
Give him what he wants… Leave!!! At this point you have not been together long enough to really miss anything and he’s already showing you what he’s about
It’s only going to continue, clearly. Stop allowing a man to show you more than once that he doesn’t want you. Giving him chance after chance is enabling his behavior because he knows he can continue and you won’t really leave.
Leave this guy. He doesn’t respect you. And if he hasn’t cheated yet he will
End it already and find one who respects and cares for you.
You’re the only one that can answer that but for me personally… No way in hell could I forgive / forget all that. Absolutely not. I’d never even message him again. Get your stuff and start over. That’s not a relationship worth saving.
Cheaters cheat. He won’t stop.
Leave. My man cheated on me after we had our first daughter together. But the difference is. I set boundaries and he respected them. And he made an effort to prove to me and still does that it was a bad mistake and that hes not going to do it again. Your man however continues to make up excuses and keeps doing the shit. If she was topless in your bed. Something happened. Leave!
That last part… he’s not only a cheater but he’s manipulative. Leave yesterday
Leave. Cheating isn’t always consistent of sex. This is a repeated issue. If he wanted to better he would have after the first opportunity. I believe you already know what’s best for you and the kids
I’m not sure how many more signs you’re looking for to tell you to leave. You deserve better than that and never forget that.
I’m so sorry for the loss of your daughter. Big bear hugs.
You need to run to nearest EXIT!! If he’s out partying while your child is in the hospital he doesn’t give a shit about you or his dying child.
Cut your losses now and don’t let him guilt you into anything. He’s a narcissist.
Can you forgive this? What? Him having women over, at the very least half naked, in the bedroom, telling other women he wants to be with them, not with you, sending, receiving, and paying for nudes… I mean what exactly do you think is worth forgiving? He doesn’t love you. He doesn’t even respect you. It’s well worth leaving and finding happiness, and showing your son what happiness looks like. If you won’t do it for you, do it for your son.
Just because you share a trauma with someone doesn’t mean you have to share a life with someone
If you feel the need to go through his phone then you already have your answer, trust has been broken, move on!
Why would you put up with this behavior???you have to ask if you should leave???
Any messages and pics with anyone else IS CHEATING, it’s the INTENT. And it’s the exact same thing… Leave
He is gaslighting you. Don’t be a fool. This behavior will not stop.
You don’t trust him (for good reason), why are you still with him. He’s not going to change. Why should you love him? Why should you forgive him? Aren’t you worth better treatment than that? Do you want your son to think that’s how to treat women?
He’s manipulating you. He’s twisting it on you so you feel guilty and don’t leave
He took a photo of a girl in your room topless and you don’t think he did anything?
Please don’t be naive….
Run!!! This will just get worse!
It will be hard but you won’t regret it. Been there and nobody is worth our peace. We all deserve someone who actually cares for us. Do it for your son especially. Good luck
You know the answer you just need this comments to convince you to leave him xx
Oh honey, I am so sorry for the loss of your baby. you don’t need that type of nonsense from him. You both may have been through a traumatic experience together but you should not have to live like this wondering about him, etc… he broke that trust already and if he is still doing it I highly doubt it will change. My ex husband was like that. There are still good men out there. Don’t settle for someone that is treating you like this.
Look up gaslighting. This is the definition of it. Leave his ass in the rear view where he belongs.
Why is this even a question?
It will never change leave!
Definitely leave sweetie…it may be hard for awhile but in the future you will look back at this and be so thankful you got out of this toxic relationship.
Nah fuck that. Dump him.
Why are you staying??
Y’all really have children & move in with a guy with no commitment on the table.
Girl, run.
Get you & your child stable.
Is his name matt? Cuz that’s my ex and he done the same exact shit. Run from that piece of . He sounds so gross.
Girl. FORGIVE? How many times do you need to forgive him? You forgave him previously and it still keeps happening. You also have a child living with you. Do you want your own son growing up thinking thats how a ‘man’ is supposed to treat his significant other? It’s only going to get worse if you don’t leave now.
The more you forgive him. The more he will keep doing it
stop looking in his phone, you know what kind of man you have, this won’t change, sorry
Leave! Run as fast as you can. He will NEVER change! They NEVER do! He has no respect for you and that is quite obvious! Why be with someone you literally can’t trust and have to worry every time your not with him. Fuck that if you stay you must like being treated like a dog.
That is definitely cheating. And it’s him who never loved you because you don’t do that shit to someone you love.
Leave. Hes a cheater.
Run and don’t look back
You have “no idea if he hooked up”?!!! ummmm……. MA’AM he had a topless chick in YOUR BEDROOM!!!Are you that gullible to believe he just took a pic and they left the room?!! Please tell me you’re smarter than that! Losing a child is not an excuse to be a man whore. Grab your child and never look back, you both deserve better.
No you will always be looking over your shoulder! You deserve better
Don’t let grief or guilt keep u stuck in a relationship , if he can’t help himself to stop looking for other girls than leave him behind and find someone who will make u their 1st priority
I stayed for 47 yrs. BAAAADDD MISTAKE!!!
Manipulating you. Leave. Not stopping ever after multiple times being caught. Leave. Trying to gaslight. Leave. Doesn’t matter how many times you have to rebuild or how hard it may be, if its right for you, its right.
Run! He’s gaslighting you!
You can forgive someone that’s definitely okay but if they’re continuously still doing it which he is and things aren’t going to work out you need to go to therapy maybe be a part until he can be faithful or go to therapy and see what they say if he’s not faithful and not planning to be I don’t know what else to say I’m very sorry for your loss
Leave babe. Not worth your time
Cheater and lies…he’s the bottom of the barrel…leave!!
Don’t get me wrong people can change and forgiveness is a great thing but if he doesn’t want to change he’s not planning on it then it’s totally one-sided praying for you maybe seek a Christian counselor they’re really helpful that’s what we do good luck. God can do anything
He isn’t committed to you. His actions tell you everything you need to know without him lying while explaining his actions away. Turn the page. Go…
He’s lying to you and trying to blame you. Leave him. It’ll hurt but the sooner you leave the less time you waste on him.
He’s a cheat. Always a cheat. He’s not going to change. You know what to do…LEAVE!!!
Get out, you, you don’t need to ask us, you know what to do, we can’t do that for you. Unless you enjoy being disrespected continually.
Stop thinking about forgiving him. Did he even ask for your forgiveness? You are worth too much to keep accepting that behaviour. Cut off all communication and take your time to mourn the loss of your daughter (condolences to you).
Girl, don’t let that fool gaslight you into believing his sh*tty behavior is somehow your fault. He made his own choices. He knows what he is doing or why try to hide it. He is a grown a$$ man. Actions speak louder than words. He won’t change. He will continue to behave this way bc he figures you will stay and keep accepting it. You both lost a baby. He chose to make the choices he did still. Stop making excuses for him while he tries to blame you and go on being scum. You deserve so much better than to be settling for someone who clearly does not respect or love you at all. Move on and don’t look back. Good luck.
Why would you forgive this? At this point it really doesn’t matter if it went any further with any of them, it’s still a fairly new relationship and he already has hurt you over and over again and shown he’s not trustworthy. Is that what you want your kid to see growing up?
Run as fast as you can! He is cheating already start your life over you will be happy you did🙏
Well for one he is guilting you hard you know what’s best
Run. Get away from him.
Yea every time you go to girls night out etc… he will keep doing it he not going to change oh and yea he been cheating start saving your money and take a step back get un close to him think about your next move.
Leave now. This is his character. A husband is supposed to have your back. You can do better.
Cheater 101 blame the other person or I didn’t sleep with them. To me texting and sending and receiving photos is cheating in this form. If they were friends fine but clearly he wanted more from them even drunk. I’d cut and run as fast as I can. Your son shouldn’t not be seeing that. I walked away from my relationship for cheating and it’s the best thing I ever did for me and my son. I am easing him to respect women and be a decent guy to them. If this was your son wouldn’t you tell him to leave as he deserves better. I am so sorry about your little girl my heart goes out to you
Once you lose trust, it’s over. It’s going to be hard, but you’ll be much better off and much happier in the long run. Sorry you are going through this.
Umm hello. He’s cheating and using excuses and blaming you. Get out and stay away from the POS. Sorry for your loss by the way. Could not imagine your pain. Please stay away and you deserve so much better. Hugs
When someone shows you who they are, believe them. Why would you want to forgive this?
Leave you deserve so much better.
It’s really hard to start off on ur own I know cos I done it, I would have gone absolutely mental, I don’t know how these guys think they can act like this and throw it back at u, it’s emotional and mental abuse he is making u feel bad so u stay but that would break me beyond, actually glad I’ve been single for so long and not in a rush either. I’ve found peace in being alone with my daughter as hard as it has been and is I am better off not being second best. Puts me off finding a man every time I see these stories, after being CHeated on makes me want to be alone forever. U will be okay always remember after every dark night there is a brighter day
He is gaslighting and manipulating you baby girl, leave if you can.
Girl run. Oh I wish I would have listened so many times. It’s hard but it’ll be sooo worth it. You just feel so free & life just gets so much more vibrant! Good luck to you
Run ,run and keep running …it was doomed from the beginning …if you stick around for that kinda bull crap your in for a heap of disappointment…but worse than that cause your son deserves better than the games he will be subjected to …he will have a lousy roll model for a step father and grow up thinking it’s ok …you have an opertunity to get out before too much damage is caused to you both …
How many more times do you need to find these messages before it’s going to be enough for you. I honestly didn’t even count how many times, because one would have been enough for me. And all within one year?
If you want to continue being with a little boy then stay. If if your sick of being treated like a side dish, a nobody, someone without any values then leave. Its that simple, why make it so hard. Plus you have a little boy already that you subject him to all of this. Seriously, you need to ask yourself if your qualified to have any more children.
It’ll only get worse. Trust is so hard to earn back and you’ve only been together a short period.
Started over several times. Did not want to live with stupid.
Look at it this way. You were not Born with him. You don’t need him to breathe. You can leave and be just fine. Starting over or not. You do not NEED him. He is a dead weight holding you back from greatness. You and your son deserve so much more. Would you want your son to treat a girl like this
Red flags in your face, gather your courage, self love and self respect, do what is best for you bump the rest.
Once a cheater always a cheater,you’ve left stay gone let him be someone else’s heartache,you’ve went thru enough,you don’t need more on top of that if he isn’t doing anything then why the secure evidence showing up,best to get out while you can.
My best advice, what would you tell your daughter to do? Had she lived and grown up, finding herself in this situation, what would you advise her to do?
Sometimes it is easier to give advice to others than to be given it. So change the narrative slightly. What if it was your son in this situation? What if his girlfriend was doing this?
You can forgive him but you don’t have to be with him it’s clear he is cheating period leave tell him to kick rocks with the females he is entertaining happen to me doesn’t get better let him be I did.
Please leave. You will never get that trust back. Even if from now on he’s doing everything right… You will ALWAYS have that doubt. This isn’t a one time situation. Follow your GUT.
People in the wrong never take accountability for their actions and blame the others around them. I’d be gone and stay gone. You don’t deserve this. Grieve the loss of your daughter and take care of your son and yourself. The most important relationship you ever will have is that one between you and your son. I’m sorry you’re going through this.
Having other girls over and all the stuff that was happening makes me wonder what is going on? You deserve better and he wasn’t and probably isn’t as invested in you besides your being pregnant. He was trying to be a nice guy but he’s not a good guy. He’s just a guy who is still figuring things out just like you are and staying with someone because of trauma and bad stuff isn’t going to help either if you grow. So yes start over and get someone else who will want to be all in with you.