Should I end night feedings?

My baby is ten months, and I feed her every 6 hrs her bottle and even at night. People are telling me I shouldn’t be feeding her at night because she can sleep through the night without feeding, and she’ll be okay. But my baby girl will scream her lungs out if I don’t feed her at night every 6hrs even if I hold her or pat her back. Nothing. And letting her cry is hard because she screams so loud every one hears her and wakes up. Have any mommas have advice on how to wean her off, or should I still keep feeding her?


Keep feeding her at night

If she’s hungry, feed her.


Feed her, maybe lower the amount little by little but she’s telling you she’s hungry

Feed ur baby eff what people say if ur child is hungry be it an infant or toddler when they r hungry u feed them !


She’s a baby! Feed her. 10 months IS still considered an infant, regardless of what old school people say. Babies wake during the night to feed. It’s the biological norm. My youngest is 12 months old and I still nurse her to sleep every 2 hours during the night. It’s normal.


Mama, if you think feeding her is best then feed her :heart:

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By 10 months she should be eating enough during the day to last at night. Is she eating enough solids? Try feeding her some oatmeal or something filling before bed.


Are you feeding her solids during the day? I mean if she’s hungry feed her but I found with my 7 month old I could feed her more during the day and she now sleeps from about 9pm to 6am most days

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I feed both my kids till the didnt want it in the middle of the night any more thay was a couple monrhs after they turned 1 u do what u think is best i always hated to hear my kids cry people will tell u what u need to do but there not the ones there u r and shes still a baby she needs it if shes hungry shes hungry if ur tured put some baby cereal in her milk and itll fill her up

My son took 12 long months to stop needing milk at night. Don’t fight it mama.

Do what’s best for you and your baby. Every one is different. :grinning:

Not all kids sleep though the night at that age 1 of my 3 didn’t sleep though the night until well over a year old. Keep on feeding her. Remember their bellies are small and require many meals a day.

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Get her really full before bed, with food! You need to increase real food just opinion


If she is hungry feed her. Trust your judgment. Not all kiddos are the same. My boy camped out on my breast for the first 8 months of his life. My daughter wanted nothing. As long as baby is happy and healthy you are rocking it!

Feed her she will stop when she is ready and you will know she is ready, good luck mama!

Add a little cereal to the last bottle before bed.


I added cereal to the bedtime bottle.

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Keep feeding her she still needs that fatty milk at night

If she is hungry feed her

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Do what work best for u and your child,every child is different,what works for one parent and child might not be ideal for the next


Stop if you are ready to stop. If you don’t see a point in stopping, go ahead and continue

If shes hungry feed her but also are u feeding her enough solids during the day?? Maybe u need to increase what she eats through out the day that way she’s not as hungry at night 🤷🏻‍♀🤷🏻‍♀


If baby is hungry, feed them.

Bigger bowl of night time cereal with bottle milk might keep her fuller for longer and might sleep longer?


Don’t stop feeding her if she is hungry

And don’t listen to anyone that said let her cry it out
It’s ridiculous she will drop a feed when she is ready …


Don’t rush it she will stop needing a night feed when she is ready and forcing really food at night isn’t something to push because you may upset her tummy

If your baby is hungry, feed her.

You know your baby best. If your baby needs night feedings, give them to her. The idea of feeding on a schedule is old-school, and is not recommended by doctors. And tell anyone who thinks they know your baby better than you that they can go stuff it.

If she’s hungry and you want to feed her then keep doing it and ignore what others have to say. You know your baby and sleep is developmental and differs vastly from baby to baby. Please don’t put cereal in her bottle.

I still have 1 night feed with my boy. He is 10 months. He eats well during the day too.
My daughter slept through and never woke for a feed. All babies are different. You do what you need to do for your baby x

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Feed her a snack before bed some fruit or porridge then start watering her milk down she’ll soon not want it

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Are you waking her to feed, or is she waking because she needs it? Don’t stop if she’s asking for it, if she’s asking, she needs it.

Your baby will tell you when they are hungry, feed her if that’s what she needs or wants. Everyone use to say my son was a “bottle baby”, he used a bottle for comfort and quite honestly I didn’t care. That was what worked for us, and he transitioned to a supply cup just like any other kid.


My daughter woke for night feeds until she was over a year old. My only advice would be to give her less in her bottle each time to attempt to wean her or I was also suggested by her dr to offer water instead bc she could just be thirsty.

It’s called a habit wake. Offer water instead and she’ll eventually get the hint. It may take a week or so but she’ll realise that she won’t get her feed, stop waking and eat more during the day :slightly_smiling_face:

If she’s hungry feed her! Theres nothing wrong with night feedings at all they can just be annoying for tired parents is all


My granddaughter is almost 2 and still wakes up for a drink. She only gets water now but 10months is still young. If you want to feed her then do so if you want to try to ween her A snack around an hour before bed like a small bowl of oatmeal to fill her up and water only when she wakes up worked for us

Don’t take their advice. Tell them thats nice and feed your daughter. Every child is different and 6 hours between is good. Once over a year you can try to give water but up until then feed your baby.

You know your baby better than anyone. Feed that baby, if she’s hungry.

:joy::joy: my daughter just turned one and we have more than one night feeding. :woman_shrugging:t2: I’d love just one.
My first was sleeping through the night at 4 months. Every baby is different. Follow their cues! :heart::heart:

My daughter will be a year old on the 15th, she still drinks two 10oz bottles between the time she falls asleep and wakes up. She’s been eating foods since she was 4 months old (per her pediatrician) and she still drinks two bottles through out the night. She will have dinner and a full 8-10oz bottle before bed. Do what you think is best for your baby. If she’s hungry feed her.

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Maybe give her a cereal bottle before bed and more solid foods during the day to help her sleep threw the night.

If she is waking cause she is hungry, feed her. Majority of babies still have one night feeding up until 12 months and although it’s a struggle for us parents we gotta do what our babies need.

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You do whats best for you…and your baby. If she hungry feed her. Nonsense in making her cry it out.

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My son was having these issues, I started giving him heavier sets of purée and solids, he had a full row of teeth on both top and bottom so I didn’t have to worry, use to give him oatmeal before bed and before his bottle, probably a half hour before bedtime

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If she’s hungry feed her. My kids took 1 bottle at night up until 15 months. Even though the doctor and dad said to stop. They weren’t the ones up with them listening to them cry when one little bottle would make it all stop.


Just feed the baby when she wakes she won’t do it forever

If baby is hungry, feed baby

You baby your rules
I would feed cereal and a small amount of milk , or whatever right before bedtime . Let her sleep till she wakes up . I would do it about 30 minutes before bed , then bath. Clean diaper night night

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Every baby is different you can try more solids but if you’re comfortable doing every six hours still listen to your own momma instincts

Start giving her solid food so you dont have to bottle feed her a lot at night

Breastfeed her or give her the bottle when she wants it!! babies go through growing spurts and are growing they NEED that nutrients. I wouldn’t be giving a baby water under 12 months old. They need the nutrients in the formula or the breast milk and is also their source of hydration. If your baby wakes hungry feed them do not deny them a bottle.


Wish I had advice my son is 10months old be eats solids 3 times a day and still drinks a bottle every 2hrs even through the night :frowning:

Listen to your gut those people sound dumb as all shit

My son is 16 months and still wakes for one bottle at night :woman_shrugging:

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Do you mama. Whatever is best for you.

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What I did with my daughter who’s 1 now. At 10 months - 11months old I started feeding her some oatmeal baby cereal before bed and then gave her the rest of the formula that was in the bottle after mixing some with the oatmeal an she slept the whole night filled her little belly right up

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Just like me or you wake up thirsty at night so does baby… 17 months here and still wakes to want to nurse

Your her mommy you know. Go with your heart. You could try a little cereal mixed in with her last bottle before bed to help her thru night.

I wouldn’t wake her up for feedings, but do feed her if she’s hungry. Based on the screaming I’d say she still needs to be fed at night. Doesn’t really matter if she “can” sleep through the night or not. All babies are different.


Fed is best, mama. You do whatever you need to do to keep your child happy and healthy. No one, and I mean NO ONE, on this earth knows that tiny human better than you. You’re doing great! :heart:

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Mk sure she’s eating enough while awake, have a good night time routine (bath, quiet time) and one last bottle. A consistent bedtime is also important.

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If she is up for a night feeding, feed her.

if she wakes up for a feed Feed her…


She should def be sleeping thru the night at this point . I would talk to a dr or feed her more for dinner

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Please listen to your heart if your child is waking up hungry feed that child. You know your baby better than anyone else. keep doing what you’re doing and keep that baby happy. :heart:


She “can” sleep through the night, but she doesn’t, so do what you need to do to help her get back to sleep. If that’s another feed so be it. Honestly, none of my babies followed the “should be” timelines - either ahead of the curve or in their own time. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Continue feeding her. You know what’s best. The only concern is her going to sleep with milk on her teeth and gums, but if you brush them before bed and when she wakes up in the morning, there really isn’t much concern. My 15 month old still sometimes wakes up and won’t stop crying until she gets a little milk. It doesn’t happen often, but I can tell when she needs it. You know your child.

If she’s hungry feed her every baby is different

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If your child is hungry, or thirsty feed them. doesn’t matter if it’s a bottle, breast, or a snack ( and older child).

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My baby boy didn’t stop getting up the middle of the night until he turned 1 for a bottle & he always ate like a champ everyday. I slowly decreased the amount of milk he had at night & eventually he dropped the night feedings for me! Every baby is different!


Baby Cereal for dinner

At that age my son took 1 bottle at night and fell right back to sleep till morning.

You’re her mom. If she doesn’t wake up, let her sleep. I fed my baby at 10 months old at night. It doesn’t make you a bad parent. Your baby could be going through a growth spurt. Only you know.

For anyone who is saying your baby “should be” sleeping through the night, it is perfectly fine if your baby isn’t. My 2nd is almost 3 in July, and she didn’t start sleeping through the night until a little after 2. I don’t mind being up with my baby, and she’s extremely advanced for her age.


A little Pablum ( baby cereal) before bed and if she is waking up for a bottle let her have one. 10 months old sleeping through the night ? My kids didn’t sleep all night till they were 2. Do what feels the best and less stressful for you.

Idk. Their metabolism is so fast at that age. Hell, sometimes I want a snack at 3am too. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Feed her when she wants to eat. She’ll sleep through the night on her own when she’s ready. There’s no reason to let a baby scream and cry when there’s such an easy fix.


If she’s waking up and eating a full bottle she’s hungry, if she was waking up just to suckle for comfort I’d say let her cry but if she’s actually eat then she is hungry. You’re the mom, trust your gut❤️ good luck mama


Yes she can sleep thru the night. Doesn’t mean she will… if she wakes up thru the night hungry, feed her.


Depends on if your waking her to feed her or she just wakes up. I am assuming you are feeding her food throughout the day. And not just bottles of formula. But then again your baby your decision. I wish you well.

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My 3 year old still has a cup for bed time. He has sensory issues and autism. We’ve been able to cut back to just half of one cup right when he goes to bed and that’s it. Used to be at least 4 times a night. He’s very routine oriented and it helps. He brushes his teeth MULTIPLE times a day. Another odd habit but it helps since he likes his one cup. For us it’s just easier that he gets the single half cup. I’m not fighting him at bedtime and he usually goes right to sleep with the cup.

My 10 month old son does the same thing. I keep telling myself I “should” try to get him to sleep through the night but when its 3am and you know a bottle will calm them and put them back to sleep its difficult to listen to them cry forever. :woman_shrugging: mommas need sleep

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If she’s hungry, feed her. Forget all these rules opinions etc. You know your baby. :heart:


I didn’t stop night feeding my son until about 18m. Yea he wasn’t sleeping through the night though. Now at 20m he wakes up once still but it’s easier to get back down. I couldn’t wean. So I personally just cut completely and he was pissed for a few days but he did okay. He eventually got used to it.

My daughter was again about 18m when I cut night feedings and she still sometimes wakes up once a night and she is 3.

Do what’s best for you and your family. You are the one living it. :heart:

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I think perhaps those people that are telling you that should mind their own business. 10 months is still so little. Your baby will decide when they are ready to cut out that night time feed. You are the mum you know your baby best do what you feel is right :blush:

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You know your kid.Everyone is different so ignore people who aren’t living your life.

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I fed mine when they were hungry. By the time they were 1 they slept fully through the night. Don’t let anyone tell u what’s best for your child. All children are different. Good luck.


Dont listen to people who tell u to withold a bottle from your baby who is clearly hungry otherwise she wouldnt wake up and be screamin for a bottle. If your baby is still waking up for a feed then give her a bottle. All babies are different some sleep theough some wake up and want a bottle no two babies are the same. Your her mummy dont listen to people telling you she should be doing thos or that. X


If she is hungry feed her. Tell people to butt out. I bet the people telling you to not feed her eat when they are hungry. My daughter was tiny and couldn’t eat a lot at once so she ate often. Now she is thirty three years old and still eats small amounts often but that seems to be what Drs always advise.


Try feeding her cereal before bed, but I agree with the others, if she is waking up hungry, feed her. If she wakes and is inconsolable without a bottle, she is hungry and should be fed. Every baby has their own unique timeline…do what you feel is best for your baby.


Babies should eat when they are hungry. Sometimes they burn more energy and need more calories, some days they are working hard on growth spurts, and maybe some days they are more sleepy than other’s. Babies growth so rapidly, their brain is working hard at learning the world and everything in it. I wish more people understood this about babies. It seems like some think it’s all about training and obedience.


My baby is 20m and he still has a bottle in the night, not every night but mostly. If your baby sleeps better because of a full belly then that’s ok. :heart:


Yes keep feeding her…feed her on Demand…shes still a baby

My son is almost 14 months and we still give him bottles 2x a night. I have thought about weaning but I think he needs it. I just hope he is done before his little brother or sister is here in July.

She’s your child do it your way. What works for you.

I increased day feeds and reduced night feeds. Also increased solids and snacks around this time. I usually just googled every stage to help me get baby into a routine so we were all sleeping at night and it worked. Both my boys slept all night from 3months. I would wake them at 11pm and give them a bottle and they wouldn’t wake again until 7. Look up the recommended daily amount. I think its 24-32oz milk a day so I’d give 4-5 bottles a day every 4-5 hours depending on baby and also breakfast lunch and dinner with some light snacks. My boys seemed to eat all day plus we somehow managed to fit in a 2.5hour nap in between all this feeding lol but then they slept all night. Happy days


If she’s hungry, feed her. Who cares what people say. Your baby, do what works best for you and baby. :heart:


Feed the baby. That’s a long time to go without eating. Breastfeeding, it would be every couple hours so be glad for the extra couple hours with formula! Follow your instinct and don’t listen to others