Should I end night feedings?

feed her if shes hungry. i added a little gerber of applesauce in my kids milk at night and they would sleep all night from like 10pm til like 6am. it may work for her

Leave her shes still small what i did when my baby was waking up to much at night i would put 1 teaspoon of baby poridge in her bottle maybe the milk is not making her full…my baby is now 23 moths and only wake up once

If she’s hungry feed her. My son is 2 and I still give one bottle at night.

If you eat when you are hungry I say let your baby eat when they are hungry.

I mean yeah she “could” but that doesn’t mean she should🤷‍♀️ my 1 year old sometimes wants a bottle in the middle of night. Sometimes I want a snack in the middle of the night too so I dont see why kids can’t.

If shes hungry feed her

I will say no… I never let my kid to cry until it’s colic cry… At that time too I made sure to hold her, comfort her… And how can someone let kids cry out of hunger and go to. Sleep… Just few more months and than kid will automatically be sleeping through out the night once the kid is ready for it… Every kid is different,there hunger, sleep is also different, so being a mother you know what is best for your kid not what others


Our pediatrician told us that we could drop the middle of the night feed at 9 months. They don’t technically “need” that particular bottle, and it can create poor sleep habits that are extremely hard to break.

Mine is probably the unpopular opinion, but this worked for us.

We stopped the middle of the night bottle at 10 months, and sleep trained at the same time.
Once you close the door at bedtime, don’t go back in until morning. Obviously check on babe is something sounds wrong, but if it is just the usual crying/upset/etc, let babe work it out independently.
We tried the whole going in and checking on babe, settling her down, sitting with her, etc. Absolutely didn’t work for my kid. Just amped her up more.
Took 3 days but letting her cry worked. She has been sleeping through the night ever since.


This will be very unpopular. I didn’t let any of my three boys cry. I understand the idea of sleep training, but when a baby cries they need something. It is their only means of communication. I slept good, so did they. I believe it affects their inner sense of security if their cries are not responded to. My boys grew up to be great people. It goes by in a blink. I spent as much time as humanly possible with each. Enjoy! :heart:


I replaced with a pacifier when I could. When they’d get used to not eating and sleep through, I just quit the pacifier. It’s tricky though. I never gave it any other time. Some people have a hard time breaking it because they use it so much.
I also never ever let any of mine scream or cry. I just couldn’t.


I would not recommend removing the night feedings. Do what you feel is comfortable.


My 10 month old eats several times a night still. Babies are all different.


Fed is best. No matter what anyone tells you. If she’s not hungry she won’t eat.


A little too young yet in my opinion, I’d wait until at least age of 1 and drinking whole milk and eating more. But each to their own.


My little one will be 2 in March and still has a night bottle about 50% of the time. If you woke up starving in the night you would eat, they know their bodies needs better than us, listen to them

Imo they will stop feedings at night closer to 1 ish sometimes. All babies r different so each baby has it’s own schedule. My daughter was sleeping through the night by like 2 or 3 months old without night feedings but my son is 6 months n still wakes up a couple times a night to feed. Go with ur gut instinct


Feed her. But if you’re looking to night wean, start feeding her less. If you nurse, remove the boobie early, if you give a bottle, don’t fill it as full. Gradually decrease the amount you feed her at night until she stops waking up looking for it OR until you’re able to settle her back to sleep with just back rubs and pats. If doing this just makes her hungry again SOONER then you know she’s simply not ready to skip that night feeding and you can try again a little later down the line.


Keep feeding she will stop needing it on her own. PS you only get to keep her like this for short time, enjoy it.


Hey Momma, those people who are giving their opinions do not pay your bills, feed you, nor do they go in bed with you. At the end of the day, the only people that has a say are you and your baby <3.

My baby girl is 16 months old and even tho she doesn’t drink bottles anymore,
If she wakes up and wants her milk in the middle of the night I give it. They’re babies, and it’s hard. But parenting itself is hard. But the way I base it is, if I’m hungry I eat don’t I? So when she’s hungry even if it’s 3 am I feed her.

With that said, I normally give both my babies a good meal and bath before bedtime every night and they sleep the full 12 hrs now. Before my daughter would want a cup 2 times a night.

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Sometimes its just a comfort thing… If its by the clock every six hours her body is probably waiting for that… My son is 10 months old and wakes up frequently for a bottle… Its exhausting… His doctor said try feeding him a lot (solids) before bed… I go about half hour before bath time and then bed… Then when he wakes in the middle of the night stary decreasing the amount of milk you give then… This way its not sudden… Because its very possible hes not hungry hes just expecting the bottle… But do what makes you comfortable… If someone tells you your doing it wrong your most like not and just doing it differently then them…


Why would you do what other people tell you to do your baby is on a schedule and there is nothing wrong with that .just do what you have been doing unless a doctor tells you that the baby is over weight

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My boys had night feeds until 2.5 years. Older son was ok with stopping, younger som started having a slice of bread overnight so he obviously needed the calories. I think you need to follow your babys signals. If baby is waking genuinely hungry, i personally wouldnt stop at 10 months. And at the end of the day if a bottle means one wake up of 10 minutes vs hours of resettling and waking the whole household, i would keep the feeds for the peace :sweat_smile: but also if nothing else works maybe baby is genuinely needing the feed still. Also i wouldnt let baby cry it out, i wouldnt want my babies to feel like they needed me and i wasnt there for them. I was told by MANY to let them cry, i tried breifly with my first son, but nope sorry not for me. And plently i know did let baby cry and still they wake through the night.

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It all depends on the baby!
Never let someone else’s child experience or what worked for them make you think twice about what you do
Unless a doctor mentioned it do what is comforting for your baby
If it is concerning still ask your doctor to see what the dr can let you know is best according to YOUR baby!
Good luck mama xoxox

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I did sleep train my son but never for feeds. If he woke up for a drink I gave him one. Whenever that was. Even now, he is 3. It happens very rarely but if he wakes up and asks for a drink he gets one. You do what feels right to you.

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My daughter was the same way. At 10 months I just let her cry. It didn’t last very long before she fell back asleep. After about 3 days she started sleeping thru the night. Maybe start on a Friday night.

My mom always told me make sure they are full before bed , they will sleep better at night and it’s probably something she’s use to doing , slowly work on but I wouldn’t stop cold turkey

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My son is 10 months too and I just do the 3bottles a day which is 600ml in total about the amount they recommend for his age. He eats heaps during the day. I was still breastfeeding if he woke during the day but he wouldn’t feed properly and started biting because my supply dropped the more solids he ate so I just cut that out a few weeks ago. His sleeping is terrible most of the time we would be lucky to get a 4 hour stretch out of him but I’m hoping he will grow out of it as time goes on. Most of the time I just give up after several resettles and put him in bed with us for cuddles. Total opposite to how our daughter fed and slept so just do what works for you!

My daughter is 13 months and I still feed on demand. Whenever she wants als at night. She only drinks during the night when going through growth spurts otherwise she sleeps through the night.

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Do what works for y’all! My daughters alittle over a year and I still sometimes feed her once a night when she wants it. Just make sure to brush the teeth after that nighttime bottle or sippy cup so their teeth don’t get milk rot!

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My son is nearly 9 months and has always slept well although used to have a bottle between 4 and 6am and would then go back to sleep till 7/8 ish. Hes only just started to sleep all the way through, if he still wakes i leave him he just goes back to sleep. He sometimes still wants a bottle but I just give it if he wants it. I never pushed him to drop the night one it happens naturally when they are ready I think. You could try upping his bottle before bed or adjusting other bottles so he has a more substantial one before bed which might see him through. Try different things, there’s no right or wrong, do what you think is best xc

Go with your gut, I don’t think dropping night feed is good idea far to young for that. Do what feels right for you both xx

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My pediatrician told me the same thing with my first son that I created a habit of waking up with him every night and feeding him. He would drink a full warmed bottle and went right back to sleep. I swore his doctor was wrong. One night I didn’t warm it and he pushed the bottle away. I tried again and he pushed it away and went to sleep. He never woke up on the middle of the night again. Sounds crazy, but maybe try a cold bottle.

My son started sleeping through the night when he was only 2 months old. He was fine. Do what you think is right.

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This is a you know your baby best situation. If you feel like you want to try the cio method, try it. If you don’t like it, don’t do it. Each one of my 4 babies responded differently. 2 slept through the night immediately and 2 screamed bloody murder. Do what works for you & the baby.

My baby girl would wake up in the night for a bottle of warm milk up until she was 3 years we tried switching it for water or juice but she was having non of it and would scream the house down and then one day out the blue she decided she was too big for bottles and threw them in the bin for the baby fairys and slept through the night and has done ever since.

My daughter turned 2 today and it’s been about 3 months since she stopped having a bottle during the night. She’d barely drink any of it and I’m pretty sure it was more for comfort than hunger but I felt it was better to let her tell me when she no longer needed a bottle

If your child is hungry, feed her. Try feeding her more throughout the day and less at night and see if she’ll wean herself but don’t just drop the night feedings unless your doctor says so.

My baby girl still has a cup in the middle of the night(18mns) of coarse doctors frown upon it but it comforts her & the rest of the house can get some rest

I still give mine a night feeding. 6 hours is a good amount of time. Not every child is the same. You can try giving her more, but I don’t see anything wrong with what you’re doing

Feed her if you want and ignore everyone else’s opinions. In the end, you are the mother and 10 months is still young to go through the night. Perfectly normal to feed her, even if it’s just for comfort

Try feeding her a bigger bottle before bed with more ounces of milk. Then just feed her if she wakes up. But if she sleeps through the night, you know she is ready. As long as they are getting 32 ounces, I used to do 4 bottles at 8 ounces, and he slept through the night at 6 months.

How about giving her a little cereal with her bottle at bedtime. Otherwise, your her mommy, so what you feel is best!

Set feeding around bedtime. Give a bottle with cereal or food. She’ll sleep when she’s full…if she wakes up give water or lite juice

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Bigger bottle before bed. Cereal if ur comfortable w it. My doc didnt seem to mind as long as digesting it ok. My kids loved the fruit flavored cereal mixed with infant juice.

My daughter is almost 3 now, but I gave her the bottle of milk every night till she stopped, that was at the age 2. After 2 years she didn’t wake up or even wanted at night her bottle.

Health visitor told me to replace milk with water during the night and they’ll grow out of waking up.

I’m 34 and cant make it thro the night. Feed that baby

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Are you giving her solids? if not try that because her screaming like that could mean she hungry and formula or milk isn’t keeping her full.

If they wake in the night feed them if they are hungry - that’s what I do. Some nights my little boy wakes up once and some nights he sleeps through

Hey do what works for you. If you don’t want to completely cut it out maybe reduce the amount of milk in bottle until there is hardly anything in it and she will get used to it

Give her food at night. It will make her feel full longer. Maybe cereal.

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If she still wakes up hungry, feed her. When she stops waking up, then she no longer requires food overnight

Maybe feed her 8 onces before bedtime instead of 6 ounces. Might tye her over until morning.Her belly will be fuller and she may sleep longer without being hungry.

I tried what everyone would tell me, Nothing worked. I was finally able to wean her at 2 1/2 years old by telling her big girls do not breastfeed… it worked but it took a while but every baby is different. Just becareful they don’t fall asleep with milk in their mouth, it’ll cause cavities

Give her cereal before bed time shes waking up because her milk is not filling her up

During The Day Give The Baby Baby Food. between Some Bottles M Abe It Will Sleep Better Because It’s Full From Some Food Like Gerber Some Water Mabe You An Ba by Will Sleep Better, I Have Been There Many Times I Know ,a Gran, An Great An Great, Great, Mother

Go with your gut. My daughter slept through the night from the start but my son would wake up hungry until about 15 months. We use pacifiers so that’s usually enough to get him back to sleep but if not I give him water and a snack (fruit bar or graham cracker usually) and then he’s fine. At 10 months, maybe do a short feeding if your breastfeeding or a 4 oz bottle if not. Not a full meal, just something to sit on the belly so they’re able to fall back asleep

Instead of stopping try and give the baby an extra bottle throughout the day

Just do what works for you. If it makes your life easier, don’t worry about it.

My doctor said at 9 month checkup to only give bottles at nap times and bed time my son didn’t wake up throughout the night after 6 months so never had that issue but was told at 9 months he should only be drinking 24 oz or less a day of formula he was down to 3 bottles by 10 months 2 for naps and 1 at night for bed

I say feed the baby if they’re hungry. You know your baby best do what your child needs screw everyone else.

If baby is hungry regardless of the time feed it

No don’t stop the night feed if your baby’s screaming he clearly is still wanting them I’d only stop when baby starts sleeping through x

At the end of the day you are mum and know what is best for your child and your situation. If you are still happy to get up in the night and have that bonding moment then go for it. Don’t let no one tell you that you can’t.

My 14 month old still gets up around 2 a.m. for some more warm milk most every night. But she has an appetite and metabolism like that of a high school athlete, not even kidding. She eats anything and everything and tons of it, all the time. She really does get hungry in the middle of the night. I get her out of bed when she wakes up and get her milk and lay her down on the living room floor with her milk and blanket. She drinks it and rolls over and goes back to sleep. So it’s not about wanting mom to hold her or anything, she’s just hungry.

If baby is hungry feed them. Simple as that. Babies will wake up if they are hungry.

Introduce cereal at last feeding before bed… she may be needing more substance than just formula…

It sounds like habit at this point try soothing another way

If the kid is hungry, feed it. It’s literally that simple.

I fed bottles right up till my daughter was 20 months

My lo didn’t sleep all night until 15 months and he ate 2-3 times a night

If she wakes up hungry by all means feed her. If she is asleep let her sleep.

We made smaller and smaller bottles until she didnt have much before bed. If she was crying we’d give her a pacifier. Took about 2 days and she was fine. I think it hurts us moms more than the kid

Take care of your baby the way you feel is best.

Go with your gut, comfort your child and the family ignore “people”

Baby knows when she is hungry. Don’t listen to other people. You know your baby

Just feed her. She’s a baby only once

As a nana I find giving them a little cereal then the bottle

do what’s best for you & baby

Feed you baby, babies are different do whatever you think is better for you baby

Feed your baby when ever she wants…:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I say let her keep her bottle! She needs it apparently and it sounds like she aint ready to give it up yet. Sending good vibes yalls way! :heart:

If a baby wants a feeding let them have it

My 10 month old still breast feeds every 3-4 hours . As well as eats 3 meals a day and water. He is on the thin side so his pediatrician is fine with night feedings, and I’ve notice him dropping them on his own

Feed her when she is hungry

I’d feed her and ignore what everyone else says. She’s still very young and I did nigh feeds until about a year old and she transitioned just fine. Maybe I got lucky, idk but do what you feel is best girl.

Feed her baby rice cereal before bed that should fill her up better and help sleep all night

None of this matters. Do what FEELS RIGHT to you. You know what’s best for your baby and there are no real rules as long as they are healthy and growing. YOU GOT THIS MAMA!!!

(I never ever let my babies cry it out. The relief in their little bodies when I picked them up… One slept through the night at 8 months, the other still wakes and nurses at 19 months … Did the same things so :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:)

Your baby is still under a year old, if she wasn’t hungry she would sleep through, but also at the same time it could just be a comfort. If you want to stop the feeds you need to do it gradually so lower how much milk she has during the night by an oz every week eventually baby will stop waking for feeds.

When my now four old was only a year he would still wake eventually i realised it wasn’t because of hunger the bottle was just comfort so I used to give him water and not milk.

My son pretty much just did things when he was ready. He stopped bottles at 1 during day, he potty trained when he was ready and just decided, he started sleeping through when he was ready etc. Only thing I had to actively really decide on was the dummy.
I learned for us it was best to go with the flow. Why make everyone miserable up all night screaming. He will stop looking for milk and waking when ready. They do say milk is important until 1. I found a nice baby porridge before bed helped.

Years ago my dr explained it like this:

If you knew you’d get $1 mil if you woke up in middle of each night, you would keep waking up.

The first night you DIDNT get your $$ you would throw a fit, but eventually go back to sleep. The next night, you’d throw a fit too, but not as long. After a few nights - you won’t wake up, as you already know there’s no $$.

Baby’s night feeding is her ‘$1 mil’. She will make up calories needed during the day. Just have to power through her adjustment time, but it WILL BE SO WORTH IT when you both sleep through the night!!

My son is 20 months and we still do middle.of the night feedings.

Yea just starve you’re kid :joy: wth

Give that baby that bottle

Don’t listen to what other people say about how babies should be going through the night. My little ones 18 months and still wakes for a bottle. He drinks it himself and just goes back to sleep. It’s so much better for me than listening to him crying and worrying at night that he’s hungry. It’s your choice at the end of the day xxxx


Honestly, don’t compare your child to others because their child is doing something yours is not. My son is 2 and there will be some nights that he still wakes for a bottle too :woman_shrugging:t2: I allow it cos I know some days he will eat less food and needs the milk to fill the gap and sleep better.


Babie tummies are still small, if she wakes up crying and screaming her lungs out shes probably hungry or thirsty, my 17month old still has a bottle during the night. Cause if her last meal is at 6/7pm and she doesn’t get up till 7/8am that’s anywhere from 12-14hrs between meals so it’s only natural that a human with a small stomach to hold food would still be hungry throughout the night


Every child is different. One could sleep through the night from day 1 and another could cluster feed for 4 hours in the middle of the night. Don’t let anyone tell you how to parent your kids. You do what you and your pediatrician think is best.


I use to give my babies a little cereal before bed with the night bottle after their bath