All babies are different. My son took a bottle at 3am every night like clock work until 1 year old. My oldest daughter slept 12 plus hours at 6 months and never woke and my 9 month old daughter no matter how scheduled I am wakes most randomly usually once but sometimes 2 or 3 times.
We did snack and sippy before bed at that age. No night feedings. Dont do juice at that age. You didnt mention juice but 1 of the commenters did. Too young for juice.
Each baby is different ,enjoy your time with your baby. Only you know what she or he needs it’s a mother’s instinct and whatever you think is the right thing to do. If she or he is calm and goes to sleep after you feed than that’s the right thing to do. Enjoy them while you can & cherish each moment even when it seems exhausting. God bless.
She’ll stop start stretching it out a little longer and transitioning to a sippy cup and before u know it you’ll do one before bed and 1 when the baby wakes. Which gives time to make breakfast. I am there now my baby is 16 months and I knew she was my last so I took my time as these moments go by quickly. Now to give up her pacifier. Its gonna be a problem but I’m trying.
Feed your baby before you put her to bed so she doesn’t get hungry at night. But she still may wake up!
I believe feed on demand one thing you can try is feed her baby cereal before bed along with bottle maybe she can last longer. Not all kids are the same
10 months is still young food in the day is irrelevant babys will cry when they are hungry it makes me angry when mothers compare babies sleeping patterns mum of 4 each very different x
I just ensure my daughter has a full stomach when she goes to bed and she normally sleeps through the night. If for any reason she wakes up and wants food then I am going to feed her.
Is she eating table food yet? She might just be hungry or is using that nite feeding for comfort reasons, by that age she should be eating solid foods 3 times or more a day, try solid feedings closer to bedtime
Off causes it’s up to you, but if you want her to sleep all night you can help her by feeding her more often during the day so in 24h she gets the same amount of food as before but during the day and then she should sleep all night
If she wakes up hungry, feed her. If she sleeps through the night, let her. Follow her cues, not what other people think or say. You’re doing great Momma!
Please don’t listen to people on FB. You know your child. If she’s hungry every 6 hours, feed her. Have faith in what you know as a Momma. Use your instinct!
If you baby is hungry feed it!! Wtf! Who says don’t feed the baby? It’s hard to break that nightly bottle but in 2-3 months might not even wake up for it anymore.
Feed the baby real food if all ur baby is getting is bottles then the baby isn’t getting enough and needs real food. If u give ur child real food for breakfast lunch and dinner with bottles then she won’t need to eat so much and will prob sleep through the night
I always put cereal in my sons at night and they would sleep through the night. My Mom and Grandma told me that. And they did sleep
She doesn’t need to be fed at night, or abottle at that, If she cries, close her door she will tire and go to sleep, Do not give in to her, Then she won ,Give her a snack when you have one before she goes to bed at night ( onehr, bfor) At 10onths she doesn’t need a bottle any longer, Milk or juice in a cup or water,
Omg why would you listen others listen to your daughter and feed her when she needs to x my son is 3 and still having a bottle before bed it’s not harmful so why not
If she is hungry feed her in the night do what is best for you also you can tell the differences between a winge and a full blown cry x
I realize that I must be the queen of pushover mom. Y’all’s comments of refusing to feed your babies are brutal . My baby drinks milk every 3 hours and eats 4 baby food meals a day. When he’s hungry I’ll just feed him I miss sleep but I don’t mind he’ll only be little for a little while. Geez
I agree, your baby! Do what is best for your baby. No one knows how much a baby can eat or how long they go between feeding. If you are going every 6 hours is that what you personally do. Nothing in between? This is a baby and if you are stretching it that far during the day why do you think that baby should go longer? That means she is probably starving at each feeding, try giving her something substantial at night and see if that helps before trying to make her go longer on same amount or type of food. Just a thought. Don’t listen to every one else on how they do, listen to your baby.
Follow your instincts! You know what is best for your baby. If she’s screaming in the night, there is obviously something very wrong. Go back to what you were doing before mom!
every baby is different both my girls slept thru the night 8-10 hours by about 2 weeks but they were both good size baby’s my youngest started eating cereal at 8 weeks cuz she was taking 10 ozs every 3-4 hours and had a strong gag reflex and never got off a slow flow nipple it took her almost an hour to drink the bottle and I don’t believe in propping so I had to find somehow to fill her up but she was also 23 pounds at 10 months and over 2 feet long
Feed your baby if she is hungry. You are her mom and you know her routine. If she is hungry feed her. Most adults can’t go 6hrs without eating, why do that to ur baby?
Everyone is different whatever you feel is best for your baby and you then that’s what you do.
All I would say being a mum of 3 is do what you feel is best for you and your baby, only you truly know your baby, there is no wrong or right way through parenting we’re all just winging it…
Oh hunny do what you feel is best for you and your baby. My baby girl is 8 months and still feeds a lot during the day and night. My other babies I would feed them just as much until they were ready (about a year - 2yl years.) That’s also with feeding them food. No baby is the same.
Every child is different. Don’t compare your baby to others. My baby is two, happy and has a restful night sleep with a night bottle. They sleep better with a night bottle. They get hungry. Don’t let baby cry from hungar.
I’ve raise 8. None cried from being hungary or lack of sleep.
I mean I wouldn’t wake her up to feed her but if she’s waking up of course I’d feed her too
My son breastfed through the night until about 18 months old. Breastfeeding is more than hunger, it’s thirst, comfort etc
My almost 3 year old still have his bottle at night. Dont listen to other. Do what you want as her mama.
Just give them water in a bottle or sippy cup. They won’t want it. They will suck a little for comfort then give it up. After two or three days of this they will stop waking cus it’s not worth it.
My son didnt sleep threw the night till 23 months and he was up every couple hours until it just clicked one night and hes been sleeping threw the night ever since.
Feed my twins night time feeding till 15 months, my last child slept her whole nights through after 3 months depends on the child
Feed your baby. My bubs is 13 months and doesnt sleep threw the night but my 8 year old started sleeping through the night at like six months. Every baby is different
She will stop night feedings when shes ready do not take them from her if her body didnt new them she wouldn’t wake up for them
Maybe she needs some solid food if she’s not getting it now.
All babies are different my 2 woke up every night for a bottle until they were 2 years old, do what suits you , your doing a great job.
She needs to be eating food and less bottles.
If she wakes up feed her if she doesn’t wake leave her
Put a little cereal in her bottle at night that works
Keep feeding her she’s only small bless her
does she have baby food thru the day
Your baby therefore your choice.
Don’t listen to others. If your baby is hungry feed her
U have to teach ur baby to start being independent. Its for the betterment of the child as they grow. The last think u want is for ur kid to start daycare or school or even visit other family and not be able function without u. I suggest u cut out a feeding during the day and up the ounces of formula during the remaining feedings. The last feeding is b4 bed and add cereal. Bath and feed then bed. If u start a routine, the baby will eventually get use to it and sleep all night long.
Ignore everyone’s opinion and do what you feels right. Only you know what’s right for your child
Feed the baby. My 1 year old still gets up once in the middle of the night for 2 or more ounces before she passes back out. Only a handful of times has she slept all night.
Yeah those people who are telling you to neglect your baby, not very smart. She’s hungry you feed her. It doesn’t matter what time it is.
Rice cereal before bed maybe
If she’s hungry then yes of course feed her. The reasoning behind the don’t feed at night is don’t wake her up to feed her. But if she’s waking herself because she’s hungry that’s different.
My children slept through from 2 months. Last feeding at 10 pm and then 6 am again.
People will give you crazy advise. She’s hungry. Feed her!
Don’t listen to other people, do whats right for your baby…
It’s your kid. Who gives one single shit about what others think you should and shouldn’t do with her feeding schedule.
All kids are different. You could try getting her to eat a good dinner to keep her full longer. Never wake a sleeping baby to feed wait for her to wake you. Feed her in dark queit place so she goes back to sleep quickly. My son woke up at least one a night till he was like a15 months old hell he still dont sleep thru the night most night crawling in bed with mom around 3am.(almost 4 now) My daughter slept thru night by 2mo and rarely wake up in the middle of the night. All kids are different if its working for you screw what they think.
My son still wakes up because hes hungry. Its only like once a week but hes 2 years old. Hell. I get up in the middle of the night to eat
They’re all different and whatever works for you and the baby is fine. People will tell you their plans and opinions all damn day. Smile and nod.
Like I’d give her the bottle herself
People say? bet those same people eat when they get up in the middle of the night hungry Feed your baby Mumma x
Ever child is different. She will eventually skip the night feedings when she’s ready.
When she’s ready to sleep through the night, she will do just that, sleep. She won’t wake un crying. As long as she is, keep up what you’re doing. Never forget YOU KNOW YOUR BABY BEST.
If she still wakes for a feed then still give it her.
If she doesn’t wake then leave her x
Do it whichever way works best for you. She may be used to the comfort of you feeding her at night, and is now in a routine. I personally wanted to set a routine which doesn’t include night time feedings, so I started where they get a bottle at night before going to sleep then they won’t get one till the morning (but will get nighttime cuddles back to sleep if needed, and a paci) All my kids sleep through the night since a few months old (8,1.5,and 2 months). It works for us, but may not work for everyone because transitioning to that routine isn’t easy, and there are a lot of sleepless nights while they transition.
At ten months mine was eating pasta and having milk before bed then sleeping ten hours straight. It sounds like a symptom of needing more than milk tbh.
Try feeding her solid food before she goes to bed at night and if needed then just get a bottle with a faster flowing nipple and put rice cereal or multigrain cereal in the bottle with milk shake and feed it to her. She should start sleeping through the night without needing a bottle. If she starts sleeping through the night without waking up then just let her sleep bc u will be thankful to start getting that full nights rest and everyone will be happier
If you want her to sleep through the night, try food and a bottle before bed. She is growing, if she still wakes up, feed her. My third child ate like crazy and grew fast at that age. At 9 months he wore 18 month clothes, 6 weeks later I had to buy 3T. He was 40 lbs by a year. I am tiny,but I am also very Norwegian. This boy is in 5th grade, and is almost as tall as his freshman sister and weighs about the same. He ate cereal and a full jar of food before bed, and nursed. I still sometimes had to get up at night to give him cereal, and eventually couldn’t keep up on nursing and had to supplement with formula. He grew fast. All 4 of my other kids were about 20-23 lbs at a year. This really tall fella, was 40lbs at his 12 month appointment, off the growth charts. Kids are going to be built different, and that’s ok. Feed them when they are hungry.
Feed her momma. Ignore those saying she can without. If she’s hungry, she’s hungry. And it’s a drop in the bucket because one day she won’t need it and will move on from the night feeding. My son is 14 months old and I recently stopped because HE doesn’t wake up for one anymore.
Follow your daughters lead , don’t let others tell you not to feed her
My 2 and 4 year old still like warm milk before bed your children your choice
If she’s hungry & crying for it then I’d just feed her. Like others have said, each child is different & she’ll drop it when she’s ready, one night she just won’t wake for it. You can try giving her a little more solid food throughout the day, might help but she might just not be ready to drop that night feed yet x
Well you set the habbit… so even if shes not hungry it’s what she is used to a d expects…you are a great mom…just start weaning her off gradually
My little one of a yr old and still wakes up once or sometimes twice a night to feed even if she eats just before bed. There are some nights she’ll sleep through the night without wanting to eat. If she’s ready she’ll sleep through the night.
No one knows your child better than you. Do what you feel is right. Advice is just that. Do not worry about what everyone else does with their children. Every child is different.
Bubba will stop asking for it when she’s ready. If she wakes up and is hungry give her a bottle .
My 2 yr old still wakes up asking for a snack some nights (now we give her water and a cracker or apple etc, but when she was that young it was milk)
She is still so little, and has a little tummy, 6 hours is still a decent time without food
If she’s hungry feed her… You know more about your daughter than the people who tell you to quit feeding her… They’re only little for a little while, soak up the time together…
We cut the milk amount, slowly give her less milk till theres none. My son stoped eating at night with that method
My 2 year old still wakes up wanting milk sometimes, of she thirsty she thirsty…maybe put a bottle of something by her after she falls asleep she can wake up and grab it…just nothing that will spoil sitting out a few hours
CIO has been proven to affect kids and it’s not that they “sleep through” they just don’t call out when they do. It’s each to their own but kids aren’t designed to sleep that young it’s biological. My daughter is 2 and still doesn’t sleep through the night due to teeth, development leaps, changes in life and whatever else is going on in her mind. She doesn’t feed through the night anymore but still wakes for a cuddle, sometimes a drink. 10m is very young to just stop IMO. Kids do things at their own pace, she gave up bottles by herself around 18m when she was ready and never asked for one since
Some sleep all night some don’t. Every baby is different. My advice is do what your gut feeling tells you to do
My 2 year old still nurses thru the night. They’re only little for such a short time…
Your child will get out the habit if you dont wake them up to give it them. I presume the little one drinks from a cup mostly during the day.
Babies typically don’t sleep thru the night until after about a year old but even then. If she’s hungry feed the poor kid
My children ate during that night until after 1.
Don’t listen to peeps listen to your heart and your instincts. You’re a good momma and you will know what’s best for your baby.
Well most of the comments I agree with so it only makes sense I think you have your answer
No feed her mum wont be forever
Warum machst du ihr nicht abends Brei, der hält länger satt. Sie ist alt genug. FLASCHE BRAUCHT SIE NICHT MEHR
Just feed her until she sleeps through the night. I know it is difficult , but you must work with her temperament
My little one still wakes up at night some days and shes 10 months too. It depends on how much solid food she eats at dinner whether she sleeps all night. Do what you feel is best for you and your baby.
If she is hungry keep feeding her at night. Don’t let her cry. She eventually will outgrow her night feeding
all babies are different.some need more some less ,dont listen to everyone else.maybe try feeding an extra ounce at the other feedings.make sure dry and burped a little love and tuck back she on cereal?is this your first child?
My baby started sleeping through the night at 3wks old, my mom told me to feed him the Gerber rice with formula in his bottle before bed. Make the hole a little bigger in the nipple. Work’s great! My mom did this with me and I did it for both my boys.
Feed he/she baby cereal before bed and she’ll be sleeping all night with a full tummy… Goodluck. I did it and it worked but i started it when she about 5-6 months old
Do what’s right for YOUR BABY and YOUR family and YOUR heart. Anybody else’s opinions can go right into your garbage or recycle bin.
My god sister’s girl is 6 turning 7 this year and also still wants her bottle of warm milk at night