One of mine did 2 years of pre k but it put her too advanced for kindergarten so she got bored with kindergarten bc it wasn’t challenging for her so she got in trouble a lot
I say at least 1 year to help them get ready to the adjustment of school life and socializing with other kids if they’ve never been to daycare prior to school
I didn’t send mine to pre k due to covid. Homeschool is always an option
If you work with them at home they won’t be behind, in fact they may be ahead. Pre k is good if your child is not around other children to help them with social skills.
You know her better than anyone else. Is she ready? Emotionally, mentally?
I enrolled my daughter in Headstart (3 year old class ) next week she starts pre-K! Headstart was great for her social skills she learned a lot! For example she can write her 1st and last name and many other things. I feel like it gives the kids a good base for kindergarten. But I also work full time we do ask much learning at home as possible but at the end of the day I’m not a teacher and she learned things from her teacher that I never thought to teach her. She loves the interaction with the other kids. But at the end of the day do what you feel is best for your child! Her going into kindergarten next year I have no doubt that she will be prepared and won’t be in culture shock. Curious on why you don’t wanna send your little one ?(no judgment)
Girl no she’ll be fine keep her home if you want.
My daughter went two years then skipped a year before starting kindergarten at 6.
My son will start prek at 4 then either take a year off or find another prek that takes 5 year olds.
There is so much my daughter learned, that filled in the blanks from what I was teaching her.
i absolutely want to make sure my son gets at least one year in.
Yes my kids all went to pre-k in the same school system part time that they are still in. They get used to the routines/schedules, learn how to read, socialization etc. I highly recommend it.
My oldest went to 2 years of pre k, my youngest stayed home until she went to kindergarten. They’re both smart and well adjusted and social. I think whatever you choose to do is the right thing.
Def no right or wrong answer here. Most can be taught at home. The main thing with prek is in helps them learn procedures like they will have at school, and helps them learn some more independence. Like oh line up it’s recess time, or go hang your backpack over there and come sit on the carpet in a circle. That kinda stuff you really can’t do at home but either way they will be fine:)
I would enroll her because that gives her a year to get adjusted to school. She will have friends also going into kindergarten with her.
If you decide to “skip” Pre-K, I’d find out what the expectations are upon entering kindergarten. In our area, they have a list of things your child should know/learn in Pre-K. The schools all offer Pre-K and the kids love it. It is only half day whereas kindergarten is now full day. Many of the kids who go straight into kindergarten are behind. Pre-K is now what kindergarten used to be.
We did pre-K and loved it! My daughter enjoyed it and would come home everyday expressing what new thing she learned. It definitely helped her learn how to write her letters and numbers. The have high expectations these days. I would do what feels best for you. If you decide not to maybe just v work on letters, numbers, and writing.
My step son is 2 months younger than my nephew, they are both 5. My step son did 2 years of pre k at 3 and 4, my nephew has never went to school and is enrolling in kindergarten this year. My step son passed his entrance exam and everything with flying colors, my nephew is being considered for special education unless they wait to start him until next year because he is so far behind the other kids. I would highly highly suggest preschool
my 5 year old start prep this year (prep is equivalent to kindergarten where you are) and he’s never attended child care or kindy (kindy is like pre prep) & he’s doing amazing! his teacher is super happy with his progress
Absolutely will not delay anything. Keep that baby home as long as you can
My kids didn’t do preschool. They are fine. Work on letters, numbers, colors, shapes with her and she will be fine
Pre k and senior k is two year program so if this miss one year they are missing half the program if you can teach her at home what she will miss she will be fine
My son LOVED his 2 years of preschool. We worked on everything at home so academically he would have been fine, but the social and emotional aspect helped him thrive so much. But I also know plenty of kids who don’t do prek and are fine.
Ok I have three kids. I say enroll your child. It will help he/she to socialize and interact with other children. Your child is a sponge right now and there are soo many things to be taught at preschool. Emotional development happens it’s been great for my family
Socialization is very important, the earlier the better. Idk what kind of mom you are, so its hard to say, but you might be better than schools. I know I did with my first but not with my second kid. But if you socialize and teach your child, you’ll be fine.
I have my 4yr old in prek just because he will learn the things that he needs for kindergarten in a classroom setting instead of at home plus he gets to be around kids his own age and make nee friends.
Honestly it shouldnt matter. As long as your teaching her things and making sure shes potty trained, I think she’ll be ok. Best of luck
Mine never went to pre-k she’s doing fine
I never went but I’m sending my son. Just because he needs the socialization. He’s smart enough to go to kindergarten but will barely miss the cut off date for age. Do whatever feels right for you. Kids don’t neeeed pre k you can teach them what they need to n ow for kindergarten
Honestly I homeschool all my kids. I’ve had people tell me I’m robbing them of socializing but I take them to the park and they’re great with other kids. My oldest will be 8 in a few months. I use time4learning curriculum. It’s really awesome and it’s 20 or 25 a month. Totally worth it in my book. My 5 year old started last year when she was 4 and she can sound words out and read most things especially if there’s a picture with it. U don’t think you’re doing anything wrong if you want more time to think about it. Not sure what area you’re in but 7 is the legal.age when they have to be schooled whether its public, private or homeschooling. It’s totally your call mama
Is this about separation issues or generalized you don’t feel she is ready?
They changed the birthday cut off the year my son turned 4. His birthday is just after the new date. The school my daughter was in would take kids if they just barely missed the cut off but we had to be interviewed. As soon as I said no he hasn’t been in preschool they said they wouldn’t take him. I think him going to preschool messed him up. He knew all his letters & sounds, was beginning to sound out words, he knew all the kindergarten sight words. He could count to 25 & sometimes higher, do simple addition & subtraction. Then he goes to preschool & sees all these kids who dont know any of that. He regressed. Hes almost in the 2nd grade now. He’s just getting to the point that he will sound out words again. I’d suggest teaching her the early stuff yourself. Colors, shapes, numbers, letters, days of the week etc. If she learns all that then start on reading & math. She’ll be further ahead going into kinder than she will be going to Pre-K.
My daughter is 11 now but we didn’t do Pre-K. Granted we did alot of games/crafts that helped her learn at home. I had more time with her and we have an amazing relationship. Whatever you believe is best for you and your child, every family is different and what worked for us may not work for you. Good luck in your decision and I wish you the best
I was a Pre-K teacher (licensed) at a private Montessori school. We were required to turn in our lesson plans every 3 months to ensure we were following the proper guidelines that had to be met to prepare the children for kindergarten. At the end of the 6 months I felt confident everyone of my students were prepared for kindergarten. Not only had they excelled in learning, they as well grew socially, it was very rewarding to see their growth & I grew to love them & how proud & excited they felt as they grew. All 3 of my kids all attended Preschool & Pre-k as well & one went on to become an honor roll student & recieved the Presidential Honor Roll certificate. She graduated a year early & was in her first year of College in her senior year of high-school. She went on to recieve her Masters & is currently a guidance counselor at an Elementary school. As a teacher & a parent I definitely saw the benefits Pre-k can have on children.
Trust yourself. You’re going to get a million different opinions when you ask questions like this online. There’s nothing wrong with keeping your own children home with you, for whatever reason.
My oldest daughter was in preschool at 2 years old … my middle (kid)daughter went at 3. And it helped them both so much
My 6 yr old is starting 1st grade. I did enroll my 3 and 4 yr old in headstart (haven’t heard back) but, with covid I’m thinking about waiting one more year and that way I enroll them together for kindergarten the year after. Do what’s best for your family.
I think every child needs pre-K if at all possible.
I’m in same boat as my 4 yr son! But we are enrolling him in pre-K anyways
My girls never went to Pre-K. My oldest just graduated with honors. Trust your gut. I would personally keep mine home another year.
Mine should be starting pre-k she turns 5 in October but can’t start kinder till next year. I’m starting her off at kinder.
I’m sending mine to pre k to build his immune system ready him for kindergarten and social interaction
I didn’t make my oldest go to preK. My youngest went for a little bit after her k screening. Claiming she has some motor function issues and such. So I sent her. In the 2 months she was there she excelled in everything. Lol.
In my opinion, most kids do much better when they go to pre-k first. Not just for academics either. Socially and emotionally they need to learn to be away from their parents. Look for a program where he would only go for a few hours rather than all day care. I’m a preschool teacher at an all day care facility but my child went to a shorter preschool/pre-k school. 9-1 3-4 days a week. I definitely think that was the better path for her.
Unless you’re willing to buckle down and home school him for the next year so he can write his name (first and last), most of the alphabet (recognize, sounds and written), knows most sight words, simple patterns, simple math, colors, shapes, can follow a 3 step command, days of the week, basic understanding of a school routine, proper pencil grasp, how to use scissors, etc. Then send him to pre-k.
As a preschool teacher, I strongly urge you to enroll her. Aside from her exposure to curriculum, she will be developing much needed social/emotional skills that will help her be more successful as she enters elementary school. Things like problem solving, regulating her emotions, interacting with her peers, waiting her turn.
Preschool is very important
I wasn’t going to do pre-K. All my friends put their kids in from aged three and couldn’t get that I wanted to keep mine at her me until five or six. In the end, we started to get on each other’s nerves. They needed to be in “school” and they loved it. You know your own kid. You’re not doing anything wrong if you don’t enrol them. Enjoy it. They’ll be at school soon enough and long enough!
Do it. I’m feeling this way about kindergarten, but he has to go. I’ve had mine in prek since he was 1, so its definitely good and she’ll be on track. Do it or you’ll feel even worse about kindergarten.
My son went to pre-k only because he was so close to the birthday cut off and I felt like he wasn’t ready for kindergarten…best decision I ever made
There are different preschools. Some go all day with nap time, 4 times a week. Some are 2 days a week. Some are every day half days. I am glad I sent both mine, just find a time frame that works for you.
If she is an only child I would highly recommend it. My daughter (an only child) needed to learn the socialization skills more than anything else. She learned so much in Pre-K.
Ny kids don’t have to start school until there 6 … I started my son in pre k at 4 but I also felt he was ready, so that’s up to you
I’m in the uk but I sent my boy to rising 3s ready for school. Best thing I ever did. He is a mummy’s boy and was is still clingy lol (10 now). He cried for 2 weeks straight I very nearly pulled him out but after that he loved it. Best thing I ever did. I don’t feel guilty about it at all and neither should you cx
Do what is best for you and your family, if you have the time and skills to teach her at home. I think is best to stay home.
Normally, I agree that pre-K is important, but during everything that’s been going on with this pandemic, I decided to keep my son home for pre-k, now, I didn’t just skip it tho, I was a pre-k teacher before so I wrote out a plan and I taught him from home. It’s not important enough to me to risk being sick like that.
As a parent-I say enroll her. The more she has the opportunity to adjust and learn and get on a schedule the better it is and easier for her to adjust to school.
My older son started in kinder. My youngest starts kinder in 2 weeks. They were not eligible for pre k. My older son reads 3 grade levels above his. You’re daughter will be fine. You can always teach the essentials at home. Which is like colors, shapes, rules of school, and some numbers and letters. But they do teach that in kinder. I taught mine throughout the year and they both did fine in kinder!
I could not enroll my kid in pre k. Due to work schedules and he wasn’t ready. He is doing just fine. But he learns very fast. I was worried he would be behind but he was not. He started accelerated classes but we took him out because he was too stressed. I think you have to weigh what is best for you and your child. My kid woukd have hated it. And it was not doable for us. It can be amazing for kids that take to it. It’s really a good thing. It really comes down to what works for you and your family
Pre’K is AMAZING! Off to a good start and socialization. It also teaches kids about structure. Most kids absolutely love i
We have put all of our kids in preschool. (4 kids) there are so many benefits. It’s prepares them for school obviously, but it also helps teach independence and social skills.
I couldn’t enroll my first due to work but did for my second. He loves it and would be so excited to go! I’m glad I did for the socialization
Under normal times I’d say enroll. With the current situation I would wait and do fun and creative activities at home. Maybe find a few other children and moms to form your own bubble to do things together.
Pre k isn’t available here until 5. You can do ore k or kindergarten at 5 yrs old.
You maybe better off talking to the school district. Pre school is not pre k. It really depends on what you are looking for.
I am a big fan of pre-k. However, if you are having second thoughts because of this current virus I would definitely say pray about it. If you decide to keep her home work with her daily…set a routine. Work on colors, numbers, read daily to her, set a schedule and include fun activities. Try to get together with other kids often or put in a good Sunday School program for socialization.
I’m a pre K teacher, but, I think it is what works best for you and your child. I had a kindergarten teacher tell me that by the end of kindergarten the kids are pretty much at the same level whether they went to preschool or not. My granddaughter never went to preschool, she was in tag in first grade, (they didn’t have it in kindergarten.)
Don’t feel guilty if you don’t send your child.
It’s a personal choice, but I personally did, my daughter did pre K and is now heading into first grade because she is way advance for her age… my son who is 4 will be going to Pre K as well.
Normally, yes, but we are not in normal times. Evaluate the schools Covid protections. Do they match your beliefs and efforts? Are there family members that are high risk. Can you home school? These are all factors in your decision.
Go with your gut. You know your child. Some kids are ready early, some aren’t. My eldest loved it, my youngest wouldn’t cope with day care too early. But was ready for school earlier. Their emotional and academic needs all vary. Trust your instinct. Best advice a child health nurse ever gave.
Enroll child in school, read daily to child to. Get all electronic devices, TV, Gaming, Tablets, Radio, Phone, doing this along will help child develop better with better grades in school, social boundaries yes our three NEVER had any of these in their bedrooms till college, did they whine, cry, have a fit,yes, all in college now, doing great
No. If you don’t want to… I wouldn’t. My daughter and my grandkids have done fine without it!!! They grow up too fast anyways… keep her at home and enjoy her another year!
This is a double a question. Should you? Or would she do better? If you do?
Let me give you some really good healthy advice. Seriously.
Home School your girl. If you are a stay at home mom. Home School her.
Its the best of the best for your kids. In the long run, they learn more and easier. I used K12 didnt care for it. Then used Connections Academy. Awesome program. Kinder thru 12. Its great. Im not advertising them at all. I sent my kids to Christian Private Schools. They learn more than , brick + mortar public but pulled my son out at 4th grade sent him into k12 bust. Connections graduated high honors and this was smack dead in the middle of covid.
How much time did everyonez kids miss due to covid? Mine 5 days. School closed 5 days to give teachers a chance to regroup. 5 days not a year plus. You are a coach not a teacher. They go to class with teacher every day. Its not a zoom thing.
Public doesnt teach cursive and print for writing skills both needed in a real world. My son left kinder reading and doing some cursive writing. He knew all body parts in pre k.
I was really nervous enrolling my son in 4k. I decided to do it and am really happy I did. He had fun, made friends, and learned so much. It was only 1/2 day so I think it will help prepare him for full day kindergarten this year.
We did pre-k and I feel like it is definitely a good way to get your kiddo to expand their knowledge and get to know kids. Kind of like an introductory to kindergarten. Our daughter HATED daycare and even told her teacher she “didn’t like children” she was 4… preschool she made so many friends and loves going now.
For those staying home to Teach make sure they can identify and write each letter of the alphabet and make the sound that it makes. Write their full name correctly. I’ve heard parents say “ he knows his ABC’s but in all reality the child could just sing the song. Not see the letter Rr, and say R says rrrrrr. Know short vowels and long vowels. You can find the KGN sight words on line. If these kids don’t know their letter sounds they can’t read the words.
I would say your choice, but in pre-k, they are learning their numbers, letters, colors, ect which used to be in kindergarten. Now in kindergarten, learning words and more. My kids are 19 and 15 now, but when they went, it was half days.
You can buy pre-k workbooks at Walmart and start her off at home. She’ll probably end up being ahead by the time she gets to kindergarten. My granddaughter did great with them. You can also start teaching her to read at home with the Duck and Jane books starting with level one. You can make flash cards with 2-3 letter words
My mom is a Pre-K teacher . It’s amazing how much they learn . The things I learned in kindergarten these kids are learning in preschool. I live in Fl so pre-K is free but I’m not sure about other states . My mom is an amazing teacher and the kids love her . Kids should have interaction with other kids as well as adults .
Personally I sent mine to pre k and my older sister didnt send my oldest nephew and he was way behind in kindergarten. I would say yes enroll…
In my experience it’s best for the child to be introduced to the school atmosphere. She will be introduced to what is expected of the children in the classroom setting. She will also learn social skills. I believe she will be more prepared for kinder.
Personal decision only you can answer. Is she ready for it and you are holding her back for you or her? Only you can answer. My grandson will be 3 Christmas Eve and he will be starting preschool this fall. He is ready for more stimulation than his daycare. Mom and Dad know it will be about the same as daycare when he starts, so he will do great. You and you alone know what is best.
Enroll is good for them to start socializing and how things are all this isolation is not good for kids. I mean I understand the fear and worry but just keep up with safety protocols, visit the school find out their plan and have faith.
I sent my kiddo he’s special needs and I thought it was a big help… he’s still behind his peers but I believe pre k helped prepare him greatly… but with everything going on now I would definitely check them out to see what their covid policy’s are etc… having said that even the best well placed policy aren’t a guarantee… mine son had to isolate 4 times last year cause someone he came into contact with tested positive… thankfully he never caught it…
As a preschool teacher my first advice would be that you know your child best. There are social emotional benefits to enrollment but there may be benefits to your family to have her home and explore education together. Preschool isn’t mandatory and if you do enroll and it doesn’t fit just let them know and disenroll her… the overall benefits could set her up for a positive educational path and lifelong friends.
I hated the thought, but glad I did. It sure helped with social skills and reading.
Many pre-k programs are wonderful but not always convenient due to their half-day schedule. Provide your child with royines, expectations, lots of socialization, and daily experiences with literature (with lots of “Why/what do you think?” before, during, and after you read.),and you’ll help your child be successful with any future school years.
Pre-K is so valuable not only for socialization but also for building early skills. My kids absolutely loved prek and their prek teacher! They could not wait to go and see their friends and their teachers! They would come home so excited to tell me what they learned and show me what art projects they made at school that day! My daughter has cerebral palsy and it has been amazing to watch her speech and socialization skills blossom from interacting with kids her own age. My kids went 3 hours a day Monday through Friday. But there are a lot of preschools where you can choose 2, 3, or 5 days a week.
I have 3 children. All grown up now. My oldest daughter, we did not put her in preschool. Mommy didn’t want to let go. She struggled all through elementary, Jr. High and High School. She didn’t go to college because of it
My middle daughter and my son, both went too preschool. They both excelled in elementary. In Jr. High and High School, they both carried a 4.0 grade. They both went too college. Of course I regret to this day for not putting my daughter in pre K. They learn so much in
pre K now a days. ABC’s counting too 100 +, Recognizing letters, numbers, colors, shapes, animals, and so much more.
You are her mother. You do what you think is best for your child.
I started my guys in Kindergarten. No pre k. They did great. If you can work with them at home before kindergarten, counting,reading, ABC’s, colors, they’ll do just fine.
I enrolled both my kids at 3 so they learned basic social skills. My non verbal son has been babbling and attempting to use his sign language more since he has attended. And my daughter learned to talk way faster from seeing other kids. And they learned common play time etiquette like sharing and taking turns
My son was ahead of those that did not attend Pre-K. But then again he had 2 of the best teachers that taught the 2 levels up.
my oldest 2 i didn’t do prek and i don’t really plan to with my youngest either. each to their own though. my hubby is a sahd so we didn’t/don’t need to but it can be helpful to those that work and don’t have the extra help at home.
Pre-k is free , are you planning on keeping your daughter home not send her to nursery school
Early childhood helps a child brain to develop. I believe this is a must.How you do it is your choice!!!
I drove a school bus and one year they let prek ride the bus. This was the best thing ever.Those kids learn how to sit down and be good. The kids that start riding in Kindergarten are already school smart or street smart and they wouldn’t listen. This only happen one year due to prek teachers didn’t want to hold them for 15 min.
If your child has been home with you since she was born I would suggest pre-k so she can get used to following teacher rules, playing with other kids, and being away from you. My daughter went and also my granddaughter. They both loved it!
I’m a big fan of prekindergarten also .it made her going into kindergarten no tears because we got those over with in mlm prekindergarten now she’s a big girl so she was ready to go
I enrolled my daughter who is 4 in a pre k program for 2 days a week to start her off. She has the socialization skills down. Starting of on routine for when she goes to school this pre k program will help her. She won’t go into kindergarten until she is 6. The following year I plan on having her 5 days a week so when kindergarten starts the following years she will be better prepared. You don’t have to go 5 days a week the first year of pre k. Just get her toes wet, that way she can get a feel for it.
I never did preschool but today it’s necessary!
My granddaughter did go last year to pre k . She is enrolled this year for kindergarden
Yes pre k builds important social skills. How to bond and make friends Not just letter and numbers. Even 3 short days a week. You can find good community preschool that cost little money. It’s best to give them a chance to gain their independence. So they feel prepared for kindergarten. I’m a mom of two grown sons and a 4yo granddaughter.
Wait until kindergarten if safety measures are not being taken !
A child brain absorbs the most knowledge from ages 1-5. Nothing wrong with starting them early. They will love it.
No she will be fine not going to Pre K. Kindergarten is important but PreK …she will be fine.
As long as you spend time w her at home working on abc’s/123’s ect. She’ll be fine