I’d be worried about the Delta Variant & whether she can wear a mask.
Part time? At 4 it is a good idea if only for her social skills. Needs something before kindergarten
I enrolled my 4 yr old in epic charter schools for pre k it’s all online with weekly meetings with his teacher
yes, it would be good for her!!!
Enroll her and see if she likes it. If she balks, take her out and wait until K next year.
Absolutely. Kids need peer contact!
I think I would not stress about that. All those kids are highly likely to get COVID. Are you vaccinated? I am now afraid my child would get a life long disabilities.
Do what your gut tells you to do. If you feel your child needs the socialization, then just enroll her in a preschool for a couple of days a week. If not, no big deal. Read to them, teach her the alphabet (sing it to Mary Had A Little Lamb), colors, shapes, have her practice writing her name, and things like that.
If I had it to do over again I would have sent my son to the Pre-K 5 days a week for half a day at this little church preschool he was going to. He was young and so shy. He wasn’t emotionally ready for full day kindergarten.
I know a lot of kids that don’t go to 4K. She will be fine.
It will be a great experience for her.
Nah considering covid things have changed keep Him/her home
Can enroll her and only have her there for short periods of time?
It’s very good for them to be in pre-k
Early child hood education has far more benefits than sitting around the house. The earlier a child is placed in an educational environment the more progress he/she will make later.
Everyone catches up by high school graduation. If it would be beneficial to her, then yes. If shes not ready or you are not, then no. If you dont then spend part of the day doing some pre K learning activities as play. It’s what works for you guys.
As a retired teacher,I say put her in pre k. It will benefit her greatly, not only education wise but socially too.
Kids spend a better part of there childhood in school already, why would you want to increase that more?
With covid cases id wait
Bethanie Humber . Want to answer this Mom’s question?
If the delta variant was not so contagious and kids were not getting it I would say go for it. The problem is that no one is taking it seriously and it has mutated to the point where vaccinations are not working as well. I would not hold it against you for sending your child. I just know I wouldnt
Wait until kindergarten.
Pre K is great, but you wouldn’t hender her if she didn’t go. My children didn’t go and they’re extremely smart.
Enjoy your time together
I was a prek teacher and I say yes because all of those who go already have a head start on the basic things they need to know for Kindergarten. It also gets them use to you leaving them and you coming back to pick them up. It also prepares them socially and they are not still acting like a baby. Look around you will find a good one. If you are in California and life near LA Palma California, La Palma Christian Center church has a wonderful group of preschool teachers and a fabulous director. That is where I worked.
Incarceration syndicate indoctrination center should be avoided. Home school if at all possible.
As a mother of 5 I like the pre-K. 2 of the 5 went pre-k. It helped them socialize early. It gave them relief from the older children.
My son decided against pre-k. Do what’s best for you and yours. Just be sure to keep working with them and socializing them in other ways. My grandson is going to be fine I bet yours will be too.
Every child is different. I sent my oldest to pre k a month before she turned 5. She excelled. She graduated high school early and is now an RN. I sent my youngest 2 months after she turned 4, mainly for socialization. I should have kept her home an extra year. She struggled quite a bit. She’s 12 now and pre pandemic she was a high honor roll student. We had a few issues with online learning. Once she returned to in class learning she was on the honor roll again. Do what you think is best for your child. Good luck!!
I would do it. I regret not doing it with my son. It helps prepare them for sure
Most definitely enroll her…it will be the best thing for her…she will get needed socialization and education
Mine did 2 rounds of pre k they loved it and I think it did help . By the time they got to k they was already at grade 1 level
No she wouldn’t be behind. Kids learn sooo much and soooo fast in kindergarten… she’ll be just fine
I would enroll her it helps her get used to the school, the schedule etc. All of my kids have gone to headstart then into kindergarten and it helped tremendously and she was even more excited when her friends that she had made were in her kindergarten class. They learn alot while in pre-k its good for them in MY opinion.
I enrolled my son in headstart aNd pre-k. He learned so many things by going. I loved it. He is a special needs 5 year old and he knows his shapes, colors, planets, and alphabet and so much more. He is actually starting kindergarten Tuesday.
They usually go three days a week in pre k it would help to get ready for kindergarten. It is a gift you can give your child.
My daughter won’t be I’ll be doing it at home as I have worked in daycares with 4K programs and have seen first hand many things. This way I know she will get the one on one attention she needs to grown and develop
Yes do it! My son went to pre k (now 9) & my daughter didn’t (due to some life changes) & she starts kindergarten this fall & she is no where near the level my son was at when he started kindergarten.
We started our oldest at 4 and he turned 5 in the May. It helped him a lot in our experience but he also went to help with his speech and behavior. Going to school has helped him tremendously
Yes!! I had a set of twins they went to daycare I didn’t send them to prek and when they got to kindergarten they were behind…it’s not the same kindergarten we went to that’s for sure…my 3 yr old now is starting prek next month!
It’s a good start for getting her familiar with a classroom setting, the rules of the building ( school in general) and the socializing. Has she been in a daycare before? Does she have basic concepts - numbers 1-10(or higher), colors, alphabet, is she comfortable holding writing utensils and can she read on her own?
If she can already do all these things and you’re not ready to send her then dont. Just keep developing the basic skills for kindergarten next year and work on a social setting for her- group activities at the local YMCA ( or equivalent depending where you are) or even a tot-aged sports group ( minis soccer is close to season I think)
Pre-k is a great stepping stone to the beginning of her school life, and it is extremely helpful for both parent and child IF you’re COMFORTABLE enough to do so.
Some moms arent comfortable yet and that’s COMPLETELY OKAY TOO!!!
Its early enough you should be able to call the pre-k classes in your area and see if they offer tours, bring your little with you. Check out the options, the building. Do some research on the local classes available and make a decision from there.
Wishing you the best of luck
It really helps them to start building structure and social skills…they are better prepared for kindergarten!
Prek is a good idea, but it’s not something you have to do. You are NOT a bad Mom if you choose not to. Everyone feels differently about when they and their child is ready.
I put my kid in pre-K because I saw some studies that said that kids go to pre-K do better than kids who actually go to college in life. And I had the chance to put her in pre-K and I might not have a chance to put her in college.
My great nieces and Pre-K and it really helps out a lot and it prepares them for kindergarten and she’ll be starting kindergarten and August it’s very beneficial so I’d really consider doing it. Just talk to teachers.
I went to sign my daughter up for prek… they had openings in k and she was tested and passed. She is now one of the youngest to be a freshman. Prek is so wonderful!!! My son loved his prek teacher and still gives her hugs when they meet in the hall…
It’s a good experience for them to expose them to a more social environment based on their age and the need for more engagement with others. Especially of their own age. I personally am the mom going to be there day 1 sitting in making sure my son settles in good. (He’s also not speaking yet and it’s concerning me how others can address his needs/wants)
Its scary, I’m so nervous but if your kids showing the signs of readiness to advance we have to encourage it for them and just take the neccessary precautions when doing so.
Supporting our kids going out into the world is heartbreaking as much as it is amazing you know?
I would enroll her . But no judgement just saying I would due to experience, my son wasn’t able to go to preschool because we moved to area to late for them to accept new students, and although I work with him at home he struggled in kindergarten and it didn’t help either that due to covid he was out of school for a bit . So I chose to keep him in kindergarten to help another year! So if I was you I’d sign up for prek as soon as you can. Prek is different then it was growning up give your kid a headstart.
Can I suggest a learning center daycare? That way she only has to go certain days of the week. She gets to socialize and learn but doesn’t have to lose all that at home time with you. I also think you have to take into consideration how much prep you are doing at home for kindergarten- going over ABC’s and basic accounting etc. I was always raised to believe that education was very important so you have to think about what your capabilities are versus what a preschool or daycare could offer her that you could not
If the kids ready enroll her
If you don’t want to do pre-K, your child will be fine to wait until Kindergarten. Some people don’t have a choice & need daycare/pre-K. If you can spend that extra year with them…good for you! Good luck on your decision!
It’s always a benefit because socializing your kid young helps them make friends and learn to share with people other than there like mom and dad and siblings
I think pre-k is goid for children. It teaches them social skills and being able to interact with different kids and eases then onto reg school. I am for it!
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My son was a month away from the cut off, and we had only planned on 1 year of pre-k and he ended up doing two, to boost his social skills. He’s going into 3rd, loves school, and excels with everything. So, I’d say do it. My daughter has been in daycare, so she’s on par as it is. She’ll do their “preschool” program this fall, then enroll in the schools program, then kinder.
I never questioned preschool for my children It is very beneficial. That way kindergarten wont be such a shock
My children both went to preschool. My younger son spoke few words when he was 3 1/2 and we took him to a speech therapist who recommended we put him in preschool. Shortly after we did he began talking more. He’s 17 years old now and doesn’t stop talking. It also prepares them for socializing with other children and gives them a bit of a taste of what kindergarten is going to be like.
My best advice is to make the decision based around your child rather than you wanting to keep them home for you.
Both of my kids have gone or are going to Pre-K.
My oldest went for a year. I didn’t enroll him at three because of some physical issues he had…but I enrolled him at 4. I’m really glad I did. Had he just started kindergarten he would have been really behind… academically (he learns better in a peer environment), emotionally, and socially.
My youngest is in Pre-K program for kids with delays (due to speech delay and sensory disorder).
His birthday is in September so he missed the cutoff for regular Pre-K and headstart and he’ll miss the cutoff for kindergarten next year.
It’s helped a lot socially…he really enjoys it. He’s made a couple friends. His speech has dramatically improved (delayed due to chronic ear infections).
He only goes for a couple hours 4 days a week.
Next year that will be increased to 3? 4? Hours five days a week.
You don’t have to put her in pre k. Covid hit when mine was supposed to go, so i didn’t send her. She will be fine
Yes! It will help them adjust to kindergarten and help them with learning. Prek for both my kids was amazing.
I would recommend at least one year of pre k for a variety of reasons. It will prepare your child not only educationally but also socially for kindergarten! My daughter only did one year and I was amazed at how much she learned and grew from it
I waited till 6 to enroll all my children in kindergarten… no one is behind and they are some of the most well behaved children in school in fact the two old enough for gifted and talented were both invited to join…as long as every experience is considered a learning opportunity then are they not getting more being with a loving parent and bonding and learning…soon enough the world will get them.
Kindergarten packs in so much so quick now days.
Pre-K and basic education before hand really helps.
I didn’t do pre k with my oldest and she struggled in kindergarten. It may have been the school or the fact that halfway through the year they pulled them from school because of covid… but I definitely recommend pre k! She did 2 years old kindergarten (second year at a private school with less students in the class) and she excelled like crazy!!! I can’t wait to see what she learns this year!!!
She will love it, I would enroll her, She won’t be backed up if you teach her the things at home. But she will defiantly be missing out on the social interactions.
My oldest son went to preschool at 3 and did two years of it before Kindergarten. The pandemic set him back a little, but because he already had those basic building blocks, once school was back in session, he excelled and more than caught up. I tried to send my youngest son at 3, and he just was not ready for it. He screamed so hard one day because he was away from me that he literally lost control and peed himself. He’s doing preschool this year, but the home version with Mommy. I got lots of advice and resources from my oldest son’s preschool teacher.
Definitely send her to pre-K. I feel by doing this, my son is very prepared for kindergarten but most importantly he has social skills and knows how to function in a classroom setting. Because of this, it seems like he isn’t very nervous for kindergarten
Pre K was the best thing I could of done for my Son. He was more then prepared to go to kindergarten.
We are keeping mine out this year we have Drs and the pandemic with my child being a ( OSA, ENT) paitent an pandemic I’m being smart with mine.
But def try to get yours in if you can but if it’s pandemic worry I totally get that.
It’s about what you’re comfty with as a parent.
( Not trying too fall mine behind but it’s what we have to do )
Enroll her. Earlier she starts the better she will do. You got this mama. Never too much schooling.
Pre k definitely helps not just with education but also the social aspects, but ultimately it’s totally up to u.
Deff not
And as for the people saying the earlier you start them the better… You can debunk that with like 20 mins of research…
Enroll! It helps with basics, and getting ready for Kindergarten. But, especially with the socializing aspects. Because of how my daughters birthday falls, she was in preschool for three years, i started her as soon as i could. She is two grade levels ahead of where she should be. She starts 5th grade this year and she has maintained a 3.8 GPA since first grade.
I did not put my oldest 2 in pre k. Academically it did not have an effect on them at all… one was reading at the beginning of K and the other by the end of K! Socially, I had them in soccer and camps etc so they were fine in that aspect as well. It all depends on your situation honestly!
Do what feels best for your child.
If you do, you do - if you don’t, you don’t. There’s no right or wrong here.
I am a preschool teacher–ask to visit the different programs in your area. (I am Head Start) You want to find a program that doesn’t focus on academics!! You want to find a program that learns through play and not drilling the children on ABC’s etc! Preschool will give your child the chance to develop the social skills they will need in kindergarten–learning to share, learning to express themselves in appropriate ways, learning to sit and listen during circle times. She will also develop her fine motor skills which she will need for writing another activities, find a program that encourages the development of the fine motor muscles through things like playing with playdough, snipping with scissors, stringing cheerios etc. There should be lots of dancing, movement songs, playground time to develop the gross motor skills. There is so much more–but do the research and find a “fun” program for her.
Enroll her, pre k is mostly for the social aspects and getting ready for kindergarten. It’ll be great for her.
Pre-K is mainly to help them socially. Like putting them in daycare (in my opinion). It wouldn’t put them behind educationally do what’s best for you momma!
I didn’t do pre k with my oldest. We just worked at home with him. This year he goes to Kindergarten and I plan on homeschooling. Socially I do sports. He played Tball a few months ago and now he is in flag football
I held my daughter out for prek and sk because of the pendemic she is a december baby and im going to try to have it so she is in sk this year if things a semi normal so shes the oldest in class insted of youngest but she knows everything she could need to for her age and more. My son i will put in jk this year if my daughter is on school and things are more normal but i dont feel jk is really necessary per say its really only the social aspect at that age
My daughter LOVED pre-k and she has been bugging me all summer about when school is starting again because she misses her friends! And pre-k definitely helped her learn more then she could at home with me!
I’m planning on homeschooling, you could look into that if you’re not ready to send them to an actual class
We skipped pre-k because of Covid! My son started kindergarten last week and he is just as smart as everybody else in his class. He was actually above average when he took the pre-k test! I’d say if you wanna keep her home, do it! I skipped when I was little and graduated with a 4.0 so it has nothing to do with how smart your child will be, just teach her all the basics at home!
Personally my daughter is advanced and I’m worried sending her to pre k would “backtrack” her. She already know her acbcs, can count to 10, knows her body parts and shapes and colours. She’s only 18 months old. When she turns 2 I plan on getting her started with sports, so I’m not worried about the social aspect either. Not to mention we do play dates often enough. I just don’t see any reason to send MY kid to go to preschool but everyone is different. Do what works for your family.
I think you should enroll her in pre-k. It’ll be good for her. She’ll get some friends, she’ll learn what she needs to learn and be ready for kindergarten.
My daughter is 3 and I most likely won’t be sending her to preschool next year. And same with my 2 year old, she won’t be going either. Both my kids are smart and I don’t think they’ll need it. But each there own! Do whatever you’re comfortable with and don’t let people make you feel like you’re a bad parent if you don’t send her.
Neither of my kids went to pre k. My son is now going to 8th grade. And is in AP classes. Makes A honor roll every year. Has tons of friends and plays football. Has had his college and career plans since he was 8 years old. My daughter is starting kindergarten this year. But we have been working on reading and writing at home since she was 3. Plus, it costs a ton where i live. Why pay for something i can teach my kid at home? Just my opinion…
My kid that went to preschool has straight As my others not so much. Not sure if that has anything to do with it…
I highly recommend pre-K. It helped my daughter alot in the social aspect. And it allowed her to get the hang of the whole being at school for 6+ hours so she was able to get used to the structure before grades were really involved.
With covid I didn’t send my son till Pre-K until everything calmed down. It is your child and if you feel like that is best then that is what you should do
I personally would. I didn’t go to prek kindergarten or daycare. It was a pretty big adjustment cause I didn’t get sympathy as much when I was scared because it was all so new. I should have been more prepared to be away from home. My mom had a bad car accident so I ended up having to go to my dad’s two states away over night for 6+ months. My saving grace was that my aunt and uncle were in high school at the same school.
We skipped pre-k last year because of covid. We decided to pull her and wait until kindergarten. She starts kindergarten on the 10th.
She wouldn’t be behind if you waited until kindergarten to enroll her, not every kindergartner has attended pre-k. With that being said, I personally think that pre-k is an awesome option for both parent and child. Not only does it give them a leg up with learning and socializing, it also prepares both parent and child for the full day school day. It’s gonna be hard on both you and her the first week or so, but I promise, after that, you’ll drop her off and you’ll be lucky to get a hug before she takes off with her new friends. My oldest 3 went to pre-school, my youngest did not. That was more my reasoning of wanting to hold on to my last baby as long as possible. But pre-k not only helps them prepare, it gives you a little break also and helps ease both of you into full day/full week school.
Pre k is not necessary but it does help the child be prepared for what to expect in kinder a lot of the time pre k can be half a day it’s good for the child
I took my son out of pre-K where I live after a month and half. When he went to kindergarten he was fine then covid hit. But last year he was in 1st grade and reading at a 3rd grade level. He’s fine sometimes I do wish I kept him and preschool
Some schools pre K is only for low income children. That being said my son did attend Pre K but he has a late bday and I felt like he needed it.
We personally skipped Pre-k and she’s going straight to kindergarten this year. Our daughter started therapies and sees specialists every 3-6 months but she can identify her numbers, write her name, identify her letters, etc. she’s very smart but she has ADHD also so pre-k would’ve been tough for her in our opinion.
As a teacher I’m begging you to enroll her. It will help her so much. She will get used to the routine of school and start to learn some of her letters and numbers. Pre-k is so helpful and should be made available for all students for free.
I’m keeping my son home. Between covid, food allergies, and spasmodic croup it’s just best until I have to send him. You can buy lesson plans online and do stuff at home. I got all the kindergarten requirements through the school to help him at home be prepared for when we do start school
As a preschool teacher I have read alot of the above comments and feel there is a misunderstanding on what preschool is about. It has nothing to do with how “smart” your child is or how “smart” they turned out to be even when they didn’t go to preschool. There is so much more to preschool–I commented about it above. I can assure you that your child will get alot out of preschool if you find the right one. I’ve taught preschool for over 40 yrs now and have had alot of kids go through the programs I have worked in and just about all the kids are upset that there is no “school” on the weekends, during vacation weeks and in the summer, they just love being there with their teachers, friends and all the fun we have there.
Pre k is good for her to learn the whole school routine. But, if she’s not behind you can totally keep her home and love on her one more year. There’s no wrong answer, she’s your kid