Should I enroll my child in Pre-K?

We’re doing PreK at a school with the focus learn through play. We considered home schooling as Im literally due to deliver a few days before she starts, but she needs to start learning social skills as well. If you’re iffy look into your states requirements. A lot do not require PreK.

Worked 31 years in a elementary and I could always tell the ones who went to pre-school and who didn’t when they started kindergarten. They felt more comfortable in the school setting and being away from mom than the ones who didn’t go. If you send her to a pre-k that some of the kids would be together in K helps also. Pre-k gives her the chance to learn what is expected when she’s in school. Honestly it’s your choice and your choice alone. I’m sure she will adjust with whatever choice you make. I had an only child and he loved pre-k and formed many friendships in Pre- k that at 40 years old are still best friends. Good luck.

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Yes do it… My son was 3 when i put him in preK. He LOVED it

It’s so good for them to start developing those friendships and routines now!

I’m from South Africa
My opinion: My little one started day care at 3 months old as I had to return back to work. As hard as it was dropping her off being so little, I do not regret it at all. She has benefited so much from the interaction. She was and is hardly ever sick. Even now… not so much as a snotty nose. She is 4 now and will be starting Pre-Grade R (Pre-K) next year.
While any choice you make I feel is not wrong, the benefits of early childhood development is something you can’t replace.


Thanks to covid restrictions, everything is washed a lot. My son who is medically complex started last year and never got sick, even once from being in school.

My boys both benefited tremendously from pre K and helped the social gain beforekindergarten.


It sounds like you already know what you want to do! It’s totally understandable to be concerned about viruses right now. Personally, I feel that the pros outweigh the cons. My daughter is already in day care though, so she’s used to the germs. I think it’s great for socialization, and it’s also good for them to have a routine. That may make it easier for you, having a newborn and all! It would definitely help with the transitions. You may even feel relieved to have a break, even if just for a few hours a day.:blush: It’s 100% your choice! My daughter loves day care and I’m sure she will love school to!


Absolutely enroll your 4 year old. It’s a win win for everyone! :partying_face:


It’s preferred 4 social development. I wasn’t able 2 keep mine in any daycare or get her into pre k so last year we had some issues with her being able 2 play with others her age. I always had her around other kids but they were usually older. It’s better that u deal with it as early as u can with the sickness though. Things like personal germ x bottles and tea tree oil prevent lice and unecassary germs from traveling. U will get some much needed break time when they are at school 2 tend 2 the baby instead of having 2 to care 4.

Yes do it! Pre K is more than educational! the social and play/interaction part of school is huge!


Nooo shame they hv their whole lives to study

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I think it would be beneficial but for where I live in California due to Covid they were holding lotteries and my child wasn’t selected so I get to be her best friend until she can start kindergarten

I think you should always do preschool and pre-k. They get sick more now, but kids who attend preschool grow into adults that get sick less often throughout their life. Exposure is exercise for the immune system. Not to mention the education and social skills they gain during preschool and pre-k.

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Pre k offers a bunch of basic skills you can’t learn unless are exposed to social situations. Like sharing and not hitting and self control when having big feelings and these skills will help when bugs feeling happen with a new sibling. They also learn to stand in line and make friends and playing with others and standing in line and where to potty and all these other exposures that wi assist when they go to kindergarden…like the nuances of school and learning that before kindergarten can help then focus only on the academics and new routine. Also being away from home and without a parent all day can be a huge change for any kid. These are the pros for why we are sending out kid. Hope it helps

I only have the 1 but I did pre k. It helps get them used to being away from you for school and being around others. That’s why I chose it mainly. Helped with the social.aspect of everything and you could definitely see how much it really helped when he went into Kindy. The choice is totally up to you. Always make sure that it’s not a.requirement in your area and if the child seems to be ready or not for that step.

In our state, kids MUST be age 5 before being allowed to enroll in pre-k.

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Yes definitely I love that my kids went to preschool and it definitely helped them prepare for kindergarten, learning alphabet, numbers, writing alphabet and numbers, writing their name, learning simple addition, colors, shapes, and tons of fun things. Learning about transportation, animals, bugs. They have so much fun with all of it.

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I would enroll anyways. It’s good for social aspect.


Absolutely! Makes for an easy transition into Kindergarten :blush:

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Germs suck!! I generally get everything my daughter brings home :confused:with that said she’ll have to go eventually so I’m guessing the social aspect will be good for her and Mommy gets alittle break also :slightly_smiling_face:your the mommy so ultimately you should do what YOU think is best :smiling_face:

Pre k helps in ways you’d never imagine! It teaches them social skills, how to be away from mom, gets them into a school type routine so kindergarten isn’t a culture shock, and many other things!


I work in childcare, and a lot of parents that have a baby with older one in childcare, they usually wait u til baby is 2 months old to get their 2 month old shots to resend them back to school, so that’s always an option


Sickness is going to happen dn is actually a good thing, the only way an immune system gets strong enough to fight off everything is by being exposed to it in the first place.

My little girl is now 21 years old. She loved her preschool at 3 and preK at 4. I didn’t have a choice as My husband and I both worked full time. Her little brother was born while she was in pre K. I loved having the one on one time with him (and naps😉) while she was at school for my maternity leave.
I remember one of the first days I picked her up and she was playing with some other kids in the play kitchen…she said have a seat…I busy😂. A few of those kids are still her friends. Also, I didn’t have any family close by, some of those Moms are still like family after all these years. About the getting sick part…her first year at her in home daycare she and I both were sick almost non stop for the 1st year…once we were exposed to everyone else’s germs she didn’t miss a day of school until 5th grade. We still caught colds but they were milder than that first year. Our preschool/pre K and Kindergarten was based on playing to learn and social skills. There is no wrong choice here…it is what works for you. It was a private school, there was the option for part time…1 to 5 days a week or just mornings. We did 3 full days for preschool and full time for pre k. Maybe you can try part time. If you try it and it doesn’t go well, you can always change your mind.


Pre k is also for socializing through play with other 4 year olds

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If your going to be home tou should not send your child to preschool. You can teach your child what they need and next year they will be in kindergarten.

I’m a preschool teacher. If you want her to have the experience, enroll her, let her go til the break at Thanksgiving, and then keep her home after the new baby comes. There would only be three weeks tops of the rest of the year before the December break. It is misery to have to be up at night with a newborn, get up or stay up to get the 4 year old ready and take them to preschool, only to have to do it again in 3 hours.

Yes! My son loved PreK and his teachers were amazing :heart:

I just had a baby in April this being my 4th child. With as much as they are wiping the school down and have action plans all while using hand sanitizer I feel like this past year was the best germ wise. They went to summer school because i signed them up as well. Leave it to summer outside of school that’s when my kids got sick. It’s honestly great when having a new baby as well. It gives you time to bond with just the baby and take those naps when the baby does so your not so worn out trying to chase the toddler. I have 3 under 5years and under. My 3rd child this year will start prek at 3 and just like I did with him in his sister. Bonding, catch up on sleep or house work. I had certain days I went to work as well and saved on a sitter or daycare all while my kids were gaining something knowledge and socialization. Do what fits your family.

I had a baby this past November, but 4 other kids. One in 7th, one in 4th, one in prek4, and one in preK3. I enrolled the last two right after I had the baby. Was I nervous? ABSOLUTELY! Did I have doubt? ABSOLUTELY! But if this pandemic never happened they would of been in school either way. Preschool is about learning through play and social interaction. I didn’t want to take away the only chance they would of had to learn that way. And to be honest. You can open your front door, walk to your car, or even grab your mail and catch the virus! The schools have extra precautions put in place as to washing hands every hour, disinfecting play grounds and toys in between play. I think it’s safer to send them to school everything is actually cleaned and disinfected as before the play ground was never disinfected or cleaned. Can you imagine the amount of bacteria and germs the kids were climbing on before this pandemic


Hum - a sick toddler and newborn -
Wait ! Get up at 6 am sound fun- after been up all night.

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I honestly wished I would have put my daughter in preschool. She was unfocused by the time she went to kindergarten that she fell behind. I firmly believe if I had enrolled her earlier she would have done a bit better in kinder. It all depends on whether your child will struggle with school or not. If you think your child might need a bit more of a head start then yes ofcourse enroll them. But if not I say skip it. The cost of sickness and exhaustion on parent having to be somewhere at a certain time with a new baby in the house might not be ideal

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Pre-K while great is not a requirement and many kids out don’t qualify. With not knowing how COVID is going and a new baby, I’d say stay home but you can teach letters, number, colors, and basic easy sight words so he will be caught up.

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We kept my four-year-old grandson home last year. I worked with him almost daily on letters, numbers, phonics and other skills. He was more than ready for kindergarten and well prepared. If you send your child, have her wear a mask, but with this particular variant and a newborn, I’d almost want to keep her home!


I did my youngest for half day and he was ahead of the rest of the kindergartners so for me it was good

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I say yes it will give you some time with just one baby for a few hours and he will meet new friends, learn etc. But it’s no wrong answer. Do what you think is best for your child. Best of luck.



2ND . It’s OK to wait, but be sure to put your 4yr old in some type of at home educational system. ABC Mouse had a great program. I’m a mom and I work in early educational and I see so many children behind on education. Definitely work with you child if possible.

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I was afraid for the same reasons- 9 months preg. And terrified of Covid…
Now he is in Kindergarten and i WISH so bad that i would have put him in pre-k😭
Not because he is behind or not catching on quickly- but because he didnt have that fun- silly class that prepared him for this year.
His little heart is so broken bc school isnt at all what he expected :broken_heart:


My sister did not
Send her son to pre-school and he was very behind the other kids when he started Kindergarten because they already expected them to know how
to print all of their letters and numbers and also have basic reading and math skills upon entering Kindergarten. If you choose to opt out of pre-school make sure you teach your child everything she would
have learned in pre-school at home. He had to have a teachers aid work with him on the side because he was the only kid who couldn’t print every letter of the alphabet. My granddaughter went to pre-school for the way two years and is starting kindergarten this year. You would be surprised by all she learned and she had to “test” into kindergarten. But she does go to private school so that testing may not be required for public schools??? My nephew I spoke about earlier went to public school and was very behind due to not going tomorrow-school. As I said won’t be an issue if you teach your child at home. Good luck with whatever you choose!

Will be good interacting with other kids and give you a small break also.

Many years ago I was in the same situation… my child went to preschool for speech therapy… he ended up sick and my two week old ended up with RSV both of them had. With Covid and RSV running wild I would say no.

It’s ok to wait and have your 4 year old home. I had one kid that was in pre school and one that wasn’t. Educationally they both were fine.

I strongly recommend pre-k for sure. My son did 3 years in preschool. After his second year we went to the kindergarten assessment and the teacher was also his brothers teacher the year before so she was familiar with our family as well. She recommended he stay for one more year as he wasn’t emotionally or socially ready. And I’ll tell ya that was the best decision I’ve ever made. They need it, and they also require a lot to be able to even start kindergarten on some areas

Definitely enroll. Being someone who has worked with kids age birth to 18 in various school settings they need it. It’s better to be sick in preschool too than to miss the important stuff when school really counts. They’ll be sick the first year I promise but their immune system needs it

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I would enroll. My son started school at 3. Headstart. Now he’s going into preschool. But yes definitely do. So they can make friends.

Send her! It helps them develop emotionally as well as learn to deal with others. If you wait she could have trouble in that area.

I enrolled my oldest in prek when he was 4. Had a baby at the end of the school year. I was worried, but I looked at the benefits of him being in prek. My middle starts preschool on the 23rd of this month.

You absolutely need to put them in pre-k… I can’t believe this is even a question. You’re gonna just throw them in kindergarten with out preparation because you’re pregnant? Kindergarten is not like it used to be, they do a lot , more than you think, there’s adding and subtracting and homework.

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E joy your kids as much as you can, they will have many years to come to be in school. But for not being left out, have play dates, birthday parties, sleepovers

I would enroll in pre k, not so much for the academic portion but the structure and socialization. I regretted not sending my daughter in 3k and 4k was huge eye opener. My daughter is smart but socially she needed to learn the structure. She likes everyone and had to learn sitting still and how to interact with the teachers and other staff.

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Pre-K is a great time for LO to learn socialization skills. They will eventually have to go through the illnesses in order to build up their immunity. It’s a hard choice to make. Good luck :grin:

Follow your gut. If you want to wait. Then wait, there is nothing wrong with it. My daughter didn’t start pre k til 5 .

If you feel like you can teach your 4 year old a few thing on your own time I personally wouldn’t send them to pre-k.

Keep her home and let her bond with the baby.

It you have some help with the kids I would just keep them home it not only covid it’s rsv going around all kinds of viruses he could bring something home to the new born

My grandson struggled socially having no one his own age at home to interact with. He went to prek3 but had trouble. In prek4 found out he has ADHD. He loves school.yet if it wasn’t for prek 3 and 4 he wouldn’t have been ready for kindergarten socially or academically. Kids have to know so much for kindergarten these days. Today he does well.

It definitely depends on what is important to you. Remember if they get sick they will request him / her to stay home. So different reasons to consider. If to help give you more time with the baby a yes. But remember what germs he brings home will be coming into house. Than baby is also exposed. It’s your call and what your be dealing with either way. Times have changed…I’ve seen hoof & mouth in daycare , coughs,runny noses, etc now we’re dealing with other situation.

I think pre k is a good idea for your child. Talk to your doctor about the risks.

From personal experience children do better in school if they go to some kind of preschool

If your child did not attend preschool, then yes you really should enroll them in PreK because it teaches them the basics and so they will not be behind. If your child attended preschool, then no, you could get by waiting for Kindergarten. It may seem harsh, but delaying your child’s education because of your pregnancy is not the best reason. Might I add, I had a “pandemic baby” with 3 children attending school.

My granddaughter is four and she’s going to pre-k and she’s really looking forward to it

Send her she will need something to do while you are tending to the newborn. And school is never a bad idea. She will eventually be exposed to any illnesses so keeping her home only because of that isn’t really fair to her.


Pre-K starts teaching them how to learn and behave in a classroom environment. My kindergarten teacher friend said she can always tell which of her students skipped pre-k.


I’d start them now that why by the time you give birth they’re over the revolving door of illnesses that come with being new to school. Take immune supports and wash hands a lot and you shouldn’t get sick. It’ll be good for your 4yr olds immune system as well and better then sending next year when you have a 6 month old who will also catch everything


I would do it. Our son went continuously all through Covid and we had a tiny baby at the time. It was fine, and he really enjoyed being there….not at home with a screaming baby demanding all of the attention :sweat_smile:

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Pre-school was an awesome tool for not only you at home. You can also tell what she has trouble with, if anything, for Kindergarten. That extra step is helpful in some cases & it definitely was for me anyway! I didn’t have a newborn but it’s eye opening in so many ways if it’s your first child. Also, knocking on wood, we never dealt with any illnesses, schools are doing an amazing job with everything going on!

Im letting my 2 yr old go this year because she wants to and I will be having a new born at the end of October. I think it may do her some good

I had a 19m old in daycare and a newborn March 2020 when the world shut down! My 19m stayed in school and it was ok. You need to think about your children’s education. They need pre-k it’s a great stepping stone and they will let you know if they feel like your child is ready to start kindergarten or stay another year in pre-k. Kids are going to get sick regardless and that’s good because it builds immunity for the long run so start now the first couple weeks my suck with colds but by the time the baby comes your school child should be fine.

I had this concern with day care wish I had kept her out in the end my newborn son ended up with bronchitis and was put on a breathing and feeding tube also had a collapsed lung and pneumonia

My son really benefited this past school year from pre-k. We found the areas he needed help with and he learned sooo much more than I realized they learned at that age. However, you have to do what is best for your entire family. I don’t think you are wrong either way. I don’t think missing pre-k will cause her not to graduate in 13 years.

I got my covid vaccines while pregnant and my baby has immunity from it now. I let my 4 yr old go to head start and his preschool special education class. No matter what you do there’s going to be illnesses around. They can get it from just walking in the store with you :relieved:

I would say at least a few days a week, get immunity and social skills, they need to know a lot by kindergarten (counting, colors, shapes)


It’s really a personal choice, with all the craziness about covid and variant going around we are skipping and leaning more towards home schooling our daughter. But again its personal choice and what would work best for you and your family.

IMO, our kiddos are pushed to the limit to catch up or keep caught up! Let them be kids! They have the rest of their lives to become socially adept! If she is begging to go to school and if she is extremely bored and antsy to be occupied to the excess, by all means, let her go but if not, allow her to stay home another year! Don’t sweat the things that won’t really matter in 5 or 10 years!


Most times pre-k is more about her learning to be social anyway

It will be a great thing if you are able to enroll the child. Unless you can depend on yourself to run the whole show at home, and in library. Park, and museums. Religious school, grammar, etc…pre K for at least one year is extra important!

Keep her home, I have 3 children none went to preschool. I kept them with me. They all graduated with honors.


My kids are 4 years apart. I was living in WA when my youngest was born. I still sent my oldest to daycare because I wanted to keep him in a routine and give myself time to adjust to a newborn

I sent my son to pre k and had a newborn and it was great for him. I mean yes he did get sick more than he’s even been but thankfully my newborn son didn’t catch anything that he had. And it was a great bonding time with the newborn since u get the one on one with the new baby.

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YESSSSSSSS, pre-K helped both my kids, one being autistic. I swear by it. Its not about learning, it’s about socialization.


Make a list of pros and cons… pros, he will learn more, make friends& you’ll get some bonding time with new baby…

Yes. It helps so much. My daughter learned so much at prek that got her ready for kindergarten.

I’m sending mine. He can use the interaction and get used to school schedule before kindergarten. I will also have a 1 year old and a newborn once he starts so it will help a little while he’s at school.

I would enter her, everyone said no to me entering mine so young as it wasnt needed but its defo helped her in every way and i was pregnant when she started i found i got more rest and me time so do baby things such as appointments and her to learn to interact with others so she could understand a baby being new in family.

We did Mommy & Me classes from ages 6 months to 5 years and private preschool from ages 3 to 5. Although our son went into school with above average educational and social skills, it is all taught in Kinder, anyway. We did it for fun. But, if you feel safer waiting, do that.

Keep her home as long as you could

My son didn’t start until kindergarten and he did just fine. With all the nonsense going on with Covid, I’d skip it. Just my two cents.


I honestly dont see the point in pre-k. Lots of kids dont even go to Kindegarten. If ur worried about illness keep her home. Arrange more mom n tot activities.

I’d wait …you don’t want her getting sick and getting you guys sick esp since everyone is talking about covid rsv bronchitis etc will be worse this winter

Gurl send that baby on… they learn you chill and get lazy…


More sickness comes when they start kindergarten. Cause all the other grades. Can’t really be afraid of germs the rest of their lives. Pre K, isn’t just to get them ready academically for kindergarten. But socially. Especially if they’re not away from you or other family that much. And don’t socialize with many other children. Pre k will help out with that. Get her ready to transition away from family for the day. And into being around others.

I would start them now. It’s not about academics in Pre-K. It’s more about socialization.

Mother pne of my kids went to pre-k. They both could count to 100, new all colors, new home phone number, address, mom’s name, dad’s name. I taught and worked with them. New more than most kindergarten kids. So work with your children and teach them .they will not be behind at all

Pre k is pretty important in my opinion. Both of my girls thrived from it. Those couple hours a day really helps the transition emotionally to kindergarten and honestly you will appreciate those couple hours a day to yourself or alone with the new baby here soon. I wouldn’t deprive her of socializing and learning new structure just because a new baby is on the way. You can handle that.

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She will establish a routine for school at pre-K because in kindergarten they start doing different activities at different times, you can definitely tell some kids didn’t have pre-K and don’t know how to go from one activity to another! I went into my kids classes and a lot of the kids would have meltdowns when they didn’t get to finish an activity that could be finished another day!

I would. I am sending my son into kindergarten and I may be having my youngest son next month. If I would have know pre k was younger than five I truly would have put him in there last year. But I honestly had no idea. I thought all kids start school at five years old. Lol it will be good for your little one to have other kid interaction, especially with knowing your time and attention will be taken up by another little one instead of just them. It very much will help with jealousy and everything like that. :hugs: I do understand the fear tho. I hope the best for you and your family momma.

Relax, Send her now. I have a 17 month old and due next month. He started “preschool”… let your child have the interaction with other children. The more you isolate them at home, the more likely they will end up sick when they finally go to school. Let their immune systems start working.

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That’s a question every person must answer for themselves.:field_hockey:Can’t keep them locked away forever.

Send her most definitely she needs it,social skills are so important to learn from a young age