I personally didn’t go to pre-k I skipped it and went to kindergarten but we also didn’t have the pandemic and everything going on then. If you want to keep your little one home then you could look online for some homework type stuff.
I have 2 in early headstart (ages 1 and 2) and one in kindergarten. It’s an adjustment but it’s worth it
Do it. when I did it my son cried at the beginning but then my son was happy playing and doing activities with other kids made him really happy it gives them a rutine also and it will help you. Take the time that he is P-k to do groceries, gym, work or do things at home.
It’s not just for the learning, it’s for socialization, and consistency. I would.
She won’t feel left out because there is no way for her to even know the difference if she doesn’t go, IMO.
It would help her get ready for kindergarten, also. Or you can discuss with the school what the requirements are/what would be the best thing for you to practice with her at home to get her ready for kindergarten next year!
Mum of 5 here just had my baby and took my 3&2 year olds right up until I was 39 weeks pregnant being sick along the way in bushes etc lol also had GD asp was contestantly feeling poorly or weak but my boys would of been so upset
and I’m glad I struggled through it cos they have come so far and can really notice a difference x
Mine should have gone last year… but we are sending her this year… we are sending ours because she needs to be around other kids her age
I would highly recommend it because it will give you a few hours a day alone with the baby…plus your child will so love it
My 3 year old starts 2 days a week of pre-k 3 on the 30th!
Maybe do a winter/spring pre k program
Put her in girl. I did with my youngest. She was smart as can be as it was, but pre k helped excel even more. She’s now in 3rd grade, but has always been at the top of her class.
I think you should do it.
Im in same position but my.4 year old is going to TK tomorrow and i have a 13 momth old and im pregnant due end of August or early sept. Im on the fence but im sending her because she needs the interaction with kids her age. Im honestly going to give it a test run and see how it goes but i feel its super necessary for her she went to preschool until this last end of june and it was so good for her over july shes really been missing friends. Its a hard decision but its truly up to you and what you feel is best for you and yours. Best wishes
My daughter started kindergarten at 5 with no Pre-K only being home with me because I didn’t work. My son stayed home for three years and then went to pre-k 3 and Pre-K 4 and is now entering kindergarten this coming school year. I will say that it does help with social skills and getting them interactive, activities outside of home and also preparing them for school. They both did great being home with me but I do feel like school can help your kids be more active and social. Plus that will give you a little more time to focus on the baby during the day so that you’re not overwhelmed with two small children
I definitely would the child will learn so much needed for kindergarten
I’d send them. Pre k is important for a number of things. My daughter starts this year and I due next month. Kids get sick thats normal. And they mandating masks for they’re age too.(I don’t agree with but w/e) they learn social skills, sight words, reading etc. And just food for thought My mother kept me “too clean” to the point were my body didn’t really build ANY immunities. I stayed sick constantly well into my teenage years until I finally developed some… My kids 9 &4 hardly ever get sick I made sure they built them.
I’ll do preschool on my own check out Mother Goose time and experience learning it’s a great program kind of costly but it’s so worth it it comes with everything you need to make your own preschool at home it literally tells you everything to do even everything to say and everything to sing
I thought my youngest was ready. Until I seen the kindergarten requirements. Check them out for your state.
Definitely start them in pre-k! I made the mistake of starting my first son in kindergarten not realizing k is the old 1st grade…when I was a kid pre k wasn’t the norm and I didn’t realize how much learning changed! Wanted to start my 2nd son in pre-k but his birthday was too late in the year so they both missed out from the start and have had issues along the way. They do have other things going on, but feel it would have been easier on us all had they started in pre-k.
No if you can stay home with the kids that makes more sense
I would send her and do some research on vitamins and other things that can help boost everyone’s immune system safely. If she isn’t already, now is a good time to practice good hand washing, avoiding putting anything but food in your mouth, and using clean hands and/or tissue to touch your nose. I would also change her clothes as soon as possible when she comes home and everything else I could do to avoid spreading germs
I put my son in prek last year when he was 3 just to give him the chance to learn with a group and get prepared for when he does go to Kindergarten. I was pregnant with second child, had him November 2020, I was a little worried with covid but I am a technician at a hospital so I figured if anyone were going to get covid and bring it home it would be me. My son never brought home any sickness from school but I was right, I got covid while at work October 31st and had my son the 13th of November.
So no one teaches at home or sets up play dates for social skills any more? They have no cousins, neighborhood children to play with? Wouldn’t state run boarding schools from birth to 21 be awesome….hummmm that maybe a new mandate for this country to applaud and endorse… at this point WHO KNOWS what will be politically correct next!
Uhh hell yeah. It makes kinder easier
My kid has been going to the early learning center since she was 1, I regret working so much, but I think it made her such a better person socially and cognitively
Nah. I kept mine home til kindergarten. It’s not necessary, as long as they are socialized and willing to learn.
I’m starting my 4 year old in pre-k this year. Only half day bc I feel he needs the school experience to get him ready for kindergarten without having to stay all day. He has never been to daycare or anything so it will be his first time away from me.
Send her. She deserves that. A lot of kids thrive off of being in school. Getting sick is good for kids and builds the immune system. Don’t be afraid of it. Dealing with them getting sick is all part of parenthood.
If you are going to teach what the prek will keep them at home if not send them
Its mandatory in most states now.
The things they learn in pre K is what they used to learn in Kindergarten.
They learn to read and basic math skills as well as socialization and following rules and routines. A child who doesn’t have the foundation of pre k today is really loosing out of important learning and starting Kindergarten which is full day with no prior introduction is pretty tough.
Preschool is really beneficial. If you’re worried about sickness, you can have her wear a mask and teach proper hand washing.
I’m starting my 3 year old later this month! It’ll be her first year. We are a military family so we don’t live near her cousins or any family, and we don’t know a lot of people with kids her age. She’s really intelligent and I’ve been teaching her alot from home the past 2 years, but she definitely needs more and she needs the social interaction. I feel like it’s important to get them started in the habit of the school routine before they start kindergarten so it’s not so shocking to them
All I’ve ever heard from pre-k teachers is that it’s mainly to get them used to a school environment and listening to a teacher.
If you think she’s smart, I guarantee you, preschool would help her even more. I had my son in prek since he was 1.5 yrs old. He’s definitely ready for kindergarten, he just turned 6 so he’ll be ahead. You can NEVER go wrong with prek. Plus, Kindergarten is a real school, so if she’s used to prek she wont be as scared to start Kindergarten.
I put my daughter in preschool and it was so beneficial to her! With my first born I didn’t and I still wish I would have… I thought that preschool was just like a daycare type situation. But my daughter thrives and does so much better in school than my son does. My son always tells me he wished he got to go to preschool. Lol.
I enrolled my 3 year old in pre k program 2 half days. She has an iep ( speech) so it was recommended. My son was in a daycare (16yrs) and they didn’t do anything with him. He didn’t even know the letters of his name. Kindergarten worked best with him. After I put my foot down. They were letting him be lazy. He had a Sri (reading level) score of a senior in high school when he was in the 5th grade. It really depends on what program you go with. Here we have head start but they won’t take her until she is 4.
I sent my oldest to Pre-K when I was 7 to 8 months pregnant with my second one. I feel like it was beneficial for her to be around other kids. She was 4.5 years old and only knew how to be an only child.
It was nice to have the oldest kiddo out of the house for a few hours a day when I had just had my LO… weather there is sickness or not, they need germs to build up an immune system… make sure your 4yo comes home, washes their hands and changes their clothes before holding or touching the baby…
Definitely do Pre K. My first was so behind in Kindergarten bc only did a learning program when 4 and they do so much advanced stuff now in school. Thought her knowing how to count,letters,numbers,shapes, and colors was all she needed to know. No. She needed to know how to count by 2s,10,s write letters and numbers,know a lot of words by sight,etc…Give elderberry gummies for kids for immune support
I didn’t go to preschool and had no problems in school. I graduated with a 3.9 gpa and have a 4.0 gpa in college.
My son was gifted so I thought it was ok to skip pre-school. I was wrong. Kids need that social education they get in preschool BEFORE the academic education they get in Kindergarten. Maybe that’s why a lot of gifted kids are socially awkward.
I would enjoy my kid before the baby is born.
I’m having my third in 4 weeks and decided not to put my 4 year old in Pre-K because of it!
I would send her. Preschool is beneficial to them
You kid is going to end up sick when entering school. NOT saying covid just in general. It’s the one thing I hate about when my kids return to school after the summer. It’s like that school is a mutant germ factory. I would keep my kid home if I was pregnant with pandemic going and all. Just grab a pre k work book from your local Walmart or DG and work on the stuff in the books with her. If you diligent with working on it than she won’t be behind. A lot of parents in my area have opted out of vpk this year with the delta variant going around.
Praying all of this is over soon
My son thrived from preschool. He went 2 years, the end of the first year was virtual and half the 2nd year was virtual, but while he was present in class, (830am-1pm and rode the bus home, he LOVED the bus!) he learned social skills, writing, songs, listening and following directions and so much more! He is on the spectrum so I was glad to see him thrive and socialize. He made a best friend this 2nd year and I have befriended the parents. We requested them be in the same class for kindergarten and they are!
My 3 oldest kids didn’t go to pre-k and they’re all just fine in school. They’re now 10th, 8th and 5th. Where I live I had to pay for pre-k unless I was low income and I wasn’t going to pay.
Keep her home until kindergarten.
Totally unnecessary. Enjoy having them both home
sending my 5 year old to kindergarten and my 4 year old to preschool, and then it’ll be me and my 1 year old and my new born girl who’s due date is august 23rd and my 5 year old starts school on august 30th
Get some pre- kindergarten books work with them yourself. Read to them buy some puzzles and memory games. Did this back in the day oldest son is 22 youngest is 18 and they did great in school.
Definitely put her in preschool. She needs to learn school structure and it will give you a few hours of just you and baby bonding time.
Even if she’s smart, she still should go just for the social interaction.
Not sure what area you are but my sons birthday is just before the cut off so he was going to start vpk at 3 yrs old so instead of going in august-may schedule, he went the entire summer before kindergarten and i think it helped it a lot.
I only put one of my children in pre-k, they are a year apart, my oldest didn’t go but my youngest did, do what’s best for you and your family!!
I had our youngest daughter during the middle of the pandemic - last August - and the decision i made to keep our two other daughters home doing virtual learning all year has been the healthiest year they’ve had since starting school. I do not regret keeping them at home this past year one bit. I constantly wonder what type of sickness the baby would’ve been exposed to otherwise.
My kids never missed out from not going to pre k. I don’t think it’s necessary.
Pre k is so important for kids learning social skills. And as for sickness that’s what the immune system is for
Pre K is just so kids can get sick and get lice a year early lol. You can teach your kid everything and more than they would learn going to pre k
Prek has a lot of benefits besides academics. There’s socializing, learning school rules, self discipline etc. It will also help build the immune system. It’s not necessary but definitely beneficial.
I’m having my daughter at the end of the month and my other daughter is 4. I’m skipping pre k for her because I want them to be able to make their “sister bond” and I don’t want to miss the last year with her before she is in school all the time. You don’t get that time back so you have to enjoy it while you can.
My 4 year old never went to prek n he’s smart as a whip
My daughter did Pre-K last year. It was a great intro to the structure of school! I’m glad we didn’t skip it. And she never brought any colds home
Preschool is a very good thing my grandson wasn’t talking exactly right and we decided we wasn’t going to send him when he turned five but it turned out we had to send them and he does good he’s already going to second grade
I think Pre-K helps! If nothing else she will know some kids going into kindergarten and won’t feel so left out. My kiddo was already in daycare prior to prek so we were past the getting every sickness in the book stage. Her immune system got built up.
Prek helps with more than learning it helps transition them to school setting, social interaction, and get use to sitting or following instructions with everyone else
Socialization is just as important as education. With all the.precautions due to covid I believe the chance for catching something is very low
Whats pre k ? Junior kindergarten?
Its all the same now where i live- FDK full day kindergarten and my LO will be 3 when she starts this year
We are waiting until our daughter has to actually go to school in kindergarten.
Definitely send her. She could benefit from the socialization
Both mine did fine in K without preK. I worked with themon all skills needed, They were great in school.
Definitely send her. It will b so good for socializing and it will b so good for u to have only one kid sometimes lol
I would wait , because the covid is getting worse again and you need to keep your family safe
I’m in UK and not sure if its different over here but my son has been in nursery(kindergarten) since he turned 2. Hes the smartest boy I know, soooo forward and is great with other kids. Might do your daughter good interacting with other children her age and making some friends x
Yes, especially for early intervention purposes.
I didn’t send my daughter to Pre-K either bc of similar reasons…when she started Kinder she was at the top of the class…
I would definitely I put my 3 year old in pre-k 3 his absolutely exited about school
When my oldest started pre-k I had a newborn and an 11 month old. It was tiring get them all up and dressed to take my daughter to school but I believe it helps so much. My daughter was extremely smart as well as I had always worked with her but the socialization helps so much too! But I also think it’s completely your choice and you should do what you feel is best❤️
I kept my 3 yr old from headstart because of the pandemic last yr and they were doing remote teaching . This yr he turns 5 and hes going to prek
I skipped prek last year. I have NO regrets
I’m pregnant as well with my second and we decided to enroll our 2 year old in Montessori school. It was a difficult decision but we want don’t want her to feel like we don’t have time for her. She’s super excited and it makes me so happy it’s going to make me cry lol it’s only for half day for now but I think your daughter would love to go to school. We checked out 5 different schools before choosing the one.
I would! I work at a preschool and we have noticed that most kids transition better to kindergarten after being in preschool. They get use to a routine thats super beneficial for them!
Yes I would! So many benefits
Why not do pre school at home? That way she’s still learning but not exposed to the germs.
Where do u live?
What are the numbers like?
My son attended last year- stable pod of 16
Not one case- children were unmasked - teachers masked.
He grew so much…
Really just trust your mommy gut:two_hearts:
Do what’s best for your family
I live in RI
I would send her. You get more one on one with new baby and she will benefit from socializing and learning things she needs to be successful in kindergarten! Win, win
My child definitely needed a pre-k experience.
I started a summer camp where he could go. IT WAS AWFUL! Totally not ready.
Harvard just released a study saying kids starting school too early can negatively impact them. I agree with majority that social interaction is very beneficial however we are living and raising children in very different times. Being pregnant already raises your risk for catching things including covid19. Kids pick up so many bugs as it is when the go into daycare/schools. You make the decision that makes you feel most comfortable mama.
Your risking her needing to repeat kindergarten by not sending her. They expect kindergarten kids to know stuff that in the 90s we didn’t learn until 2nd grade.
Mom of 4 opinion: Enjoy her at home with new sibling, good for both. Early school is highly overrated. AND, masking is so bad for children!
Social and emotional growth would be the biggest factor in this decision. Preschool is an environment were learning is fun. It’s a magical time.
I’ve always been a stay at home mom since becoming a mom. None of my 5 girls ever went to any kind of “early” schooling, they all started and/or will start school at age 5 in kindergarten. They’re not antisocial or behind on anything they need to learn. They all know/knew the basics before starting school such as ABC’s, colors, counting, etc. thanks to TV shows like sesame street lol.
Absolutely put your kiddo into pre-k. Honestly social- emotional skills are just as important if not more important than preschool academics when looking at success in kindergarten and beyond. Kids need to know how to function within a structured environment, with their peers, and away from you. Choose a school that has a balance of structure and learning based in play.
I would not send her if you can work with her at home so she’s ready for Kinder. With the new baby it’s probably safer to keep her home. Good luck
I think it’s good for them. So when they are going half or full day to kindergarten it isn’t such a shock of you leaving them.
Given my kids don’t go to daycare. So their with me or family. So this 3ish hours away helps them. Plus social interaction will build their immune system.
We are opting out of pre-k this year. Instead we are doing some at home learning (counting, alphabet, practicing to write, etc.) target had a ton of good stuff in their dollar spot for these not too long ago.
And plan to head into kindergarten next year. We also do gymnastics and soccer for socializing.
I think there’s a lot of benefits to school, including socialization. But, it’s a personal choice and you need to do what’s best for your family!
I put my daughter in it last year and it has helped her so much more then I thought it would and now she is going to kindergarten this month and I feel she is ready for it.
I think either choice you make will be a good one. Don’t think there’s a wrong answer here
Best time to start PreK. Gives you some quiet during day and schools are cleaning like crazy (at least ours does). My kid was never once sick last year. They constantly use hand sanitizer, washing hands, cleaning everything everyday.