Run away! He will never change! Just says it’s eye opening because he was caught again!
I get 1 chance first time but 5!! Nope move on.
Lace them sneakers up and run! It’s a life choice he has been making to cheat. If it only happened once I would say give it a try again but 5 times no way!
No. He doesn,t respect you! Once a cheater always a cheater! Been there done that! Divorced and found myself a great guy and was married for 23 years! He unfortunately passed away 5 years ago from cancer!
They alway convince you “their going to change their ways”. Move on.
No one deserves to be treated like that…get him out of your life and get yourself some therapy…you deserve much much better!
Nope. He’s already had too many chances.
That’s why he keeps doing it because he knows he’s going to get one more chance. Kick his arse to the curb…
No he is never going to change. It will continue on.
Actions speak louder than words… Hes already shown you.
You can’t unbreak the glass…move on!
Once a cheater they will always be a cheater… I don’t share my man with anyone like that… I would pack his bags and do happy cheating on the next lady … Because he will cheat on all of his ladies and bring all kinds of v.d. home ,no thank you… I wish you good luck.
5 times??!! Doesn’t seem like he’s going to change, get out of that relationship!
It’s been 10 years. If he hasn’t changed already he won’t
You know marriage is sacred, I know lot’s would say leave him, but most men do this all the time…if you leave him guess what the next man, I hate to say this will probably do the same…you see there is no perfect man and infidelity is the number one reason for divorces…it take forgiveness and work to every marriage… I say take a break from him and give him a scare but running away from the marriage to me isn’t the answer especially if you have kid’s. My husband and I have been married 33yrs. and we’ve had this problem a couple time’s and we’ve separated a few times, it’s been a very bumpy road and it’s not supposed to be easy trust me I know…but our path is now very smooth and he’s not the same man that he used to be…it took a long time to get that trust back that’s for sure but we’re in a good place now but take some time to think this through and don’t listen to other’s who want you to leave. Marriage is sacred and if it’s sacred to you then don’t divorce him just give him a good scare and take some time from each other and let him think about the wrongs he’s done to you…please keep me updated
Butt to curb. You seriously gave him 5 chances?
once a cheater always a cheater
Between now and dead how do you want to keep living?
Action speaks LOUDER then words! I would move on, cause his actions have spoke volumes for the past 10 years.
He doesn’t love you, he loves what you can do for him.
Leave him now, you will find someone who truly loves you and wouldn’t dream of cheating on you.
Ten years and he’s still cheating? Yea he’ll never change. The fact that he denied it says so. If he was really going to change, or “wake up” he’d have come clean not lied about it. Lying says he wants to keep doing what he’s doing.
Kick him to the curb- he could bring something back to you’!!!
Once, maybe. Five?! Girl. Please find your self worth and set an example for your kids.
Give him another chance
He keeps showing you who he really is. It’s you that just won’t believe him. I normally think ppl should always give their marriage one more chance but this too much. He is a serial cheater and he tells you what you wanna hear everytime he gets caught just to keep you there so he can have his cake and eat it too. Leave and get yourself a real man.
How many chances does he need! Its not hard to stay faithful! Act like a doormat and you will be treated like one.
chances run out…I would suggest separating for your self esteem at least. If the love is still there, then date him but also date others. One affair can be forgiven, but multiples tell me he is not committed and just wants you there. Having cake and eating too isn’t good for you. You are worth more than this but you need to regain your worthiness.
He has been showing you.
I always believe in giving 2nd chances because sometimes people will really turn it around when they come close to losing a good thing, but 5 times is a “NO”. You’ve taught him that all he has to do is cry and say he’s sorry and that he won’t do it again, and he will get away with it.
Once a cheater always a cheater.
Giving him a second chance tells him he got away with it once so he will do it again knowing you’ll forgive him.
Walk away now.
The only thing he’s trying to change is not getting caught
Take him to a Holy Spirit filled church, see how long that commitment with Jesus lasts and if it doesn’t, you’ll have your answer.
Maybe once, but five times!
Walk away…you deserve so much better!
Respect yourself, and move on.
Life is too short. You have got to know your own worth/value as a non cheating person. He will never change. Just part as friends let him find that one person that will make him stop looking all over town if there is such a person. In the mean time your soul mate is out there just waiting on you to come into his life. You are worth being happy as woman, girlfriend, wife, mother whatever. Find your own happiness as he is finding his happiness probably more times than you know about. you are just lucky you found out about a few of them. Get started today on the life you deserve…
Are you financially dependent on him? Can you make it without him realistically? If you can, then I say leave. If you have kids, make sure you go see a lawyer first and get advice before you leave. Protect yourself and your children first. Once you’re out of the home, then you can see how he acts and think about counseling and if you want to work things out. But you might find that you are happier not being attached to all that nonsense and pain constantly. I know I was when I finally left. It was hard, but man, it was nice not to feel like I caused his craziness.
No way, leave! Why would you want to stay and keep giving him chances anyway!? I know you’re married but still enough is enough!
Get rid of him and his family. Cut out that toxicity and be done.
Nah you deserve waaaay better. You’ll always wonder “what if” and once trust is lost… It’s gone. Be happy! Follow your gut! It’s always right.
Leave,he will cheat again,you are worth more.
5 times…You’re on the internet asking strangers what you already know boo and nothing will change until you’ve excepted that you accept what you think you’re worth. Are you worth being cheated on 5 times? Only you can answer that one. I for one walked away from EVERYTHING a marriage, a house, money, security, a majority of his family, couple friends we’d had while married. Anything attached to him BUUUBYE…the 1st and only time I found out my ex husband cheated cuz FUCK THAT. Took a sec to get on my feet but if I can do it so can you. Got a job, an apt, 2 cars, and have more in the bank than I did when I was married w a husband who made 70g’s a yr go figure KNOW YOUR WORTH. God didn’t make you to be beneath a man he made you to walk beside one. Own it
Girl you already know your answer!!! I’ve been in your shoes. Only along with the cheating I also put up with abuse. I always said I am staying because of the kids. I need to protect them. Or because I don’t want to loose the family life. Pfft girl kick him to the curb. Love yourself enough to know that isn’t the way you’re supposed to be loved. Someone out there is ready to love you and cherish you and he is in the way!
Leave. He doesn’t get to have access to you, that’s no incentive to change. He can change and prove to you that he’s changed from a distance. If he can’t make those changes and work on himself without being wi th someone else, then he doesn’t deserve you. He needs therapy… something isn’t right
His wake up call was the day he said I do.
Close that door and work on healing yourself
Saying this with love…It’s concerning to me that you’re asking thousands of strangers on FB what you should do. Please, please find a counselor in your area that can help you work on you, and why you continue to allow this, or any man, to treat you this way. Hugs!
If he hasn’t changed after 10 years what makes you think he will now? He keeps doing it because you keep staying and basically allowing it to happen he sees no matter what he puts you through you stay so he’s gonna continue doing so until you really leave him and really open his eyes to the fact that you won’t put up with his shit anymore🤷🏻♀️if he loves you and wants to make things work make him show you and work for it he can’t cheat and say sorry and expect things to be ok again and the fact that he won’t reveal the whole truth should tell you he’s not done with the lying and cheating
No one can answer this for you. When you have finally had enough you will leave him or you may choose to stay.
Maybe he will stop or maybe he won’t.
Sometimes people will never know what they have until it’s gone and too late to get it back. And sometimes people won’t change until they have to.
Just one more chance,make him say scouts honour.
This isn’t a matter of how many wake up calls he needs, he’s already shown you that he is never going to change. It’s a matter of how many wake up calls you need!
Ewwe. Boy bye, before he gives you an STD
You teach people how to treat you. Since you’ve tolerated it in the past, he thinks it’s ok to continue and you’ll stay!
Do you honestly believe one more chance is going to change him? And do you even have one more chance to give him? I mean if I found out my guy was cheating for the last 5ish years I don’t think I would even have another chance to give him…
Curb him, and move on.
If you threw somerhing in the garbage because it did not work, would you dig it out of the garbage cause maybe you might get it to work?
Ya garbage is garbage.
ANSOLUTLEY NOT, he got caught AGAIN. NO WAY, you would just be setting yourself up to get hurt AGAIN. Walk away before you end up on an episode of snapped or 20-20! The woman is sending you proof, that’s how those shows begin. With a scorned woman waiting for the guy to tell and leave his wife! BIG RED FLAG THERE!!! I’m sorry hun but that’s my advice
Such betrayal. So sorry . You love him or you wouldn’t be there. He disrespected you 5 times you need to run it’s his wake up call bc he know you know you worth more then way treated. You will always have trust issues now do you want to live like that
Nope. Let go. Move on. You’re better off. A happy mommy is better than a broke home.
He had time to change. Listen to yourself. 5 times or more!? If he’s gotten away with it this much to this point, what’s stopping him from continuing it? He obviously has tricks up his sleeve. Screw his family and their opinions, they aren’t the one dating him and getting used and cheated on and lied to. You could do so much better than him. Trust me on that. If he hasn’t stopped now it’s doubtful he will. How can you ever really truly trust him again after this and finding out how much he’s kept from you?
He’s never going to change sorry I was in the same postion as you forgave my partner multiple times in the end enough was enough and I walked away 3 years on he’s still doing to his new gf so no men like that change
Just fooling yourself if you think thing are going to be different, DUMP that P.O.S.
Leave him after a month or so you will see if he really is trying to change but if he loves you an wants it to work an you do as well go to counseling. You definitely have to leave the past in the past can’t bring it up often . If you guys intend on working it out you have to move forward can’t bring up the past .
Leave, you deserve to be at peace and not worry about how he’s doing you behind your back.
No, there’s someone that will love and respect you out there and that man is holding you back
The old saying leopards don’t change their spots.
Sounds like you already gave him 5 chances too many
He will keep doing it because you keep forgiving him, I’ve been there! It will take time to heal yourself but being with someone that’s actually devoted to you is liberating.
No, time to leave. He isn’t going to change.
Let him go mama never going to change
You already gave yourself the answer by just writing here. What you are looking for is confirmation for a choice you already made, because you know you are correct if you, but you wonna spare yourself the guilt of rejecting him. Let me tell you something my sister. LEAVE THAT MAN ALONE! This time might be YOUR last time. Love yourself and worry about the disease that may come with that millioneth chance. Let him go and let him figure out himself. Let him enjoy and have his life the way he has already chosen to. All you are doing is encouraging him in his bad behavior and taking his nonsense and he knows it, hence he will continue to do so. KNOW YOUR WORTH! And please keep in mind that when we throw away garbage, it stays there. You don’t throw garbage and then go back for it. You leave it for the truck to collect. Good luck my friend, for only you can make that decision and we can only hope you make the right one for you
Kick his behind to the curb and run fast!!
Girl do not give him another chance not right now I’m not because his family is telling you to but let’s say in six months he still talking to you and still wants to get back together with you tell him to date you take you out on dates once or twice a week you know after so many months have a sleepover even though y’all I’ve already been in a relationship for this many years make him start over and start fresh and show you that he should’ve changed don’t give him a chance and all your trust make him earn it back if it doesn’t work after he’s earned everything back and started dating you again he deserves nothing else and if you’ve already tried that in the past Then let it be he deserves nothing
When you say “should I give my husband another chance” to a group of strangers. NO !
Sweetheart never play 2nd to anyone your 1st or gone God will put a good man in your path that will be faithful and put you on his QUEEN!!! list exactly what you deserve♥️ he has to do him!!! you can no longer help him move on sister love you and God Bless keep put God 1st trust him and your Blessings are on their way xoxoxo
Hell no! Leave him girl!
No respect no chances … leave girl you deserve better. 5 times is 5 times to many.
Say bye he will never change
His chances are all been taken. cut him loose and enjoy your life.
i’d pack my bags, he’ll change when he’s about 80!!!
Married 10 years, cheated at least 5 times. First thing she needs to do is find out why she has accepted this behavior and fix that. Another possibility is that he is a good provider and husband and these infidelities are a “cost of doing business” so to speak so she might choose to stay with him. Whatever works for them. Our moral standards really don’t matter in this or any other relationship
He is going to keep cheating on you because he knows you won’t leave him. Would you want your children in that type of relationship? He has absolutely NO respect for you. Only reason he is “changing” is because he was caught! I wouldn’t walk I’d run away from that relationship.
No way! If he had any intention of changing he wouldn’t of lied to you and would of told you the truth from the start.
Get rid, you deserve better xx
Don’t you think you need to stop letting him do this to you cause after 5 times cheating it doesn’t get any better.
Nope. No more chances. He won’t change, and you quite frankly deserve better.
Bahahah hard fricking pass hell no. Throw the dude and his family away.
Girl no more chances! He wants to change his ways, why didn’t he change his ways the last five times he cheated on you? Like everyone has said, he will keep on cheating because you keep accepting him back. If you didn’t catch him, he would still be cheating. He does not respect you
I’d let his ass go. If he was gonna change he would’ve done it by now. He obviously likes to cheat, & it sounds like that’s just who he is as a person. So don’t try to change him. Let him be another woman’s problem.
He would never change.He doesn’t respect you, He doesn’t love you.
You should leave. He most likely will not stop cheating. Speaking from experience
I have been married about 3 times one cheated the other was a dare the last one has been a love affair goin in for 38 years. The one that cheated never valued me or my ideas opinions or my presence. To be told How lucky I was to have him cause no other man would look at me let alone touch me . That he was the best thing in my life yet I was a shut a,whore who had slept with everything in using our dog. We had one son the greatest most creative ever
The best part of that man. But I raised him gay. My personality is the kind that really chafes at this kind of treatment. Believing love could conquer. I was very young. But that verbal abuse that put me down and elevated his status when it was me supporting the family running a house and he drank he came first. It lasted 13 years. Then one Day I packed our things put them in storage and when he came home the house was empty. I had also divided what assets We had and got a checking account myself leaving him about fourth of what we had after all I had the kid. Oh boy out comes Mr. CHARM dinners at expensive places praise heaped on me and to stop all this BS and come back. He was in a hotel I in a gated community. It did nit work. Then came the stalking and attempting to intimidate me into submission. Promising to never see who ever again and how she meant nothing. But the cheating and other things people came forward to tell me . No good He was sure I would return right up until I remarried the man who puts me first loves me warts and all. So no cheating says volumes which he said anyways
To be treated like a princess everyday for 38 years never forgets a important date or my flowers the very first he brought me in March Jonquils or Daffodils. Every year. Oh I divorced and remarried him as well so he got his chance
Girl… he’s done it over and over. He’s not going to change.
I would suggest a legal separation and marriage counseling to see if there is anything to save. You obviously love him and are thinking of giving him another chance or you wouldn’t be asking. Let him put in the work to show you he is different if he can prove to you he is changing and try to earn your trust back. Don’t put your life on hold for him, work on loving yourself and setting boundaries that are deal breakers for the future. This way if you let him come back you are in control of the situation and that you will not tolerate any of his previous behaviors. Up to this point you have let him get a way with it so many times he thinks he can always say sorry and you will just let it go. He needs to know he really can lose everything.
I would not stay with a man like that but that said I’m not in your marriage. Those who love you will support you and your decision no matter what “they think”. You need to decide does the bad out weigh the good and if so I think you can answer your own question and make the best decision for you and your family. I’m so sorry he keeps hurting you … praying for you
He won’t change, trust me
Let him go once a cheater always a cheater god will found you a man who lives an respects you
Kick him to the curb!
Did you try counseling any of the previous 5 times? If not, and you do feel like trying again- I would highly recommend counseling. Maybe get a tracking app and set up parental codes on his phone. Tell him if he wants to try again, it is not going to be easy. You make him WORK to get your trust back. If you’re a family of believers- have him start talking to your pastor or someone else within the church that will help hold him accountable. When he’s home, his phone goes on a charger in the kitchen- or kept with you. I am not encouraging you one way or another, just offering advise if you want to give him another chance. My husband and I have given each other multiple chances for different things each other has done wrong in our marriage- I wouldn’t change it. I love my husband beyond words and he loves me the same- but that doesn’t change the fact that we will always make mistakes. You just have to decide if you can forgive him enough to let him try. If so, set rules and boundaries- just as you would with a teenager. If he’s willing to stick to them, for a VERY extended period of time, maybe he really does want to change.
If they don’t learn after the first time they never will.
After every chance he gets, he will get a little sense of thinking he can get away with it again and that you’ll keep forgiving him. Nope. Big girl pants on and move the f on. Boy bye.
Honestly 5 chances is too many.