Should I give my husband another chance?

he’s cheated in the past, and continue to cheat, that man wont change. His family is manipulating you. You need to leave

Is this even a question :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3: noooo “first time shame on you …anytime after that shame on me” have more respect for yourself.

5 times if not more! Oh girl you’re more forgiving than I am. If he hasn’t changed thus far, why would he change going forward? None of us can tell you what to do. You have to decide what you’re willing to put up with, only you know the specifics of your situation financially and children wise. You know your worth and how you need to be treated. In my opinion though if he hasn’t changed in the last decade, then he probably won’t change in the next one. Good luck, be strong and stay true to yourself. :pray::heart:

Honestly I wouldn’t be asking an outsiders perspective I get it been there done it! It comes down to wether u feel ur husband deserves another chance or not! Of course all the outsiders are gonna say no don’t bother cuz that’s exactly what I’m saying but u need to sit & think real hard on this one! Don’t listen to his family either bc of course they are gonna say give him another chance that’s his family! I dealt with the exact same thing for the past 10yrs as well and I continued to forgive my husband but eventually I got fed up with it! I heard the same thing it won’t happen again & it still did. Yes it’s taken me 10yrs to finally say enough is enough but it’s a decision that you need to make and not have anyone in ur ear helping u make that decision !

If this is happened five times before, you already know that he’s not going to change.
Break the toxic cycle.

He didn’t change the first 5 times, what makes you think 6 times the charm?

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I went through this for 20 years and every time I caught him he would beg for another chance. It never changes. It never stops. It will eat your soul till there is nothing left in you. Throw him out now and learn to love again before your water any more of your life in this hell.


People will do what u allow them to do!

My oh my! First of I am so sorry to hear you going through this; truly breaks my heart! I just feel like the first 5 times shoulda deff been a wake up call! For him and you as well! Was this really a surprise? This has became a pattern by now hun, and one that needs to be broken!Where this has happened multiple times before and you have taken him back, he seems to think he can do whatever he wants and that you would always take him back! I’d put my foot down, stand my ground, and leave him! Even if it’s just a break for a month or so, just you both need time to think and revaluate. He really needs time to think about the consequences of his actions, but don’t have too when you keep taking him back like that! Therapy would deff help. But a break could let you see where he really stands, and if he really is mentally and if he is really going to try to put in the effort to change; it’s a choice that has to be made daily!. Don’t put all your energy into something thats not reciprocating that energy back to you! You’re draining yourself love and deff don’t deserve it! &Be careful, there is something called love bombing, where they will shower you with love and all the things they know you love just to get back in when they mess up, so be careful and know the difference! Actions most for certainly speak louder than words! I’m not saying people can’t change, because they surely can, but they have to want to change and want to do it for themselves; not anyone else! No one else can do it for them, but them! I know this is hard and you obviously must still love him, just please realize you deserve to be happy and be loved correctly! Receiving anything less in this short lifetime would simply be a waste of time, and sounds to me as if he has wasted enough! Stay strong baby! This too shall pass! May god bless you; you will deff be in my prayers!:purple_heart::sparkles:

Sounds to me like he wants his cake and eat it too. Evidently you and his family don’t mean a lot to him or he wouldn’t keep doing this. So when do you draw the line…many cheats ago! I’d send him kicking rocks and move on. No one deserves that disrespect not to mention the nastiness he could bring home to you. Set yourself free and find someone who loves you…and only you :woman_shrugging:t3:

Fool me once…shame on you… Fool me twice, shame on me… Girl… After the first time… You should have left.
He’s a douche bag and doesn’t value you at all.
He sees you as a push over.

It has happened to me first time ! Gone out the door! Mama cut the rope

A leopard does not change his spots, ever…
Taken him for what he’s worth…
don’t allow your mental health to be a

Nope. I’m a cold B though cause after 1st time he’d been gone.

And the next and the next and the next and the next. Wake up. He will NEVER change.

He will do it again. Time to go, 4 times ago,

If this was your daughter or son asking this question; what would your advice be?!

What is a cheater always a cheater can never trust him and I know that for a fact what recruiter

He won’t change. I finally kicked my chronic cheater husband out 2 months ago and I feel SO much better. I have peace. Kick him out. No one deserves that

F*** him and his family

Absolutely not he already thinks you’re stupid… don’t give into trash…

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Really?!? You need to ask. :woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4:


Hon, he is not going to change… he is only sorry when he gets caught. I would understand another chance if this was the first time, but as you said it is not. Best advice is: Follow your gut. It is 100% correct 100% of the time…

Remove those rose :rose: tinted glasses x After 5 times and no change the 6th won’t be any different x Get a set of new glasses chick x

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Sorry he won’t change


Be done, he is not gonna stop.

His behaviour is embedded. Continue relationship at your own peril

No first time shame on you but 2nd time shame on me for taking your sorry a back.

No chances. You decide now if you’re ok being married to someone with side chicks or not then make the appropriate steps you need in life knowing that it is leaving him or dealing with his outside relationships and accept it. He will never change. He’s done this 5 times.


A leopard doesn’t change it’s stripes, divorce his ass move on!

Here’s your clue…he cheated on you 5 times…you gave him enough chances seriously


Yeah I’ve herd that a million times. They don’t change your situation could be different but in my experience they just say that to keep a sense of normalcy for a little bit longer.

Los hom hy het goed geweet wat hy doen beter af sonder hom

NOPE!! Baby RUN! Go learn to love yourself more. You won’t even want him at all. Sincerely a recently divorced woman from a prick who had an affair after I gave him children & 13 yrs of my life. <3 #runfarandfast

Once a cheater always a cheater

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Girl he has already wasted 10 years of your life…
The biggest question is why are you even considering it?


Nope he has shown you enough to make a decision. I say leave take some space and see how you feel

For this person to even question this after 5 times being cheated on. Maybe she deserves to be with him. Putting her family through this that many times is so self centred. Just my opinion.

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When someone shows you who they are, believe them.


No way, he isn’t going to change

Leopard doesn’t change its spots


Run for your life. You deserve so much more respect and love

WELL with all these comments dols and u still want to be with that MONGREL WELL dont bother asking omg thats so toxic hes gunna be a muck around dog all the time but gud luck in your CHOICES

Umm you should have left after the first time. You have already given him chance after chance. He knows he can get away with it. If you stay it WILL happen again. Do yourself a favor and RUN. Also, if his family is encouraging you to stay they are just as toxic as he is. Drop them as well.


He’s not going to stop. Leave him. How are you so calm and complacent about this?

Honestly it sounds like you’re in a circle of toxic traits taking him back again and again. You are better than that! Break the chain and love yourself because you’re worth it! I’ll be praying for you!


Leave cheaters don’t stop cheating

Kick him to the curb once a cheater always a cheater which he has proven. You deserve better.

5 times and you are still with him?! Take a good look in the mirror

No, I would not give him another chance. You already have and he’s blown it.

He’s proved to you who he was/is over & over. Always believe someone when they show you who they are the 1st time bc by the 5th time~ it is you who looks as stupid as they are.

  • you can’t open that new door until you completely close,board, lock this one up & throw away the key.
    Who knows just mite be the love of your life on the other side of the new door🤷🏻‍♀️
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First offense: termination

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:face_with_monocle:I would rather put shit in my hands and clap :poop: :clap: before I went back to my ex :woman_shrugging::woozy_face::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

If he hasn’t changed, and has continued to cheat on you…hes NOT going to STOP! Leave him, you deserve better!

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No fucken way ! Run and run fast

You know what to do love, you dont need us to tell you. Xxxxx Peace xxxxxx

Ask yourself why you haven’t left yet, and then ask yourself why was that ever a good enough reason ? Of course hid family I’d st8cking up for him.

Leave… when they show you who they are, believe them!

If you know about 5, there’s probably many more than that. Leave.

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Nope definitely not but thats just me i dont put up with cheaters i left my ex because he cheated!! And he cheated on me with multiple ppl qnd even got 1 pregnant

He’s laying it on thicker this time because he is worried that you might actually be thinking about leaving. He might be faithful for a while, but he will cheat again! And it sounds like he knows that you’ll always stay. If he’s cheated 5 times or more, this man is not going to change. If you decide to stay, you will most likely go through this again! He might try harder to cover it up, but he’s going to do it again!

If he’s been cheating… you are not going to trust him… you will question everything he says and this will cause more tension… you are asking if he should have another chance because his family is asking… not because you want to try… walk away sis… he ain’t worth the trouble, the anxiety, the heartbreak when you catch him again… and the more you take him back and give him another chance, he will lose respect for you… just end it now and be happy… sure, it will hurt for a bit… but in the long run you will be happier

Girl, he is a player. A leopard doesn’t change its spots. Move on.

Nope. Life too short. Drive by a grave yard and then make ur choice. Before long that’s where u will be and u shouldn’t live no point of your life betrayed or not happy. Throw his ass to the curb and tell him to kick rocks. He’s only apologetic bc he got caught.

Once is by mistake… 5 times is by choice… Do not fall atrap anymore !!

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This is very long, but just hear me out, it may or may not help, but sometimes hearing it from someone who’s been there is helpful.

And I’m not trying to be rude, but just from the perspective of one with personal experience, if he’s done it more than once he will not stop. Once is bad enough, but five times says he has no respect for you and that’s not okay. When people see that they’re getting away with something without consequences, they begin to believe they will never be punished for those actions; you continuing to stay after the first and second time has sent him a message that you will always stay no matter how many times he does it, that all he has to do is say “sorry” and promise change but doesn’t actually have to change his behavior, it makes him believe that he can just do it over and over and you’ll keep giving him chances. Believe it or not, such behaviors can be considered as psychological abuse, they know it’s hurting you but they don’t genuinely care about your feelings, repeat the behavior, promise change to keep you around but turn around and do it again. This is manipulative behavior, whether they themselves see it as such or not, it is manipulation to their benefit at the expense of your mental wellbeing. You know, that old saying “you can’t have your cake and eat it too”, staying with him is allowing him to have his cake and eat it too. Depending on if there other actions he has done that weren’t mentioned in your post, he may in fact be a complete narcissist, the behavior you’ve mentioned alone is one of the trademarks of narcissism, and narcissists don’t change. It took me 11 years of this repetitive psychological abuse and becoming pregnant to wake up realize it all, but I still didn’t quite recognize it all for my sake, I left for the sake of my child, after the birth I refused continuing a relationship with him. When my son was 3 months old after continuing to refuse a relationship with him, he stopped trying to contact me, he never once contacted me to actually spend time with our child, he came around under the guise of wanting to see our son but only bothered me and kept pressuring lies that he would change to be with me not our child. That was over 7 years ago, and in the last 6 and a half years he’s not made one attempt to see his son (which I never once prevented, I let him come by my house everyday for the first 3 months to see our son but he acted like my son wasn’t even in the room, he only wanted to try to get me back, he never had any interest in our son). 2 years after I left him and refused his advances I met the most amazing man I’ve ever known and we now live together with our 2 sons (my son and his son from a previous marriage), and he has always loved my son and treated him like his own from day 1. That is the kind of man you deserve, not one that has repeated affairs and guilts you into coming back to be hurt again. It will be hard to break away, it can be like breaking an addiction for some people, and honestly if not for my son, I probably would’ve kept going back because that’s all I knew. But once you break that cycle and get past the first few months you will start to realize just how wrong what they were doing to you was and it does get better. You are worth more than just being that one that will put up with everything and stay at the expense of your own feeling, you are worth so much more than that. You deserve happiness, you deserve to be treated right and respected, you deserve to be loved properly both by someone who truly sees and cherishes your worth but also to be loved by yourself.

I would trust yourself, not his family or anyone else regarding your decision. It’s hard to forgive someone for such a thing. I couldn’t. Ever. Relationships are built on trust, and if he is seeking relationships with other women. I think you should trust yourself here.

Wake up call or not. You were good enough of a wife to forgive him the first time. I cannot see this person changing. Unfortunately. You may still love the guy sure. But you shouldn’t allow him to keep hurting you. You deserve better then that my dear.

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Um… do you want this to happen every 2yrs for the rest of your life…?
I’d for sure be 100% out but that would be after I already gave him another chance and he cheated for the second time. :wave:t2:
You don’t deserve this. He doesn’t live and respect you.

He’s bullshitting you because he knows he can and you’ll believe it. His family is right along side him which is twice as wrong. They shouldn’t be involved PERIOD. I say let this man GO, sis.

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The last paragraph you answered your own question. If he was content he wouldn’t have cheated in the 1st. Place. Let them have him.

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Yes but definitely cheat on him a bunch and demise a well planned exit. I’d eff that guy over so hard.

Hell NO!!! I wouldn’t have given him a 2nd chance after the FIRST affair, let alone the 5th or 6th. You deserve better!! He now knows what to do to smoothe things over…and get back in your good graces. He will never change. Time to leave and put yourself first and find someone who treats you right.

One a cheater always a cheater and one top of it, he’s lying… no mam run

Hell No…Once a Cheater always a Cheater…


If he cheated once, he will cheat again! Quit being his doormat! It’s time you worried about your own happiness and future! I seriously hope children aren’t involved! Been there done that! And that’s no joke!

You already know what you should do

10 years andno change yet he’s not going to change please know your worth your beautiful

Cheaters don’t change. Have some self respect. Learn to love you again.

Leave him ! He has shown you he will do it again .

He had his 2nd chance years ago and a few more since. How selfish of anyone to put the pressure on you like that. If you have children, especially daughters, show them how strong you are and that you are an individual who deserves better. I can’t imagine the anxiety you must go through every time he’s out. Obviously its your choice, but there’s a better life waiting :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Respect yourself. Because he don’t. Run

Just remember ur worth. If u cheated would he stay with you??


He won’t change. Leave now and save yourself the heartache. No one deserves that :pleading_face:

Relationships are all about mutual respect, either you have it or you don’t. Once that’s gone so is everything that follows.

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I read the first sentence………no.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me…

You need to do exactly what you want it is your life, but when people show you who they are believe them, and decide what you can live with.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me 5 times…:grimacing:

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Find go find counseling and check with attorney. Stop listen to comment and family
Its your life .you take care of you.

No once a cheater always a cheater

I wouldn’t give him anymore chances. I went through the same thing he is a cheater and a liar and a narcissist he hurts you and cheat on you then apologizes and butters you up because he knows if he manipulates you then you will stay and then later after he knows he gets you back he will do it again because then again he knows if he manipulates you enough that you will stay. If he loved you enough he wouldn’t of cheated on you the first time nor would he lie to you. He is keeping u in a manipulation circle because he knows you won’t leave him. If he already cheated on you 5 times and promised to change and didn’t then why is this time any different. Don’t let a snake fool you by its skin once a snake always a snake if it looks like a snake acts like a snake then it’s a snake. Don’t put yourself in a position to get hurt again because if you keep going back it’s showing him that he can continue to do it. Trust me sis been there done that for 7 years. Walk away because the longer you stay the more it’s gonna tear down your self esteem.

If he’s fine it five times already he’ll do it again. Leave. You are worth so much more than what he is doing to you.

You need to give forgiveness to yourself and leave. Also forgive him but just because you forgive him doesn’t mean you have to forget!

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He clearly doesn’t want a committed relationship. 5x is more then enough chances . It’s unfair of his family to even ask you to do that .they are not the ones getting cheated on . I think you should end it . You could still be friends if that’s something you could do , but I don’t think the cheating willl stop.


I would have sex with someone else and so he can feel what it does. Man do calm down around 45 . He might cheat again but if he learns to own up and tells you what happened it is easier than being lied to. I had a partner who cheated on me and I got over it by getting off on it . That did of course not always work. The having sex with others is not as bad as the lies I experienced. Hard to have good advice! If I had children then I would try to forgive! The other side is that it is not a big deal and only sex ! Better than emotional affairs

Ask God for help sweetie he will surely help u n yur hubby God bless u

If you really have to ask this question, I think you might as well stay with him.

That’s too many chances …

Nope… not unless you want it to happen again. I’m all for chances and believing that people can change … but after 5 times… girl… he’s not gonna change.

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