Get rid. He’s never gonna change
You have already given him more chances than he deserves, he’s not going to change because he knows you are going to keep giving him one more chance. me personally would of been gone after the first time. If you have/ had a daughter, would you want her to stay in a relationship like this? it’s time for you to move on with your life, I’m sure you’ve stayed because you love him and are scared of the unknown, but you deserve a better life than always being cheated on.
After at least five times of I’ll change, I’ll change…the only thing that he’s going to change is trying to figure out better ways to cheat and not get caught. He has zero respect for you.
After the first time would of been it for me
If he cheated multiple times and keeps saying he will change. Because if you continue to stick around each time he says he’ll change he will never change!!! You need to put him back in the water and fish for a bigger fish!!!
Come on now. That boy will never change. If you stay, he will get away with it for the 6th time.
Trust yourself!! What does your heart say?
I’ve been through this for 10+ yrs and they don’t change,the only one changing is you and it’s really not a good change either.(once a cheater always a cheater) and it’s true. He or she just get better at hiding it until you get a gut feeling again and bam they doing it again.I left a little over a year ago and it was a ruff but I made it and and still working on myself . but now I look back and see all the red flag the stupid stuff I did just to be with him and the stuff that he did or said should of woke me up and run.I still talk to him and see him.but it makes me realize (he will never change)yes I still love him but have to love him from afar.Deep down inside you know what you need to do,you have to make a decision and stick with it no matter how hard it is.Good luck with what ever decision you make
Nope- One chance after that they know you will continue to “let it go”.
You deserve better
No. He has proven multiple times that he isn’t going to be faithful. Stop believing his lies.
I wouldn’t. Cheating is a whole different realm of lying. It’s happened so many times, why is this time different? Your children shouldn’t be growing up thinking it’s ok to cheat. If he wants to live like he’s single, let him be single. You don’t deserve to be cheated on if you’re loyal and committed to this relationship. You deserve better.
No leave you deserve better he will do it again
Leave now for good. He doesn’t deserve this many chances
No, he’s done this multiple times leave him he will do it again
Simple answer “NO” you have given plenty of chances to “change”. Now it’s time to look after you and do what’s best for you which is let him go and you move on.
Stop waiting for him to change, you need to change, change the way he treats you by NOT tolerating the disrespect. People treat you the way you allow them to treat you. Start loving yourself.
Give him another chance to cheat??? Another chance to possibly expose you to something you can’t get rid of? Cheating is disgusting. It is the ultimate betrayal. You should’ve left the first time. Now he knows he can get away with it. He’s not changing. You have to make the choice if you want to live another ten years like this or waste the rest of your life on a man who doesn’t even care about you. His family wants you to stay because they know he’s wrong and nobody else will put up with him. They don’t care about you either.
No. Leave. The sooner the better.
Not a chance. My husband chelated on me for years and denied it until he couldn’t anymore. They don’t change. He will just be laughing inside and thinking she will calm down again and in six mo ths he will be back to his old tricks. You deserve so much more don’t let him humiliate and use you. Good look. Xxx
Do it back and see if he’ll stay
5 times or more? Girl he’s past change. If he does change it will be for him, not anyone else. I’m sorry I can’t imagine how you feel. At this point I think it’s time to go.
Why is it men cheat? My husband to was a cheater
Sorry babe he’s not going to stop. You can either accept that for what it is, continue hurting yourself, cheat yourself or leave. I’d choose the latter …
You have already given him a handful of chances. So no, he doesn’t deserve another one. If you do he will do it again because he knows he can boohoo to his family and you’ll stay.
No more chances, you’ve given him plenty and he hasn’t changed. What makes you think he will change this time? When we accept and forgive they usually keep doing the behavior because they feel like we will not leave them, that we will always be there regardless. Put your foot down, enough is enough.
LEAVE HIM NOW - Imagine how satisfying it will be to be DONE with this POS. He is just buying himself some time so he can cheat on you again. At this point he is able to mentally separate his relationship and his affairs so he is not thinking about you AT ALL when he cheats.
If you choose to stay, you will find yourself in an even bigger mess, he WILL give you an STD, or he will impregnate someone by accident. Why give him that satisfaction to continually hurt you over and over?
He deserves far worse than you leaving him, believe me. Make him empty his bank account for you if he’s so “sorry” for what he’s done….BET HE WONT! Then leave him in the dust lol, leave him broke and alone with his whores.
Sounds like yous are made for each other why not get mug inked on your head
No no no no chance hunni best being on Yr own
I would have left after thr 2nd time. He’s already proved he’s going to continue when he did it the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th time. Value YOURself more than that.
Yes, no more chances, he has been given one too many already. You could check the cheater laws where youre from too if youre worried about finances in a divorce. Sorry youve been through this💌
Not a chance! Sorry but 5 times in 10 years is 5 times to many.
Run an if if he did it 5 times run faster. Thank of what he could have brought home to you.
Personally that is 2 chances too many for anything. I live by 3 strikes you’re out. It’s totally up to you how you handle this situation though. You’re not done until you’re done and had enough of the bullshit.
I wouldn’t. This is your life though.
Sorry but he will never change because he doesn’t need to if you keep forgiving him. Find someone who will think you are the most amazing person in the world (which you will) and one that doesn’t need to be cheated and lied to. You’re worth way more than this. Make your own life better and good luck xx
I wouldn’t I think he has shown you that he’s not going to change!
I have given my ex 3 chances and he continued to cheat. As hard as it is walk away if they can show us such disrespect they dont care about us no matter what they say.
Definitely no more chances. You’ve given enough, time to value and love yourself again.
No if they cheat once they will keep on cheating
History repeats itself,get out
I personally would’ve left after the first time. He’s not going to stop. That’s a ridiculous amount of chances for him. Those vows were just words to him.
You will just continue to suffer. Once a cheater get away with cheating. Always a cheater.
Lol after five times and your asking this question smh. He we’ll keep doing it cause you have already forgave him 5 time’s what is another 5. Oh but he well change tf out of here. Better you then me.
I’m sorry to say, he probably won’t stop…at least not until he has to live without you and believes he has lost you for good…by then I hope you find someone else or find yourself with some healthy boundaries that deserves better treatment. Best wishes,Sister.
No ma’am. Too little too late. The first time would’ve been the last time for me.
You know the saying fool me once… idk how you’ll ever be able
trust him and you can’t build a solid ground on that much deceiving.
You deserve more: you are worthy. And you need to tell yourself that. I highly doubt he’s just “changing” after doing this for 10 years. You are not a doormat. prayers!
How many chances does he deserve? I would say that was the last one and done…
Leave him. You deserve better. He’s not going to change!!!
No, you have given him too many chances. Have more self respect!
Leave, get out, RUN. Fuck his family fuck him changing; he’s not changing. Fuck his wake up call. Five times in ten years, he’s not changing he’s just seeing how many times before you truly say fuck this.
He continued and WILL continue to do what he wants because you allow it. Every time you forgive him and stay you’re re enforcing that his behavior has ZERO consequences. I am truly baffled that you’re STILL even considering ANOTHER chance. Just wow. Have some self respect.
Sounds like he has an enabling family and no offense you are enabling him as well by excusing his behavior. 5 times in ten years is a lot. And has there been counseling or anything? Any consequences for his behavior? What you allow is what will continue. I’m so sorry you’re going through this.
If this is his wake up call then tell him he just over slept. Gone no more chances.
Will be change? Or will he just get better at hiding it.
Nope. He isn’t going to change. He is just telling you he will change so you will stay. You have given him WAY too many chances to change and he hasn’t. He will keep doing this. He has done it 5 times so obviously he doesn’t feel guilty our value yours and his relationship. I would leave even though it will be hard. Don’t let it control you anymore. Leave and VALUE yourself. You deserve so much more.
Wtf… No. 1 time is 1 too many. Bye.
He is risking giving his wife and if you have children the mother of this children an STD/STI/HIV. I would not give him another chance. Your life is worth so much more. You deserve respect. Remember you are stronger than you think.
Do you like being cheated on? There’s your answer! Unless you want to have an open marriage, let him go.
Girl, you should have been gone! You are allowing him to be like that because you don’t put your foot down. He is showing you each time how he feels about you, and how much your marriage means to him, but you aren’t believing him! Believe him! The first time, huge maybe on trying to work it out, but the second and third one and on, you are breaking your own heart. Have some dignity and hold your head high, and walk away. You are so deserving of so much more!
What you allow will continue.
If you take him back he will do it again because he knows you’ll let him back in.
Definitely not no one deserves to be treat like that once let alone 5 times stick your ground your not a mug
Once a cheat always a cheat
If you have small kids…ya…give another chance…see if you yourself can accept him… Pray for you …
The only thing he’s sorry about is the fact he got caught. He lied about it until you showed proof and then still wasn’t completely truthful. That’s not the actions of someone that is remorseful
5 times? Honey, the last time would have been it for me. It sounds like you’re the one who needs the wake up call. That’s sounds harsh and I’m so sorry, but it’s true. You deserve so much better!!!
I would not been there done that. They always say they will change when they are caught. It will happen again but you have to be 100% sure leaving is what you want. If your not sure dont leave. It will cause more issues.
It will hurt more to stay
No you already gave chances and put your effort in
From personal experience. He won’t stop. I caught my ex husband probably every 2 years (that I’m aware of!) For 10 years. I was a doormat and didn’t stand up for myself. Finally I said if you go with your brother his wife and that girl we are done. He went I never looked back. Met my husband that weekend. Been together almost 18 years. Leave for you and if any kids are involved. Its not worth it.
It has been my experience that once a cheater always a cheater, but it’s really up to you…
Girl, move on with your life, unless you particularly enjoy being lied to and cheated on. That man has no respect for you and you sure won’t get it if you keep taking his sorry ass back.
Sure, if you plan on being in an open relationship with him. You should be able to get yours, too.
Did he say it was his wake up call the other 5 times?
This could be a wake up csll , so he could chsnge butifk
Trust me just leave you deserve so much better. Know your worth!! As I have learned if you give him another chance then in his mind he can do it again because he knows you won’t go anywhere. Know your worth!
Would he of given you 5 chances?
Girl five times is to many. Let him go. Once is a mistake. Anything after he knows what he’s doing. You could get something from them. Let him go he doesnt love you enough to be faithful.
No more chances. Stay strong.
Once I read you’ve been together 10 years but he has cheated 5 times, I was done reading. You don’t deserve to be treated like and if you stay with him your just gonna allow it to keep happening because it’s obvious he isn’t going to change. Let him go.
Once a cheat always a cheat. 1st time to cheat is hardest. After that it gets easier. A cheater does not respect you.
I’m always a believer in once can be a mistake, the second time is on purpose, doing it at least 5 times or more that’s pretty pathetic, I wouldn’t give him any more chances at all. life is short, we have to create our own way and our own happiness we’re not there to bend the rules and pick up after someone else’s mistakes time and time and time and time and time (5) again it becomes a joke. And no woman wants to look like some men’s joke. Stand up for yourself kick him to the kerb and live your best life.
What dose your heart tell you…yes people can change, but sounds like you have already giving him enough chances. Good luck.
The more chances you give him the less he respects you. Time to close the door on him and move on. Good luck
Stop being a doormat. 1st time was the warning he’s a cheater. 2nd and every time after that just reconfirmed it. Please love yourself more and leave him.
I don’t think he will stop, but if you separate for a while and take time away from him, maybe you can gain clarity on yourself. What exactly is it that you expect & want in a s/o…figure our YOUR want & needs ahead of his…
We can all sit here and say to leave but really it’s up to you. Your heart has to be done if you wanna leave that man, a lot of times it’s easier said than done. Just know your not a door Mat nor a tree and you can move out of your situation whenever you need to when your done with this man walking all over you and your feelings you won’t have to be asking us for a solution you will know what the right thing to will be. Hold your head high. At the end of the day it’s you and it will always be you, a wake up call should of been a while ago if this is the 5th time it’s happened.
Yeh why not? Then give him another chance & so on & so forth! Stupid is as stupid does!
There’s enough good honest men out there you don’t have to keep one that’s dishonest. He’s a serial cheater and obviously doesn’t take his vows seriously.
They don’t change he will just hide it better i promise
They ALWAYS say it’s a wake up call, but only once you actually catch them! I’m sorry you are going through this, but I understand forgiving a few times, but not 5 times! It will NEVER Change because he knows that all he has to do is say oh I’ll do better when in reality he’s only saying these things because he knows it’s what you want to hear! You need to run and not look back he obviously wasn’t worried about your relationship the last 5 affairs he has had so what makes you think this is going to be any different? Don’t ever settle for less than you deserve!!
I gave multiple chances to my former husband. They dont change. Wish I had left years and years ago. Life is too short to not be cherished and valued. Good luck.
Girl unless that dude is wearing a diaper u cannot change him. He is who he is, a cheater!
Nooo, first strike you’re out.
There’s no way to sugar coat it. You have condoned his behavior all these years. Why should either of yall switch it up now? He knows you don’t mind being in a 1 way open marriage. You either accept it and keep living this way or you walk and learn to respect yourself and leave him in the rear view. You know not a single person on here is going to say “oh he will totally change this time…go on and give it another whirl”
Best prediction of future behavior is relevant past behavior. Some of the most wisest words from my man Dr. Phil.
Wow no. Once a fence crawler always a fence crawler.
No girl you most definitely should not. Once, maybe. But multiple times… no way. If he hasn’t had said “wake up” call he isn’t going to. He is going to keep thinking that this behavior is okay because your staying. We set our own boundaries and this is definitely an unhealthy one. You deserve so much better than this. Every woman does. Please LOVE YOURSELF ENOUGH TO WALK AWAY… SHIT… RUN AWAY
Doesn’t sound like he’s ever changed to me. Sounds like he’s okay cheating and lying to your face - no thank you.
I think it’s up to you.Can you stand to look at him knowing he’s a cheater and liar? Good luck…
Nope! Get rid of the trash and move on!
One time, hmmm maybe, two times or more NOPE!
He will continue to cheat. Don’t waste anymore or your years with him. There’s someone out there who will treat you like the Queen you are.
I found mine after leaving a 19 year relationship. It’s hard but dig deep, find the strength and courage to first leave, and then to realize you deserve better.
No more chances!!! What’s done is done …why put your self through another lie another hope he will change.come on wake up find someone who really does love you…your marriage was over the first time he cheated trust is earned not just given.
And if you KNOW of 5 times go on and tack a 2 to the front or a 0 to the back bc I could bet anything it’s well more than that!
“When someone shows you who they are believe them” is that what you want to be with for the rest of your life?