Should I give my husband another chance?

Once a cheater,always a cheater! Enough is enough. Hecwants both worlds and life does not work that way. Wishing you the best.

I would say he should move out and start over with you and step by step prove he can be faithful.

Trust him??? Oh hell NO!!!

Once is a mistake, it’s still a choice, but every time after that it’s a pattern. He will not change. Those are narcissistic traits. Read Tina Swithin.

Once maybe, but you have given him way too many chances and nothing has changed. Find someone that deserves you​:heart::heart::heart:

Leave, it won’t stop. Been there, done that… Never stopped. He still does it, just to different females because I left!

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He’s a charger and will always be a charger if you keep giving him a pass. Need to let him go now before you give up on your happiness. Good luck.

I stand by “once a cheater always a cheater. If he cared it wouldn’t have happened once!

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My dad use to say, “You cant change the spots on a leopard.”

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Heck no. The first time he would have been out the door. Once a cheater always a cheater.

He ain’t changing. Pack your stuff and leave

Nope. He’s proved he’s not loyal multiple times.

You have to follow your heart and protect it too. Me I wouldn’t give another chance to him. Pray about it God will lead you the way you should go. Prayers for you.

Hell no once a cheater always a cheater…don’t give any chances…anyone that cheats isn’t in love or committed to a relationship…you deserve to be top priority…don’t settle for 2nd best

No ma’am!! 5 times??? GET OUT ALREADY.

U deserve better then this. Move on with ur life girlfriend!
Action speak louder then words.

Why did you even give him a 2nd chance? Now you’re on the 6th? Think more of yourself than that

Walk away! He will always be a cheater!

What was different this time? Why is THIS time his wake up call? He didn’t even admit it when you caught him, had proof, and he is still lying to you. Nothing about this post suggests this dude will ever change.


Trust can never be the same once it is broken. You deserve better, my friend. He does not respect you nor does he love you. It’s time to close this chapter and begin a new one. :v:t4::rose::heart:

Reread what you wrote would you tell that to your daughter or your son that you would stay and try to work things out with somebody that cheats. Someone in my family wants to change their name because they don’t want to be named after men that are horrible. So that should answer your question if you should leave


He’s not changing. The saying once a cheater always a cheater is normally true!

Time to take care of self. He has been given multiple chances. As for his family they are not married to him or have to live with him so their opinion is not important. You have tried multiple times and he has not changed his actions. Once may be a mistake but after that it is a choice. I pray you find strength and comfort to get you thru. You are worth more than he deserves.

Leopards don’t change their spots.

Take it from me sister, I’ve been there and done that, once a cheater always a cheater.

I am now married to a wonderful man for 25 years and I am happy.

Why stay in a marriage when you are constantly anxious over his whereabouts, constantly checking up on him, suspicious of his every move and every explanation. That is not a peaceful situation for you. Just be prepared that if you do give him another chance, the above will be true.

GOOD BYE!!! Do not keep putting yourself throughthis crap. If you give him another chance he is going to keep promising to change. He knows you will take him back no matter what. Don’t do it!! Teach him a lesson that you are not one to keep messing with.!!

Trust is gone! Show him the door! You can do better and deserve true love!

Leave now so that you aren’t asking the same questions a year from now. He has seen what you will tolerate; dint tolerate it anymore. I left a year ago. It was the hardest thing not to go back. It was the best thing I’ve ever done for myself and for my kids.

His wake up call?! Ha! He got caught…thats it. Thats all. Hed still be fu*#ing around if he didnt GET CAUGHT. You keep forgiving him, he KEEPS cheating. ITS A CYCLE and the ONLY ONE going to break that CYCLE is YOU. Dont subscribe to that subscription again. Its trash. Good luck. :heart:

i stopped at, happened before, multiple times! Tf!?! Why!?!? You already know the answer

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Take that proof and take him for everything! F that! Multiple affairs!?! Next!

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He b well gone no chances given fullstop

Consult a lawyer and accountant first to insure what assets are where. Once you know, pack his crap and have the locks changed. If by chance it’s a rental get yr name off the lease and then leave. He’s not changing except his honeys. You are his safety blanket so he is unavailable for commitment.


A leopard doesn’t change its spots. A snake is a snake, even when it sheds its skin.

Once a cheater, always a cheater.
Nothing will change

Bye bye, wouldn’t have got 5 chances off me, mine was gone after 1! Best thing I ever did!

Men only get sneakier when they get caught! You decide intuitively what you need to do

Not at all xx get to see a solicitor and get him out ! xxx

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It’s none of your families business, they are not suffering the consequences. Move on or you’ll be doing this the rest of your life.

If it was me I would but him out u are far better they him u can make a mistake and I would still.but him out once a cheater always a cheater put him out

He is a serial cheater. I know from experience. Mine pretended to be shocked when I left. I have no regrets. Give him his freedom. He is not going to change.

If he cheats always a cheater. Let him free

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No if he really loved you he wouldn’t keep doing it

He will never change. You have to either leave or accept him for who he is. :woman_shrugging:t2: there is no easy answer here. I mean it’s possible for him to miraculously change this time but girl it ain’t likely.

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Fuck him. Everybody else is

No. In 10 yrs hes cheated 5 times… that u know of. Walk away. My husband and I have been together 12 yrs. He cheated once. He told me himself. It took years to fully forgive him but u nvr forget it. But 5 times in 10 yrs… no way. And the 5 times is all u know about.

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Ugh 5 times? Bye boy. Bye!! You deserve better.

This sounds like a habitual thing… he probably can’t stop. Just will try to get better at hiding it.

Take yourself off the sale rack! You deserve more from a partner. This guy lacks integrity and respect.


Kick him to the curb!

So question, did he say he’d change after the first time?Listen to your gut not his family. I think 5+ times is a done deal.

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Girl leave him. Why stay in a relationship like this. You deserve better. They won’t change trust me

Why have you settled for someone who treats you this way. Do you think you are not worthy of respect, understanding , love and a true companion. I can assure you he will not change. Simply because he doesn’t want to change You deserve better and I feel sure you want and deserve better.


5 times?!??! NO WAY. Kick that cheater to the curb. After the 1st time, it’s a choice. He clearly doesn’t respect you. Kids or not it’s time to end this and move on. You deserve someone waaaaay better.


Love yourself.
Walk away.

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Run like hell and go have a happy life

Honey this is a habit. If he cheated 5 times or more in 10 yrs he will probably continue to do so… You need to evaluate your own happiness here and if he actually loved you he would be woth only you and not 5 or more other women. Sounds to me like he cant handle being tied down so please do not settle just because him and his family ask you to do so. He made mistakes but multiple times is not forgiven and you deserve so much better…

I think the comments passed the vibe check. Sis, leeeeeeave! For you💛

honestly you deserve it after he’s shown you how many times who he truly is. you’re the only one who keeps putting yourself in this fcked up situation. you should’ve been gone after the first occasion, to sit here and ask what you should do after the 5-6 time is just pathetic, you already know what you need to do.

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He needs to hit the road

People don’t change unless they want to and sometimes even then they physically can’t still.
Unless you are OK with a non-monogamous relationship, which millions of people do… you might wanna try it yourself… otherwise it’s a wrap for your marriage.

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I would walk away if this has happened that many times personally. Once ok we all make mistakes…but that many times. No way.

Think his chances have run out and that is what you should do as fast and as far as you can.

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Everybody is different. Personally, once I am cheated on, I am out and never look back. Once the trust is gone, I will never trust again. This guy sounds like a sex addict and a habitual liar (comes with being a sex addict). Sex addicts cannot be cured unless Jesus does it. Its all about what you are willing to put up with and it sounds like you have put up with alot. Do you want to do this for the rest of your life? If not, run and do not look back. You don’t deserve this. You are better off alone.

You deserve more. I’m so sorry you are with someone that doesn’t respect you, and treat you as a cherished wife.

5 times!! Once a cheat always a cheat!! Wake up & kick him to the curb.

Throw the bum out and move on! :flushed:

Stay! And cheat on him, make sure he finds out see if he forgives u…No But for reals leave him his not going to change. He didnt change the in the past won’t change now!

Once a cheater always a cheater.

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I feel for you having gone through the same experience you better of leaving him, once they cheat more than once is a pater and he ain’t changing for you or anyone. You deserve better than that.

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When someone shows you who they are, believe them. I think he has already shown you exactly who he is.


tell him to hit the road

Most of your answers have come from women.
Heres a male’s point of view.


I guess if you want it to keep happening to you, then go ahead give him another chance to cheat.

No, move on. He will never be who you deserve. Good luck girl, I’m sorry your heart is hurting. Remember he did it, not you. Keep your head up heald high

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My question is this, are you worth so little to stay?


Get out while u can he’s never gna change

Old saying leopards don’t change there spots
Find someone new and move on

Imagine you were reading this post, and somebody else made it. What would YOU tell them? I mean if he wanted to stop cheating, he would have. He will keep doing it because you keep forgiving. He knows he can get away with it now. His d*ck was litteraly in someone else a month ago, come on.

No way would I give him another chance. He has had all he is going to get.

facebook has the best personal advice :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I have a strong feeling you would be much happier if you left. Let him suffer with his own guilt.

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Know your worth, you deserve better.

You need to be DUNZO!!

10 years 5 times seems like a pattern to me

Honey show him that youll leave him and wont tolerate the behavior and see how hard he works to keep you. If he doesnt show up divorce him…

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U accept that he is a cheater and u will always share him or you move on.


You are showing him that no matter what he does he can come back when he’s finished the latest tart…


He has showed you how he is. You answered your own question.


Ready for the hate I will get but. As someone that has cheated before, leave. Once can be a mistake, that many times isn’t. He doesn’t feel bad or he wouldn’t have done it again


They just get sneakier. He only wants to change because he caught.If he truly wanted to change he’d own up to it all and told you about it before getting busted by her.


Toss his butt to the curb! Be strong stand tall and walk away. This is him not you . It is him FOREVER! Men do it and do it we let them back it’s a repeat! He will never be faithful. Women put up and put up whether it be a physical abuser, a man with no moral at all, a mental abuser a gambler. They work and work it apologize over and over , this time I have learned. You take him back it will happen again. I lived this and know so many women who also have. It’s always the same. DUMP HIS BUTT! Next time look for a man opposite of what you normally look for. Ya know the old saying …good guys finish last. Look for a good guy! Not a fun guy, a handsome guy. Give the guy that is attracted to you and is good. Thee are plenty out there. W women are stupidpas up the Good man for what is real not the best thing for us! Ditch this guy his a promise of a lifetime of misery for you! You deserve better! Good Luck!

I feel like you know what you need to do you’re just hesitating. He needs to go

Definitely no more chances, move on with your life without him xx

Hell No not only is he taking you for granted but he’s putting your life in danger! Know your worth he obviously does not! Cut your losses…move on

You don’t need us to answer this question for you lol


You have him a second chance and he cheated on you a second, third, fourth and fifth time. He’s not a cat with 9lives. He’s out of chances.
**Please get yourself checked for STDs


You know what they say always a wife beater and always a cheater hard decision

No. He’s not going to change. If you want him in your life, forgive him. But you’ll put up with cheating the rest of your life. Want peace in your life, get rid of him.


Try a legal separation, spend time on your own. If he is changing this will prove it.


The only way he will stop cheating on you, is if you end and he gets with someone else. Then he will be cheating on them. It truly is such a relief when they’re no longer your problem. Best of luck to you. You deserve better.
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