I feel if you stay, You will be dealing with the situation continually throughout the relationship. Cheating 5 times that you know of he will do it again it’s the pattern. You will only be hurt more in the future. My ex cheated on me so many times before I found out and when I found out he cheated once I left but only to find out more over the years. He is now with a gf and cheats on her all the time.
People do not change. Once a liar, always a liar.
Please just stop. You already know what to do and you didn’t do it 5 other times! I mean, hello…
If he was going to change he would have the first time you caught him. He is a serial cheater and always will be. Don’t waste anymore of your life on him.
Genuine question; what do you think will be different this time? Has his behavior substantially changed? What plan does he have to be different.
I’ll be that guy: if he has cheated on you 5+ times in 10’years, I’m not seeing what would make him change? He gets to stay married and have a side piece.
It sounds like you want to go but want validation that’s the right move.
What you allow is what will continue. He cheated 5 times! Do not take that pos back!
Dump him!! He keeps cheating on you because you are letting him. Divorce and get on with the rest of your life!!
Once a cheater’always a cheater’RESPECT YOURSELF’
He needs to go. Once a cheater always a cheater. Don’t trust him.
Move forward with your life you deserve better he won’t change
I think you should go with your gut feeling. Don’t listen to anyone else. When the time is right for you to let go you’ll know. But your the only one who knows how much pain you can take. Stop wasting your life and time with someone you feel is never going to change. If you love yourself and respect yourself do what you have to to be happy. MOVE ON !!!
I would truly love to call you a few choice words-- but pc – so here goes the cleaned up response-- what a fool you are!! You know the old saying-- a leopard doesn’t change his spots-- well your cheating hubby won’t either!!
No definitely not, the more chances you give its proof yht he will still do it
HELL NO. You already gave him 5 chances too many. Why would he stop cheating when he knows you’re not going to leave?
He will never change…sorry…it’s not easy but be strong and seperate now.
He has already proven who he is over and over…he will continue to cheat!!
If you take a man back after they cheat or stay with them your saying its ok and theyll keep doing it
Nope throw the whole man away. He clearly has no respect or love for you if he keeps repeating the same behavior. His family is on his side, not yours. Keep that in mind.
No he will always cheat once a cheater always a cheater
Call me and let’s cheat on him and say sorry,if he forgives you then maybe.
Please run. You deserve better!!!
Read your own post again and realize what you just told us…
This happened to my mom and she stayed only to divorce him this year after 23 years she said she wasted her life and wish she wouldn’t have given so many chances, don’t waste your life. We only have so long in this world you deserve to be happy.
People treat you the way YOU let them treat you. Haven’t you had enough? He knows you will take him back no matter what…that’s why he keeps doing it. Walk out the door and dont look back. Good luck.
Remember once a cheater always a cheater
I feel that you need to go with your gut feeling. Outside influence can cause even more confusion to an already rocky situation. People can change, but they have to want to change. You can give him another chance, if that’s what you want, but I suggest slow and steady. And if you just can’t trust him, then walk away. The choice should ultimately be yours and no one else’s.
Get rid of bad rubbish , a leopard never changes its spots .
Keira my darling, please know your worth. You deserve more than this. Take the advice of the lady who suggested a separation and then make your decision from there. It hurts my heart to know that you are going through this. My thoughts are with you.
O hell no hunnie you deserve better than that it might seem a long hard road a head of you but believe me the light is brighter on the other side all the best xx
You already know the answer
Once a cheater always a cheater, proven by the fact he has done this FIVE TIMES. Dump his cheating ass.
Once a cheater always a cheater especially if hes done it more then once. No way
Next next next. Fuck him. Once ok. But don’t let that idiot play you. Next babygirl
Tell his family to butt out.
Depends on what you want. Do you want a part-time husband that you share with another woman? Do you want to take the chance of getting a terrible disease from him? Maybe you think you can’t take care of yourself and you need him. Have you tried taking care of you?
I can say this because I took mine back once and 10 years later he did the same thing.
During that 10 years, I finished college, got my own job, bank account. I was still heartbroken but I could take care of myself. Good luck.
No. If he wanted to change he would have the first time. It’s time to walk away and mouth what you thought y’all had. I’m sorry
If he’s cheated multiple times he is never going to change. Quit accepting his behavior, you are telling him it’s ok by accepting and taking his word that it won’t happen again. When someone shows you who they are the first time believe them.
Don’t give him another chance he cheated on you five times he’ll cheat again you deserve better
I think it’s time for open marriage discussions. At this point if ur staying he is sleeping around weather u want him to or not. You mine as well have fun as well. If not move on enough is enough.
I was married to one just like him, I told myself he would change, but over 20plus years he never changed! can’t count how many times he cheated and always found a way to blame me! All I can say is get out there!!! Life may be a little ruff at first but there is life out there with out him and it will be an amazing one with out him. I did it after 20 years and 3 kids later best choice I ever made in my life was to leave. He will not change no matter what!!! Good luck!!!
He will do it again. Hes insecure and this is how he feels good about himself , run
I’d personally say, “heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell nawh!”
He will know he can get away with it if you take him back again. Be serious and stay away from him it will only cause you heartache to stay. He’ll keep doing this.
You’ve given him five chances. This isn’t a second chance this is a sixth chance. Get that cheating dbag out of there and find someone who wants ONLY YOU.
Nope don’t give him a chance let him sit and think on things a few months then if u see a change in him talk about working things out set borders and tell him this is it.
I’m sorry but no, once can be a mistake but when it’s happening multiple times he knows exactly what he’s doing!
I wouldn’t give him another chance
Actions speak louder than words!
No. Definitively NO!
Make him prove he’s changed before you give him another chance.
Never cheated. Never even thought about it. I promised to be hers and I have been. If it was only once, I could possibly see it. So many times not likely to ever stop.
Trust me. This isn’t the first time it won’t be the last time
It depends in what you can live with. He will likely cheat again. If you think you can live with that then stay. If you can’t trust him and aren’t ok with a part time husband then go. My advice is you’ve given him enough chances. Seperate and go from there. You might find the not wondering where he’s at is far better and decide to split for good. Thinking he will change is wishful. You can love someone and not be food for each other. Accept how he is or go. Good luck.
If he hasn’t “changed” after the 5th time, what makes you believe he will change this time? I hate to say, he won’t. If he was going to change he would have after the first time.
If he’s done it before and keeps doing it repeatedly then he never changed. And he’s never going to, you giving him more chances is just his way of knowing you’ll never leave. Know your worth, and leave. 10 years means nothing if he’s been with other women in those years also.
He’s not going to change. You can either live with it or get out. Maybe get marriage counciling.
That’s a hard, “NO‼”
He’s not gonna change. Get out now, please. You’re worth way more than this half ass dude.
he wont change…go,walk out that door, dont turn around now
Girl you been giving him chances!!! Fix yourself up. Get your hair,nails,eyebrows done cause you need to stop .He knows he can get away with it cause YOU allow it. He is a cobarde!! What kind of love is that if he allows other women to hurt you and doesn’t care how it makes you feel? His family full of shit! Dont spend another ten years dealing with his ass . Honey he will never change.
5 chances wasn’t enough?
That is a continuous choice he is making, choosing to disrespect you, deceive you. He has shown you his priorities. You need to prioritise yourself, stop accepting this behaviour and leave because the standard is set now and he knows he will get away with it time and time again. He won’t change.
Kick him to the curb he’s not believable
Hell NO! Kick his cheating, lying dirtbag a** to the curb… screw that, kick his a** to the gutter!
He must be very convincing for you to even consider it. 5x is a habit! You know it won’t really change, the question you need to ask yourself is are you willing to acquire an STD for his behavior? Because that’s how you pick something up….
I like the wake up call part.…Go be happy with someone who will respect you from the beginning.
Get the hell out …second thoughts kick him the hell out why should u leave
Question: did he ever WANT to change before? Or he was just cool with ripping your heart to shreds even after knowing that it did from each time before? At this point I think it’s safe to say you tried, a bunch!
He will do it again… Cut ur loses instead of wasting more time on him. You can start healing now instead of when it to late…
If he as that worried about you he would of changed the first time he got caught. Leave him now and make yourself happy. No one needs that in their life. Good luck.
5 affairs in 10 years he will never change leave and be done with it file for divorce and take half of everything
They never change walk away with your head held high and your middle finger in the air amd stop giving a shit what anyone else wants do for you love make you happy and i say this from experience 17 years to be exact mine never changed and now hes wishing he had
He doesn’t love you or respect you, seems you’ve lost your respect and self worth during this process. This is definitely not “another chance” kind of deal. 10 years is a long time to throw away BUT you’ve also set the tone for what you will tolerate. So you decide, are you going to allow this treatment or are you going to stop this trend of his on you once and for all, that and only that will be his true wake up call.
I mean this with love and respect, in no way am I trying to bash you or blame you, just offering my honest opinion and advice.
First of all, the fact that he denied it and still didn’t confess to all of it despite proof means that he’s not sorry. He wants you to take him back because he thinks he can have you and cheat and get away with it - because he has, at least five times. You need to take your power back from this man. He’s trash; leave him by the curb.
Sleep with someone else and tell him about it and see what he does
Aren’t you tired of being treated like that? If you’re not then ig keep it going. Stand up for yourself and move on!
Take care of your mental health. He’s got to go. You will have some ups and downs. Let those that love you Love On You to get you through. And pray that God will take the feelings that you have for him away…
Girl he will never ever change! Make your peace and move on with your life.
Multiple times… never fully admits anything unless you can prove it first…
Nope. That tiger isn’t changing his stripes. Let him go cheat on someone else.
I went threw this . I wasted alot of years on empty promises. I really thought that he would change and he did not. I realized that people will do what they want to do. They give you the answer every time they cheat on you. You just have to accept the answer. I finally accepted what he was. You need to wish him nothing but happiness and go find yours.
Get out because he will keep doing it no matter how much you love him
Why should u if he’s done it b4 ??dump him and move on !!!
He should have worked on changing after the first time and made sure it didn’t happen again. If you don’t want this behavior in your life for the rest of your life I would say leave. If you stay it will most likely continue to happen especially if he has his whole ass family making excuses for him.
say bye bye and leave
Why do you need advice from outsiders? Are you still in denial? Are you ok with his actions? Are you cheating too?
Once a cheater always a cheater get rid of him
Once a cheater always a cheater! Get out you’ll be happier! He does not deserve you!
Men are men no matter how perfect the relationship they will still CHEAT so better u leave than keep getting cheated on
Get him out. He doesn’t deserve another chance. Imagine, if you set him up to test him, do you think he’d cheat again? Absolutely. Don’t waste your precious time on that.
If it was me I’d have dumped his cheating @$$ long ago, love and trust go hand in hand. By staying with him, you’re condoning his cheating ways, don’t enable him, leave.
10 yrs was plenty of time for change. Sounds like he may want you at home, but he wants to run around with other women as he pleases. Please find the courage to leave and make a better life for you.
Nope. GTFO. Need a ride? I’ll come get you.
He has shown himself to you. As hard as it is my advice is to run. He has given you an opportunity to close a chapter on his cheating. I say take it!
Sorry …probably not what you want to hear but I would say “kick him to the curb” he doesn’t deserve another chance.
If you are asking trying to find an excuse to give him a 6th, 7th chance then you know your answer hun.
Read affair and denied and stopped there- no, no more chances. Goodbye. Deny, deny him!!!
Once I’m bit, shame on you. Twice I’m bit, Shame on ME! Run sister, run!
DUMP HIM YOU gave him enough Chances YOU deserve better
Ma’am do this for me. Take a handful of the ugliest glitter you’ve ever seen. Next throw it in the air. Next spend 30 minutes trying to put it all back in the bottle. No matter how much you try you will always be able to see a hint of every time you turn around. You will find it in places you never would expect. Bammm glitter. That’s how scattered your trust is. Can you live with broken trust “glitter” showing up when you least expect it. You will spend a lifetime cleaning it up. If you can do it for a life time then stay. If you get exhausted by the thought of the constant cleaning up of the glitter then go ahead and act like that very glitter … bounce on out
A leopard NEVER changes it’s spots. They ONLY grow bigger. I found that out personally
If it were me I would move far far away and build a life without him.