Should I give my husband another chance?

Hell no…please leave. People like him very rarely change!!

Run. Get as far away from this loser as you can.

He will not change and you will suffer. Life is too short. Don’t waste it!!!

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Umm, if he wants to show he’s changed, he can do it seperated from you.
If you really want to stay, and obvi you do bc you keep accepting the behavior, seperate and do therapy. No overnights. No hour longs phone calls. Live seperately for 1 year and then decode if he’s changed.
Personally, he’d have to go bc I respect myself more than I fear being alone.

Easy for me to say but…please don’t give give him another chance

If he’s cheated so many times “why” would you even ask others when in the end you’ll probably most likely give him another chance.
Know your worth before anything and stop wasting your life away with giving chances after chances!

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He won’t stop. I’ve been there. Be ok with him dating other women or divorce him. That’s your choices

My ex is an ex because of the same thing. Tigers rarely change their stripes. Look up narcissistic people on YouTube. You are a victim

You can find better hun!

I would have been gone after the first time. A cheater will always believe he can get away with it…

A cheater is always a cheater

I will be honest when you said he has cheated multiple times I stopped reading it. Get rid of him he will never change. I’m sorry :disappointed:


I’d say NO, but I lived thru my husband’s affair with my best friend. It isn’t easy, I left 6 mths later with the kids. He gave up all rights to them. Thankfully he did because he turned out being hard core alcoholic. Don’t know have the time how he got home

He’s still cheating because you’re still giving him more chances. Set an example for others and have some self respect and get rid of him. Find a good guy.

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No more chances there’s too many good guys out there

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Get out while you can, you deserve better

Once a cheater always a cheater

Kick him to the curb. Once a cheat…. Always a cheat. Save yourself from more grief and find someone who will respect you and love you.

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You’ve given him several other chances so what’s one more?

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You can make excuses for him but he isn’t devoted to you or your family. Is he your crutch or are you his. He’s lying to both of you, no loyalty to either one of you. Stop talking about it, make a plan of all your assets, even if you think you don’t have any, let the attorney guide you, get counseling for you. Talk to a good attorney get facts not gossip among friends. Don’t sign a thing with him. Till you consult your attorney. That’s not being hard but honest. You don’t want to be the one later telling how you got taken. That works for men and women. P s if she’s sending proof, what’s her agenda? It’s not out of kindness to you either. Find a good one, that’s a keeper and take care of each other, enjoy life. Not heartache.

No chances!! Once a cheater always a cheater

If he didn’t change after the first time he won’t change this time, cut him loose

Once a cheater is once too many!

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Are you kidding me…??? He knows you are a sucker… because you keep letting him abuse you… He was lucky you gave him 1 chance… But, more than 1 time… He’s a lying Bastard… Get rid of his ass, he doesn’t deserve you…

You’ve already given him chances


Nope… show him the door


It’s your decision but his pattern of behaviour isn’t indicative of someone who has any intention of stopping and given you have put up with his affairs he probably thinks you will give him yet another chance to do it again.

No and tell his family to fuck off aswell :joy:

Its totally up to you what you do…no one can make that decision for you…the only thing i would say is think of yourself and whats right for you…

He sounds like a serial cheater.

Run. Run and never look back.

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Another chance for him to do it again? Are you kidding me? Kick him to the curb.

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Absolutely not , I’ve learned from experience once they start they will alway’s stray he will be ok for a month or so but he will cheat again he will just get better at hiding it, the women sent you proof because she wants him let her have him, DON’T be his back up plan second option… know your worth…

Girl go find your peace and real happiness…because he’s going to keep doing it. So save yourself from farther heartbreak…I left my husband because of the abuse and the constantly lying and cheating.

He’s being very disrespectful to you and your marriage you will never trust him again so no trust no marriage kick him to the curb period :100:

He really doesn’t Love you or want to be with you. if he keeps doing it, don’t you know you should be enough and since he keeps doing it. Your only hurting yourself.i know you love him or you won’t stay with that from of abuse. Love yourself first :sparkling_heart:

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Walk away before you catch some thing y can’t get rid of

Maybe he will change in time but that doesn’t mean you need to stick around and get hurt along the way. I hope whatever you choose you have peace.

If he did it once, he WILL do it again.

One time is a mistake more than that is a pattern … no way …time move on

It’s your choice but if it was me I’d go it alone. I’d find it too hard to trust him

I would’ve called it quits after the 2nd time… After several times it’s evident that he’s not going to change. You can do so much better❤

Sure, if you want to go down this path again. If he loved you he wouldn’t have cheated the first time.

He isn’t going to change. There are deep rooted issues that will make him continue to do this until he heals himself.

Walk away. I know it may be hard but it doesn’t look like he is ever going to change. Just my opinion

Move on. The only reason why he is sorry is because he got caught.

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I think you need to change. After 5 times he hasn’t. What are you waiting for? There’s life after divorce. It’s not a life sentence.

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Wouldn’t see me for dust first time.


No ditch that sucker

Nope. Once is bad enough. If he cared he wouldn’t step out on you. Find someone you deserve. Because he isn’t it


Why should you give him his 100th chance? Don’t let him disturb your peace anymore. Call a lawyer today and start to heal.

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Hit the road jack Don’t come back.

Why are you asking? ARE YOU REALLY LOOKING FOR A REASON TO KEEP HIM?Put your big girl panties on and get rid of him. Make a decision! If after a while you think you made a mistake, and you miss having a cheater, liar, disloyal, irresponsible man and want him back, I’m sure he’ll oblige. If he’s no longer available, then you can find another cheater and liar out there, I’m sure.


Girrrrl, if you even have to ask this question, YOUR GOING TO GET CHEATED ON AGAIN. I’m sorry to be so blunt, but you’ve clearly been sugarcoated this marriage. This man has NO respect for you. He does not appreciate, your or adore you. This is the type of man that if you died today, he would be crying in his mistress arms by tomorrow. LOVE YOURSELF enough to leave, and if you have kids, especially daughters, please show them they’re better then that. He’s not just cheating on you, he’s cheating on his family. WITH LOVE :fist:t4::kissing_heart:


A leopard never changes their spots!

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Girl… no… get the fuck out

Grab your dignity girl and run while it is still intact!


Ask yourself one very important question…how many more years do you feel like giving away to someone who doesn’t cherish you or even respect you ??do you want to live loveless and under constant insecurity ?or do you want an actual life that you can call your own ?only you can answer those questions …:gift_heart:


Move on, he won’t change. You deserve better and if your having to ask strangers for their opinions i think you already know the answer sweetheart :heart:


No more chances. Once a cheat always a cheat.


Like my ex cheating with Vodka. Kept promising to quit and his wakeup call was getting arrested for. DWI. Nope on out of there, girl, and find someone who values and appreciates you!


Get R I D of him right out of yr life, eventually you’ll feel free as a bird

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No you won’t be able to trust him …no trust no love

Tell him to hit the road! You deserve better

Haste La Vista Baby🤠

Nope. If you caught him 5 times you have to wonder how many you didn’t know about. Once I’d say yes but a 6th chance? No.

Im gonna step on the other side of the line here and say only you can make this decision. Personally, I think 10 yrs is a long time to throw away but I would also look at the good and the bad in the relationship and see what outways what. Then again some people honestly cant or wont change and it even takes u to leave before they realize they cant walk all over you anymore!

Follow your heart! It will lead you.

He will not change because he’s gotten away with it too many times.

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You had me at multiple!!! No way!!! Respect yourself and move on cos, sorry, he has none for you xx


It’s time to walk away love. Ik it’ll be the hardest thing you’ll ever do but you can’t continue to put yourself through this. He will say whatever he thinks you want to hear and there will be absolutely no truth to any of it. It’s all empty words and promises, as the past itself will prove). I’m so sorry. xx

Fucking git rid of him

What u choose to do is up to u… ur the one that has to live with it… nobody cam make up ur mind for u… We have a saying in my country… “WHO IN THE KITCHEN FEELING THE HEAT” only u know what heat level u can tolerate… All the best with what u decide…

If he has done it FIVE times already he has used up any and all chances. Should have dumped his ass after the first. I myself have been married to/ dated cheaters. You get one chance and if you cheat Ian GONE!!!

Hard reality not to many ppl change if there cheaters I was married for 13 years together for 20 and he cheated so many times I lost track every time I left he said I’ll change ill go to counseling etc etc but that never changed left 19 years ago been repaired for 17 happy years and he still cheats on whoever he decides he is with at the time so chances are he will.most likly not change if youv given him 3 or more chances id move on as hard as it is you thank yourself down the road best of luck

Also, whoever laughed at this post, eat a dick.

Dump him! 5 times and you think he will change? Not a chance.


Only you can decide, never let someone else tell you what to do. Listen to yourself, you’ll make the decision that’s right for you.

He’s not ever going to change

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He’s having his cake and eating it and his family are helping to facilitate his behaviour. Give him the boot!

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Don’t waste anymore time on this Asshole, no one is worth that BS, he won’t change for anyone, if you stay you’re the fool, men like him are a dime a dozen or completely worthless, kick his Ass to the curb, you won’t regret it!

He is a scumbag 2 timer…get rid of him

You had better get away from him now he will continue to cheat he says he’s sorry but I went through that for 16 years every time he said he was sorry I’ll never do it again but he continued to do the same thing he did now God bless his soul from but I’m not sorry for getting away from him

Kick him to the curb he’s not going to change

He can change, but you don’t have to live together. He can work on himself, and at whatever point you may feel willing to get back together, you can do so at that time. I think he may need to be apart to realize what he’s losing if he doesn’t change.

If I were in your situation I would leave him. I’ve always believed that once a cheater always a cheater. You deserve more respect and love than he has given you. I would also consider getting tested for STD’s just to be safe. You deserve better.

Not sure I would have accepted even one time…and certainly not two!!!

Don’t do it! I’ve been there too and after 13 years and this is his wake up call it didn’t change only got worse

If he has done it 5 times already and says he was gonna change every single time what makes this time any different than the last 5 times my honey dear I’ve been through what you’re going through and believe me some do change but some don’t follow your heart and follow your gut feeling

You have to decide. If someone cheated on me once it would be over.

Once a cheated ALWAYS a cheater! Put yourself first! Yeah he’s sorry, a sorry excuse for a man! Get ride of him!

Once a cheater always a cheater trust me i know been through same never changed

Leave him…one time cheating is too much and obviously he’s not learning from his mistakes

If you have to ask strangers then you know the answer.
If you give him another chance, you are literally giving him license to do it again. You deserve better x


Honey, that zebra is not going to change his stripes, until he gets seriously ill and needs you to take care of him. Are you looking forward to being his nurse? He will keep on cheating until then.

Why are you surprised the Gorilla is eating another banana??? He will ALWAYS EAT ANOTHER BANANA!!

He’s pretty slow to wake up. Five times. Send him home so they can change him

I don’t think I’d be able to work thru it… been with a cheater for too long to go thru it all over again

You can never completely trust again. Shows lack of respect for you & your family. Doesn’t bother him that he hurts you over and over again. Evaluate your situation & decide.

If he hadn’t changed yet, he won’t

Once a cheater always a cheater