Should I give my husband another chance?

Tell him to kick rocks


You know the answer NO he will never change and you know that in your heart
You don’t deserve this nor should you put up with it - show him how strong you are and walk away NOW while you have some self esteem and self pride left


No no no he will do it again and again and again. Move on Niw and save the heart ache of next time. Tell his family to do one. Don’t be a door mat.

They don’t change. Honestly I wouldn’t stay. I was in a relationship like that for 7 years and he cheated over 10 times, I finally left. I ignored the I will change I will change I can do better it won’t be the same…. I heard it all before and I kept giving in and it got worse and worse. That was almost 6 years ago and I couldn’t be happier that I left. I found an amazing man and I’m so much better off

As the saying goes, “once a cheater…”. Cheaters will always cheat. Lying is unforgivable IMO. I would not accept this lack of respect, the deceit and lying. I expect to be treated the same way I treat my partner, with honesty and respect. Both are sorely lacking here!

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It took him 5 times at least of being unfaithful and dishonest to change his ways and have a wake up call? Thats like saying I’m going to murder 5 people before I realize it’s probably wrong to take another life… girl you gotta run

Honey, this is YOUR wake up call! Once a cheater, always a cheater–especially 5+ times!! Move on and make a new life for yourself. You are way over due! Good Luck!

If ur asking u know what’s in ur heart. He has to change (or not) without u. If u stay he knows he can still get away with it. Maybe his wake up call is losing u. Good luck

No divorce him, I put up with that for 20 years, he will never change. All you are doing is punishing your self, because it never leaves your mind. I used to say I wish I had never found out, but I only wish I had left him in the Earlier years now. It was hard for awhile I missed him, and I cried a lot but get your self in to counseling, it does help. Now I look back and I want to slap my self for putting up with that crap. I’m better then that, and if he loved you he would not even take the chances of losing you. He tried to come back like he used to but no more. My little girl who was 2 1/2 told me about daddy kissing on a lady. I had an idea that he was cheating, but I just didn’t want to believe it after 2 little ones. It was all ways my fault, he would tell me. I just couldn’t take it anymore. I will tell you to plan your way out, make a list, go talk to a lawyer, you are going to need $$$$. I did ask him why after a couple of years why he did it, ( He said , because you were always there and you never did anything about it)!!! Since me there has been many women and a 2nd ex wife. I look at him now, and I think I will always love him, BUT WHY did I put up with that crap.???

He will not change!!!

Cheaters don’t change

As they say three strikes your out. But I personally wouldn’t give a second chance to a cheater. Once a cheater always a cheater and my ex husband was a grade A example of that

Absolutely No u are worth more than a cheating @@@@ abusing ur trust. Move on and hold ur head high.


Leave… You have caught him 5 times and that is what you know of. You deserve someone who is all in with you and you only. :heart:

No!!!You gave him 5 already!!Cheating once is enough for me!!!

Gee, from the very beginning I was bored. NO…

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Omg hun, now if he had cheated once then maybe you can work past it BUT as he’s already done it numerous times that you know of, he ain’t ever gonna change.

Nope gone. He’ll never stop. Been there but 11 years. Once a cheat always a cheat. He just wants to keep u tied down. Let them other women take care of him

That fact that his family be defending his ass too just goes to show how easy they think is it to get back in to your life and ruin it again . They don’t care about your feelings . Let the loser go . He’ll gladly go fuck another chick in a split second . Be selfish for you n your babies . Be happy . It’s his lose at the end of the day . U win, and always make him think he gotchu onlock but really we the real player . :100: I hope you choose what’s right for you xXx

Big decision but it’s one, only you can make sorry!! I wish you good luck whatever choice you make

It’s not for us to tell your heart what… if asking advice its ok…but don’t feed off it…cheaters will not change they say things we want to hear…his last one you said …he said it’s his wake up call…hmmm that should have been the first time…Sorry doesn’t cut it either…sit down get a piece of paper draw diagram of you an him…now you said he cheated at least 5 times…now draw a line for each of his cheats…now draw a extra line for each of their partners before him…so as it looks he cheated with 10 people all together for those simple steps…put 2 lines on each of the ones he cheated on you with…now you an him slept with more than 20 people for everyone he cheated on you with…if you don’t see the big picture of how this plays out…than take him back…but think for each of those people he cheated on you with they also had multiple partners…before you know you have slept with them too…that’s my perspective on this sorry but I say no…unless you love to hear I am sorry over an over


Leave. Will always be a cheat

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Leopards don’t change their spots. I rest my case. He will cheet again trust me it’s in his DNA.

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Nope! NO more chances! Time to move on! Go live Your life!!!

I would just move on if I was you sorry that he hasn’t changed yet.

5 times?!?!? That’s a habitual cheater who will never change.


First you need to follow you heart and not let it be influenced by what you read here…how much respect do you have for yourself, do you really believe in your heart he is finished, is your love for him one sided, and most importantly do you deserve to be truly happy?? Just a few questions only you can answer, that will help you make the right decision for you.

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He isn’t going to change!

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He can kick rocks! You are worth more than that my girl :heart:

I can speak…been married 5 years now…I have been with my wife 28 years…before we got married …I had ended up in bed with my ex 3 days after me & my wife got together…that set in motion 22 years of mistrust…fwd to our wedding day…upto that point we were free to test the waters then dip elsewhere…but once married??? ended…& the 2 became 1…I made a covenant to my wife…& God blessed it sealed us together & before the entire world …we both made the committment…it took both of us…do you hear what Im saying??? your heart …you know what to do…perfect love …thats what marraige is meant to provide…no longer casual…it dishonors a man when he dishonours his wife…you are not the problem…the problem is …theres NO honour in your marraige…get on your knees…ask God in…not anyone else…its between YOU YOUR HUSBAND & GOD…PRAY FOR PERFECT LOVE…(I have never disrepected our marraige).:heart:

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Once a cheater all was a cheater

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you need to separate for awhile,mainly to see how you feel

I would try separation so u can think and worrk on issues

I’ve been with my husband for 20 years and he’s the same way… They don’t change. What did change is my rules in our relationship, now if he cheats and I find out, so do I :woman_shrugging:t3:


He’s not going to change because you’ve always let him off the hook. He’s not going to change because he likes the thrill of forbidden fruit and the risk that he could get caught. He’s hurt you enough. Walk away.


lmao you already know the answer :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Is this even a real post/question?? :woman_facepalming:t2::roll_eyes:
Yeah he can change with someone else.


Run for the hills and don’t look back


Leopard never changes their spots i know I was in the same position xx

If you are going to give it another chance you need counseling for both of you together and individually. This can be a form of addiction. If he TRULY wants to change he will go and he will make progress. I’ve been there. We did counseling and worked through both of our issues. Things are great now. Good luck momma.

He will never change. Cheating is an addiction.


Insanity is doing the same shit over and over and expecting different results

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Give him nothing except a divorce.

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no way, no chance you deserve better x

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A boot through the door

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It’s not going to matter what anyone else says, your the one who has to live with the decision, but the big question is, will you ever be able to trust him again :woman_shrugging:

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Once a cheater always a cheater…dump him


Men do not change… they only modify… so this will be your life if you continue on this path… do you want it?

Be careful don’t overdo it

I would not of gave him a second chance but that’s me. If he has done this multiple times I would let him go. You deserve better and someone that will treat you with love and respect. Once a dog always a dog

Get rid of him, had he owned up to it right away then maybe keep him. Seeing that cheating is in his nature then definitely get rid of him he will never change, and that’s for your peace of mind.

I’ve known someone exactly like that. For 35 yrs.
Their good for awhile.and u think everything is going great.
He’ll get bored and turn around and do the same dam thing.
If it were me I would definitely leave him if u can .
But am not u.
U need to do what u feel in your heart.

I hope u make the right choice.
Good Luck.

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Boots are made for walking one time to many

Debbie neither do women, it is not a sex thing it’s a choice they make to kill your trust both men and women.

No! no! no! Way too many chances. You are the one suffering. You have one life to live and it should be a happy one without catering to a selfish person who doesn’t consider your greatness. Move on! And live for you.


Move on, u deserve better :relieved:

Get rid of him. He is a loser & all he wants is to HOLD you down. He is NOT going o change

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No all you are doing is letting him know that he can cheat on you multiple times and you will accept that and still stay with him. You deserve better . Leave him

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Look after YOURSELF. If you want the disrespect to continue then ignore what is going on but you are better than that. Time to put YOU first. Why continue to accept a situation that is not working for YOU?


No. Run. You.deserve more. Believe that with all your heart. There is nothing worth staying for. Go go go.

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Leave now & in a yr from now you’ll wonder why you didn’t leave earlier …good luck

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If he wanted to be faithful he would have been faithful. I think you need to find y you don’t hold your value to a higher level.

If you gotta ask you know wtf to do

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What train did you get off of the next one over is the one you should be catching and leaving town quit being used there’s somebody out there that really wants you

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How would he feel if the tables were turned? And if you have kids, do you want them to think this is acceptable behavior when they have relationships?

If he’s done it multiple times already he’ll do it again. Never mind what his family say. Get shot of him and make yourself a new life with someone that does appreciate you.

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Leave his ass!!! You have given him more than enough chances!!! Have some respect for yourself!! You deserve so much better!!! You better go and be checked for some diseases!!! I did for my own sake!

You have more then gone beyond giving chances , he has proven his word and him as a person can not be trusted , Hunny You Deserve To have someone who Appreciates You and will Unconditionally love you
Pack him up and send him on his way
So you can find the happiness you deserve

No no leave you won’t regret it

Girl, if he’s already done it 5 times that you are AWARE of…I’d have zero doubt that he’d do it again…and that it was likely more than 5.

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If he has done it multiple times he will do it it again and again. I wouldn’t give him another chance.

This is a case for the Murray show

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No… let him prove he can change with someone else because spoiler alert he won’t… IF, and that’s a big IF, he happens to be faithful to someone else, then you weren’t meant for each other…

My EX always said, “once a cheater, always a cheater”… I never cheated on him, he was abusive and having male coworkers was “cheating”… but I had started to believe it after 8 years… I had started looking at other people and I thought I was falling for them… but, turns out, I was falling for the way any other human on earth treated me like an actual person… I was looking for any good feeling to fill the crushing darkness that was ripping my heart apart… Years after divorcing the SCUM, I’ve now been with my husband for 7 years and it is blatantly obvious that my “cheating heart” wasn’t me, it was the POS who abused me for 8 years… that’s just my experience… I don’t consider myself a real cheater for looking somewhere else for a glimpse of happiness but if other people do, then it’s important to note that the right person made all the difference in my life…

He will never change.

Do you like being cheated on?
Do you like to be lied to?
Do you thrive on heartbreak?
Do you like to be put at risk of catching an STD?
Do you like looking like a doormat?

If your answer is YES to any of these questions, then please stay with your cheater and spare all other women from this serial cheater. If you answer NO to any of these questions then you know that he’s got to go!


Once a cheated always a cheated don’t make that mistake again u will regret it take it from me

Sweetie if your asking stranger’s on FB, you should know what to do. This is March International WOMEN Day.

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He knows he can cheat and get away with it since he’s done it 5 times. He will never stop. Leave!

He will never change. Unless you are ok with it, walk away quickly.


Say goodbye. He won’t change. He hasn’t before and he won’t now.


I guess I don’t understand why his family is making excuses for him? I’m not your mother or father but, at some point you need to stop enabling him to disrespect you. If someone cheats once and never again it’s possibly forgivable. 5 times?!? He’s using you.

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He’s had ten years to change and hasn’t…:woman_shrugging: so no

Believe me! Tiger never changes his stripes! Get out!

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My late husband cheated on me and had a child with the woman. At first I was going to file for a divorce, but I changed my mind and stayed with him. Our marriage was never the same! The trust was gone, I cheated on him cause I wanted him to feel the pain I felt. We were married 23 years when he passed away sadly we just coexisted from the time he cheated until he passed away. I was miserable, he was miserable but neither one of us would say what we really wanted, and then he passed away. I loved him and I know he loved me in his own crazy way, but once you get betrayed by the one person you thought was your forever it is never the same. I won’t say to leave or stay. Just think about the future and moving forward, everytime he works late, or goes out with his buddies are you going to be wondering if he is cheating again. Do you really want to live your life always expecting it to happen again, wondering what he is doing or who he is with when he isn’t with you? Can you TRULY forgive him? It’s okay to think about yourself and your happiness :blush:. Even if you do forgive, you will NEVER forget. Good luck with whatever you choose to do, and make sure you do it for you!

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Once a cheater always a cheater, move on to your next chapter and don’t include him.

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Please know you are worth more than this. You deserve to be treated as a partner not someone to fall back on again and again. Say so long and work on believing that you’re worth being loved 100% all the time…you can do this

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Leopards don’t change their spots. He needs to make an effort to change. Cheating is a decision he has made many times. You have to be able to respect yourself. You both probably need some type of counseling to work through this.

How many last chances does he need? You deserve better.

I gave my ex 4 year’s worth of extra chances. Because I was in in love with him.
Once the trust is broken :broken_heart: it will never be the same. Once a cheater always a cheater.
Sorry :disappointed: but that’s how it is.
Best of luck in your future


Ditch…Once a cheat always a cheat. Should’ve binned him the first time…

You will always wonder what hes doing and the trust is gone. No.

I was once heard “If you’re asking a question, you already know the answer” now let that sink in. It’s none of our lives or business what you decide to do but you definitely have to live with whatever decision you make. I personally have not given second chances to unchanged behavior but this is me and my life. I wish you love and light my dear and may you remember you have survived all the hardest things you’ve ever endured, this would just be another survival experience.

My husband cheated on his 2 previous marriages he told me about them before we got married. We have been married for 15 years he never cheated on me. He told me he has found true love the other marriages we not true love

Once maybe 5 or 6 times, darling he’s never going to change. You deserve so very much better than that. Best wishes for a very very happy future without him. xo

Next!! Move on!! I don’t care how many years or how many kids. You gave him 1 chance he shouldn’t of gotten anymore!! Sorry you need to move on heal and be happy

Lady you shouldn’t even ask that question…you have all your facts…do you honestly believe he would change…start putting you first and not him…

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Leave. Live your life, don’t sit and hope again.
An old saying " liar to me once, shame on you. Liar to me twice, shame on me.
Get out while you can

Absolutely not fuck him out and get yourself out there life is too short to be looking over your shoulder! Of course his family want you to give him a second chance thats so he doesn’t arrive at there doors :rage:

R U Nuts, stop while you can and I hope you don’t have kids. I closed my eyes for 10 years and it doesn’t stop some people ain’t wired right to being faithful.