Should I give my husband another chance?

If he really wanted to stay with you he would have told you the truth. Why do his family think you should give him more chances is my question. Seriously why don’t you tell them your done!

Bye bye love Hello happiness

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You have kids, leave… They don’t need to see that “love” is getting cheated on and accepting it. That’s not love. And that’s just teaching them what to put up with when they start dating.


This isn’t an illness, he’s choosing to cheat on you. Value yourself

This is his wake up call in the moment of being caught and only in the moment of being caught. There’s only one part of him that’s awake in all this and it isn’t his emotions or guilt. The other 5 times almost losing you wasn’t a wake up call? Had to go for number 6 to feel the impact? No. He’s not sorry, he’s not changing, if he wanted to this post wouldn’t even exist.

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Why even ask this question

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I was in this situation. 15 years I gave him. Once I left after countless affairs by him. I saw that he won’t change. He has cheated on all 3 of his serious relationships since.


Pack those bags yesterday!!!


Once a cheat always a cheat bin him where he belongs !


Honey my ex husband did the same thing to me. I can’t count the times. I gave him chance after chance because I loved him. I even blamed myself sometimes. Run as fast as you can to the divorce lawyer. Every time you get soft remember the past pain. I finally had enough when he had an affair with my Aunt. My uncle’s wife. She was in my life since I was 5 yrs old. It almost killed me. My kids will tell you that leaving was the best decision I ever made . You deserve so much more than that…he broke my sprit. After he passed away I was in Walmart an found out he had a child with one of the ladies…my life was so much better after the divorce…please don’t accept anything less that pure love. I remarried a wonderful man 20 yrs later. It took that long before I recovered. He doesn’t deserve a another second of your time. It took yrs of counciling before I could love myself again. If I had it to do over, I would have walked away the first time I found out. YOU DESERVE BETTER¡!!! Been there done that. Glad I never looked back. Best wishes for your future. It does get better.

I will keep this simple. NO

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He will change, he will get better at lying and covering it up but he will always cheat

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Been where you are,it will never change,you deserve much more,I got shot of mine,wasn’t easy.

You deserve soo much better! No one should ever be disrespected that way move on sis you’ve got this💪

Once A Cheater Alwayz a Cheater. They never change, He keeps cheating on you cause you keep forgiving him


A leopard never changes its spot you deserve better

He didnt respect you the other 5+ times hes cheated he will never change!! Once a cheat always a cheat … you are worth more than that :heart:

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He would have changed by now, if he wanted too. Five times is way more than enough to know he wont change

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To forgive is to condone!

For a man to really realise u need to act like he don’t exist maybe make him think ur doing it let him have a taste of his own medicine see how u feel after a few months of egnoring his ass if he moves on there’s ur answer

  1. Lawyer up
  2. Insist that he get into counseling (and be firm about it), especially if there are children involved (you don’t mention children). A good counselor will probably get you involved in the sessions at some point.
  3. It doesn’t matter what his family says, nor yours, for that matter. The marriage is between the two of you.
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Does he know where the door is??

Kick him to the Kerb, hes a serial liar.

No once a cheater will keep cheating. Don’t take him back.

It really doesn’t matter how many years you have been together, a forgiven betrayal is an open door for him to repeat it. Love wasn’t in his mind or heart when he did it the first time, and it’s not there now. Consider YOU. He didn’t

Walk away with dignity

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You are the one who needs to make sure you are happy. You can’t spend the rest of your life living in an uncomfortable and insecure marriage. Do what’s best for YOU please.

Ummm definitely time to move on! If there is no loyalty or trust what is the point of the relationship?

You deserve better , they don’t change . No more chances don’t waste your life on someone who won’t give that love back

5x? Tell his family to stay with him. That’s horrible, yes you should leave, especially when you have to rely on the woman to be the truth bearer

Seriously you don’t need advice on this, how could you look this cheating liar in the face & believe a single thing he’s saying to you ?. You owe him nothing. Respect yourself as he has 0% of that for you.


He won’t change he will always cheat on you he doesn’t respect you

Girl he knows he can get away with it now because you keep taking him back… no respect for you at all. Leave and don’t look back. Why be married if he doesn’t honour his vows?

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We won’t change. So unless you want to feel this way for the rest of your life you need to move on

The problem here other than he’s cheated is that after the first two times he has lost respect for you. He and his family have a hold on you that the marriage is in your hands, transferring the responsibility from him to you. But the truth is he has ruined your marriage and at this point you are an accomplice. Love yourself. love yourself enough to give yourself time to heal. Don’t wait until he gives you an STD or something worse. You’ve given enough chances and now is the time to separate. Legally separate so he knows you mean business. He is comfortable with you in that you are a convenience to him. You are his security and as long as you’re there, he will continue to live the lifestyle he is living. You only know about the affairs you’ve caught. How many do you think there are total? Would you allow your children to put up with this? Would you tell your child, give him/her a 6th chance? Would you tell a sibling, a close friend the same thing? To continue in this situation? Only you know why you stay and it is your life but know that you are setting an example to your children. You are teaching them to be tolerant of such toxic behaviors. His family is no better and I’m more than sure they have met his mistresses. They are not on your side so they should not be advising you to stay. There absolutely no justification for him cheating, even if you feel you lack in some areas in your marriage, nothing justifies. Cheating.

I wouldn’t I spent 12 years doing same thing taking him back after cheating, he never changed 10 years went by I’m married to someone else and he still tries to call me.

… wait “every time you caught him?” Girl leave him :roll_eyes: you deserve better gorgeous :kissing_heart:

Definitely not… How many chances does he need to be a better man for you?? Walk away and do YOU…

Do not ever take that Man back. Cheats and Liars aren’t shit; that is not a dependable life partner :pinched_fingers:

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Once maybe, 5 times absolutely not. You are only hurting yourself and you are worth more. Love yourself, be brave and leave him for good. Best of luck, sending hugs!

Once a cheetah always a cheetah, & they don’t change their spots

No flipping way ! Each time u give him another chance,you’re accepting his cheating. Tell him to gtfo now. U deserve so much better.

Give him another chance? Were the first 5 not enough chances? It’s Time to move on!!!& of course his family are saying” GiVe HiM AnOtHeR ChAnCE”:clown_face::clown_face::clown_face: It will be the best thing you can do for yourself, DUMP HIS ASS!!!

Let his family keep him… he can change his ways on their time not yours!

I’d tell his mama she can start to cook and clean for him since she raised him such a pathetic man, then pack your bags leave

Been there done that…I finally decided to love myself more than he ever did left and never looked back.

A leopard will never change its spots!!

Maybe he doesn’t value you…Value urself sister and you will know the ans…

The saying “fool me once shame on you, fool me twice (or 5 times in this case) shame on me” comes to mind here. He doesn’t deserve your love.

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You deserve better … get up leave him fix that crown and walk with pride! He knows he can get away with it , he doesn’t value u girl!

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Nope :-1: should of left him the first time … you are worth so much more than that

You’re already putting up with it (unforgivable to me) so why not give him another chance? You need to work on you…focus on yourself…grow

Once is retreavable but 5 is not a mistake it’s on purpose hope u make the rite decision even if u love him sometimes love is not enough x

No do not give him another chance I lived with my daughter dad 13 years found out I was pregnant knew for a fact he had slept with all my so called friends except for 1 2 days before my sister died I was the last to know they had been seeing each other over a year I still let him stay 2 more years please listen from an old folks advice if he did it 1 time he will continue to do YOU ARE BETTER THAN THI PACK HIS STUFF AND SEND HIM DOWN THE ROAD IF HE CALLS TELL HIM TO CALL SOMEONE THST CARED AND HANG UP ON HIM IM GOING TO PRAY :pray: FOR YOU :pray:

Let it go. He won’t change until he wants it. He knows you’ll forgive him. Let it go and let him sweat.
Yanno, if you love something…
Go about your life. Take time for you. Think. Decide what you will and won’t deal with. And, if you chose to take him back, make those boundaries clear. He has to show progress. Otherwise…

I’ve been in this situation and my advise is to not waste anymore of your previous time on this man. He might be great for a while but he will do it again as soon as he thinks everything is ok.
My ex admitted to me that because he got away with it so much that he just expected me to forgive him every time and take him back. We’re quite good friends now and co parent great but I would never trust him enough to be in a relationship with him again.
I know you love him and the comfort of the life you have built together is more persuasive than everything changing. You will be happier in the end and everything will become a lot clearer just give it time.
I hope this has helped and my inbox is open if you need someone to talk to. X

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Why was it his wake up call? I guess by forgiving him it enables him to keep doing it?

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Unless ur aiming for 6th times the the charm, nothing is gonna change as u keep letting him get away with it

Once a cheat always a cheat you deserve so much better


Oh nah I’m not even reading after 1st sentence

Send him down the road.

Absolutely NOT! once a cheater always a cheater And shame on his family too! Whist he knows you will take him back over and over again, he will continue to play the field as you are empowering him to repeat this and he has no respect for you or the women he does this with. As for the family - they are more likely worried about the shame of their son, who has failed to be responsible and loyal to the one person he took his vows with . You deserve better - be happy, get rid of him he has broken your heart and doesn’t seem to care .


Snake sheds its skin its still a snake . He knows what he is doing
. Respect yourself he is a loser


Once a cheater always a cheater

If he is changing he can continue to while you heal. Tell him when he has changed a year or two down the road he can stopby and try to wib tour heart again. Since this is repeated behavior, I ee it as a choice. It can happen once and be forgiven. The second time he chose! My thoughts, but you should do what is best for you and your kids. As they watch your relationship, they are learning about relationships. If you dont want a daughter to go thru it and be mistreated don’t let her watch you accept it. If you dont want your son to be a womanizer don’t allow it in your house! Best wishes.

Leopard doesn’t change it’s spots

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So sorry love I’m nearly 66 and I’ve been through the same in my younger years they are only sooty and swear to never doing it again because they were caught

Unfortunately it’s time to let go. Yes the family don’t want to see you divorce but it’s time. The family not living in the situation you are. So it’s time to tell the family sorry but I tried and I can’t do it anymore. The trust alone can’t be there. Without trust there not a relationship. And for this girl showing you must mean she knew about you and still let this happen. It’s time for him to realize what he had and what he lost. This girl must mean something to him if he keeps cheating with her.

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You have already giveing him 5 chances why even bother when you know what the outcome is going to be… :roll_eyes:
Nothing will change.

No he’s not worthy of u , fuk him off

Seriously NO! But if she’s a gambler then have him sign a post nup. Where if he cheats again she gets 100 percent of all marital assets in the divorce. Bet she gets it all.

Get him to fuck :woman_shrugging:t3:

you need to get strong hell no i wouldn’t evenie consider it after one affair let alone more get a divorce now even if you have children with him you will be happier on your own.

Nope, you’ve given him multiple chances. Time to move on to somebody who appreciates you.

Sure he’s changed for now but sooner or later it will happen again…

He’s cheated 5 times already in 10 years, honestly pack his stuff and get rid. One of the worst things anyway can do is cheat on a person. It ruins self esteem, confidence and leaves you feeling your not worthy. You are worthy and definitely deserve so much better, if he genuinely loved you he wouldn’t do this. I understand its hard, scary and your probably a bit dependant on him being around but don’t lower yourself and allow yourself to be used. I jope you make the right decision and find an awesome man that loves you unconditionally :heart: xx


You deserve to be happy and he is standing in the way of that. Do you have children together? Because they are watching and learning how to treat a partner and also how to be treated, based on what you both do right now.
If you don’t have kids- is that the kind of man you want as a father and role model to your future children?
He doesn’t get to decide your worth. And he certainly doesn’t deserve another chance. You on the other hand, deserve some peace and comfort in your life and you can’t have that with someone who brings the opposite into your life and leaves you feeling like youre on a knifes edge.
He wouldn’t have cheated the first time if he loved you how you deserve to be loved.
Take all the energy you’ve been giving him and use it on yourself to heal. :heart: I promise you there is so much better out there that you deserve. He may have been part of your journey in this life and taught you lessons you needed to learn, but he’s not the final destination and the story is yours to write.

Walk away now, you’ve given him plenty of chances already, it’s not worth your time & energy anymore, go find someone who truly loves & respects you, & who you deserve, recognise your worth. Good luck :muscle:t5::fire::heart:.

A leopard never changes its spots


Depends why he is cheating …. If the reason doesn’t change then he won’t either most thing with life we do for a reason, if he is doing it beciase he doesn’t get affection or sex then if you want him to change you have to give those things to him … most people won’t but if you really want o make it work then what is lacking needs to be filled or it won’t change

10years worth of chances… kick him love :two_hearts:

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If it was the first time I’d say yes give him another chance but 5 times that you know of…no .

No, just no. Definitely don’t.

Once a cheater always a cheater

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Hrs already had 5 chances I know you don’t mean to but by forgiving him your telling him it’s OK to cheat on you, it will hurt for a while and you will miss him but one day you won’t miss him anymore and you qill wonder what you ever saw in him, you deserve better than him


Nope girl. Move on with your life. He is comfortable doing what he’s doing and he isn’t going to change. He is not sorry he is just sorry he got caught.

Wanker-send him packing

5 times or more? Girl you deserve a hella lot better!! Why you think he keeps doing it, cause you keep letting him. Time to cut it off and kick🦵 his butt!!

Walk away now. Things aren’t going to change unfortunately

Separate for a period & give him an opportunity to show you he’s changed & try to win you back. If he uses the separation to continue cheating then you’ll know where you stand.


They always want u till u catch them cheating. And when u do,they promise and swear a lot that they will change but the only thing here will change is his hiding better things. He will keep doing cheating and hide it better.
Once by mistake in anger or in emotion is one thing,but do thos couple times is completely different. Complete disrespect!!!

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No if someone loves you they will never want to be with someone else. No second chances for cheating

He won’t change, he will just get better at hiding it. Have some self respect and move on and quit being his doormat.


One time okay another chance …this many times no. My hub changed that’s the real change a d I actually do see the change after we both had a problem but not after that… don’t do it. Take that time and find someone who will do you right. He won’t change.

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For some people they say run but you have to kniw that you can be on your own and survive. It’s not easy but can be very rewarding. If you think you can get over him and see him re marry have more children etc and still be ok then leave. You don’t deserve to be treated like that. But it’s nit all roses it’s hard. Be strong if you want to.


A Leopard Never Changes ITS Spots It Only Gets More Spots

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Tell him to eff off already. Why bother.

babe!! babe knock knock hellooooo!!! please please don’t let him embarass disrespect humiliate you anymore than he already has you will be so so much happier without the lies the cheating the churns in your stomach the aches from stress and just the shit you go through when your man has no fkn respect for you move forward with a smile on your face knowing you chose you
happy international womens day you will be just fine :slightly_smiling_face:


You dont deserve that and if he’s done it before then what makes you think he’s going to change I’ve always been told once a player is always a player

Run fast now in the opposite direction to him.

Hell no five times!!