Should I give my husband another chance?

He had 5 chances to change.


No nope diffantly not,
:notes:pack his bags babe and don’t u look back no more no more no more no more pack his bags babe and kick him right out that door​:notes:
You r worth more then that.

Hell no kick him to the curb someone else deserves you. He has done it five times. You learn from your mistakes but 5 times that’s just disgraceful!!!

I wouldn’t be giving him anymore chances cause he’s going to keep doing it cause he thinks it’s ok to cheat on you. Because you keep taking him back. So he probably thinks who cares if I cheat on her she will just take me back as hard as it is I wouldn’t be giving him another chance


Fives times maybe more…no cheating is deal breaker for me…there wouldn’t even be a second chance


Once a cheater always a cheater
Hes only feeling guilty coz he got caught. Thats always the excuse. Just get rid of him its for ur only best. Let him take his cheeting fling and bugger off. The best thing u can do for a cheater is to let the one keep him and smile and wave goodbye. U deserve better hun


Please me kind!leave that MF he don’t deserve another chance…if I was your teacher I’d give you a 0/0

I was with my ex 9 years and the last few times were a wake up call , but nothing ever changed , he will keep doing it to you and get better at hiding it

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No chance… maybe time for you to ride out into the sunset.

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Seriously u even have to ask? If all he’s ever does is straigh out lie to u face you would be naive to think he’s ever gonna change. Remember leopards never change their spots they just hunt differently. He’s playing you for a fool and probably laughing at you behind your back. KNOW YOUR WORTH…WALK AWAY!!!

Once is too many, 5 times is an absolute pisstake, know your worth sweetheart xxx

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Do you really need to ask other people,???

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I will never understand how can you love someone and be intimate with someone else,and then come back and look into eye to your loved and and how the hell u keep that kind of secret and live this kind of double life.
I assume many people don’t love the other half and cheat,they are in relationship for some other agenda,maybe habit or you are just very good with him,doing things for him and he takes u for granted.

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You do whats right for you lov, just remember you are worthy and deserve better…

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Run don’t look back he’ll always be a cheater and your too good to even consider it

Are you serious just share your personal life with Australia you are a joke


Ask yours self would he mind if you cheated over and over again…… I think not

You really know the answer.

He won’t change . Either live like that and allow it or leave


mayb seeking some mental health help for him could help? the fact he has shown remorse and wanted you back every time shows he suffers from some kind of mental health :woman_shrugging: i dunno :woman_shrugging: it’s a hard one! only you can truly answer this question and do what’s best for you. of course everyone on social media is going to say the obvious :raised_hands:t3: and i’m about to say the same! there’s no chance he will change! walk away!
but that’s easy for anyone to say you’re the one who has to actually deal with this mess!
i personally think he’s a asshole for doing this!

When someone shows you who they are…believe them. There’s nothing he’s gonna change. He’s gonna continue to do what he does time and time again. If he was gonna change, he’d have done it by now.

I’m so sorry he had done this :disappointed: once is a mistake twice is more than enough but five times! He’s making you look silly! “Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me” leave girl! Go and find yourself a real mad who will commit. Good luck with whatever you decide x

He cheated but more than that he lied he didnt need to. Hes a liar AND a cheat get rid once a liar always a liar you cant trust this man. He cares nothing for your or your feelings. We are all tempted. Its simple, say no n keep saying it…no one deserves to be cheated on. Its one sure way to break trust n thats everything i.m.o. why would you need advice about someone you cant trust? Its a no brainer n a deal breaker for me, he stepped over a trust boundary 4me theres no going back EVER. You send out the wrong signal n give him permission to play with your emotions n life if you have him back. You can forgive him yes but you dont have to stay with him for that to hapoen n firgiveness is so you can move on not for him. Im sorry youre having to go thru this n i hope kids arent involved but if they are he has to leave. You can stay in the house with the kids till theyre older…a decent judge will grant you that. Wishing you peace whatever your life decision. We only get to live once its not a rehearsal.

Leave absolutely its never gonna stop he keeps doing it some many years apart. Leave before you getbso damaged you cant repair yourself. Leave leave leave

Once a cheater always a cheater .get on with your life and live it to the full you don’t need this

Take his money and go babe :upside_down_face:

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He will never change.


Time to get a divorce hun! If he has done with to you that many times it really does tell u to leave him. I sure wouldn’t put up with that.

This happened to
Someone I know . Her husband always cheated with one person or another . Got caught some of the time but not all of the times . He was a deacon at his church . They have 2 children …she loved him and always forgave , she is a very good person …
He left her , their children and their Church for another woman …… be careful

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A leopard never changes it spots.
You are silly to think he will change.
Walk out with your head held high……


See ya buddy way too many chances given
I’d tell him to prove it … that he can even fathom being faithful …

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No ur worth queen!!!

Just think if this was from ur daughter or ur best friend what would ur advice be??

Hold your head up high get ur shit and walk out without looking back……

If he really has changed he will “try” prove it when ur apart

Never let a man take advantage of you

You are worthy, you are enough YOU CAN DO BETTER!!!

Once a cheater always a cheater! Why would you forgive him the past 5 times no way!


Get rid of!!!
You deserve better

Nope Nope Nope…
Enough, and run.
Yes it will be hard, but long term you will be better off

I was in the exact same situation. He will never change.

Having been in this situation do what is right for you and go with your gut feeling!

Don’t waste any more time and energy on him. Your heart has been broken before and will continue whilst you stay with him.
Once a cheater always a cheater!


More than one chance is too many chances. He clearly doesn’t respect you.

Girl, there’s no hope for cheaters. It is way more than just cheating. He failed your family, your home, disrespected your dignity. You’ve been together 10 yrs meaning half of that time, if not more; he has been cheating on you. If you’re okay with sharing your husband with other women then go ahead. But he is never ever going to be devoted to only you.

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U gave him another chance and he did it again and again and again he knows he can get away with it,thats why he does it.have respect fir yourself and get rid,you deserve better xx

Uhm. That’s a hard nope from me.
Five times?!! That will just happen again as he keeps doing it and you are allowing it by taking him back.
I’d show him to the door and tell him not to let it him on the way out.

You deserve someone who treats you better.

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A leopard never changes his spots!!! If he’s done it before he’ll do it again!!! Kick that mot@&r fu$@&r to the kerb!!!

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As a male an afair isn’t a mistake. That’s planned. No one should be feeling the way you are.


The saying “once a cheater always a cheater” is so popular because it’s true. Leave for yourself, you deserve way better. There is someone out there that will treat you the way you deserve.

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Actions speak louder / truer than words here. What a thrill it must be for him to be a habitual offender, and yet get to keep you too. In staying with him you are only feeding his ego while deflating your self worth. Do what will build your self respect up. Choose YOU.


Nope, way to many chances. He won’t change. Get rid of him asap

He is not going to change you have given him 5 if not more chances to change and he hasn’t show your self some respect and walk away he clearly has no respect for you

This is a broken relationship…and the only one who fixes it has been you …time to throw away the pieces.youve been single for a long time now …you can do it …this isn’t what you really want to teach your children…good luck

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He wont change. His fam prob knows he wont do better and will continue this behaviour. You deserve better

Sounds like my first husband. We married young and had 4 kids. At that time you were encouraged to try to work it out for the kids . No ! That just hurts them more. He was abusive, an alcoholic cheater . After 17 years I filed for divorce , he was living with a 22 year old . Guess what, on the day of our divorce he cried and begged and said why are you doing this ? I met a wonderful man that treated me and my children with love and kindness. His ex was the same way. He will not change ! You will never trust him. I was married to my second husband for 31 years but he died from the effects of Agent Orange from serving in Vietnam. I miss him terribly. I was in counseling for years and still am over the damages he caused me. I personally think you are wasting precious time . Prayers for you :heart::pray:

Leave. He’s done this multiple times. Leave

No. You’ve forgiven him enough and gave him enough chances. His family is enabling his behavior too which is not right. You need to think about yourself. Focus on healing yourself and then along that journey I’m sure another man will come into your life and treat you right the first time. Not the 5th or 500th time. He won’t change. If he does, it sounds like it’s too late to gain any trust back anyway and you’ve got to get yourself out of this emotionally and mentally draining mess. Good luck.


This guy is bullshiting u and obviously very clever at manipulating u into giving him chance after chance …
Don’t fall for it again for your own sanity :heartpulse::heartpulse:

U gave him 5 chances so far and hasn’t changed he taking u for a mug mate. Tell him do one

I say maybe consider taking time away from him for awhile after all you have heard it all before and given him multiple chances. Go work on yourself and your wants and needs, you need to see changes in your partner not more lip service from him. Learn to be comfortable on your own in time if he shows real change maybe you could have or want him in your life again.

If your husband really want to change, he would have done that, but 5 times is too much. It’s you yourself to make up your mind what’s the next step to take, he can’t be doing that all the time. Don’t let that ruined your happiness. I wouldn’t like to share my husband with someone else, but if you think you can change him good on you.

Give him a wake call with divorce papers. He’s not changing. Been there and never felt better! Nows he’s regretting it.

No… One chance is enough he’s had that and still doing it and will continue to do so as long as you allow it to happen

Once a beater and or cheater, always a beater or cheater. First it’s I promise I will never do that to you I am so sorry and after a few times it’s happened it becomes your fault that he’s cheating because you weren’t making him happy blah blah blah so what did you expect if my old lady won’t give it to me when I say I want something so it’s her fault I have to go cheat because I was not happy in bed. It’s a no brainer

United that damn trailer and let him go.

He should have woken up after the first time you caught him cheating. Separate and make him show you he has changed. If you really want your marriage make him work for it. Once you remove yourself you may realize you don’t want him back.

He will never change. Definately leave.


If he really loved you he wouldn’t mess around. He’ll just keep doing it as you keep giving him chances. Turf him out the door and lock it

Kick him to the curb! He obviously isn’t going to change .

No more chances. You’re better off on your own. He will NOT change !!!

After 5 times, he’s not changing. You’ve given him 5 too many chances to change.

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I have been though it and believe me if you waste any more of your life on him, you will be kicking yourself in the butt when you get older

What you allow will continue, sorry hun but he’s taking advantage of your good nature. I would have to make a stand and ask him to leave or nothing is going to change, only when he finds someone who will put up with him and then he will leave anyway. Be strong and keep your dignity.

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Why you ask you yourself is still there

It’s ok to have a marriage with somebody that can’t be monogamous as long as you are aware of the situation and that you know he’s going to do it again it really depends on you and if you can live with that.

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No. Stay away because he will never change.

No one can advise you what to do . The decision is entirely up to you. Do you love him so much you can put all this behind you? Can you bring yourself round to fully trust him again . Is his betrayal going to cause ongoing disagreements? Are you strong enough to withstand the pain and heartache if he betrays you again. Would you be in more or less heartache pain If you gave him another chance.

They don’t change. Ever.


Deep sigh…either accept he can’t and won’t stay faithful … Or you need to decide you can’t.


Know your worth. Don’t let him keep doing this to you.


Don’t waste another 10 years on somebody who clearly doesn’t care x

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You have allready given him 10 years of your live whats gonna stop him cheating on you now when his done it 5 time allready its time for you to close that book and move on

See you Shouldnt just get a womans perspective. I have been in your husbands shoes. Not as bad as him but yea. And if he actually wants to be with you and loves you a scare of losing you is all it takes to initiate change in a man. With me i got left behind for another in the end and i changed wether or not she took me back. My point is. Kick em out for a week. Leave him for a week. Show him how it will feel to be without you. My relationship was 9 years and ill say that it broke me in 100 diff ways to be alone. Few years later. Im still alone and would have done anything to change that. There is no once a cheater always a cheater bs. Anyone who says that prob cheated themselves or is just unforgiving. 9/10 times a man or even woman cheats because of either lack of attention or lack of sex from they’re significant other. I have been a physically aggressive man where i pushed and shoved to get hold of a cell phone which id always find cheating inside of. I had let that go eventually. ANYONE can change given the right circumstances.

You already know the answer

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Leave once’s a cheater always a cheater


Slap him on the Butt and tell him to keep running and dont look back

Leopards do not change their spots

Once a cheater always a cheater


He wants to be a state property move on have some sense of self worth and pride. They say once is a mistake multiple time is a choice

It’s not about chances, it’s about what you want to accept. Only you know what makes you happy


What you allow is what you’ll regret.

I have seen cheaters change. PEOPLE change. I would do final chance on this. I really hate that people say cheaters don’t change. I personally would try one last time and that’s that. We have to remember, men make really stupid decisions for some reason. I’ve lived through it, forgave and am happier than ever before.


I mean at the end of the day it’s up to you I’ve been through very similar and I can see my partner has changed (will he still cheat if given the opportunity idk I mean that with he doesn’t want to loose me but would he do it again knowing I won’t leave I think so ) so for everyone it’s a very different situation and all comes down to how much are you willing to go through before you finally say that’s enough , ( lmao I wish I could take my own advice cos clearly I need it to haha ) good luck darl n my heart breaks for you honestly

You already know the answer to this question. You are facilitating his poor behaviour. Take what is left of your self respect and get the hell out of that toxic relationship.

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Nope I kept giving chance after chance … The whole I’m going to change nope wasn’t true at all . after being together for 11years married 8years and 7kids together we ended when our youngest was 2months old she’s nearly 3 now .

Not walking around on eggshells . He would all so lose his temper and leave holes in walls and doors too …

I did the chance after chance after chance for 6 years …he cheated with 5 other women all up and got 1 pregnant with twins plus 1 of them was a 16year old he was boss to at his job too

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And what did he say last time?
In my opinion yes he’s changing… he’s treating you worse and worse!!
5 times that you know about

If you can’t make up your mind and draw the line, then you shouldn’t be complaining. Take personal responsibility for your own life, set your boundaries and stick by them. That’s where real strength and conviction lays. Don’t be a victim , be a victor.


I just read the first sentence and was like nope


Kick his cheating arse out NOW. I find it hard to read you have given him that many chances already.

Maybe it should be YOUR wake up call??It is hard but you make the decision that is right for YOU noone else.Good luck.xx


You’ve given him 4 chances too many…… he hasn’t changed yet.


He didn’t appreciate what he had when he had it. Hes not sorry that he cheated hes sorry that he got caught. Find your worth and remove yourself from someone who can’t appreciate and be faithful to the person they’re with.


For the fact his cheated 5 times or more and hasn’t had the decency to think about your feelings once in all of those times I would sack him off, what’s to say his going to change after doing it so many times that you know of?

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Never change…i went through it myself best th8ng I ever did was leaving

I believe only God can change his heart as his relationship with HIM strengthens…to a point where his vile behavior disgusts himself. Pray for that. This in my eyes is the only solution… God expects you to forgive him and give him another chance according to scripture, but it is not Gods best for you if it continues and a divorce is allowed for committing adultery… Text me if you need Godly counsel… Love, Pastor Eileen.

No way! Find your pride and put yourself first.

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