Should I give my husband another chance?

If in doubt Out…the door.

Leave! He isn’t loyal or honest. He will forever cheat on you. He’s gotten away with it five times already. Know your worth.

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Dump once a cheat always a cheat will just get more good at it It’s not a sin for a man or woman to be on their own

You’ve already wasted too many years. Once is one time too many this is why he keeps doing it. Harsh reality…your a door mat

The saying is…’ A leopard never changes his spots ‘……go by your gut instinct….can you/ would you trust him again ???

After just once cheating its bye bye…he don’t love or respect you…just mugging you off x

A leopard never changes its spots…You already know what needs to be done.

My first husband cheated on me and when l found out his bags where packed at the door. I always told him if he did this there was no going back. Best thing l ever did because l would NEVER trust him again. I remarried a good man that is so trust worthy and never looked back. But it is your choice good luck. :pray::heart:


Kick him to the curb . He will always do it

It’s your decision to let go. Adultery if it happens once, will happen again. Next time they will be more careful not to get caught. Trust in an important element in a relationship. It’s difficult to have one without trusting each other.

Hell no!!!, run girl, run!!!

Been through this with my husband trust me they don’t change.he got away with it to many times. Tell him you deserve better than him. The right one will come in your life when you least expect it. I’m so happy now .Godless you. Your strong walk away

No because he will cheat again.

Absolutely not, run for the hills! You deserve way better than that scum!

At this point you probably can’t trust him anymore. I think it’s time to go, for your own sanity girl! You are going to go crazy always wondering.

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Absolutely not. After ONE time, that is giving a chance. Five times… you must not mind it too much. (Not meaning to be ugly at all) or maybe you’ve become dissensitized to it. In any case, if you stay around, it will very more than likely happen again and again. So if you’re OK with that, stay. It has to be your call… no one can really tell you what to do on that. But, you put it out there so… just my opinion.
Also, years ago I went through all that with my first husband. And I thank God all the time I got away from that nearly 20 years ago. And guess what… his life has been crap and still is. I do not wish him any negative at all but his life reflects his horrible decision making.

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Just asking:
how much more of this adulterous behavior do you need, in order to leave? An Std? An outside baby? 5 times? Are you going for 6? 10? I’m sorry ma’am, the first-and definitely the second time would have sent me packing-or him out the door. He definitely could not have made it to 5. Good luck.

I put up with a cheater and liar for 10yrs, prepare for life to be what you wanted, don’t settle, move on and focus on your happiness, trust me you won’t regret walking away and finding a new life and love…I found mine, 3 more kids and happy marriage 17 years later, I’ve never looked back… good luck, be strong, you deserve better.

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Don’t give him another chance to cheat on you. Leave him, or kick him to the curb.

He will never stop cheating. Run and dont look back

Hell no don’t take him back

Don’t believe the miracle before it’s happened.
Best advice I was ever given

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ask yourself if he would give you that option if the shoe was on the other foot. the problem with the Male species is they feel entitled…

The first time you took him back taught him he could do it again .


remember they’re not sorry they cheated…just sorry they got caught …


IMy wife of 34 years left me 15/ 12/ 2017 over porn,she found couple times on my phone.Even though l didn’t have a affair with anyone in all those years.l felt distance from her on a number of occasions through that time.Our intimacy levels were distance as well and l missed that touch and connection but l couldn’t bring myself to leave because l still loved her.So l was drawn to porn because it was assessable but l really desired my wife but she didn’t.When it eventually hit the fan l asked if she would give me another chance to get our marriage back on track,she never did we were divorced on 27 th september last year she filed. So even though l loved her and still do she is gone.

no leave him where he stands

I would run! He don’t appreciate you at all.

Ma’am…I think you know your answer. Sometimes people change but MULTIPLE times? Fool me once, shame on you…fool me twice, shame on me…
(In this case, over 5 times…)


You’ve already given him all the chances he needs! Don’t waste any more time.


It is hard to get over finding out someone has cheated. You have done it so many times and he continued to do it again, maybe he needs a real look at how this has impacted you, say this is the end, maybe time apart will make home realise it is no longer something you will accept. If he does not do anything to change than you know you need to move on. You deserve someone who only wants you.

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5 times? That’s a hard no.


Any kids involved? People can and do change. Between you, you need to understand why he is doing this. Just saying “oh it’s cos he’s a total cheating monster” isn’t a good enough analysis of the situation.
You know the guy better than anyone. Being caught out is humiliating, shaming etc. I’m not saying he is right, but if u wanna get to the bottom of it, and find out if there is a realistic prospect of him changing, u need to understand what is in his head. So talk talk and talk. Without arguing. Then make a decision based on that.

You already know he’s not going to change.
How many times is he going to disrespect you before you leave?


Don’t waste anymore time hun it’s time to go now you’ve given to many chances I’m sorry


No you don’t deserve that.

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Pack that ish up he’s shown you several times who he is. Idk who thinks he’s changing. He couldn’t even be man enough to tell you the whole truth after he was caught smh

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They never change…walk away now x

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ONCE A Cheater Always A Cheater!!!

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You know he has cheated on you five times, it is probably in reality a dozen times.
You have to decide if you think you deserve better, than this disrespectful abuse.


Hell no , he won’t change … too late he did it once … you deserve way better. Then that…

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No leave his ass hes go continue to cheat once a cheat always a cheat.

How many wake up calls has he had …?

They don’t change they just get better at hiding it

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At least five times? Leave him. Yesterday, if possible.

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Lady we can all sit here all day until we are blue in the face telling you what you need to do. But the fact is, if you’re even questioning it, you have already made up your mind to stay. If you ever truly get to the point where you have had enough, you will walk away, no questions asked, and never look back. If you stay…AGAIN…and you will…sorry not sorry to say, but you deserve it, not IF, but WHEN, it happens again. Because it definitely WILL. Harsh? Maybe. But it is the painful truth. Overall, you deserve better. But this man has showed you who he truly is. He isn’t a teen who is just going thru a phase. This is who he is and he has no intention of changing. However, he can do whatever he wants to you…lie, cheat, manipulate, and you will cry and threaten to leave and then roll over and stay. You know it and he knows it. Empty threats. That’s all they are. At this point, YOU ARE SOLELY TO BLAME FOR YOUR PAIN. Take responsibility. Scariest thing is, there are 5, so far, that you know of. Most likely, many more. If he hasn’t already, chances of him bringing home to you a disease you can never get rid of is extremely high.


No way. Definitely leave him!

Noope. Be smarter than that. Men who love their wives don’t cheat. That’s the ultimate thing I could never forgive. Well maybe forgive enough to coparent, but never stay together after cheating. No wayyyy​:no_good_woman:t4::no_good_woman:t4::no_good_woman:t4::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

Actions speak louder than words. And apparently his repeated actions are to keep letting his penis outside the household…
Wake up baby doll , accept that he will never change and move on. Tell him this was your last wake up call and skeet your way on out of there faster than O.J. did in that white bronco

This man is taking advantage of you the sooner you leave the sooner you can move on you deserve better

I am sorry this happened to you, but he won’t change, hell he never even was honest about it. My advice is :point_down:

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Would’ve been gone after the second. Lol it’s no longer a mistake but a choice. :woman_shrugging:t4:

I kicked my ex out the 1st time he cheated why you giving him more chances to cheat on you?you are worth more his family are twats,not sure if you have kids but you should be showing them cheating isn’t ok,kick him out or leave

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You’ve answered your own question babe :thinking::+1:

I personally would kick his arse to gutter! BUT if YOU want to try I’d make him move out and prove that he is a changed man! Make him work for it before he just gets to have his cake and eat it too!

Yeah he’s not going to change my cousin went through the exact same thing gave her husband chance after chance after chance and eventually it was time to let go now she’s extremely happy and engaged to a new man owns her own house career like like a girl it’s time


Once a cheat always a cheat


Really he has cheated on you multiple times and you are asking if he will change. Wow. 1st of all he has no respect for you or he wouldn’t of cheated. 2nd everytime you take him back shows him you are allowing him to cheat, he knows that he can cheat on you and there are no consequences because he can do what he wants and you will take him back.

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If he’s cheated at least 5 times do you really think he will change,sorry but open your eyes he will never change you’ve left him by to many times he knows you will keep letting him by ,so walk away before he brings home an std

Do you think he thought about how it would effect you every time he cheated? Do you think he considered that he may give you an incurable STD for the rest of your life because of his selfishness? And who gives a damn what his family thinks…it’s not happening to them. Like come on! Just leave! You’re worth so much more than this. You stuck around after the 1st 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th time, his chances are OVER!

He’s already cheated on you 5 times? No leave him because he won’t change. You’re better off.

I know many aren’t going to agree with me on my comment … but this is MY opinion and it’s based on my own experience. You have a family to consider in your decision. It’s not just about you as many my think. Your decision will effect all you love and know. Now I am not supporting that your husband has had multiple affairs- by all means I am not. However when you both were married, what did your vows to each other; which also to God, was said? Was it to love and honor one another, for better or worse… etc… till death do you part?? My own personal believe is this- unless A person spouse( make and female) is physically, mentally, emotionally and/ or sexually abusing them, then to leave the marriage and seek a divorce IS NOT the right decision or move to make. Yes, for one to find out their partner has cheated on them is indeed a harsh “ pill” to accept. However this means something is missing, which may be lack of communication or something else. I am not saying a person should be a door mat in a marriage; however I am saying, when something as cheating becomes a factor in a marriage, then the “problem” needs to be examined completely and solved- not just looked out and “ erase” it by seeing divorce as the answered. I will say this, as long as one allows for a negative action to continue on , it will repeat itself over and over and over again. However if a person looks at the negative action and tell it “ No more” and stick to it., more likely it will stop or one must force it to stop. What am I saying? I believe this wife should sit down with her husband and tell him this conversation is a very serious one. That the marriage has been together for a long time- lot of time has been invested into it. For it end will be painful for everyone. However, the cheating indeed needs to stop. Counseling, mentorship, prayers… whatever it takes to have it stop needs to happen. Communication needs to be rebuilt as well as trust. If the cheating is looked as a way to see if it can happen with no consequences- that is very false. It’s continuous existence will lead to a divorce. Does he want a divorce?? If the husband says No, then ask” Does he want the marriage to truly last? If the husband says yes “ then the wife should say” Then get with it and get help and stop this hurtful action immediately “ . If the husband says Yes. Then the Wife needs to take a deep breathe, say and only say” ok You will be divorced then” and walk away. I can say all this because I have been cheated on and I have cheated. My reason for cheating is bc I recover no appreciation or respect at home from my ex husband. I also cheated ( 1st ex husband) because I had suffered from an mental disorder call Bi polar Disorder and didn’t know it. Both reasons destroyed my marriage bc communication wasn’t there either. The reason they cheated.( 2nd ex husband) well I don’t know. Never was given one . When I found about it after they told me they wanted a divorce. Today I am married to a wonderful man. We have our ups and downs… but that is what keeps or breaks a marriage together or apart. My prayers are there for this marriage.

There is no good or bad advise, only you can find the answer to that question, are you willing to go through this again, and find it in your heart to forgive, or is this going to linger in your head every time he goes out, or come home late or doesn’t call to tell you were hi is at, pray make a decision to move on or to stay but do it with a clean heart, its been a few times, he is use to that kind of life, maybe you moving out will really wake him up, and if you really love him, both of you can start over, get some marriage counseling…good luck…

Your the only one that can make the decision.
Once the trust is gone it’s hard to rebuild on that.
My opinion is he will be faithful for a will and then he will continue to cheat on you

Leave his ass he ain’t going to stop or change once a cheater always a cheater

No and you deserve better. He has cheated a number of times and he will still cheat. It’s a pattern for him. There is someone out there that will love you and respect you more. Hope you find what your looking for. Hugs

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Heck no for the sake of you and you’re Children

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Kick him to the kerb

Leave before he gives you something you can’t wash off with ajax

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Move on love leave him

Once a cheater always a cheater. Move on

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This is only something you can decide. If you decide to stay what is going to be different this time? Would counseling be an option? Are you going to be able to actually trust him again if he does really change?

Just leave a person who has no loyalty to their family has no loyalty to anyone. The disrespect is loud and clear it’s not changing

Really…you’re asking…come on

Your answer is in the post itself. He’s said before he’ll change but it keeps happening. If he really wanted to change he wouldn’t do it more than once. You have to decide whether you wanna continue on with a man who is constantly gonna cheat or go your own way and find yourself, and maybe an honest man along the way if you want that.

This happened to me and I came to realise my own self worth and the image I was portraying to my children by allowing the behaviour and the disrespect to continue. You should not be second best or a second choice…u deserve to be respected and cherished. Ultimately u need to be the one that makes the choice…it is very difficult…especially when there is still so much love for that person. Good luck Hun.


In the words of the great Maya Angelou: “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.” How many times has he cheated?

You’ve wasted years on a miserable man who isn’t capable of fidelity. He doesn’t love or respect you, and probably also secretly despises you. He’s a serial cheater who won’t change, so his family are either delusional or trying to hide his infidelity to save face. Leave before he completely robs you of your self-worth.


Girl move on. Hard at first but so worth it!

Stop being a mug & get those scissors & cut him out your life. You deserve better.


Honey if that man was going to change his ways he would have done it at number one and not at number five


His cheated on you multiple times and your asking if he deserves another chance I’d say at this point his all out of chances


My advise is to leave and seek counselling as you do to get some self worth back that he has taken away from you.
However in saying that, only you can make that decision. We all justify to ourselves reasons for staying and believe that we are the ones that can change them or I’m special enough and mean enough to him… only he can control his actions and only you can control your own. He may love you but he has no respect for you, and with no respect he will continue to repeat his behaviour.
You deserve someone better. Good luck.


He’s only sorry when he gets caught… he will never change, he is going to continue cheating, just leave.

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No definatly not he will keep doing it

My ex’s family told me to give him one more chance and that he was sorry etc etc
That got me cheated on again, $5000 stolen out of my credit card and a punch in the face while I was holding his 6 week old child cause I said I wanted to leave the relationship.
So it’s a hell no from me


Go find someone worthy of you girl. Don’t waste more of your life with this loser

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They never change. Get out.

I can see that you both obviously love each other. He just has fidelity issues which by the look I don’t think will change. If you decide to move on I would try to keep it as mutual as possible. Just set down with him talk to him calmly and let him know that your feelings were hurt tremendously but you think its time you both part ways romantically and maybe it’s best to be friends. Keep your children in mind. Divorce isn’t what causes strain on children its the emotional Rollercoaster many parents let their kids see, the fighting and arguing etc.
Some people are better friends than in a relationship. These things happen.

Bless u for hanging in there. He will never stop. Thats who he is

When people show you who they are listen to them

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A leopard never changes his spots so my darling dont give him that chance he will only do it to you again

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No way kick him to the curb he will not change sorry to hear this is happening


Taking your ex back multiple times is like doing a shit and shoving it back up ya bum over and over. Don’t do it! Fuck him and fuck his family for even suggesting something so stupid.

Nooo,move on,he has no respect for you xx


If he hasn’t done it by now he’s not going too

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I believe you already know the answer. Go with your gut. Your gut is your validation. It’s never steered me wrong when I’ve taken notice. Don’t accept any less than you deserve.


No, the family knows his a piece of shit and probably know you will take care of him so they don’t have to. Leave before you lose yourself, you will never trust him again no matter what he does

Chances are greater that he want change. 2 times his fault for your pain 3 times you are responsible for your pain. Depends on how able you are to withstand it again. But for me if been gone the third time. I’m a 3 strikes you’re out kind of woman.

Omg no! Honey you deserve SO MUCH BETTER!!! he’s not a Man if he’s putting you through all that! A man who Truly loves you would not even give another woman attention in that way so the fact he’s done it to you not just once…but 5times!!!
He’s never gonna change and he knows your letting him away with it he’s getting off scot free so it’s total disrespect!!!

And stuff what his family thinks it’s none of their business obviously they think the sun shines out his backside… when in fact they should be ashamed of him!!

Happy International Women’s day :heartbeat: kick him to the kerb and be strong woman!


Two options: BOY BYE or take him back and make his life a living hell. Remember that a leopard doesn’t change his spots. Not even for you! No matter how fun it might be to make him suffer, you deserve a man that honors and respects you. I vote kick him to the curb!!! Girl. Hair toss, check your nails then walk your fine a$$ out that door!!!

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