Should I give my husband another chance?

Cheating can be a family event. That will never change id be done


He will keep doing it. It will never change. You deserve so much better.

Decide if you can live with the knowledge that he will cheat again. If you can accept it, then stay. If it is a deal breaker for you, walk away.

I can ask my dishwasher but I don’t think she knows how to install them :slight_smile:

Should I give my husband another chance? After he cheated 5 times in 10 years? What would you tell someone else if they asked you advice for that? No. Leave.

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Think you just answered your own question right there…

Leave it won’t change

What is 5 plus 1 more ? :thinking: because we’re going to season 6 if you do and I think you deserve a beautiful ending. I promise you that you deserve better. I know it’s hard to let go though… good luck :heart:


Fuck his best friend and file for divorce.
I mean, yea I’d leave. Don’t invest anymore energy into him.

Happened to me too… I’m sorry but they won’t change… they never do… the lies, the denials, the narcissistic switching of blame… the humiliation… it’s not worth sacrificing your self respect or your right to respect from others… by staying I was effectively allowing this behaviour to continue, by me staying he thought it was ok to keep doing - after all why wouldn’t he? I’d let him come back every other time…… until one day I didn’t. He didn’t deserve my love, my tears, he didn’t deserve me… choose yourself- it will be ultimately your freedom … the moment I let it all go, the second I walked away I respected myself again :heart:


No cheater ever gets a second chance

Save yourself from a lifetime of hurt and pain…trust in God and take a leap of faith and move on…Your life deserves peace!

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Touche’ well said!!!

Girl, read this post you wrote and imagine it’s your sister or daughter or best friend. I’m pretty sure you know the answer. But pretend this post wasn’t written by you and let’s hear YOUR answer.

Anyway…. Get out! You are enabling his raunchy behavior.

Have some self worth!


Uhhh no. Time to move on

You already gave him too many chances. He does not deserve a good woman. Leave the cheater.

Kick him to the kerb one time too many he got away with it without any concerquences all the time so why wouldn’t he keep doing it enough is enough

What was different from then to now? Nothing. They won’t ever change and you’ll keep wasting the best years of your life being heartbroken. You’ve heard the same promises and you’re in the same boat as before. He only cares to change when he’s caught… I’d run to get the divorce papers and all the alimony

Kristen you never cease to amaze me. You are an amazing lady.

You’ve already put up with it for ten years. He thinks it’s ok now.

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A leopard never changes it’s spots, just saying but your choice

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Move on love, doesn’t have any respect for you. You will never trust him again.

Sorry you have done enough. He needs to get professional help and heal his demons on his own, you deserve much better! 5 times In 10 years. Ugh. I’m sorry

Please leave or u never will , be brave you can and will do it

… marriage counseling… head up honey

Cheaters dont stop cheating

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He will continue to cheat as long as you keep allowing it! He has already proven to you in 10 years nothing has changed! If you don’t make a change 10 more years from now you will still be asking this same question!

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A cheater will never change cause if you stay then he knows you will always forgive him so he knows he will get away with it. First time I would have left. No trust no relationship

Why would you let him get away with it 5 times? You need to have some respect for yourself. He is obviously not going to stop cheating. You deserve better than this. It’s time to move on.

Absolutely not. You deserve better and he clearly won’t change. He’s all talk no action.

If he cheats he will keep on cheating. I would NOT give him a 2nd chance

Speaking from experience & what you have been through…NO…but at the end of the day it has to be your decision as to what you are prepared to accept…good luck…

My husband, cheated on me for year’s, never admitted it, If it only happened once, i would have forgiven him, but, it was, for year’s, never said, he was sorry, we’re divorced today, Me personally, i should have left, at the beginning, would have saved myself, from going thru the pain, i went thru, for nothing, but, only you, can make this decision, for yourself. God bless you, and lead you . He did, me.


If you have children you have to ask yourself what lesson do you want them to learn. No one on here should be advising you on your life based on their own. Walk a mile…
I have been married 25 years I have 3 children with him. We split for a year and my husband tried to move on and realized to late he didn’t want to. He has a daughter with another woman and we are now raising her 3 babies together. Had I not forgiven him I wouldn’t have been blessed in this way. It is totally in your control. What is good for one does not work for another.


A leopard can’t change his spots. One time may have been a mistake but more than one is knowing exactly what you’re doing. If you keep forgiving and over looking it, he will keep on. :100: good luck with what you decide


I would leave you had to basically corner him to tell you the truth and when he did he didn’t own up to everything. And he’s done it in the past like others have said once a cheaters always a cheaters. Your wasting your time giving this person chances and chances when there’s someone out there waiting for you to give them that one chance

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If he would of cheated once I would say yes give a chance. However, he’s already done it multiple times and only admits it when he’s caught. He’s going to continue what you allow. He isn’t going to change. Get a divorce and move on


Don’t do it, from past experience myself they don’t change. Was in a relationship for 17 years and it never stopped.

For the love of god, no. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Get rid of him he’s never going to stop. Stop wasting precious time.


This happened to me in the beginning of us starting to date. I cheated first then he cheated to get back at me. We were young. It took a long time to earn trust back. But thirteen years later we are better then ever. We realized how young and dumb we were. Plus the ones we cheated with were crazy. So it made us realize grass is never greener on the other side. But shame on him the first time. Shame on me if there was to EVER be a second time. We are strong as ever now. Good luck it’s not easy.

once a cheater always a cheater


Leave him. Your worth more than this. It’s not like he did it 1 time. He did it 5. He will continue. Good luck

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Divorce him yesterday!

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A cheater never changes.
Make sure the door slaps his ass on the way out as u slam it behind him.

Honestly leave. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice or more shame on me. He is not going to change unless you leave, and even then he might not change

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I wouldn’t. He already probed he don’t respect you. You deserve better.

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At least it was with a woman.

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Follow your heart! Sooo many people will say no, leave, he’s proved he won’t change, but has he had any help? Like real help? Have you guys done any couples counseling/therapy? Have you done anything to help hold him accountable? If none of these have happened and he’s willing to go through it to prove himself, then I’d say stay, because that’s showing he cares at least enough to try. If not, then maybe it is better you two go your separate ways. But make sure your heart is in it and his is as well or it won’t work. It cannot be one sided :heart:


how much do you value your self worth? If it’s even a little bit, hell no!

Get the hell out. You have a lying moron on your hands

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It’s been 10 years with a history of cheating… and you’ve forgiven him each time? He’s not going to stop. He’ll just get better at hiding it. Leave.


Never give him another chance. You deserve better.

Sure give them another chance with someone else time to eject

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He keeps cheating because there are no consequences and you allow it lol

All these comments are true. But at the same time only You will know when enough is enough.

He’s a repeat offender

Bye :fu::wave::wave::wave:

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NO NO NO NO NO why would you

Make the decision. Stay… and accept his cheating as part of your relationship and find a way to accept it. Or leave. He’s not gonna change.


If it were your Daughter in your shoes … what would you advise her?


Absolutely not. You can love him with all of your heart, but you need to love yourself more than that. If he can constantly be disloyal to you and betray you not only by lying straight to your face but going behind your back to do it again and again with no remorse or change, he does not value you! You have to value yourself. You deserve much more than what you’re being given and I hope you truly know that!

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Leave honey. He will not change!!!

What you allow will continue.

I don’t know if you have children but… What your children see you accept and do to others in your marriage they will do or accept themselves believing it’s normal unless you show them otherwise. Good luck💛

Nope leave you deserve better come cheating 5 other times that’s A little to much good luck :+1:

If he hasn’t changed in 10 years he’s not going to

One more chance until the next time. He’s a womaniser and he won’t change. Try a trial seperation… what’s the betting he’ll move in wirh someone else.

Come on you do not need help from us. You should have to much respect for your self. You say he has done this 5 time.what is wrong with you. It is crystal clear. His family does not have your interest or heart they only are interested in him. Life is to short to be cheated on. Respect your self. If you allow him to get away with this and it will continue. Love is not meant to be betrayed. Get rid of him. There are plenty of good men in this world .If you allow him to continue this behavior you are a fool. You only have one life. Live it with dignity.

After that many times it’s very doubtful for change. You have accepted it more times than you should so now they know what and how to say things for you to stay. Good luck

Your allowing the behavior. Kick him to the curb. Once a cheater always a cheater.

Kick him to the curb You deserve better

ya know
i forgave one time. luckily mone actually changed. if happens aagain im done.

only u know when uve had enough

Stay… And cheat. Then leave after that :rofl:
Just kidding… If he cheated so many times, I don’t think he’s about to stop now. But you know him better than all of us. Go with your gut.

If it was a one time thing get counseling. But 5 times no way.

Get rid of him.if you keep forgiven him he’ll keep doing it time and time again
Coz he’ll know that you’ll will give him chance after chance.think about it dos a cheater change there spots

Say you took him back,could you actually trust him again? You will have resentment towards him,more than likely watching everything he does,his wrong doings will be a constant thought for you,idk if ppl change sometimes they only get better at hiding it…
Is it worth it? Can you live like that?

Kick him to the curb

They don’t change. I went thru almost the same thing. You are better off leaving and starting a new life. Find someone who appreciates you and actually wants to be with you.

You deserve better then someone how just ganna sleep with someone else that’s not love

Nope leave him. If he wants to live another life let him with out you there getting hurt and walked all over.

I think you know the answer, I stopped reading after " 5 times" best wishes to you

Is this a real question?? I mean come on!?? He’s cheated on you at least 5 times and you wanna give him another chance ,? lol


Nope you have given him opportunities to change. You have to be ready to make the change though and say enough is enough. There are guys who will treat, respect and love ONLY you.

I would have to say no.5 or more time is no accident now he just playing you for a fool don’t allow him to do that to you I don’t believe he will change .maybe it’s best just to say bye .

He won’t change but BE SMART and BE PREPARED. Have things in order, pictures, photo albums, anything u want to keep have ready to pack or find a storage unit to keep in. It will happen.

Leave his sorry ass and family !

And If you have children he must go. Let him go to his family . Do not feel sorry for him … Did he feel sorry for you while he was scxxxing someone else.

This is nothing we can help with this has to be your decision what do you want to do our opinion or his families opinion should not matter!

Iv been with my partner for 10 years we have a child together and on my bday last week I found out his been on a online dating site under a fake name , I left his arse ! Once a cheater always a cheater , as much as it hurts girl tine will heal!!! Find ur worth chick 5 times he isn’t ever gonna change

…… He’s done this at least five times? Yeah, no. If the five times before this weren’t “his wake up call” this time isn’t going to be any different.

After 5 times then NO WAY

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Stop wasting your time and emotions

Obviously he isn’t going to change

Run and run fast 5 times and you went back everytime??? He’s showed you exactly who he is multiple times and you already know deep down he will never change

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5 times? I see he gets his toxic traits from his family. I would have left after the first time.

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Enough is enough time for you to do what’s best for you

Cut him loose girl, he won’t ever change. You are teaching him how to treat you. If you keep giving him chance after chance he will always continue to take those chances. Be done with him and his lies. You deserve better.

No you gave him 1 more chance after the first time and that was more than enough. He will never change and he’s proved that over and over. Divorce him and send him back to his mama.

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Take it from someone who stayed for 10yrs with someone. He won’t change! My ex husband kept telling me the same thing and everytime I believed him. And got hurt over and over again until I was finally completely numb! Once you forgive them once they think they can get away with anything they do. Do the smart thing and walk the hell away, u won’t regret it! You will better your self esteem when you do!

You teach people how to treat you. Don’t keep doing the same thing expecting a different outcome. Listen to what your gut says.

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Do not spend another minute on that nonsense. There is someone else out there who would never hurt you or risk losing you for any reason. His family can continue to love you as you move on with respect for yourself, pride and dignity that he never allowed. Get moving. There’s a wonderful peaceful life waiting for you without that nonsense anywhere near it.