Should I give my husband another chance?

Forgiving him will just give him an excuse to do it again since it’s been at least 5x. MAYBE if it was the first time … but even then I’d say no. Know your worth find someone that will be honest and faithful.

Kick that mother fucker out

Life is too short; move on!

Separate and have him date you again. Cover all angles girlfriend. This way your moving forward regardless. If he is truly interested he’ll step up. If he isn’t your already rebuilding your life. Prayers

Honey the answer is inside you. Can you give it one more go? With the stipulation if it happens again you walk? If not then time to go.

Oh hell no, he has proved to you multiple times he ain’t going to change! I would have put that man in the trash after the first time! You keep taking him back and he knows it, he will never change because he knows your not going anywhere and will tolerate it! Leave and leave for good, he won’t change.

Why is everyone telling her to leave? Thow him out. Why should she leave. No way. Pack him up change the locks get some wyze Camara,s st up and put him OUT TODAY.


I bet he promise he would change the last 5 times huh? Ditch that dick.

Ummmm NO! Wake up ! Respect yourself more than this! You should of left after the first time !

I would have been done and gone after the 1st time but that’s just me. Why work it out when he’s just going to do it another 5 more times and maybe more?! He will never respect you bc you aren’t showing that you respect yourself. Im sorry you are going through this but it’s common sense, if he has cheated on his wife 5 times already, that’s your cue to leave him!! Good luck with that


RUN! They never change, once a cheater always a cheater!

Girl do you hear yourself? Don’t disrespect yourself for anyone!

From experience…walk away now…hard to do but you ll only end up doing later on down the line and wasting more of your life on him xx

Cheating is by choice not chance. You know the answer to this question because your living his lie. All the best no what you decide. :heart:

I would tell him to leave till he figure out what he really wants

This should be your wakeup call.You really need to split up …you need to start a new life of your own without being hurt every time he wanders.You are worth more than this.

Leave don’t ever go back how many chances do you give before you learn he’s not good.

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I think the real fool is you for sticking around for too long. He deserves a second chance only. You should have left when he cheated for the second time.

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4 chances to many kick his ass to the kerb

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He has cheated on you 5 times and lies to you. He doesn’t respect you or your relationship. He had his chances. Time to go and find someone who will love and respect you.

What’s going to he different this rine than the last 5 times? Know your worth. Move on.

If he was gonna change, he would’ve done so after the first time… They always say they’ll change so you’ll stay.

You are so much more than he deserves. If he really loved you he would not have cheated. You need to find the answer with in and make the choice that is right for you x


I feel like once might be an accident but again and again, those become choices :woman_shrugging: I personally couldn’t forgive and forget, I would leave. However, only you know what’s best for you

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He’s not gonna change. Staying with him over and over again just shows he can do whatever he wants and you’ll just take him back and put up with his nonsense. Get him out of your life and go be happy, you deserve way better than that mess. Even his family is condoning his behavior. Run sweetie.

I am sorry I admit I didn’t read it all because once I got to cheated five times I had to stop. He obviously has zero respect and love for you as if he did then he would not have such a history of cheating. Leave him and remember you deserve so much better and never accept less. He won’t change expect for how he goes about trying to hide it better. He is not worth it.

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Sure. Protect and hide your assets first so when he finds someone else and divorces you he will at least have to work to get to them. This is a pattern that only repeats itself until one of you gets tired of it. Save yourself a lot of grief and take a serious look at what he is doing to you. Multiple affairs in 10 years red flags all over.

Either leave him or continue to put up with his lying and cheating

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I can’t even believe you need to ask this question. You deserve so much more. He had gotten away with before and he will again. Leave

That would be a hard no! You deserve better…

Fool me once, shame on you… fool me twice shame on me.
5 times… THAT YOU KNOW OF!
He aint changing hun.

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Aslong as you keep letting it go and giving him “another chance” it will happen again…. He already knows he can cheat and you are gonna letit go . Drop him and move on if not you will be running the same circle over and over .

If you had a daughter that came home and said this to you, what advice would you give her? Would you tell her to give it one more try or run for the hills…you deserve to be happy, a “mistake” happens once…anymore than that is a choice, he chose to do what he did…he knows he can get away with it…he should have changed as soon as the temptation come his way…not after he got caught xxx

As someone who has been through the exact same thing… giving chance after chance just prolongs the inevitable… he will keep doing it because he can get away with it. He will never be honest, will never tell you more then you need to know or have already found out, he will make you think your crazy for suspecting, he will call you jealous or blame you for it or not getting over it. It’s a never ending pattern and you’ll waste your life. Cut your losses now and get out with what dignity you have left. Especially if there are kids involved set a good example about what you’re willing to tolerate. I’m sorry you’re going through it! It sucks but it does get better x

Take you money and start another bank account. I am sorry to post so many times but you asked for advice. Get in check. Get birth certificates, marriage certificate, car titles. Pass ports, change passwords. Trust me if you don,t he will. You will be under his power. This is no joke lady wake up.

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People only do what you allow… you forgiving him before is why he did it again. He will continue to do it.

However much you want to believe him, a leopard can’t change it’s spots. However, someone l know prior to Covid insisted they go to Australia for 6 months or so and it seemed to work.

GET OUT! His “wake up call” please! He’s never going to change! If he only did it one time and hasn’t done it again, then maybe. But 5 times?? GET OUT

Kick him to the kerb! A leopard doesn’t change its spots, ever!

Actions speak louder than words… know your worth your stronger than you think.

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You already know the answer. It never gets better.

Get the Hell away from him

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You have been a maid, a cook for 10 years.

Once a cheater always a cheater

Is sex love is love sex I think the biggest question is why was he not comfortable enough to come to you honestly before he slept with other women is he intimidated is he scared of your reaction or is he just a low down liar who gets off on the thrill of trying to get away with it

At this point too much damage is done , run . 5-6 times is not a mistake anymore girl . I’m sorry

Shouldn’t the wake up call have been 4 times before? Love yourself and stop giving him chances to hurt you and give yourself a chance at self love, self respect, and to have happiness within yourself and once you do that you won’t have to ask the people on social media for advise because you will have no questions that you absolutely deserve better. It’s hard I know but you will thank yourself when you are free of the cheater and happy. Good luck :heart:

You should have left his ass the first time he cheated. You’re worth more than that. For you to stay with trash like that you think that’s what you deserve, you don’t :heart: fuck this clown

I’d say time to leave. Break the pattern, cuz it sounds like it’s on repeat.

Do you really want to keep going through this? Doesn’t really seem like he wants to change. I’m sorry you’re going through this :two_hearts:

Know your worth! You are far more valuable then a door mat!

He’s definitely lying. He did ALL of what the girl is saying, trust me….and NO you shouldn’t give him another chance especially not yet since it’s only been a month that you’ve found out I’m sure you haven’t been split for long. You need to stay gone, prove your point and your worth! Keep him begging! :heart:

If you give him a chance, consider a couples life coach. There is no way for you to monitor alike and if. He isn’t willing to do sessions with and without you to better and strengthen your relationship and his behavior then leave that man. Therapy could work to if you’d prefer but I’m a couples life coach and it has allowed me to truly help transform relationships in a real world tule I’d way rather then a therapeutic kind of way. It doesn’t have to be once a Cheater always a cheater but there does need to be serious work put into re building trust and re earning trust.

Nope kick him to the kerb

Walk out girl take him for all he’s worth

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You know what to do no need to ask anyone :smirk:

No he will keep doing it

My ex husband said he would change for 10 years and he cheated probably 50 times. It won’t change.

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You want advice… keep your problems off social media and follow what your hearts telling you to do not 900 people putting in their 2 cents like they know your entire situation.


Leave n enjoy what’s left of the life u have to live

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Do not give that man another chance. He will do it again thinking this will always be the outcome.


Someone can only do you something for as long as you allow them hun…look in that mirror and see your worth

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I couldn’t forgive my husband if he did that. I hope that helps. X

Not a chance, once is bad enough but 5 times

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Sorry hunny but 5 times at least in 10 years it’s time to move along or you’ll just keep getting hurt. Guys play the game all to well
I’ve been through it

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Hunny you’ve answered you own question he’s done it more times , and the fact your asking the question makes you know your mind is not wanting that kind of abuse anymore , it’ll be hard but you need to get out of that as he’s disrespecting you chick , you don’t need a man doing that to you xxc hope things get better for you and no offence but he deserves to be left xx

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It’s not like it was a mistake. He got caught (again) and is NOW “wanting to change”?

Wash your hands and do better for your children


Girl he has you where he wants you. How is that fair for you? It’s not. Get out, leave his cheating ass. If he was “gonna change” he would have already done it. Sorry hun buts it’s time to move on.

Once a cheater always a cheater move on lady

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leave. it’s happened so many times. you deserve better

Nope. Get an attorney.


There are so many red flags to address, he won’t admit all he did, which means he’s not remorseful about what he did, only that he got caught. And he’s dont this multiple times, just move on sweetie, being alone is better than being with someone that doesn’t appreciate you until you’re gone


YOU are worth more than he thinks you are… 1 time might be a mistake, 2 times is unforgivable, more than that and YOU are lieing to yourself, at this point just like a child, he knows he keeps getting away with it. So why stop… im sorry you are in this position but id say KNOW YOUR OWN WORTH!

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The first time that you caught him…that wasn’t his wake up call?

How about the second time?? Nope, not his wake up call.


Girl, PLEASE start therapy for yourself.
You need to find out why you don’t think you deserve better.


I feel like if you was to stay your telling him that its ok to cheat that you will not leave because he will say you keep forgiving me so do your self a favor end it now i know it hurts but knowing what he is doing hurts more and not knowing if your ever going to catch a disease is terrifying you deserve a lot better nobody is worth that heartache

You need to see you’re worth! He’s continued to show you he has absolutely no respect for you he does not value you or the relationship!
You get one life do you really want to waste it on a cheating scumbag or with someone who adores you and see you as his world.
A zebra can’t change its strips you need to kick him to the crub. Bye Felicia :wave:


He should have used up all his chances the first time

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If he cheated before. What made him change? He will get comfortable and cheat again. And you will be in the same place you are now.
If you do want to give him another chance. Make him work for it. Make him show you he wants you and only you.
Comfort makes people stay.

Get out once the horse has bolted it will bolt again

People don’t change time to put yourself first this isn’t going to be the easy route move on give yourself peace


I’d leave. He’ll never change. But you need to do what you feel is best for you. I left my husband of 10 years and it was one if the hardest things to do but the best decision I’ve ever made.


Once a cheater always a cheater

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First time you should’ve been gone. :unamused:


Your journey in life you decide…but yeah move on

Leave or give him the boot. He’s just manipulating you. You don’t deserve that. When he gets bored again he’ll cheat again. He’s done it multiple times and he’s not going to stop.

Tell him you’ll give him a chance AFTER you’re divorced and he’s changed & been celibate 5 years. :smile:

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It took him cheating 5 times to now wanting to change… once a cheater always a cheater.

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In the words of JoJo, “Get Out! Leave! Right now! It’s the end of you and me!”

Have you kids?

What would you advise them?

Problem. Solved.

You deserve way better :heartpulse:

He will NEVER change, you need to respect yourself!!! Know your worth and walk away NOW

If he’s done it over and over he’s going to continue to do it over And over. People can change but they have to WANT to change. You deserve better. He’s lucky you gave him the 5 chances you’ve given him.


5 times in 10 years?
I’m so sorry, you deserve better and he needs to sort himself out :pensive:

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What is the cost of your soul? Because this man will ruin you :sob: he had his chance and probably more.

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He’s a liar, lacks integrity, no longer waste your precious time. Choose YOU :heart: give yourself the second chance to HEAL, Be Loved properly.he has cheated you in more ways than just sex with someone else. Rise up Queen leave him in the past.

Once a cheat always a cheat

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After five times? No! If he were going to change he would’ve done it after the first you allowed it then and you’ll allow it next time too. Sorry!


What did you think after the first time you forgave him? Then the 4 times after that? That it was gonna be some magical fairytale ending? :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Let his family who believes he s changed take him back then…steupppsss

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Sounds like you need a wake-up call. Wheres your worth? Smh