Should I give my husband another chance?

How about you stop being kind to him? Do you feel that you deserve this? Get out of that relationship it’s not healthy? You can get much better? You ever think his family is pushing you to give him another chance because they know he can’t take care of himself and they will be the one picking up after him if your not there? So in essence it’s not only your husband it’s his family using you. Your still married why? If you stay your showing your okay with his behavior and that you lack respect for yourself. RESPECT is something he lacks for you, LOVE is another. You do not trust him (justified) without trust you have nothing. He can’t even be honest.


No!!! Don do it to yourself again u gave him a chance he wasted it your worth more than that!!!

Girl… if he really wanted to change he would. Go to therapy together, and separately. Changed behavior speaks louder than what comes out of his mouth. But 5x that’s a lot. Like shame on you, fool me once. Shame on me, fool me twice. But in your case its 5x. Idk I don’t think I would be able to trust someone again if it happened that many times. And you allowed it, so he kept doing it to you. When do you start thinking about yourself in all this and your worth?

No way! He continues to cheat because there are no consequences.

Once was too many. You should have left then.

Nope he’s not gonna change. Tell his family he does it non stop and your done.

Respect yourself n be strong. Get rid of him. He will never change. If you keep giving him a chance after chance he will think you are giving him permission to keep doing it. You deserve sooo much better. Find yourself a QUALITY MAN.

He has cheated five times? Promised not to do it again each time? Yet you are still there. Why are you letting him make you look like a fool???


He saw your hurt with the first affair yet he did it again. Your pain made no difference - it should have but it didn’t. It’s ok to be done.

Hell no! Have Some self respect! Hé didnt deserve the first 5 times!

Get out of that once a cheater always a cheater and a man will never change


You don’t deserve to live your life constantly wondering who’s he’s with or what he is doing. You don’t deserve to have to live your life constantly being alert to every little detail that might indicate he is doing this again. You deserve to live happy and free. Someone that truly loves you would never make you have to go through this. I’m sorry you are and I know that it is a hard decision to make. Do what is going to give you peace and happiness.


Leave, for every time you take him back his respect for your worth diminishes.why? Because he sees the disrespect you allow by you taking him back after he cheats. So why would he want to change? Don’t stand for it…as for the people telling you to take him back ignore them they don’t have your best interests at heart…stand up for yourself, hold your head up high and as lizzo says “walk your fine ass out the door”

I think you have given him enough chances. You need to go to counseling to accept this and move on to someone who respects you and loves you better

No. No. And…no. One chance after cheating is too many.

Give him one more chance to cheat on you again?!?!

Girl Be Gone! You are worth so much more. No one deserves to be cheated on. I don’t understand why people want to commit when they can’t keep that commitment.

If you want to be cheated on again I’d say give him another change because that’s what’s going to happen. Why would you stay with someone who doesn’t love or respect you. He’s proven that many times… if I were you I’d leave him and work on my self worth.

What you allow will continue.

You teach people how to treat you and you have taught him that cheating isn’t a deal breaker.
Learn your worth.

If he did it a few times then it’s not worth another chance because by now you gave him more than one chance he will never change its easy for his family to say he’s going to change but you’re the one dealing with his infidelity let him go

People can change for the better. But only you can make that call. No one can on this page. Go with your gut. You’ve got to make a decision of what’s best for you. Do you feel like he will cheat again? If so then there is your answer

Don’t waste another ten years of ur life with some that doesn’t appreciate you or respect you as a women and wife .

I don’t believe the whole “once a cheater, always a cheater thing”. People can make mistakes and change. However it happening multiple times seems like they aren’t going to change and I personally wouldn’t give any more chances. You’ve already given plenty.

All cheaters say that. Girl, save your dignity and go. Ten years is too long to waste on someone who doesn’t appreciate you and see your worth

No, get rid of him!!Once a cheater, always a cheater!!

Enough is enough you need to move on and enjoy yourself

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Once a cheater always a cheater. I was with my ex for 10 years which included a baby and marriage plus he had 2 from previous. I left and it was hard but the best decision for me. You need to figure out how much you will tolerate. Make him prove himself. If you continue to forgive him he will keep doing it. He is sorry cause he got caught not because he cheated.

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No he will say and do anything just to get you back then he will be doing the same shit different day and be much more sneakier than before and still lie to you

He lied even when you confronted him and you only found out the facts from his mistress…

No, if it happens once, shame on him. If happens twice, shame on you. It’s happened five times already. He would have changed before. The only way he will learn is with consequences of losing everything including you. You deserve better!

No! It looks like he just likes to be with other women as u have said he has cheated on u several times why give him another chance looks like he had several chances to say no on cheating on u and didn’t care to do it, if you give him another chance he will continue to cheat on u but will be more careful on not getting caught.

I mean he’s cheated this many times and you don’t mind what’s a few more times right?

No he made his cheating bed, let him lay in it. Don’t let him make you feel bad that he got caught

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It is time. He made his choice and then lied about it. No relationship can be based on lies.

Please value yourself!!!

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No you shouldn’t give another chance because he didn’t learn from the other chances you have given him. You deserve better.

Dont do it to yourself anymore, you are too giving and kind, and he will keep chipping away at you until there is nothing left of you!! Move on before you don’t know who you are anymore


Nope he won’t change

After the first time, he has established a pattern of being unworthy of your trust. Each time he does this to you and your family, he is demonstrating his opinion of you, the value of your relationship and his lack of commitment to the family. Accept the fact that he is either emotionally incapable of being faithful or CHOOSES to be unfaithful. Either way results in the same heartache for you. Your children deserve a better role.model for relationships. Speaking from experience, I would have rather been from a broken home then to live in one. Lastly, quietly seek legal counsel and take quick steps to protect your assets and be able to provide for your children. Once he knows you won’t take him back, he will begin to fight. I know you have hope but all logic and history proves he will never be faithful. Don’t let him continue to treat you and your kids as a 2nd priority


We are to forgive 70 x 7!

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You might be able to forgive but never forget show him to the door

Time for you to be happy :hugs:… move on to better people, places and new memories…all yours. Be around the people who want to be in your life all the time not when it’s convenient for them.


Great advice from these woman but also they are not you. Only you can make this decision. If you stay then you need to accept that he most likely will cheat again. If you leave then learn from your mistakes and find a man who will love you and not cheat you. Cheating is not love n respect that is a total selfish move. My husband was famous for cheating on his exes. I was one on of his cheats honestly. When we got together he tried to cheat and I caught him. I forgave him and he has changed n we’ve been together almost 7yrs now been faithful ever since. So people can change but they have to want to change to do it. Best of luck on your decision and future.


I lived in a marriage for 25 years with no trust… or love for that matter. It’s not worth it. Don’t wastes another day on it. There’s is someone out there that is more deserving of your love and respect. It’s hard, but so worth it. And now I’ve been with a wonderful man for 2.5 years 12 years my junior (I’ll be 50 In July). I would have left long ago if I knew what a healthy relationship felt like.

Plus he’s learned there are no real consequences for his actions so why would he change?


Nope, respect yourself.

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I think you’ve already answered your own question.


No! Don’t do that to yourself. Get out while you can. You deserve more! I’ve been with my man for 12 years and if he cheated. I would be GONE. The fact thats he’s done it multiple times to you… would mean he’s not gonna stop, to me. I’m sure it will be tough to leave but you should not give him any more chances. Maybe you can forgive but you’re not gonna forget and it’s gonna be on your mind all the time. That’s no way to live ! Think about yourself…if you been faithful then it’s time for you to find someone who matches your loyalty!

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I usually feel like “ if people WANT to change they will”… this seems like repeat behavior that he gets away with every time so there’s no need to “change”. It would be a hard no for me & it’s none of his families business to tell you “ he’s really trying” they’re not sleeping beside him every night. I personally, wouldn’t be able to fight for my marriage after MULTIPLE affairs :confounded::persevere::disappointed:

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A leopard never changes it’s spots luv. Move on and be happy :two_hearts:

It’s over. He can go f himself. He isn’t going to change. He should have been thankful you gave him a second chance and changed. At this point he shouldn’t have a chance in hell. Lady tell him to pack his shit and go to hell. Help him by selling all his crap when he is gone our throw in the yard. That will change him lol. But seriously he doesn’t deserve another second of your time. Get angry and get a lawyer. His family just doesn’t want to go through the emotions. Find a hot sexier man and have fun. This is YOUR second chance to have a good life, find a man who wants only you.

Girl… If he tried so hard to lie until SHE told on him…
Stand up for YOU! Be there for YOU! Love YOU!
He will keep disrespecting you because you’ve shown him he can. And you’ll lose respect for yourself and resentment will creep in and devour you.
Start over.

If 5 times is acceptable what is he going to change in to?

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Only thing he’s gonna change is Women and lies… If he never admitted to the entire truth then he doesn’t think he done wrong…

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Ask God to show you what to do. Only He and you can make this decision, not you and a bunch of strangers.

So, if this was me then I would look at how I found out. If I had no prior knowledge and he came to me, confessed what he had done, told me it had ended because he loved me and regretted his mistake then maybe (but only the first time). Sounds like he is sorry he was caught and not for cheating therefore shouldn’t be trusted…
Read your story as If this was someone elses story…what would u say to her?


Cheating is the one thing I would never be able to forgive or forget. If he loved you, he would of never crossed that line. Especially 5 times. Smh. Nope. He keeps doing it because you keep taking him back.

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Ask yourself this… how many chances have you already given him? How many chances does he deserve to cheat on you?

The answer is zero! If that man loved you, having an affair wouldn’t even cross his mind!

He has cheated on you half a dozen times, that you know of, and you believe giving him one more chance will change that? He does it because you allow it.

If someone does something to you, you forgive them, they do it again and you forgive them again, all you’re doing is giving them the okay. You’re telling them that they can cheat on you and you’ll just forgive them.

No one deserves to be cheated on. Leave him and find a man that knows your worth!


No chance. He will keep doing it. I learnt the hard way :unamused::smirk:

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Los die blikzim, hy is n bok en n bok klim altyd oor die draad. Hulle verander nooit.


Have some respect for yourself, he obviously doesn’t.
When you start tounderstand your own worth you will find someone who knows it as well.


Nope, you can’t fix broken…

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You already have given him 5 chances( that you know about) I was cheated on by my ex husband, I told him one more time…ex husband. The only thing I regret is giving him all the time to make me miserable. Find someone that is truly devoted and loves you…I did!

After 10years and cheating more than 5x, I’m surprised he is even alive! Throw his shit on the lawn and kick him the f out.
He does not deserve your worth, nor another breathing second of your time. If he can’t respect you and has no consequences to his actions, he will not learn.
Find support from your friends, family and whoever else to help you navigate away from him and be free! Good luck.

Take a deep deep breathe, let it out really slow.
Do again but this time Infront of your bathroom mirror as you release your breathe look deeply at your reflection, say this (at first to your self)…
I am not Walmart I do not do returns.
Repeat next time say it a little louder… I AM NOT WALMART, I DON’T DO RETURNS
Don’t you think you deserve better? You know you do. Believe in yourself.

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You gave him another chance after he cheated the first time and then went and cheated 4 more times. I would say you have given him his fair share of chances. Time to move on and think about yourself.

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This is sad :frowning: Value yourself enough to know you deserve better. He doesn’t respect you, he doesn’t value you, he’s not going to change. I would definitely leave.


You need your head read… a mistake made twice is no longer a mistake; it’s a choice!

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He’s not going to change.

Let’s imagine he can change his ways
But into what???
Worse usually .
Now imagine all the time you’ve spent wasted on his ass and that someone actually can treat you like a real woman is supposed to be treated
Let’s just raise the bar a bit
Step over it and move on
Best wishes for your current situation to be better however it may be

I’d say give it another chance if he hadn’t done it so many times. You deserve a man who values you more than this. It’s time to move on sis.

no more chances… he’s just taking advantage of your kind nature at this point… he will never change…

You teach people how to treat you. If you accepted this behaviour on multiple occasions then he will always expect you to come back after each and every time he does it…

Make a bold statement. Leave his ass. He doesn’t deserve you.

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Read your statement… You’ve already answered your own question, you just don’t want to accept that it’s over.

He will keep doing it so long as you stay. Leave and if he really wants to change he will in order to get you back don’t stay and hope he changes. Make him face his consequences

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Once a cheater always a cheater, completely no respect toward you and what marriage stands for.

Don’t play your self more than he’s already played you these past 10 years… You clearly already know the answer to your question. This man has never cared about you or he wouldn’t of ever even let another woman cross his mind in such a manor

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Never going to change I also learned the hard way. Happily divorced now and engaged.

Not gonna change been there same situation.

You gave him so many chances, aren’t you afraid of getting a std with all his cheating


It’s not like he’s a little kid who needs multiple chances because they’re learning. He’s a grown man who has not once, not twice, but at least 5 times chosen to cheat on you! If you continue to take him back he’ll continue to cheat! So ask yourself this, Do you want to go through this again in a couple of months? If the answer is no, then leave and do not take him back! You deserve so much more, so much better!! I wish you the best!:heart: The right man is out there and you’re wasting your time with this guy!

Once was one time to many. Find somebody who wants to be with you and only you

He does it because he can. Which means he has no consequence🤷🏽‍♀️


Your better than that. Move on

Even though it is “cliche”,
A therapist once told me “a leopard never changes its spots”…
It was the A-Ha moment that I needed…


Sweet jesus! Kick that man to the curb!

Ummmm hell no to another chance. He wants his cake and to eat it too. You’re his stability and someone that’s always there aka his doormat. Do not give him another chance… he’s a grown man that has disrespected you and broken your marriage 5 times now. He knows exactly what he’s doing and he will continue to do it because you’ve been allowing it for 10 years. A man like that doesn’t change. His family is just as disgusting for trying to guilt and manipulate you to stay miserable with him.

Every time u have stayed you have basically gave him permission to just do it again… clearly he’s not gonna change, so your choices here are leave him completely alone or use protection before he gives u a disease

Actions speak louder than words… I would let that man go!

He didn’t change the other 5 times so why would he now?

“This has happened before multiple times” - girl you’re basically giving him permission by staying and tolerating that. :woman_shrugging:t4: Go find yourself a real man.

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This is what my mum taught me
Once was a warning ,twice was a lesson , the third time he’s taking advantage

You have tried more and more. You don’t deserve this, he has commitment issues and needs more help than you can give. If he truly believed he could change he would have. It’s time you stopped wondering, finding out and wasting your life you deserve so much better. Only you can make the final decision… Do what you feel deep down inside. Good luck.

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If he’s not going to change for himself by now it will never happen he’s set in his ways. Show him you’re done with the BS and he can’t walk all over you and have the mindset she’ll take me back every time because she has on the past. LEAVE LET HIM PLAY GAMES WING SOMEONE ELSE.

A person will continue to push boundaries when allowed. You mentioned this was previous behavior and that he’s changing but this is repetitive behavior. I think deep down you know what’s best for you. When you release yourself from him, you will truly be amazing by the happiness you will find when you’re learning to find yourself again.

Quit torturing yourself and go!

If I where you I would say he has already had 5 chances too many…

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Actions speak louder than words. After all the times you gave him chance to prove he would be faithful, has he?
The only question is are you WILLING to go through this again and again? You already know what you need to do…but it’s all up to you…

He’s had 5 “one more chances” :v: out buddy

He didn’t cheat once, it was multiple times…that should be your answer. I don’t think he deserves you or multiple chances. He obviously doesn’t care enough to get it together.

I wouldn’t stay. That’s not love

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No thanks. Sounds like a broken record a cycle that who knows if he may stop. :wave:t3: