Depends on the state love, but I would def talk to a lawyer. And most lawyers will do a free consultation. Hope things get better. <3
In some states there are grandparent rights ! You should call a lawyer maybe in your area and see if they can give any info ! Good luck to you !!
I have went thru this situation to an extent mine was the mother of the child role where the dad did not want to talk to me or be a part of the childâs life and occasionally the grandmother would reach out I never denied her I always kept all of his family involved I do not think you should give up because ultimately it is not about him or her it is about that child and at some point in time that child will know for their self that you are their grandmother and that you did not give up and that will mean more than you could possibly know at this time in my experience my childrenâs father was bitter and did not like that his family would reach out to me because there was times that they didnât because they went by what he said my kids are now old enough to understand on their own and they interact with all of us separately but they each have their own understanding as to the type of person each of us are so you get to decide what type of person you want to be you just have to know and be able to accept that when that child is of age enough to understand my advice would be to never give up because that is your grandchild and whatever way shape or form you could let it be known that you are there no matter what I would do that as well as depending on what state you are in check on grandparent rights and even if there are not grandparent rights in your state I would still file a motion for some type of at least supervised if need be visitation
My heart goes out to you. I was blessed with 10 amazing grandchildren and 3 additional grandchildren added to our blended family. One of mine has been withheld from us for about 7 or 8 years now. I yearn for him daily. I prayer that the Lord enable him to remember the love we shared. I look for him in the crowd everywhere I go. The void is always there, but by faith I keep my hope alive. He will be 18 next year, free to make his own choices.
As a mother myself with 2 boys that have a grandma who shows zero interest in them, I would say donât give up. Be patient with her. Maybe she needs time.
Please keep trying, no offense but your son is probably a dead beat dad. I was with a loser and we had a horrible break up when he was 4 months old , my son is now 14 and I havenât seen him or his mother since in the beginning I tried, but there is no way Iâm going to force someone to love my child. I have enough love to go around without them. She may just have Ill feelings towards your son, kee trying and show her that you care
I have a child from my ex who didnât even show up for divorce. Or see kid at all. His mother took me to court for grandparents rights. She gets every other Sunday 10am to 6pm
And all they do is hurt the child and they donât look like that theyâre looking at their selfish self
Bottom line young women like this donât give a shit what a grandparent might want, their selfish in their own way they want to feel in control instead of being real with grandparents an allowing them to be grandparents itâs not there fault the women an son donât see each other but thatâs the control they want an have believe me I have 2 women that I deal with an I do my best to send an give gifts from grandma
Times sure have changed.
Your son probably fucked things up with her and sheâs got her guard up, or sheâs just an asshole. Either of those are unfortunate. I wouldnât give up. Send him cards, and love for as many years as you can and he may seek you out one day or she may come around and realize youâre not like him and let you in