Should I go after child support?

Duh. Go after him! Why is this a question?

Walk away. File for custody and child support!

Yes they will split it between both siblings


Think about your child and not his other one. Her life with him, you two co-parenting and in the end if you feel like she NEEDS or DESEVES more then do what needs to be done. I think if he is disconnecting with her and you’re the only interacting parent maybe don’t go for child support but have him relinquish his rights. Either way it’s you 2 now and that’s what’s important.

Go to Google and type "child support calculator(state)… Ex: for me I live in it so I type in child support calculator ky…
You type kn the info and it will give you an estimate. I used that b4 I got child supoort and it very accuate for me.

Just a heads up, you won’t get anywhere near what his son’s mother gets… my daughters sisters mother got twice what I got for 1 kid because she claimed first

Hun, you need to not only go for support you need to file for custody immediately!

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