Should I go the legal route?

First of all, screw you for even thinking you should go “the legal route” and good luck with that because those laws are for people who already have a significant relationship with their Grandchildren- not you who just thinks you’re entitled to one.
This is your daughter’s child. If she doesn’t want someone in her life then let them be!!!:exploding_head::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::triumph:


Your daughter just had a baby, one of the most important moments of a woman’s life. You want to take her to court? Unbelievable


Going to see a lawyer will make things worse…she’s going to need you…keep your distance right now and don’t react


I see lots of grandparent-interfering in the raising of this child in the future. Super fun for the parent.


You won’t get visitation use that money for things for the baby then maybe just maybe your daughter will forgive you. There’s more to this than what you have said I am sure. Sit down Granny she is the mom.


If you take your daughter to court, she’s going to hate your forever, and rightfully so. What kind of narcissist wants to take a newborn away from it’s mom “not to miss precious time” with them when it’s not their kid and if will take precious time from the mother? She probably cut you off because you’re a selfish person who would take her to court to get what you want. I hope you stub your toe today.


If my mother or my husbands took me to court for “grandparents rights” they would never see my family again.


You don’t have rights to your daughters daughter. It’s her mother’s choice on who is in her kids life just like you were able to control. If she wants to do this without you it sucks but then so be it. Grandparents rights only go to unfit parents and the grandparents have to have an already existing relationship with the grandchild as well.
She’s not using the child as a weapon she is doing what she thinks is best for her kid.

T:lr no. It’s not your child.


Grandparents usually do not have any legal rights to their grandchildren, unless it is an unusual case… Such as parents death or abuse…

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Hate to be the bear of bad news but grandparents can’t legally do anything and this really sucks I hate when people keep kids away from family members over petty crazy hope u can mend the relationship best of luck


it’s her child and she has the right to decide who’s in her life.
You said it you had and up and down relationship with your daughter, maybe look into that a lil’ more.


I know in Louisiana, Grandparents rights are only for those who have lost a child, parent of the Grandchild. And even then, if the judge gives visitation, it could be only a couple hours, one day a month.

This was explained to my first mother in law in Court since she was fighting, although I was giving her visitation with my young daughters whenever she wanted.
But she wanted something on paper & ended up with less than what I was allowing her.
This was 20 years ago, but I still would wait because NO ONE likes court.


I feel your pain. In NC we have grandparents rights. But not all states.

It depend on the state laws. In my state grandparent right are typically reserved for when a child parent has passed away. Not because your child is mad at you. Go ahead and take her to court, I promise you will never see your daughter again.


You sound like you have issues smh how can you force another mother to make you give them their child!! There is more to this that you are not talking about.
Get a grip when the mother is ready to hand her child off she will if she is not ready too there ain’t nothing you can do but wait your turn!!
Ugh the Audacity of some people have


Let her be a mom…ffs no wonder your relationship is ruff


Instead of fighting in court, I would recommend focusing on healing between you and your daughter.

Break any chance of generational trauma from cursing your granddaughters future. :pray:t4::heartpulse:


You can’t take your daughter to court for this


You should not go the legal route. We need you, no your daughter needs you, to take a step back and realize her child is not your child. I know it’s painful, but you have no legal rights to that child. Grandparents rights are for when one of the parents dies or goes to jail- then the parents of THAT parent (dead or in jail) can petition the courts for visitation. If your child is still alive, not in jail, then you have no rights. I don’t know why you would think you have rights to that woman’s baby anyway. If you want to mend fences, work on that. A heartfelt apology is probably your best bet. My mother passed many years ago, before I ever thought of having kids, and I love her dearly. But suing me for any type of anything with the children I pushed out of my body, would be the quickest way to cut all ties forever. I get that your upset, I can put myself in your position and I’m sure it hurts. But there isn’t anything you can do, but try to mend fences with your child.


NYS does not have grandparent right unless the parent(s) have passed

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You are her mother but she is her child’s mother ,you have no right to that child and though your child is yours ,she owes you nothing . To withhold you from knowing her or being apart of her life at all over you not lending money is ridiculous but it is her right to make that decision seeing as she birthed that child and that’s that and if her and the father of that baby decide you can’t be apart of her new life or see her then you are just gonna have to deal or learn how to .

I wouldnt take her to court that’s petty …maybe reach out and talk to her tell her how you feel…grandparents rights is for the safety and welfare of the child …like if your daughter was mistreating your grandbaby …of my mom did that to me I’d never talk to her again

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You have no rights what so ever to that child. I know it’s a hard pill to swallow but it is not acceptable to force your presence like that.

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Maybe look at yourself

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Tell them about Dave Ramsay. They shouldn’t be borrowing money. They need to forge their own path as adults!! The relationship will hopefully come later on

That is NOT your child, that is your daughter’s child. What if someone did that shit to you? How would you feel about them after? That’s a solid NO.

Grandparents have rights to in alot of states

Wtf is everyone talking about? She didn’t say she was trying to get custody. She only wants visitation rights. Her daughter IS using the grandchild against her because she wouldn’t give her money. You guys didn’t even read the post. :roll_eyes::unamused: Unfortunately ma’am there’s not alot you can do. I wouldn’t take her to court because I don’t think that’s something easily come back from. Just hold out hope that she’ll get over it. Don’t put pressure on her or it’ll take longer. I’m sorry you have to miss out on time with the baby though.

this whole post reeks of entitlement. just because you birthed somebody doesn’t mean you’re entitled to their time or the family they created.


Most people don’t realize grandparents’ rights aren’t just like grandparents visitations for those that are estranged from their children. It’s for grandparents of children placed with a parent outside of the child of the grandparent. I.e. a parent of the baby dies & that parents parents still want to ensure they see the child. You’re wasting your money & will likely lose in court. :woman_shrugging: You can talk with a lawyer but honestly it is probably a waste. Because as others have said, I’d make sure you never saw me or my kid again if I was her & you did that. She found it fit to cut you out. More than just a money issue if you ask me.


I’d leave her alone for a bit, keep reaching out but be nice. She just had a baby and is probably hormonal! Instead of money send gifts or gift cards for food.


So, I’m about to meet my first grandchild next month and I already love that baby so much…but it’s not MY baby. It’s my son and his fiancé’s baby.
You need to really get a grasp on your role as a grand parent. Unfortunately, you don’t have a right to visitation with this child. Grandparents rights are for special circumstances like if the grandparent is actually raising the child for a specific amount of time, they would get visitation,or if the parents have passed away.
You need to focus on your relationship with your daughter. Not only to see your grandchild but because she’s your daughter. You don’t even have the option to take this to court,honestly, because you have no case.
I can sympathize. I would be absolutely devastated if I couldn’t be in my grand baby’s life but ultimately, it’s the parents decision.


Best of luck to you I’m sorry your daughter is keeping your granddaughter away a way because of money don’t give in try to work it out with her but don’t give in then to what she demands of you best of best of luck


Your title to the child does not entitle you to the child. Grow up


I don’t see how you should even feel like you should take the legal route. Maybe you should respect her wishes until SHE wants to reinitiate contact. You cannot force this upon her, otherwise she will resent you more. We are only hearing one side of the story, myself going through something VERY similar & my mom being an actual toxic person who has in fact STOLEN from me but felt that she has the right to see her grandchildren.


You’re the grandma? Court is probably not gonna give you any visitation. It’s your daughters choice if you are in her life or not


All states have grandparents rights. Cases differ from state to state but every grandparent should have a right to see and spend time with their grandkids. I’m not saying she should take her daughter to court but for everyone says she won’t get any visitation… you’d be surprised. If gma can show she is stable and able she can get visitation.


If you refused to give her money and that’s your daughters issue… I wouldn’t give in to her…

I would just let it go and see what happens… hope things work out for you…


Check your state. I live in texas and there are no grandparents right unless the parents are deemed unfit. Good luck

You’ll never see them again if you even mention court… Let things quiet down and reach out and offer assistance or help but be careful because they’ll abuse your kindness

We live in New Jersey and my Mom had to do this because my brother’s ex. Wife was being a total Witch for no reason and keeping my 4 year old neice away from my Mom after my Mom raised her like 70% of the time her whole life while my brother worked and her Mom ran around having fun… anyway, long story short, nothing came of it because even though she could file for visitations, she was essentially told that there’s really no sich thing as “grandparents rights” at least not here… and my Mom had a completely legitimate claim for visits… thankfully my brother’s ex’s desire to go out and have fun kid free eventually was stronger than her desire to be a petty, hurtful jerk and she let my Mom take my neice over night and all that again.

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Wait and give her time. She will probably post pictures on Facebook etc.

Wow. Let’s get the courts involved to a child that isn’t yours cause you feel entitled? I would spit in your face and move across the country from you if you tried to play that game. For whatever reason whether it be petty and selfish of her to not have contact with you, it is her right.


Lady, you need to back off. I’m a Great grand mother & it’s always best to comply with the parents wishes. If you are mean & selfish enough to go to court over this, it will not end well for you. Laws are on the side of parents. Get over it.


U don’t have any rights over your grand daughter unfortunately, u can’t demand visitation.


Good luck because many states do not have grandparents rights. And those that due you typically have to have a relationship already established with the child.


I would never forgive my mother if she took me to court. I would be so livid, I absolutely hate being in court (messy divorce/custody) it causes me extreme anxiety to the point I will hyperventilate and cry in court.
Wait it out, let her have some time while she gets adjusted to having a baby and the hormonal changes and apologize to her for upsetting her, etc. If you guys have had ups and downs before then this could just be a down and you just gotta wait it out for the up part. If your relationship is already like that, taking her to court could be the final down for her. Forcing her to let you see her daughter is not the way and could end up ruining your relationship with your granddaughter when she gets older and finds out she’s forced to see you.
Honestly though, the fact your first thought is to go to court and force your daughter to do what YOU want…. It seems very controlling and narcissistic…. maybe consider family/self therapy to work on why you feel you have any right to control another human beings decisions, feelings and force others to your will.


Not all states have grandparents visitation rights where they parents are still living and/or have not been deemed unfit. I would contact an attorney in your state regarding this.

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Not sure what state you’re in, but in Illinois grandparents don’t have legal rights unless you can prove she is unfit and you are awarded guardianship of the child and you have to prove an ongoing relationship with the child. They won’t remove a child from the mother for no reason.

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I know it sucks but honestly you have no right to your grandchild. I don’t believe this is the entire story… so you’re perfect and awesome and this time you denied her and she just flipped and went completely no contact out of no where?! Especially so close to having a baby??? NOPE. not buying it lol you’re leaving out some of your skeletons I think
And if you’re willing to destroy your relationship with your daughter just to have control over seeing a baby you don’t even know then that says a lot more about you than you realize.
Grandparents rights are hard to get and you need an established relationship or for one of the parents to be dead for it to even be a battle worth pursuing. You don’t have either in your situation so doing this will only make things worse for you because once you take her to court and a judge rules against you you can guarantee you’ll never ever know your granddaughter.


All of this advise is wonderful. Laws change state to state. My suggestion to you is contacting an attorney first. Just to find out your rights. A good attorney will be able to help you decide.

Try spending a few days out with just your daughter try and repair the relationship between y’all first

I’ve been where your at! Don’t take her to court, things always get way more outta hand when you throw two lawyers n judges!!! Just give them some time. I know it’s hard. I only had one child a son so when he had 4 BABIES I was so excited! But life wasn’t easy for any of us. We all said n did things we regret but now I get to see them so yes I did miss out a lot of their Lil lives!! But wen we see them now I don’t even think about those times!


Most states does not have grandparents rights. So the best thing to do is try and mend fences with your daughter. If not you may never have contact with your grandchild. Good luck and God bless.

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The fact that you think you’re entitled to this baby, just explains why you can’t see her. Toxic. Toxic. Toxic.


Although Grandparents rights do exist in some states, it is not really enforced in most places. Sure the judge approves visitation rights, but that doesn’t mean the parent cannot decide to continue to deny. I went through something similar also and my parents had visitation approved, but when my son’s father refused, the law did not enforce the visitation rights. Good luck.

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Don’t know where you live, but good luck with the grandparent rights request standing up in court. As a parent, you have the right to keep your kid from anyone you want (besides the other parent). Most places don’t even acknowledge “grandparents rights”. It hurts but you’re not entitled to that child just because you’re grandma. Try fixing your relationship with your daughter first.


Was there a reason you wouldn’t lend them money? I can’t imagine refusing one of my kids if they were in need. If you just didn’ t have it, they should understand that. Lots of unknowns here, but I wouldn’t go the court route. I doubt you’d get very far, and would only succeed in causing a greater rift. Hope it works out for all of you.


You have no right to that baby, sorry. End of story.


Give her time, she will come around don’t cause her any drama she has a baby to take care of.


Let her be… give her some time… you’re not the mom or the dad so your wishes do not come first I’m sorry. Let her enjoy her new baby. She will come around… but bringing her to court because you can’t see your grand daughter is crazy. You’re right. It would truly destroy any chance you have with your daughter…


What the hell? I get loving your grandchild and wanting to be in her life, but to take your own child to court to try and force her to do that is crazy talk to me. Unless she is a negligent parent or your concerned for the baby’s safety, etc you really should just bring it down a few notches. Your kind of intense and going abit far with the court ordered visitation stuff. Your the grandmother. Yes, grandparents are important but not to the point of causing some sort of legal/visitation battle over it. Smdh. Just give it time and try to mend what you can with your daughter. If it works out then great but if not, sorry, but I still don’t think being forceful is the right thing to do.


Depends on the state. There are no grandparents rights.


Grandparents don’t have rights over grandchildren. Unfortunately, your daughter has the right to refuse whomever she wants when it comes to her child, family or not.
Try mending your relationship with your daughter and then respect her decision


You don’t have rights to her child. It is totally her decision who will be in her childs life. You can only fight for visitation with grandchildren when you have already had a long time relationship with them, and you have no such thing with your granddaughter. You dont have a dog in this fight.

Im appalled that you feel like you are entitled to that child. So much so, that you are contemplating taking your own daughter to court.


It’s absolutely disgusting that a grandparent would demand a LEGAL route to a child that isn’t theirs. I understand the hurt but the entitlement blows my mind.


I wouldn’t allow you around my child either yuck


She sounds lovely. You’ll probably end up with that baby anyway.


You don’t really have rights for your granddaughter. Sorry.

Emotional blackmail as sad as it is you must remain strong. This happens a lot. One of the most important conversations I have had with my children is regarding this matter. I said never use my grandchildren as a weapon or as a bargaining chip. As painful as it would be they know where I stand three grandchildren later this has never happened thank god.

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It really depends on the state, grandparents don’t have rights. I’m so sorry.

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Good luck with that. If you think you’ll get a newborn from perfectly capable parents, you’re nuts. The fact you’d even consider taking your child to court is ridiculous, trying to take away a baby from her parents just because you are pissed you can’t see the baby.

I get wanting to see your grandchild, but how dare someone try to legally force a parent to hand their kid over.


Your daughter doesn’t need that stress on top of being postpartum and dealing with a newborn. Let it go and try to repair your relationship with her without being pushy.


Thats emotional blackmail that daughter is not nice I hope a time never comes when she or that child needs you


WHY would you think you have rights to a child that isn’t yours when the child’s parents are perfectly capable of raising her? Get over yourself


Remember haters you don’t know the whole story , she came for wisdom not hate.


In most states grandparents don’t have a legal right to visitation unless the child has already spent a majority of time with them.


And you wonder why she won’t let you see her……


I do understand that all you want is visitation rights. Hold off your daughter will come around.

It’s hard, I been there my daughter finally came around and realized moms been in her corner always. Waite it out.

Grandparent rights don’t really work like that. It’s if you have an established relationship, and something changed, such as, a parent died, was incarnated, or something else. And that the relationship benefits the child and has been removed. It also goes by state. It’s not the same as proving paternity and getting visitation as a parent.

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It’s not your child so there is nothing you can do. Most states do not recognize grandparents rights at all anymore. Unless the child is in danger, mind your business or it will be worse for you in the long run.


Unfortunately grandparents don’t have rights in some states and to take her to court she probably would never forgive you as heartbreaking as it is.


Unless ur daughter dies, goes on drugs, gets into prison you as a grandparent have no rights. Even for visitation bcuz u havent even formed a bond with the child so therefore even if u did go to court u wld still lose.


Grandparents rights are really only valid if there is proof that the parents are unfit. My grandmother was granted visitation of my cousins when they went into foster care and were later adopted. I would suggest working on your relationship with your daughter.

If you’ve never met the child courts aren’t going to do anything for you. Grandparents don’t have rights in many states and the states that do have grandparents rights, you have to prove with out doubt that the child needs you in there life or prove that it will be detrimental to the child’s mental health if you are kept apart. With a newborn neither of these are really plausible.
People will drag me for this, but your daughter owes you nothing. If she doesn’t want her child to have a relationship with you that is HER decision.


I can’t help but to feel that there’s more to this story, and you, since you are wanting to take your own daughter to court to DEMAND to see a child that isn’t even yours. Forcing anything is not going to get you any kudo or brownie points. I get it, you’re a grandmother that wants to see her grandchild but that is far from the way to do it.


You do not have any rights to your grandchild. I get it, you want to meet her. But it is your daughters choice as to whether or not she wants you in her life.


Is there no one else in the family who can mediate for you. I don’t think the court is a good idea as if she is a selfish individual then she will view this as a personal attach and not a grandparent wanting to bond with their grand child.

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The only way you’re getting that baby is if you get custody. Grandparents really don’t have rights to a baby they never met, and still has their parents. Unless that baby is being abused or neglected, back off. Go to therapy or something. This is too much. After reading this I highly doubt the sole reason you have been blacklisted is because you wouldn’t lend money. You’re so manipulative. And it’s all about you. Its really gross.


As a mom watching her daughter fight her son’s paternal grandmother in court, DO NOT GO THAT ROUTE…

You will most likely lose your case, your daughter & your grandchild & you will pay financially to do it…

Try being CIVIL & USE COMMUNICATION. Not courts & Lawyers. That’s a nasty, neverending battle which rarely produces good results for anyone.


Don’t know the whole story here but your daughter needs to grow up. We don’t always get what we want just handed to us.
Life is short.

There is no grandparents law in most states had to deal with my mom trying that after i lived with her with my daughter for 5 years. She was mad i moved 4 hours away and wanted to try that. She even went as far as calling cps and making false claims and getting ahold of my daughters bio dad and his mom. It only pushes her farther away.


You have no legal right to the baby. They can choose to keep her from you because they are her parents and you sound toxic.


You are NOT entitled to time with your grandchildren. If the parents say no then it’s a no. You could try for visitation, however it will completely destroy your relationship with your child and you will more than likely not get it since the child never actually lived with you (isn’t born yet) and you can’t prove cutting off the relationship will be detrimental to the child.


No grandparent rights. My ex’s parents tried. He didn’t want anything to do with us which was good) but his parents were just as bad an took MTO court, judge ruled if they wanted to see the baby it had to come out of the fathers time and he had previously been ruled unfit so he had no time. They had no rights.


Regardless of how you fell out if my mam brought me to court I wouldn’t want a thing to do with her very toxic thing go do tbh not your child not your choice


Forgive each other, it’ll pass. I feel the legal route will definitely tear you and your daughter apart forever.

as a child who was fought for using grandparents rights you have to have a relationship with the child first. This child is a newborn and you have no relationship w him/her.


Don’t take the legal route, you will very likely loose as she has every right to keep her child away from you. I would be mad if my mam (who I don’t have a good relationship with) took me to court. Try to fix the relationship with your daughter for the sake of your grand child