Should I have to help my ex pay to take our kids on vacay?

If you can afford it, I would pay for them to go. Just because he is a douche does not mean your kids should suffer. I have always had to pay and when the kids where old enough they knew who paid, but in the moment they still got to do fun stuff and have great memories. The bickering and trying to prove who’s right and who’s wrong will only hurt them.

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I’d agree to give him a loan IF it were something I could get in writing AND only if he is generally good about paying child support. If you can’t trust him to pay you back, then I’d give him suggestions on how to get a loan. It sucks for your kids if he can’t make it work but you are not responsible for his poor choices.

I’d do it but I’d ask what needs to be paid and do it I wouldn’t just hand the money over to him. You could also give him the $800 but ask him to make payments back to you


If you’re going to pay for it, pay and take yourself and your kids, not his butt :rofl:

Nah. He’s wild. Is going to pay you for the vacations you take them on? Like disney is expensive and he should have looked that up before saying something. He better get a credit card and figure it out


Say no. I promise you he will find the money or risk looking crazy in front of his kids


I wouldn’t do it. He needs to figure it out. He’s taking advantage of you, and will do it again if you let him get away with it this time. If he can’t do it then he needs to sit down and explain it to them.

He promised the kids. He should of had it all in order. It’s not your fault or your problem


Make him sign something saying he’ll pay it back and you buy the tickets before they go. That way you know the money is going towards the tickets

Take that 800 and you and your boys go yourself. I wouldn’t be paying for the gf and other kids and if he did that is rediculous that he left his own kids out.

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The children will not understand why they can’t go to DW, they were already told so to take that excitement away from them is not right!

I think he is trying to get you to pay for their trip since the cost of the room is $800 and that is what he is asking for. I would tell him no and he should be the one to tell the kids they can’t go and since you took the time off I would take them yourself. They will see later on down the road who was there and who was only there when it was convenient for them

If he’s taking them on vacation it’s HIS responsibility … I say since his plans fell through … Do the vacation you want with your kids.

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If I am paying top dollar for a vacation for my kids you better bet I will be going too.
But if he said he was going to take them then he gets to break the news that he can’t take them. Just take them on the trip you already had planned.

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I’d say no !! Period tbh :woman_shrugging:
Maybe u should just take them to disney world and he can pay his own way

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That makes him a massive arse. Something seems awfully weird about that. He had everything planned (that would be all things needing paid for) but suddenly needs almost a grand just to be able to go? Did he buy his girlfriend crap or something? Hmm. Not buying it.
I’d ask him what exactly needs purchasing and why it’s so expensive. If it’s something YOU can buy yourself then I’d maybe go that route (if its legitimate), but I wouldn’t just send him 800 bucks. No way

if it was the other way would he consider it? seems like his failure to organise not yours.


His problem not yours let him tell the kids and you take them to where you were planning

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I the items directly and go as well. You are paying so be apart of it. Let him have his time with the kids. Maybe they stay with you in the night and have breakfast. You took time off.

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Just have him pay it back


Get it in writing tho and have him sign it . Like an IOU


Id offer to pay for half, but only if I could afford it.

Devils advocate…. Would you expect him to do it IF for some reason something came up and you were in this position ? Would you exoect him to be “dad” , “baby daddy” , to help you ? :woman_shrugging:t4:

If you’re paying, you take them… or get him to pre book and pay for your next vacation (if you trust him). I’m sure he has family or friends he could ask, or even a short term loan from a professional lender. You shouldn’t have to be his back up plan just because he hasn’t got his shit together

He can also take out a small loan or a title loan on his own car or vehicle or his mortgage so that he doesn’t have to ask you for money I personally wouldn’t give it and if I had already planned to go on a vacation then if he still wanted to take the kids go for it but you have to provide for them on your week on your holiday me if you’re taking the kids go for it if I’m taking the kids I provide for everything that they need and me and mine will go on vacation

Use the $800 to take them to Disney yourself


You go and take them yourself and piss on him . He should have been more organized and probably failed to mention that he was taking his girlfriend and her kids so I wouldn’t pay for her and her kids to stay anywhere because I know what money you send we’ll go on her kids as well so just go yourself and take them and enjoy it

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Coming from the mom of a 23 yr old who has been divorced from his father over 21 yrs I would say if you can afford it make it a loan with a contract and let your child go. Learning from experience it is much easier to get along and make life easier for your child.


Nope! You keep your money and take them yourself


You do not have to pay, that his his responsibility. I do get that it would hurt the kids and thats when I would have to grit my teeth and just give the money. This would be a one time thing and never allow him to twll them he would take them on vacation again. Kids will see that he breaks promises and it’s to hard to keep them from getting hurt but it will repeat same happen to me growing up with my dad, I learned young that I could never trust his word. I also seen every time he lied my mom would give me the guilty look and it hurt her to see me hurt so she would do something to make it up. I can’t say what is best, you could give them money and let them go and have fun, but that could cost more then just money. Maybe just tell them it got canceled and take them down place yourself

Nooooo way Mama :tipping_hand_woman: if I’m paying that. I’m going with my dang kids. Sorry to your kids, but maybe Daddy shouldn’t promise what he can’t do.

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Absolutely not. What I suggest you do is just explain to your kids that unfortunately his dad doesn’t have enough money and some unexpected expenses came up for him and you and your boys go on vacation instead and you take your boys too Disney world or wherever. And screw him, he can take care of a whole another family but can’t be responsible for the one that he created.


If u can afford it, great. If not, no way


I think if it were me, and I had the extra money, I would help him out. It’s not always about the money. It’s the experience. For them and him. Good on him for wanting to take them.

If he can’t come up with $800 then he don’t need to be going. He if don’t come up with the money he need to explain to the kids why they can’t go. Also if his girlfriend really seen the kids as her kids also or is serious about this relationship then she would help or at least made sure all the kids was paid for. I would never plan a trip and exclude my boyfriend kids.


To save face just pay it and add on extra child support till it’s paid up

Loan him $800 and have it written so he can pay you back.:woman_shrugging:t2:


Nope, if he can’t afford it take them on your planned vacay


No do not pay. Let his girlfriends kids stay home so your kids can go

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So hes asking for you to pay their tickets in to disney ? For 2 kids thats not $800. Hes up to something

Go ahead a take the vacation you already took time off work to do…its not your job to keep his promises, nor help him look good.


Why would he A. Ask to take them when you not only already had something planned but B. Tell the kids ahead of time and C. Be so damn tight that now he’s short? UMMMM IF YOURE THAT TIGHT YOU CANNOT AFFORD IT!!

I would wait till last minute. Then give him the $$. So he can figure out how to make it work. it’s a big trip and the kids didn’t ask for that disappointment. That’s only reason I would. However. If it was a smaller vacation i wouldn’t give him a penny. Just like you dont ask for any money when you take them.

If I could pay it, I would. What a great experience it will be for the kids.

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I think at this point it’s more about your kids than you and him. If you can afford it I would help if you can’t then no harm done. Your kids were already excited about the trip. If it were me and I had the means to help I would.

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That’s when you say sure I’ll pay but I’m taking them :woman_shrugging:t2:


Not your problem tell his @$$ to get a loan. Why pay for him to be a Disney hero. Basically he has schemed up a way to take the kids without paying for them just himself. Nope nope nopitty nope.

Nope.he wanted to take them he can pay.did he pay half when u took them?

Did he specify what the $800 was for? Is he usually good on his word, or is this some shady way to get money out of you?? I would ask for more details, and then if it’s legit, and you can afford it, help him out, but let it be known it’s not a freebie and he owes you back.


To me it sounds like he wants to be the cool parent that takes 'em to disneyworld. but doesn’t want to pony up the dough. I’d personally say no, but then I’m all kinds of evil that way, not wanting to help my ex score cool points with the kids by using my money for it. I would also, if possible, take time off so that you could take the kids on a different adventure, and then possibly plan a disney world vacation with them next year with positive financial planning.


At this rate, I’d save a little more to go with it and take them myself :woman_shrugging:t2:


Absolutely not. It’s not your responsibility. He should have had this all figured out already

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He needs to own up to his problems. He should of cared more for his kids than them🤷‍♀️ I’d just take them on your own since he can’t be a man nor dad


If you can afford it I’d do it solely for the kids not for your ex. I’d not want to be the one to dissapoint them even though I’d be raging inside.

It’s his responsibility, you say he had to convince you to let him take them on vacation which means he was supposed to have everything in order, when you take the kids on vacation I don’t think he offers you cash just in case.
But at the end of the day it’s your decision.

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It sounds like he expected his gf to just add them on and have her pay…or he thought he’d just jump onto her vacation without thinking and that the whole point is be with his gf and kids, otherwise he never would of thought Disney…either that or he’s just trying to get you to fork over the money hoping you’ll feel sorry for him or assumed youde do it and just waited for crunch time…I think the person who said go to Disney with the kids at the same time has the right idea. You’re there, your vacation, but they still get to see the dad. If he doesn’t like the idea it’s not about the kids anyway. Otherwise there’s the option of offering to purchase what they need still yourself, I personally wouldn’t do this with it being 800, but if he wants cash instead then you know it’s not for the trip


Absolutely not thats not a small financial hiccup that’s like he got nothing on it n if he can’t take responsibility he can explain to kids himself why they can’t go this isn’t on you mom. At all.ridiculous asf of him to ask this wasn’t McDonald’s money


No way do not pay that, it’s unfortunate for your kids. But if his girlfriend and her kids can go then let them and take ur kids somewhere especially since it looks like he told u last minute and u already had plans for them. If he can not afford it then he shouldn’t have even told ur kids and honestly that sounds fishy as heck that all of the sudden he needs $800 when he said it was already booked and paid for. I think ur paying for there spending money and sorry not sorry that’s not ur responsibility to pay for there vacation. Unless y’all are on amazing terms and u can go to since u already took the time off then that’s the only way I would give that money. If you can go and enjoy time with ur kids as well, since ur paying for it anyways.


I say no. His problem, thought he had it taken care of in the first place


I really want to say no but I know if I had it I would for the kids because they’re already excited maybe buy their tickets your self and give them spending money not give him 800


Take your kids on the plan trip you already were doing. I wouldn’t give him anything! And when he planned the trip he should’ve made sure his kids were straight before anything! Its not your responsibility to pick up where he can’t. Why $800? Take your kids and yall have fun together!


Ahhhh- NO! Not your responsibility, that is his. He needs to choose somewhere within his budget then


I think it would be terrible to disappoint the kids.

He over promised and under delivered, that’s his probl he needs to own up to that. You save that 800 and take urself on a bad ass vaca on ur time off of work.

Maybe you and the girlfriend could take the kids to Disney leave the ex at home lol


Just take them yourself at this point


Don’t do it not even for ur kids! It’s better they know the kind of man he is now. It might be a hurtful experience but when they turn into teens ur either gonna get whooo hooo my dad is epic suck it mom… and he’s epic cuz you’ve always fixed his eff ups… or they are gonna see the real him cuz u let him hang himself. I say let him hang.

I hate to say I would be this petty, but given the circumstances I probably would lol. but I’d buy the tickets for my kids and myself especially if I was already off and planning to take a vacation and go with his girlfriend and her kids and leave him at home alone. He didn’t care to interrupt your vacation plans, so is it really that bad for you to “interrupt” his especially paying for it.

But, if you really don’t mind the whole situation and don’t mind paying for him to take a vacation with your children. Just buy the tickets for your two children rather than giving him money. And enjoy some alone time for yourself 🤷


I wouldn’t. He promised them the vacation, he should be man enough to take care of it. Especially considering he already SAID he did. If he can’t deliver then take them yourself during that time or the next time you go on vacation. :woman_shrugging:t2:


His prob
take your kids and enjoy vacation your self that your hard worked money
If really stuck maybe buy two tickets not give him the cash if he that short on money and you feel like you want to help but I wouldn’t be that just me

I imagined my ex asking me to do the same thing and all I could do was laugh!!!
It sucks that your kids will be disappointed but that’s honestly his bad … Not yours!!!

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I wouldn’t pay at all.

What I would do is take the vacation you were planning with the kids.

Dad shouldn’t make promises he can’t keep. It’s not your job to pay for his mistake.


If he wants you to pay for it and you can afford it than go for it but you go with the kids

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I’d pay it just so the kids wouldn’t be disappointed but would make sure the money is actually going to the vacation.

Nope I would not pay

Nope. HE messed up. Not your. You don’t need to bail him out of his mess up. The kids are old enough to know it’s him.


Give him the money. Your kids matter.

Does he pay for the vacations YOU take them on?
It would depend on your custody arrangement really. It should spell out exactly how to handle this.

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So his girlfriend is paying her share and he wants you to pay for him and your children :thinking: I can’t believe he’s even asked for you to give him the money. He should have budgeted better…hell no!


Not your fault, sorry not sorry kids.


Do not enable him! Let the children find out he can’t be depended upon and you stay on the high road. He’s burying himself and you are NOT responsible for his vacation time with his own kids. Please… do NOT GIVE HIM MONEY!


I wouldn’t pay. That’s not your responsibility. If you’re wealthy, and have the money to do so, without it affecting you. I’d do it. Just for the kids. But if not, I’d say no.

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You Already have time off you should take them have your vacation let the kids hang with them some of the time while there and give yourself free time

Hear me out…This is about your children, their feelings and well being. I would pay the 800 for my kids to be able to go. My ex went to Disney Land without our son but with his step kids and wife. Broke my kids heart! That type of things stays with them forever. Save your kids from feeling like mine did and still does.

Is it right? Hell no! He should be covering his vacation. But this isn’t about him. It’s about 2 innocent children.


I agree with ALL the other women! You Go with your kids and the girlfriend. Leave him at Home!! It’s not the woman’s job to carry any more weight than her own! Be PoweFull! Know your worth sister! :purple_heart::purple_heart:


I would be furious too. Who plans a vacation without calculating the cost!? Sending your kids with a little spending money is nice. Pitching in for their vacation, that’s crazy! I would take them on your own vacation like you were planning or tell him he better start selling some stuff to get that $800. That’s not a small amount of money. He can go listen to those time share pitches to get some discounted tickets while they do something fun.

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It would be a cycle if you’d help him

Take them yourself…u already have the time off

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Your kids are already planning on going and it doesn’t do them any good to see their father can’t be depended on at this age. Plus they are excited. They can realize what he really is that the older they get. Either way it’s a shitty lesson for them to learn at any age. I think you should do it and let them have some quality time with her dad maybe it will be the only good memory they have of a vacation with him. If you have the means I would do it just to avoid another heartbreak for them.

Hell if ur paying I’d be going! Take them yourself for that price and let them see the truth

First he lied and said he had it all booked. Second he lied. Third he lied. No sorry kids he lied.


Hun, do not give him any money!
Have him explain that the trip will have to be canceled.
Use that money for you and your babies to have a good time. It hurts when you know you’re kids are disappointed… but no way is it your fault or responsibility. He needs to man up and tell it like it is.


If you can manage the money easily just do it, you’ll feel better about the situation knowing you’ve done it for your children,( make sure the money is used for their vacation).:heart:

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The fact that you take your kids on vacations and have already taken time off during this time, is priceless time putting your children first. He should be doing the same thing and planning ahead of time. I know this will upset quite a few people here but you do not owe him OR your children any vacation pay. If you’re even thinking of forking out that much money for him to go on vacation with his girlfriend (who has already supposedly paid), then I’d tell him to plan better the next time. I’m sorry but you could take them yourself and enjoy the experience. And I wouldn’t get involved with explaining to the kids either. Let him explain that YOU wouldn’t pay for their vacation. Tough love for the kids but they need to learn money doesn’t grow on trees and vacations are more than trips to Disney. He should own up and go camping with them instead if he can’t afford it. I’ll bet he and his girlfriend will come up with the money to save face.


lend him the money and charge interest like the banks

If you’re paying then you might as well take them. If he already had it planned and booked then he should have also been prepared for the expenses, kinda sounds like he just wants spending money because disney world is expensive but not quite that expensive


Say it’s a loan and you expect it back

I also want to say no but it would be hard to disappoint my kids. What does he need the $800 for? Is it for the condo? Or food? How do you know it would be spent on that? And if it’s food is he expected to pay for gf kids too?

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You shouldn’t have to, but I would pay so that your children can have the experience

Sooner or later they’re going to find out they’re not his priority. Happened to my son and it broke his heart. But he also learned mama is here and he is always my priority. Don’t give him the money. Take your kids on vacation when he bails. It’s not helping them or you, for you to pay for his vacation.


Ya no, there’s no need for you to pay for that.