Don’t give him the $10K back. He did that freewill and took the initiative of it. You didn’t force him to pay for it. It would be different if you took the money from him on your own type of thing - but in this case, you didn’t
Keep the house and the money. Get rid of the man (I’m using that term loosely.)
Dont give him a dime. He paid it on bis own free will. You did not ask hom to you did ask him to loan you the money. You do you and what you have to for your own well being. If you wanna sell you home sell it and move away from him. If you dont want to sell than dont and just tell him to pack his bags and get the hell out of YOUR house. You owe this man nothing
You don’t owe him Ish!!! And kick his ass out! Be done! You are worth more.
No you absolutely not pay him back. You do not owe him that money
No written contract then no pay back. Let him stay gone.
U owe him nothing no contract was in order you didn’t sign nothing it was a gift end of story he’s playing games don’t fall for it xcx
You don’t owe him anything. Use that money to go to therapy for taking him back that many times and find out why you are still with him and cant let go??!!
You don’t owe him anything. Do not take him back again the relationship sounds exhausting.
Stay where you are and let him leave you don’t owe him anything
Don’t sell your house! That is yours, You need to kick him out ,You do not owe him anything!
I’m confused a lil your both separated again but he’s still living with you? Kick his ass out lol and DO NOT give him a pot to piss in or even a window to throw it out. He deserves nothing. Instead leave him n take for child support lmao
Nope. Throw out the whole entire man.
No u don’t owe him anything unless you two had made an agreement ahead of time.
Nope. If he takes you to court, he would need to prove it was a loan and that it was expected to be paid back.
Dont put your house up for sale. I would write out what he owes in rent for all those years, which I’m sure is more than the $10K and tell him now he owes you so and so! Also if you’re unhappy than write up a letter showing how long he has to leave (per your state laws) if he doesnt than start a eviction through the courts on him!
I’d give him the boot and don’t see any judge saying you owe shit …
Don’t give him the money back, unless you had an agreement verbal or otherwise that you would pay It back…he could always open a against you but without proving their was an agreement he doesn’t have a leg to stand was a gift and that’s that… Same thing happens with child support in my state at least anything given without going through the child support office is a gift even if you wrote checks and write it is for child support.
If there was no written agreement like a contract between you and him and just verbal he wouldn’t even win a court case for it. You even said you didn’t ask him for the money for it.
That’s on him. He chose to do that.
If it’s not in your name then it’s not your debt
You don’t owe him a cent
He was living there and the two of you were together. It was both responsibility for repairs. You did not ask him for a loan, as you stated. I’m gonna say, No you do not owe him that money back. Let him leave and be done for good. Doesn’t seem like a very healthy relationship anyway.
Stop taking the bum back. He is using you. Wise up. Do not listen to his whining. Let the guy go and mooch of of some other sucker
Ffs you owe him nothing. And stop taking him back
He lives there You owe him nothing
DIVORCE him don’t look back this time. And NO don’t give a penny make him take you to court. He will end up paying more In the long run💜
Do not, I repeat, do not sell your home to please
Nope. Tell him to get his head evaluted . Untill then , throw the whole dude out.
That’s on him…You don’t owe him anything!
If his children live there u dont owe him anything bc he did it for his kids house and for them no u so… no u dont owe him a dime
You didn’t use his money without his permission. He gave it to you so in a court if law it was a gift. Don’t sell your home for an ounce of a man. Keep what YOU own and drop his ass fast. Stop settling for less and taking him back.
You don’t owe him a cent! But please kick him to the curb and live a life you love without a man you say doesn’t even love you drag you down.
Nope he has lived there on and off over the years because it’s convenient for him. If anything you need to get your Madea calculator out. Because if you tell the truth the years he moved back in. He more likely barely would contribute I assure you. He probably owes you because he couldn’t live no where in America. Like he do when he lives with you.
Kick him the Hhhhhhhlllll OUT
No explanation needed
Don’t pay and throw the whole man away, he might come back but, throw him out for now:woman_shrugging:t2:
Start charging him rent untill the $11,000 is done. Eviction notice after that and u done
Nope if there was no contract drawn up stating it was a loan then no don’t pay him back
Wonder why guys dont wanna shell out money for stuff anymore. He probally increased the sale price of the house by $20-$30K all that youll get in the sale. Fair would be at least half but thats not the mindset of the world we live in today.
Class it as back rent. If he never paid towards the mortgage
You need to stop taking him back for starters.
Don’t give him that money and take him to court if you have to. A judge would understand he’s being petty and it was his choice to pay bills and repairs for a house he lived in.
I would lay him back half and be done with him for good. Like you said, the house is in your name, so he is more of a roommate. Not really his responsibility to put money into your house. But be done with him
You owe him nothing! Nothing was said at the time that it was a loan! If he keeps on with this tell him that you are charging him rent! Why you keep taking him back is beyond me
Get rid of that dude all he wants is money an a free ride tellem u want to stay u gota pay even people who ride tha bus have to pay
Regardless of your feelings, your house and you by extension recieved an upgrade.
Your house recieved improvements.
You have no written agreement so, technically, you probably don’t have to pay it back.
A less than honorable person would use this loophole not to pay.
However, an honorable person would pay it back.
Personally, I would want to pay it back.
I would make payments if I had to.
Discuss it with him. Perhaps a you could pay 80% back and he could absorb 20%.
I would try to come to a fair amount because I do think we are all better off if we try to compromise.
Typically, no one party is completely innocent and no one party is completely guilty, each side has a valid point.
I wish you both well.
Eff him. He needs to help mantain home too. Write out a Bill of all the things he owes you then see who pays more
Nope. He wants to try to fight about something that wasn’t a loan, that was needed for the home and he contributed to the home he was living in let him try to take you to court for it. Why do you take this guy back and obey his demands?! Stop with this!
Kick him out. There was no agreement so it is an assumed gift.
He gets what he puts in…lol while he was there he leaves and wants it back lmao blow breeezes boy bye
You don’t owe him a cent!
Don’t think about giving him anything. If you have been married a total of 10 years legally half his pension belongs to you. Add up the years even tho it was different times if it totals 10 years tell him to take a hike. If it doesn’t add up to ten years tell him tough anyway. He lived there the same as you and I am assuming that if there were children involved they lived there too meaning he still needed to share on providing for living space for them keep your house and keep your money
Nope. You do not owe him anything. Tell him that’s his “rent” he’s paid.
Start charging him rent and make a notebook where it deducts from what you “owe” him. Agree to pay back 50% since both of you live there. If he leaves again before it his 50% then start making payments to him. Don’t let him back in at that point.
Hell no! He has no contract with you!
Unless some arrangement was made as to this being a loan you do not have to pay him back. A friend of mine put a new furnace in her boyfriends home while living with him. She was not entitled to repayment and could not have the furnace removed as it is considered a fixed attachment to the home. This was decided in an Illinois court. No arrangement was made saying this was a loan.
Sell the house and keep all the money and leave his ass
“His greed” yo… thats YOUR house. Even if he took initiative, there still should’ve been a conversation about it. You can’t assume, or expect him to carry that responsibility solo.
If he was sleeping with you, and youre not divorced, that’s not separated. Period. So he paid to repair the marital residence and you don’t owe him anything…it’s not a loan or a gift. He did it for the home and you don’t owe him.
He sounds very selfish. You owe him nothing. Don’t sell your house. Forget him.
I mean you could definitely split the cost with him and give him back 5000. Especially if you have kids together it’s just not worth the fight. He was living there so I absolutely would not give him back the full amount though and you don’t have to even do half the amount lol. He wasn’t forced to do that.
You don’t owe him shit kick his ass out let him take you to court. The judge will say the same as you did he was living there at the time and chose to pay it. Sounds like he is getting ready to leave anyways so go ahead and just kick his ass out he has caused enough problems and taken enough of your time
Kick him to the curb, he’s living there and doesn’t pay rent. You don’t owe him a cent.
You do not owe him Jack squat! He is being ridiculous
It was his choice to pay I mean he does live there and if there’s kids then no you should not pay him nothing if so start charging him half of everything ok greedy ass
Well, if he just sees you as a roommate then figure the going rate for rent on a comparable property and charge him half. He can stay until the $10,000 is exhausted then he has to leave. Don’t tell him he has to leave until the $10,000 mark is reached, though. Then wash your hands of him. Three strikes and you’re out. He’s just using you until something better comes along.
Don’t sell your house!!!
He has no claim to the 10,000 it’s your house. If he wanted to loan you money you would have signed a promissory note.
Well, if your children are no longer living in the home, and the two of you are not together, I suppose he has a gripe. Still, if you didn’t ask him to pay for that work to be done, and no mention was made of you paying the money back, I suppose that you could say you don’t owe it. I think I would charge him a certain amount as a fee for rent. He would not be able to live anywhere else for free. Water, cable, and gas doesn’t quite cover shelter expenses and food. So deduct a fair amount for housing cost from the $10,000 for the amount of time he stayed there. Hopefully that will come close to $5000, which would be your half of the electrical and heating repairs.
You owe him nothing. He paid for a needed repair on his home.
Sounds like he is just using you. You’ve split so many times, there is a reason why. As you were together and sharing the home, he took it upon himself to make the payment, you don’t owe him anything. I would kick his butt out for good. If you do choose to sell, to downsize or rid yourself of his memory, I would only consider giving him half back, consider it a shared expense during cohabitation and being a couple.
If you move, don’t take him with you. The pattern makes it evident you’re just being used until he loses interest or finds something else.
Lmfao tell him to get bent.
You sell your house and pay this reject anything you are the crazy one after that smh
It was a gift. Dump him for good
You owe him NOTHING! It was a home you both shared and he didn’t have to pay that but he did. Don’t sell your home. If he takes you to court, you will win, I’m sure.
He was living there it was a living expense, I think no. Now you’re splitting up he wants it… of course.
You don’t owe him a dime.
Do not sell the house. Maybe give him$5000. And be done!
So he lived with you rent free for approximately 8 yrs or 96 mo. Charging $250 a month for rent would make him owe you $24000. Subtract the $10000 from that and he owes you $14000. Sounds like a more than fair trade since neither of you had a written contract.
Pay him nothing and show him the door!
Give him half and be done with him
That is an expense when you live in a home. He can kick rocks…
Girlllllll… kick him out. Period. Keep the house and he can kick rocks. He lived in the home as a husband would and that’s a household expense. He has zero leg to stand on and only wanted the money back AFTER things weren’t all June cleaver. Nahhhh. He is toxic, and manipulative and seems his good graces are conditional. He can leave and NEVER come back. Do NOT EVER TAKE THIS MAN BACK! Seems he leaves when he wants freedom to sow his wild oats and come back to “home” when he runs dry. it’s a pattern. Bet he gaslights you too it’s manipulation to get you to back off and feel bad for arguing so he is financially abusing you. That is NOT right!! He may owe you spousal support too be done with it… or it will keep being this cycle of unhappiness and financial drain. It’s not worth it and do NOT sell the house !!! With the rent and housing market as it is… NOPE!!
I’d tell him to take it to court and tell him he needs to find somewhere else to live. there would be no selling of the house.
I wouldn’t sell my home I would pay him shit he lived there also and I would most certainly end the relationship for good !
I wouldn’t give him anything!
Absolutely NOT !!! He was living in that house too and enjoyed the heating and electricity, do not sell your house please.
The most I will do is to pay him at least the half in monthly payments , and yes you should kick him out of your life but for food and forever this time , stop wasting your time and life with him
Don’t give him a dime and tell him to hit the road!
“His greed”… But you want $10,000 of work for free
Your house, not his responsibility… You’re saying he lived there for “free” but he paid $10,000 to fix YOUR house.
I’d tell him to pound sand! He wouldn’t be getting a penny back from me.
He is just trying to find a way to get under your skin. Let it go, it’s a mute point. If you’re done with him then walk away and severe ties, otherwise draw up a rental agreement where he pays for 1/2 utilities and start deducting it from the 10k. Sounds like someone has one foot in and one foot out in this relationship.
Nope. And get rid of him
You owe him nothing!!!
Hell no DO NOT SELL YOUR HOUSE, or let this man gaslight you. He paid it on his own accord, you owe him nothing
Lawyer but don’t do anything until you’ve spoken to a lawyer. Also evict him
Hell no kick him to the curb.
You don’t owe him a dime.
Contact citizens advice just in case he tries to take legal action against this x
You don’t owe him anything he did it off his own back. However if it gets him off your back and you can move on as equals well win win I guess. I mean he will only get back what he paid you keep the rest and don’t go back to him
He spent it on the house. It’s that simple.