Absolutely do not pay him back. He lives there too. Even if he didn’t u don’t owe him anything.
Judge Judy would say " Tough Shit" you owe him nothing. PS get rid of him he’s toxic!
Sounds like he owes you rent then
You owe nothing. He paid he lived there.
I think if there was no agreement made and in writing, you owe him nothing jmo
NO problem!!! If you owe him that money then he owes you half for rent/ mortgage, gas, electric, and other utilities… oh and free pussy. Sir sit down.
Meh. He can want all he wants.
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Don’t need to pay him back
Also seriously stop letting him come back
He’s scum
You owe him nothing.
You owe him nothing! However selling your house, moving away, buying a new house, getting a new fresh start might be the best thing for you! For the love if heaven keep him out of your life! He’s an ex for a reason, he obviously hasn’t changed or 3 strikes you’re out either way…
Oh and never tell him that you’re going to pay him back. Because he could use that if he actually took it to court, saying you admitted it was loan.
Kick him to the curb and don’t let him back in
Throw him out and you don’t owe him that money
He was living there with you as in wife / husband situation than no you don’t have to pay him back … don’t sell your house either …
You’re an idiot for ever taking him back and for even thinking of selling your home. Smarten up buttercup!
You have a disagreement, and he brings up you owe him----- why don’t you write down what he owes you. Call it even. Don’t sell your house.
You don’t owe him a dime. You would be better to pay a lawyer and get rid of him if you remarried in my opinion
You don’t owe him anything, including a place to live. I wouldn’t sell my home . You need to decide if you are done with him. If so, he needs to go and you need to not keep taking him back.
Quite simple if he wants to play it like that serve him with a bill for your services ie meal cooking laundry rent etc since he moved back in 2020. He can’t have it both ways. He’s either with you and pays his share or he’s the lodger and pays rent etc. You work out the going rate for your services. I’m sure he’ll end up owing you then you serve him his notice to vacate. You tell him its over as of now. You’ve given him plenty of chances and by asking for the money back he has showed you exactly how much he cares about you.
Get a lawyer and say goodbye. Worst case scenario you split the cost or the cost of comparable (if cheaper) since the work had to be done. In no way are you responsible for full amount.
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Nothing was discussed, written in writing. So no.
Tell him you owe him nothing and the judge would agree. Kick him out and be done. You’re wasting your life with someone who obviously isn’t that great and could be missing out a better person. Good luck
Nope nope nope… for 1, he did that himself and 2, he lived in that house at the time so no you dont owe him anything
You don’t owe him shit!!! Tell that motherfucker to kick rocks
Is he looking for another excuse to leave? Because it seems to me if he was comfortable staying he wouldn’t worry about the money he had to put into the home. It would be worth it.
No - tell him to drop it or boot his a$$ out WITHOUT the money.
He live there hell no
You dont owe him a damn thing. He lived there, called in for the repair, and forked over the money. That’s one him. Tell him to consider it rent for the past two years and if he wants to really get into it he owes you an additional 14k bc rent is 1k/month.
you lost me at you took him back a third time
You don’t owe him anything. If he took you to court the judge would say the same.
He’s ganna be mad about that until he dies
No, especially because he called, etc. It was his choice, you didn’t even spend it, he did lol
Heck No, tell him to take you to court.
They will laugh at him, if a lawyer even takes the case
Nope don’t pay him back but he can go
Sell it pay him back
Nope. Nothing owed and if he lived there then he should’ve paid it anyways.
Tell him to kick rocks!!
Pay him back, for your peace of mind and finally be done with him! I mean it is your house after all. It’s not like he isn’t paying anything to you, he does pay some of the bills.
U lost me when u said u pay for everything but he pays gas cable and water and u only pay electric and u both pay for food
No, he did it as a gift. And he’s only doing this because he’s having a temper tantrum. Also I wouldn’t take him back anymore either. I think everything otherwise was fine he paid his portion you paid yours, but otherwise he can’t legally get that money, it would be considered a gift. But if you pay him anything to pay it off it will admit fault and don’t do it.
He lived there…he used electricity, he used water… He SHOULD have pd for it… let him find that much money somewhere else… You put up with him all that time…you owe him NOTHING
Don’t pay him a cent.
Kick his ass out and enjoy your fixed house he made the decision to do it, you owe him nothing. He’s just mad his little moneys gone and taking it out on you. Put him on the road and stop going back to him.
You don’t owe him, a relationship is 50/50 so he offered to pay and he lived there.
Tell him right it if on taxes smh a gifting tax still sell the house and keep don’t pay him nothing! Do you make someone pay Santa clause back yeah seriously i wouldn’t pay him nothing
Kick him out and enjoy your heater in peace
Uuuh. No. You do not need to pay him back. He chose to pay it. He’s just mad and finding a way to control the situation.
Tell him to take you to court.
Nope, there was no agreement to pay that money back and it sounds like he owes it anyway to pay part of the bills.
I would only pay back off. . Because after all he didn’t pay any rent or house payment. But the moment you sell the house he going to want part of that money.
He just used you so that he didn’t have to pay alimony…
Hes full of it. He was staying there too. Thats rent as far as im concerned.
Nope you don’t owe him. He contributed to the family. A judge is going to say the same. File for divorce & let him try to get a settlement.
Nope he gave it freely if he wanted it paid back should have put something in writing at the time. Stop taking this dickhead back!
You should remind him that it was a gift and not pay
First don’t give him a dime second leave him asap
Don’t give him a black cent, you owe him nothing.kia kaha(be strong)move on woman, life’s short.Good luck.
Not unless you signed a Paper.
He did it because he’s the man but wants the turn around and act like beyotch for it all back😅 boy bye
You owe him nothing!
He was living in the house on and off . This is his responsibility. Don’t give him a penny
You owe him nothing!!
He lived rent free for a decade. You don’t owe him squat.
I play an Electrician on TV and that sounds like a good price for the work.
U owe him nothing , and seems to be he is using u as a door mat.
No. He did that for the house he was living in. He can eat that and go on about his business
If he did that free and clear on his own wothno prior “loan” agreement then I would tell him to kick rocks. Just because he’s got his panties in a wad doesn’t mean he gets to demand anything from you. If he feels that strongly let him take you to court. The judge will tell him if it was considered a loan he needed to have the paperwork done on it prior to the services. Not brought up months later when he’s mad
Don’t pay him kick him out
You don’t owe him anything. He took the initiative and did that on his own. Just because he’s mad now doesn’t mean you owe him one red cent.
Pay him back , there 2 sides to a story, 10000 grand is alot of money
You don’t owe him anything. He fixed it on his own. His kids live there too. Time for him to find a new place to live though
He can do nothing to you to get that money back. Any judge would tell him to thank you for welcoming him back into your home and for letting him live as a squatter for years on end. What an ass. I lovingly suggest you end the relationship and MOVE ON. Stop waiting for him.
You don’t owe him anything. There was no contract made before the repairs were done so he has no legal ground to stand on. He can kick rocks and move along.
Don’t sell the house, then what will you do. He wants to play games? That’s his fault.
Pay him back, don’t let him hold anything over/against you.
Lady forget about paying him back ,even If he take you to court it’s in your favor even court cost unless he have a loan document that you signed it’s a gift
Tell him NO. He volunteered by calling, scheduling and paying.
And if he tries to “undo” anything, make the call for him destroying YOUR property.
He has certain rights because this has been his address, but, with only Your name on the Deed, he would be in Legal Trouble for destroying Your Property.
The house is yours!!! He lives there, you don’t owe him anything!!!
Keep the house pay him nothing
No you were together and the house needed repairs. Pettiness is what that is…
No. He would have to take me to court. Don’t sale your house.
Let him rot- it seems he only comes back when he needs a patsy
Don’t sell your house!!! You don’t owe him anything as you were living together at the time and if no loan contract was made up or signed then he will have a very hard time proving he ‘loaned’ you the money. Just ignore his pettiness and don’t let him get to you.
Nah. He did that on his own. His loss
Is he living there with you? If he is just ignore him and talk to a lawyer!
What?? He lived there and did it on his own!! I would not sale your home to pay him back… he’s being pathetic!! Tell him you are not paying him nothing!!!
Obviously you are a co-defendant… I would seek counseling and try to understand why you keep taking him back… Not a good cycle to be in
No you owe him nothing. It wasn’t a loan or a agreement to pay back. He did this cause y’all were reconciling and together at the time. That’s his loss don’t do anything he isn’t the one to call the shots.
Wait! Are you paying for everything? Food, utilities etc.
I realize you want to reconciled BUT.
How much would you charge a person living with ??? OK $500 a month plus utilities plus food, laundry service, house cleaning and cooking. At least $700 a month.
Multiply every month he lived you. ex.12 x 700= 8400 Perhaps he owes you money, maybe you owe him. I don’t know.
Put the pencil to the paper! There is no such thing as a free lunch.
He lived there so it was just as much his bill as your’s. Tell him to take you to court. They will tell him the same thing
STOP Taking him back.
It never surprises me how many women take there ex back 10 times before finally working out he’s a dead beat cunt and you’ve wasted half your life
No ma’am, you do not owe him anything! He lived there. You were a “couple!”
Stop taking him back! You deserve better!
You don’t owe him anything.
Tell this AHole to take a long walk of a short pier!
Don’t pay him. He did it without being asked and at the time he did not talk about paying him back.
Nah, and for shits and giggles I’d ask for another 10k.
Don’t give him a penny. Kick him out. He’s been using you. Stop taking him back
Nah , kick him out and be done.