Should I invite my ex to our childs party?

I have a question. My ex and I split up a few years ago due to him cheating. I started dating a new guy a year ago, and we moved in together quickly and got close pretty quickly. My ex and I are still friends due to the fact that we share a child together. Next weekend is our baby’s 3rd birthday, and I really want to invite my ex to the party so our child can see us happy and together but my current boyfriend has an issue with it. What should I do?


If you are friendly then yes

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Tell your boyfriend to get over himself. Its not about him its about your child


I invite my ex to all my kids birthday parties


We do co party’s for my little - it’s about the kid not you


Tell him that your child has a right to see his child regardless of his jealously


Invite him. Coparenting peacefully should always be top priority


We’ve always done 2 separate parties but that’s just what works for us. It should be up to you and your ex not bf though


Invite the ex anyways. If you and ypur ex still have a good friendship of course. Why potienally cause bad blood because of your bf’s petty feelings


Yes as a mother of a 33 year old. Her dad and I celebrated together. His parents were adamant that I come to their house. It is not about the adults but the kiddos. Tell your so that


Invite him. You have a child together so a birthday party isn’t the last thing you’ll both be involved in together. Boyfriends going to have to understand that and if he doesn’t then dating a woman with a child is not for him. The coparenting relationship is the most important in my opinion.


Your child comes first it’s called co parenting… Tell him to get over himself


Baby comes first. Boyfriend has to deal with it or go.


Yes, if you are on talking terms there’s no reason why you can’t co-parent for the children’s sake. My ex and I are the same- I’ve since remarried & am due to have a baby within 2 weeks. We make it work & get along for our children:)
Your current bf shouldn’t have an issue with it & if he does explain to him why it is important to you

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It’s not about your boyfriend. It’s about your child. I’m a step mom and I’m the first one to invite his mother because I want him to have all the people that love him nearby. If he doesnt see it that way hes being selfish and you need to remind him your priority is the child


It’s about what is best for the child. If you guys are on good terms, then follow your gut


Invite him anyways. It’s the kids dad and if you 2 are on good terms you should both get to be there.

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Since my ex and I broke up we both host our own bday parties for our son… is he not having a party for your child at all then I’d invite him but idk we started holding all our own family and friend events/holidays were not together anymore so Christmas isn’t celebrated together nothing anymore it’s hard but I think easier for anyone else involved

I don’t see a problem with you inviting him to it. My husband has two kids from a previous marriage and r we always do bday parties together!

Your boyfriend should not get a say in this issue this is your child’s father who deserves to be there and I’m guessing who your child would want to be there this isn’t about your new boyfriend or his feelings it’s about your CHILD


Ditch the boyfriend. If he can’t encourage a coparenting relationship, he isnt worth your time.


If y’all are still friends and co-parent together without any problems. You should. Y’all have a baby together. It’s about the child. Not your new boyfriend


Are you seriously conflicted about who takes priority? Your kid not some boyfriend you hurried up and hopped into bed with. Unbelievable :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Invite. Be civil but you don’t have to be super friendly. It’s about the child. If he hasn’t been respectful to you and your other half then no. He doesn’t come


Absolutely yes! My parents even did Thanksgiving together and my mom along with her new husband took my Dad to the nursing home. The labeled all his clothes and made sure they took him candy weekly. Put your child first and maintain that friendship.


i’m sure he has every right to be upset …


Absolutely. Your child will appreciate the two of you working together.


We have always done seperate parties - this year we decided to do a joint party. Turned to shit and now only we are going to this place now a hour away from home on her side of Auckland cause she got the shits on lol never again!

Honestly, its about your child and not your ex. He knew when he got involved with you and your child what to expect. Thats healthy co-parenting and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, i bet your child would be so happy to see that but if you end up doing that makes sure you don’t bring up ‘the past’ and get too friendly if your partners that insecure. Just keep your distance and be mutual.

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Of course your child’s dad should be at his birthday party


So you are letting your boyfriend call the shots on whether your CHILD gets to spend THEIR birthday party with their FATHER??? My daughters dad and I are not together but we have ALWAYS done ONE party to show that when it comes to her, we have nothing but love and support. Just my opinion I guess but honestly…


Ask your child how he feels.

If your cool with your ex invite him it’s his child too, your current bf may have a problem but has to understand that no matter what your ex will still be in both yours and kids life


Kid comes first. I’m sure he will want to be there for his kid’s party. If your boyfriend has a problem with it then maybe hes not ready to date someone who has kids.


I would tell the boyfriend this is my child’s birthday party and his biological father wants to be a part of it you need to put your differences aside and let him see the two important men in his life can get along if you can’t I wouldn’t have the party where you live I would have it somewhere else and let the boyfriend make his excuses


I would not do it, your child will end up confused.

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Invite the ex, dont let your bf control how involved your ex is in your kid’s life.


I invite my child’s dad every year idc what my man thinks it’s for the kid not him

That’s your child’s father he deserves to be at the party :tada: get along and make it happen for the child you current bf comes second feeling aside & all

Id invite him if thats how you feel …
. Your bf should respect that

The first thing people have to realize when they’re dating somebody with a child that’s not theirs is they have a father or a mother that is not there all the time. That is something that they cannot control. sometimes you have to put your big person panties on and deal with stuff or people even if you don’t like them. I would say invite the x to the birthday party because it’s the daddy to the child. I have friends that can sit there with their exs at birthday parties and things like that and be just fine. I know if it was me in that position I would say excuse me but that’s the father of my child and I will do as I please. I would not let anybody keep the father of a child away from the child unless there is something horribly being done. Sometimes a new boyfriends have to put their differences aside and be a big boy and showed a kid how a real man does things. because from this point forward there’s going to be many things that the ex will need to be or should be involved in.

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Your boyfriend Gotta get over that foolish behavior, it’s all about being there for child birthday party nothing more

Absolutely invite him! Its really good for your child to see his oarents get along and happy.

He is the father you are the mother both adults? It is a gift to co parent for your child. I can’t imagine us not sharing our daughter’s milestones together. That comes first before anything else. And we have had our ups and downs. But just is the main priority. Tell your new boyfriend not to worry much it’s not a big deal. He knew you had a child when he got involved

Too bad for your boyfriend, he’s not the child’s father. Your ex has every right to be at HIS child’s party.

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I would, I did. I would also question if the new boyfriend should be in that role any longer.

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If you and him get along… go for it. It’s not your bfs kid.

The boyfriend’s issue has no bearing on this, and he has zero say. Your child’s father should be welcome at his own child’s birthday party. End of discussion.
If your boyfriend has an issue with this type of thing, stop wasting your time on him now.

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You should invite him

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Your ex should have his own bd party for your son. :grimacing:


Tell the BF to stay home. Kids come first and if he can’t be an adult himself about it then there’s a clue as to what y’all’s future holds.


Absolutely invite him. Your bf needs to get over it, its not about him.


The party is about the child not your bf. He can get over it. The child deserves to babe both parents at his party.

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Invite him, he is your child’s father. Me and the father of my 2 oldest celebrates our 2 boys birthday together every year. There is nothing wrong with it. He needs to get over it. I’m not seeing anyone right now but If I was and he tried that I’d tell him that’s my child father you have no say if he is there or not.


It’s his child. Unless he’s having a separate party, there’s no reason not to invite him.

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Tell that Insecure sack of shit to get over it

I would invite the dad and his whole family as long as they’re a part of his life


If your bf has an issue with you doing what’s best for your child, he either needs to get over it quickly or you need to cut your loss and move on. Your child is most important and deserves the opportunity to share special memories with both of his parents. My ex cheated on me and left me for someone else. We divorced and I remarried. My current husband and I get along with my ex remarkably for our son.

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Your bf should want you to have a friendly relationship with your child’s father. If a relationship like that is possible it will be best for the child.


Your boyfriend shouldn’t even have a say

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Ultimately i would invite the ex. You two have to be civil and raise this child, no spouse on either side should disrupt that for any reason… Look at it this way… How would you feel if you and ex are getting along and raising said child and his new thing comes in and says no because of their own thoughts/opinions. You would sing a different tune then. Explain to boyfriend why your inviting him and if he wants to react like a child (boyfriend) then send him packing because it wont get better.

There should be no issue! I have two stepsons. And I am the mother to their sister. The boys have separate parties with their father and I and with their mother and we invite her and she invites us! We do everything together. And if your boyfriend has an issue it needs to be explained to him that this is what goes on when you have children with other people. You need to coparent! He needs to suck it up and do it for your kid if this is the life he chooses to want. It’s not about his feelings it’s about your child having two heathy homes and seeing everyone getting along and being able to do things coparenting all of you! Child shouldn’t have to choose once they are older and realizing parents can’t be around each other

I am not on good terms with my kiddos dad. But she wanted to invite her paternal family. So I did. I won’t let any of them into my house because it’s my safe space. But birthday parties are for the kid. And your boyfriend needs a reality check. Your ex will be in your life co-parenting until the kiddo is at least 18. If this is an issue, you may have other issues in your relationship to address.

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Do it for your child, he needs to realize that you need contact with your child’s father and it’s great that you have a friendship with him because lots of people wouldn’t be (including me if he cheated lol).

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Invite Dad. My exhusband and i have parties for our sons together. My recently exboyfriend hated it and wouldnt go to the parties. Which was fine. Hed just ruin the fun anyone. My exhusbands new wife is always with him. She and i dont always agree but we put our differences aside for the boys. The boys will learn that no matter what they can count on their parents to get along for their sake.

I was that kid… invite him it’s good for your child to celebrate with both his parents . It doesn’t end either… my parents come together for their grandkids all the time along with both my step dad and stepmom it’s nice for us kids and for the grandkids. Your bf needs to get over himself it’s not about him plain and simple!


Uh your child comes first. Fuck your boyfriends opinion.

You boyfriend is going to have to get over it or get stepping, your child’s dad should be invited to all of your childs events. Tell him “welcome to co-parenting” because baby dad will be in your life for at least 15 more years.

My ex and I tried this. It worked at first but then she wanted mommy and daddy to do everything together and be in pics ect and the ex refused to help pay for anything so he stopped being invited

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Tell him to get over it. Your kids happiness come first before anything.

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You should invite him. It’s his child. Not your current Bf. He will always be in your life Bc the two of you have a kid. The sooner your current Bf realizes that the better.

That day is about the child, not your boyfriend. Sounds like you and your ex have a good working parenting relationship, your boyfriend needs to accept that the ex will be at the child’s parties until the child decides he doesn’t want the dad there. Now if YOU didn’t want him there that may be a bit different but my advise would still be the same: that day is about the child. Adults should know how to keep their comments nice and friendly at a child’s party.

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I guess if you are on good terms why not but have your boyfriend understand your doing it for your child and if he hasna problem w i th it then leave simple as that i guess

Your bf needs to grow up. He should know what comes with dating a woman with a child. I would do anything to keep a friendly coparenting relationship for the child . The best thing you can do is focus on coparenting and you shouldn’t let your bf get in between that. It’s what’s best for your child to see both parents getting along. I would do it . If your bf can’t deal with it then maybe you guys should rethink the relationship . Your child should always come first .

Tell your current boyfriend to shove it. This isn’t about the adults it’s about that baby and they deserve to see both of their parents at their birthday.

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Yes you should invite your child’s father, the more children see that their parents can get along, the better it is for everyone!! Your boyfriend needs to be an adult about the whole situation!

You do what’s best for your child. If you co-parent well with your ex then invite him.
If your current boyfriend can’t handle that then he’s not mature even to be dating someone with a child.

You should invite your child’s father and family if they’re involved in her life. Your boyfriend has to get over it. He’s your kids father he isn’t going anywhere.

Your boyfriend isn’t allowed any opinion on the matter at all. He’s replaceable.

Kids come first. Period. Your bf needs to grow up

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Always do what’s best for the child.

Anyone who’s going to be a part of your child’s life should understand co parenting. My ex is a total piece of shit and no matter how childish he is my husband ALWAYS gives him respect and tries to include him in everything (even though he refuses to participate in ANYTHING after five years)

There should be no issue it is healthy to have a healthy friendship for your child’s wellbeing. You need to break down the wall with your EX and SO for your child’s sake.

There should be no issue kids come first I always invite my kids dad weather they show it’s on them

Invite dad. He will always be dad and your boyfriend needs to grow up. Its about the kids!!

Ummm. It’s for your kid. He can get over it. Having a healthy co-parenting relationship is more important than your boyfriend’s feelings.

So what’s right for the child. If he’s a good dad and it makes your child happy, invite him. The new guy will have to learn to live with it. He’s the father!

Just my opinion but if you guys are living together and he is helping and being part of your lives, his opinion should matter. I would never date someone who just told me to get over something I’m not comfortable with.

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Me and my ex have shared birthday parties. We usually let his mom plan them and our families come together. I wouldn’t date a man who had an issue with it or our friendship. My ex wouldn’t be a priority but our kid is. Anyone trying to get between that is an issue for me personally. I broke things off with a guy because he was ignoring me due to my ex wanting to see his child for the first time since he was in a different country when I had her. I don’t have room for ANYTHING childish in or out of a relationship. Takes up too much precious time and energy. I want my ex and new love, whoever he is, to be able to drink beers together and be cool when at family functions or visits at each other’s houses. My ex doesn’t have custody since he travels a lot so we have to make plans with each other. If someone has issues with baby daddy, they shouldn’t be around or should come to an understanding. It’s about the child.

If your boyfriend has an issue with you and her dad co-parenting, he isn’t the one :woman_shrugging:t3:. He needs to understand that your kid comes first and that means co-parenting the best you can. The fact that you are friends and you want to invite him is very great for your child.

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Both myself, my partner and his family are all invited to my step daughters parties.
We are all adults and it’s the kids that come first.

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Current boyfriend needs to understand and if you and the ex get along then you extend the invitation , I invited my ex to our daughter party and he bought his fiancé and she actually helped a lot cause we were bowling so she was setting the kids up on the screen

Does your ex knows you have a new boyfriend?
But either way Your boyfriend has to Respect your decisions when it Comes to Co parenting.

Other thing is Plus If its your boyfriend house and he’s doing All the bills and all that then I’ll Understand his situation.

Child first if bf can’t accept that the childs father will be a family functions like bdays then you should def take a look at your relationship. Maybe try to talk to him about it. Either way do not let your child suffer for a man.

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If the person you are with has an issue with this, find a different person. My kids and grandkids have enjoyed the presence of their mom, dad, grandpa and grandma and both grandma and grandpa significant other or wife husband, at their special days. Grownups

A healthy relationship between you and your child’s father is what is best for your child. If your boyfriend has an issue with it, he either needs to get used to it or go. Dealing with the other parent is part of dating someone with kids.

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Yes you should and the bf needs to get over it. You have a child the only way to make a family work is to become a family and that means he needs to get over his issue and except it

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Invite the child’s father it’s the right thing to do


Invite him, this is about your child. My ex and I do parties together, and he has shared some holidays with my family. We also sit together at sports events/school gathering. People I have dated after him know out of the gate that this is how it is, and if they don’t like it, it isn’t the right situation for me to be in. I understand this might not work for everyone, but at least invite him to the party.


You should do what you think is best for your child. If your boyfriend doesn’t like it, he can skip the party, it’s not about him.