Should I invite my ex to our childs party?

If your boyfriend can’t handle your son’s biological father being around then he needs to grow TF up! Quite frankly that’s a terrible example this “father figure” is setting for your son.


My ex lives out of state and still makes it for his birthdays. Invite him.

Current boyfriend should grow the hell up and maybe not get in to a relationship with someone who has a kid to someone else if hes so insecure that both of the child’s parents being at a birthday party together upsets him.

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Do for the child’s benefit it is it’s father who has a right to be at child’s birthday

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Invite your ex, It’s his child’s party. And if you want to continue to have a strong and positive co parenting relationship like you do, then your current boyfriend needs to know that this is how it’s going to be sometimes. You’re going to be together for birthdays, sports games, graduations, and eventually a wedding, for the rest of your child’s life. If he’s in it for the long run, he should be able to accept that.

Look at it this way, when there is a wedding are you expecting it to be done twice so both sides of the child’s family can be there?

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Invite me and my ex co-parent. And we Alice angel on special occasions such as daughter’s birthday dance recitals. It makes it so much easier when we get along and can still do things with our child together even though we are not

He’s the father of your child… Not your lover. You’re doing it for the child not you… Your current needs to be understanding. U can’t be controlling.

Tell your boyfriend to grow the fuck up & invite your child’s fatger

No he will just add tension

Invite him. Great co parenting goes a long way. If you’re bf has a problem, that’s his too bad. Your child comes before him.

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The best thing for everyone, even your current boyfriend, is for you and your child’s dad to get along well. While you do have to consider your boyfriend’s feelings, your child comes first. Hopefully your boyfriend will see that it is a good thing and realize that he is your man and your relationship with your ex doesn’t threaten him! Good luck.

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Invite him that is his child to and if your new man can’t handle it then you don’t need that new man…!!!

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My sons father comes to his birthday trick or treat Christmas and so on. co-parenting really works. it’s so much better than growing up listening to your parents arguing fighting all the time. And your boyfriend needs to learn that you don’t want him you just want to co-parent because that’s what’s best for your child.

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I always invite my ex. My fiance feels the same way. But he knows its best if her father came. Or at least knew we invited him. He’s never actually come to the party though. They usually throw their own party for her. So shes not missing out and all is well. At least extend an invite. Whether he comes or not is up to him.

Your child comes first and your boyfriend will have to deal with the fact that he has a father. I am a step mother to two kids since they were 1 & 6yrs old. At first we did everything separate because things were not cordial, but as the years passed we all figured it out and did more and more together. At some point you’ll have to do some things together. Show your child that you all can coexist and tell your boyfriend that his jealousy can take a backseat.

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Definitely invite him

Of course you should, if you two can be civil its what’s best for the kid. If your boyfriend has that big a deal with it then he needs to grow up, he’s not your kids father

Invite the father and get rid of the boyfriend. Coparenting comes before a controlling one sided relationship.

You should invite your ex to the party and tell your boyfriend that if he can’t accept the fact that you guys are going to try to be the best coparents you can be for your child, then the door is right there and he can leave at any time.

Put yourself in your current boyfriends place. How would you feel, and then make up your mind.

I would
Invite him. It’s about your child together not you or your bf

Invite him. The bf now has really no say in the topic. Its you and your ex child together. You get along. The child dont need to feel like daddy don’t care


I really don’t like the fact she said her excuse of him coming is so her ex can see them happy together? That seems childish! Using your kid to make the other parent jealous?
My husband and I did our kids birthdays with my ex cuz one he doesn’t do parties for them or has a lot of family that would show up anyways and two we did it for the kids to see us all working together for the kids happiness. My ex didn’t even pay half the party… but we want my ex to know we are all raising the same kids and we can all work together for them. It was to rub my marriage in his face… smh…

Your current boyfriend needs to butt out! It’s not about him. It’s about your child and you share a child with your ex. If he can’t handle that fact, and accept your ex will always be around, he needs to leave


You answer you own question is for your child tell your boyfriend to grow up


He’ll have to get over it he is her dad

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I did this with my ex and it caused a whole mess of problems… my son naturally gravitated towards his parents and it really left my significant other out. And he does the childrearing with me so I didnt realize it at the time but it ruined the special day for him and my son to bond.

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Yes you should most definitely invite him. I have a new boyfriend that I’ve been wit for 5 1/2 yrs & we have our own child together as well but I still always invite my 1st child’s father to his birthday party or any other thing that involves our son

Boy friend needs to grow up! Obviously he has no children. Invite the father.


If you share a child with the dude then absolutely

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Yes, definitely invite him.

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Invite him. It will be good for your kiddo. Your boyfriend needs to get over it

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Not his kid not his choice


We let my hubby’s ex wife sleep on our couch on christmas eve. It was very very difficult for me to do but my husband did alot of reassuring things to make sure I was really loved. It’s difficult for everyone involved when you are blending families. Try to be patient and as long as everyone knows each others boundaries, its doable. Your ex might not even want to come. If he does, be kind to him but make sure your current S.O. knows you love him. It gets a little easier each year, as everyone figures out their place. Good luck.

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Tell your man to STFU it’s not his kid


Talk to your current man. Explaining how and why you want to invite your ex.

It’s not your boyfriend’s place to have an issue. That’s your child’s father. Invite him. It’s about you child, not some guy you’re dating.


The way I looked at it, was it’s my son’s party, it’s not about me or my boyfriend, or his dad, it’s about him. I invited him for my sons sake. He’s not a super active role in my sons life and my boyfriend has been there since day one and is helping me raise my son, but I invited him and I’m glad I did

Thats a red flag…


100% invite. If he’s actively in child’s life he should be at the party. There nothing better then a healthy co-parenting relationship. Me and my ex, his fiance and mine are all involved when it comes to things involving our daughter. It’s about the child not the parents. Period.


This isn’t for you it’s for her.

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He’s the father of your child. The best present you can give your son is a positive co-parenting relationship.


Me and my ex wife are goid friends and close. We had this come up a few yeaes ago and decided it would be awkward if we had ut together. It hurt my feelings at first but now i see what she meant

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Father deserves to be there. Child’s feelings before new boyfriends feelings. Your child will be your child forever. Your “man” needs to grow up


Invite. Why would it be an issue for him?! It is all in your past, that should not be an issue with your current. If he really accepts you and your child, then he would understand that your ex and your child need to be together on your childs bday, and that does not include your relationship with your ex. If this is an issue for your current than this is a red flag.

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You shouldn’t invite him just to prove how happy you are without him. Don’t sh** where you eat or whatever the saying is. Let him throw his own party. If he just gonna be there to silently rub sh** in his face, the parties should be separate


We do everything together usually. I LOVE my daughters step mom!

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Bro how is this even a question? If y’all still friends and he wants to be involved let him damn. It’s ur kids 3rd birthday. How would u feel if he was the one with custody of the child and didn’t let u come to the party cuz his current gf didn’t like the idea… Bfs/gfs come an go but u will forever be connected to the father of ur child

That’s not even a question! That’s that father of your child! If you’re on good terms of course no doubt and for your current boyfriend tell him to be a man, not be selfish and to think of the child’s feelings not his!!


It’s your decision not his.

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Its coparenting and he needs to understand that


Why can’t he throw a seperate party…

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No he can throw his own party :woman_shrugging:t2:

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When dating my husband we went to his daughters bday party put on by his ex. We were all fine. I liked it, the ex and I get along just fine. I’d be interested to know why he’s so insecure about him being around


It’s nice when everybody can get along,but if he isn’t then have 2

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He needs to understand that your ex is gonna be apart of yalls life atleast for the next 15 years minimum but honestly for the rest of your life. I think its awesone to be able to do birthday parties together for your child. And your childs happiness is all that really matters.


Current boyfriend has no say so in this one. If you and dad are on good terms, he’s active in your child’s life, etc. then boyfriend can stuff it! What’s he going to do? Get mad and leave? He just did you a favor!


You tell your new boyfriend that he needs to accept you have a child with another man.
They don’t need to be the best of friends at all but he has to be respectful and if he doesnt approve of the father coming; tell him to stay home


Uninvite your boyfriend and have your ex there


You need to be a reasonable adult an try to co parent. Your boyfriend needs to man up an understand that.

Fark dont invite him easy as

Talk to him about the importance of having a great healthy family relationship with your ex partner who is the father of your son. Tell him that it is really important to have his father and his stepfather at the birthday. It would be great for your son to celebrate his 3rd birthday with the people who love him his family. Ask why he sees this as a problem him being there but tell him that he is important to celebrate the birthday and that you really want him to be there. Your son has 2 men helping to bring him up and I think that is great for both of them to be there. Family whanau

Depends how you guys are together. One thing your boyfriend has to realize if he is becoming part of a family, so it’s not about him it’s about the child. And a United front from all of you is what’s best

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Tell the bf to get over it or stay home and I would seriously look into whether this bf is worth the aggravation…your childs father will be in your life for at least another 15 yrs

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Invite the father! If your BF has an issue with that, I’d tell him to beat it! No other man should come between a child and their father, unless the father is verbally or physically abusive to the child.

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If it’s his kid yeh he should be at the party. Put yourself in his shoes… would you want to come?

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No… He can have his own party at his place on his time… I dont see a point in this at all… The child doesn’t need to see you and him happy together… You’re not together


Um… :joy: that is insecurity because he should know that you love him and trust that is enough to invite the father of the child to the 2-3 hour party.


Child’s well being and seeing parents that can get along come over needs of a Boyfriend ALWAYS


Tell the boyfriend that he has to get over it. Your kids father is part of their life and he can either suck it up or go out the door.


Sorry its a little long :see_no_evil: speaking from my own experience, I’ve been told many times theres no need to have a friendly relationship with my son’s father since we split up 8 years ago (our son is 11 now) apparently it’s not normal to have days out for his birthday or for us to go to his football practices/matches together or MacDonald after or have bbqs in the summer (including my 2 year old daughter) who calls him uncle gary & they adore each other & my 18 year old son who hes treated as his own since the start & still does… apparently it’s not right or normal (the majority have shocking co-parent relationship that say this)… his dad & I split up, that ment I couldn’t give him his family the only thing had had ever known… now he’s has the next best thing & is so happy because he knows we both love him & he’s what comes 1st which means he should never ever feel insecure about still having his family, we may not be the normally 2.4 family anymore by we will always be a family,… I’ve had a couple of boyfriend who had a major issues with it but that was their problem out child comes first… the kids love it in the occasions we all get together we all have fun & nothing’s forced, it’s safe to say Gary is one of my best friends but we always have respect & NEVER cross the boundaries into each others personal lives… partners come & go the person you share you child with will always be part of your family so if you are in the position to have a good healthy vo-parenting/friendship with the father of your child go for it… unfortunately not every one is so lucky… my inbox is open if you would ever like to chat about it xx


I don’t have children but I came from a split household where my parents did not coparent. And while my mom met and married a wonderful man I consider my dad in every way but blood, I wish that I would’ve been able to grow up and see my biological father as a part of my life with a healthy relationship with my mom. And any man who can’t understand that coparenting requires two parents to be present maybe doesn’t have the child’s best interest at heart. :woman_shrugging:

Invite him and if he has a girlfriend invite her too.


I invited my ex to our son’s parties. He’s his dad & I think he should be there. If the boyfriend can’t handle your relationship to coparent peacefully, he’s not the guy for you.


Current boyfriend needs to realize your child’s happiness is above his!!


Your invitation is for the wrong reason. Why do you need to prove anything to your ex. Take care of the relationship you have now. Examine your motives cause it sounds to me as if you are just trying to stir some shit to get an ego fix

Invite him , he is the father of your child and if you two had no issues whatsoever , then there shouldn’t be a problem . Your current boyfriend shouldn’t be acting this way . It’s for yours and his baby’s birthday and I am 100% sure she would he happy seeing her mommy AND her daddy at her 3rd birthday .


Weather y’all together or not yalls child deserves to see y’all getting along. I say invite him and let your bf be mad :woman_shrugging:t2:


The boyfriend is gonna have to get the fuck over himself. This is out of his jurisdiction

Invite him. It is about the child. It’s the right thing to do.


Invite him for the sake of your child. If your man has a problem with that get rid of him since he can’t be mature


Hellloooo the boyfriend has no say so as far as a child’s party is with the Dad…sorry


You’re picking a boyfriend over your child’s happiness.


Tell your boyfriend that is your child’s father

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Invite him. If everything is kosher between you I don’t see how to exclude him.

Get rid of the bf. A healthy relationship between you and your ex is important for all 3 of you. If your bf can not feature enough to accept it he should be given the boot. Think of all the other possible problems that will come about with other activities involving your child and your ex.

Invite him. My ex goes to everything that involves our kids and that is 100% the way it should be. Kids do so much better when their parents can be friendly to each other for them.


I would tell the bf to suck it up. This is your child’s father and he will have to get used to him being around. What is he going to say at Christmas or any other event? Sorry kid your dad cant come because I am jealous?!


What would make your child happy

He should get over it. He is always going to be apart of your life because you share a child. Me my fiance and his childs mother do bdays together. And its amazing. Our daughter has such a good time because the 3 of us are there together.

I always invited mine

Do what is best for your child

He should understand thats his dad. He deserves to be at his party if he is apart of his life. Don’t start cutting him out because your bf has an issue.

Current boyfriend should know up front family comes first. I get y’all arent together but he’s the babies dad. He has a right to be invited, especially if you wanna keep everything good

It’s not about your current boyfriends feelings it what’s best for the child


Tell your current boyfriend to shove it. It’s not about him nor does he have the rights to decide that


If you boyfriend has a issue it wont show the happy go lucky vibe your going for anyway . It’s either every one is completely comfortable or there will be stress at her party.

Boyfriend does not get to call the shots here. You are MOM and your ex is DAD. End of story. If he has a problem with you simply co-parenting, then he can be uninvited to the party. This is about your child and not your boyfriend. Sounds like you should be reconsidering this entire situation.


Your current S/O better get used to your child’s father being in the picture. He has 15 more years to go. If he was secure in the relationship, he shouldn’t feel threatened by his presence. You do what you feel is best for your child, not what’s best for the S/O…