Should I invite my ex to our childs party?

This is my son’s 9th bday party, his dad and “stepdad” playing a game together. If he’s going to be in your child’s life, he needs to accept that he has a father.


One time me and my fiance went and picked up his child and her mom from the airport after they got back from a trip. Then the 4 of us went out to dinner together. We have such a good time together


You need to get your new man in check… it’s 2020 ffs!!! I love my dysfunctional family. Put in the work and your child and the rest of you will be happy eventually. Good luck mama!!!


Yes invite him that’s the child father everyone needs to learn how to co parent. It will get easier the more they meet up. You guys have along road of formals, sports events, prom, graduation .


Who’s party is it? Thought it was your child’s, not your boyfriend’s. The boyfriend doesn’t have to go… :woman_shrugging:t3:


Your child is 3, do you seriously think the child cares about who is there?! :joy: the child will know as they grow up seeing there’s no argument between y’all and he is able to see the child when he can… not you inviting him to a birthday party. Awkward


Tell your boyfriend to man up or pound sand!


Go & lmvite your x. I’m sure your x would love to go.

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Reassure your boyfriend let him know theres no funny business and at the party be sure to give him attention as well as the child and childs father. Include both the father and now step father into everything pictures etc. If he isnt prepared to be a step father than he is not the man for you.


My daughters dad has never missed her birthday. I don’t care what family drama there is everyone can act like adults and put on their game face for your child’s special day. Anyone who has a problem with anyone else who’s attending doesn’t need to go. Their birthday is a special day that is all about them and no one else.


My mom started dating my step dad when I was 10 years old. Even tho my biological dad and my step dad didn’t see eye to eye, every year for birthday get togethers or Christmas my step dad welcomed my dad in our home! Regardless if they liked each other, they both made it work for my brother and I and that’s exactly how it should be. The day is important for the child and that’s all that matters!


I always believe no matter what happens between the parents it’s not about us anymore it’s about our kids. We should be able to act like adults to have things where the children are involved. It’s healthy for them to see all the people that care for them in the same room


Your boyfriend doesn’t get to make that decision. Literally it’s not for him to make.
I’d invite dad to his sons bday. That way your son can see y’all both. If boyfriend doesn’t like it he can kick rocks


Invite your child’s dad! If your boyfriend has an issue with it then I’d find an issue with the boyfriend. Boyfriend needs to understand that dad is going to be there. Parties, holidays, school functions etc etc. I’m so happy that the dad is in the child’s life. So many do not have that.

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Tell your current boyfriend to suck it up. It is absolutely unfair for your daughter to not be able to have both parents at her party. Especially when it’s not her parents who have an issue.

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Not your bfs problem. He’s not the father of your child.

Your boyfriend doesn’t get any say. It’s not his child. Invite your ex.

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Your child cones first. Therefore by proxy, you ex cones before you new boyfriend in a situation such as this. If he doesn’t like that then he can get to stepping. Your child’s father is an important part of your life whether he likes it or not.

PS tell your Baby Happy Birthday!

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Tell your boyfriend to grow up and get a grip. He is your childs father and he deserves to be there and your child deserves to have him there x

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Invite your ex. He’s the child’s father

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Tell your current boyfriend to sick a ****. You need to do what is best for your child, long before your boyfriend.

You should show that just because you are not together anymore that mom and Dad can still share the wonderful parts of parenting together without having to live together. Your child will remember this forever!!!

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Absolutely :100: invite your ex. Unless there are safety concerns your child’s dad should be included in as much as possible

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I have my ex come to our son party we have no problem as long they know their line and be there for kids…

You can get other boyfriends- you only get one shot at your child’s 3ed birthday party. Do what your heart and gut tell you to.

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My daughters dad and I try to include each other in whatever we do with her. We had one big birthday party this year, with 4 families.

Get rid of the boyfriend


If your ex is a big part of her life…everybody can be civilized for her sake…otherwise how can it ever work if your boyfriend thinks theres any type of competition. Assure him that its over between you and your ex you’re only wanting to be civilized for her…yes she may wonder if you two will ever get together again but being civilized is more important.

No one owns you and your current boyfriend should in no way have a problem with it period! This is for your child and it is best for your child to see his mommy and daddy getting along :heart:


Ask the child want the child want and then go from there it’s far your child not no ones else good luck

Your boyfriend has a personal problem. besides that !!! This shouldn’t even be an issue up for discussion. Your child should come first above all.

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Boyfriend Needs To Stay In Boyfriends Place That’s His Son To I Say Invite Him To His Sons Party


What would be best for the child should be priority over a significant others feelings.


Your child’s happiness comes before your boyfriends. Invite the ex and have a happy day. It’s about your child at the end of the day.


Absolutely you should. I did and it made everybody happy

If your current lover doesn’t like it now, you’ve got a long loooooong road ahead of you. This is just a sign of what’s to come.


Yes. And dont let new dude make decisions about your kids dad. Hes always dad…boyfriend will never be that.


Invite him. One thing my stepson asks his mom all the time is if her and I are friends and if his dad and his mom are friends. We always say yes even when we aren’t on the best terms. Your child is the most important thing and seeing his parents at least being civil is honestly a really good thing even on those really difficult days Your new boyfriend will have to get over it and fast. That’s what I had to do when my SO and I started dating. I didn’t like the fact he talked to his ex and was on good terms with her. But as their son got older and my SO same I talked more and more about it I realized that’s so much better. They won’t ever get back together. It’s not a “romantic” thing for them. They’re not planning to do things behind my back. She knows her place she knows what my place is and so do I. And in the end we keep all of our fights with my stepsons mom between us adults. My stepson doesn’t see it ,at all. As far as he knows we’ve never fought.

You should invite the child father and your boyfriend should not have a problem with it. And if he does then he should not be invited. The dad has a right to be there

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We have separate parties.

Your fucking babies father needs to be there. What kind of question is this. :roll_eyes:

Invite the ex, you share a child, think of it this way if your ex had your child on their birthday as part of their time, had a party but didn’t invite you, how would you feel? Your current squeeze shouldn’t have a problem and you shouldn’t allow his feelings on this matter come into play

Current fb sounds immature.

Tough, he’s still your child’s dad, BF needs to stay out of it

LMAO Id tell ur new man to shut his mouth and worry about his own :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I dont care what the bf has to say about it, dad can be invited to the bday if mum wants

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That’s the childs father, if you are on good terms and are coparenting you should invite him. Boyfriend doesnt have a say imo.

Well all I can tell you is that your new love life will not last. If hes not man enough to be hospitable and decent to your ex you dont want to stay with him.Your ex will always be a part of your life because and for your child. Your child comes first. You need to sit down with your current man and tell that he has no reason to be jealouse of your ex. And he needs to trust you.Baby Daddy’s are not all bad. Some love the kids and put the kids first.

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Me and my ex husband throw every birthday together with our new spouses. We got to sporting events and sit by each other or save seats, we go to outdoor events with them. Your kids need to see a good relationship between coparents it makes for healthier relationships all around for you and your children’s future


Your new boyfriend sounds childish maybe get a new one! And yes invite the dad!


Personally, it should be whats best for your child. If your child wants him there then he should be there.


We have always had our own seperate parties, with each side of family and friends. But if the only reason you wouldn’t would be because of your bf, then do it. If you giys are civil it’s what’s best for him to see and know his parents both care about him no matter if they are together.

If your boyfriend has an issue with your ex participating in your child’s birthday party then I’m not so sure I’d invite my boyfriend. If you and your ex have a co-parenting relationship that works and you can be friends that’s amazing. Your boyfriend should think about your child’s happiness first and yours, not his problems with your ex.

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Invite your child’s father to her birthday. It is her father and her birthday. Don’t make your boyfriends issues your baby’s issues. That’s his problem. Be true to your child.

I would ask if the baby’s dad is going to have a party for him as well? Is this going to be a big party where his family is also invited?
Most of the time in divorced families each parent has their own celebration. My daughters have both been invited to different things at moms house and dads houses of their friends. Like a sleepover at moms. Then the birthday party with dad. So I guess it depends. If he doesn’t have family. And won’t be having his own birthday celebration then I would invite him. Other wise I would say no. Each parent can do their own thing. It is always best for kids for parents to be civil and coparent. I agree with that. But sometimes it is okay to do your own thing too.

Invite him… you’re new boyfriend doesn’t really have a say to be honest.

My sons father and I have been separated for 2 years we have a 2.5 year old we still do one big birthday party for our son and invite all of our friends. We want our son to see us always get along despite our differences that we don’t argue in front of him or around him. It’s tough at times but has been the best decision we made since separating

Invite him!! It is a good thing to show the child you can still be civil together. It is not your child’s fault that you two are not together.

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I think it depends on how you have handle this in The past? Do you split holidays or celebrate them together? Do you, your daughter and ex spend time together all the time? If the answers to all of they is no than I wouldn’t do it unless you want drama with the bf. You can co-parent and not share a birthday party. I think if the boyfriend has an issue with it maybe now is too soon and I would want my new spouse comfortable at my child party especially if we are living together. Maybe talk to him about planing a smaller trip to bowling or something your daughter enjoys and he can get to know her father. Down the road it could get better and maybe next year you can have a joint party.

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Do what’s best for your child always.

Invite your ex, new boyfriend or not you share a child with ex so your always parents first to that child & need to get along for the sake of that child , your current boyfriend doesn’t get a say & why would you let him dictate what happens between your child & his father — invite him

We have always extended the invite to my husband’s ex wife for my step son’s celebrations. I think you should if you’re on good terms. It makes such a big impact on the kids too!

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Girl, this is your son’s party. Not your bf’s! Has nothing to do with his feelings. You are civil and grown co-parenting. If daddy is a good daddy and talks/acts right NOW … I see no reason why this bf won’t give it a chance. Maybe he need to meet baby daddy first before this party? Anyways, it’s really SILLY when adults make shit about them when it’s really about the child.

Gonna let your new boyfriend ruin your coparenting for your son? Dump his childish ass if he dont like it.

figure it out you will be doing stuff together for the rest of your child’s life. tell him to get use to it.

Your boyfriend needs to stay out of it. Shes not his kid, he doesn’t make decisions for her. If you & her father get along & there won’t be drama between the 2 of you to ruin her day then yes invite him! I’d question your choice of being with your boyfriend since he’s trying to make decisions for your child. Is he involving him in other choices that should be yours & her father’s? If so he needs to go. Know your place as a potential step parent or go away.

Invite your ex! Your boyfriend is just that…: A BOYFRIEND. My son has had his dad at every birthday party that I’ve had and it started 6 years ago. My husband understood it as a bf and still continues to understand it as my husband. Kids come first and if it will make your child happy then do it!


Sorry dear but it sounds like your boyfriend needs to get over his self and remember it’s about the kid he new what he was getting into when he started dating you with a kid if he cant get a new bf this one will always be a problem sorry I’m now a step parent I have had mom stay over night several nights because he daughter was wheel chair bound and she didnr have handicap access to moms house so if I can do that he can deffinately deal with the ex for a couple hours sorry dont mean to sound negative remember your children always come first before the bf


My son turned 3 today and we had a birthday party all of us went really well and I was super proud of myself we went through a lot of shit to get this far but my son was so happy to see all of us together having a good time being nice to everyone

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You have a lifetime of special events where you are both going to have to be together. Learning to get along now is easier for all or it will be a lifetime of avoiding special occasions because the other is there. Do it for the child and tell him to grow up and act like an adult!


The farther has every right to be there he is bub’s daddy no matter what happened between you (i am sorry that he was a douche) and if your boyfriend has a issue he doesn’t have to be there and its not about either of them its about the little one who’s birthday it is and they would want their dad there, my dad was never around because he had issues with my mum’s partner and when i look back i can’t help but feel sad he wasn’t there

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Get a new boyfriend :+1:


I dont care what the new bf has an issue w thats the childs father hes invited…i invite my child father to every party my bf understands though and tolerates him wile hes here

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invite him… it’s about the child first and foremost (and will be for the rest of your life) and if your boyfriend can’t understand that then he doesn’t need to be dating someone with a child


It’s ur child’s father he’s aloud to see his kid for his birthday

Invite him he has a right to see his kid if he wants to. The step parent knew what they signed up for when he started dating you.

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Do not teach your boyfriend he comes first…your some cimes first before any boyfriend or and one else…


Your boyfriend is going to have to understand that you two have a child together despite your past with your ex. There are going to be a lot of shared holidays, events, etc. Just let him know you understand where he is coming from, but inviting your ex is not for you, but for your child. I don’t see anything wrong with inviting him as long as he respects you.

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Its for the baby. Your man needs to suck it up.

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Un-invite the boyfriend. Let the kid have a birthday with Mom and Dad.

The new bf is going to have issues with everything involving your ex.

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Co parenting is the way to go! If the current bf has an issue with the child’s father being present for the child then I think he has some growing up to do! He came into the relationship knowing there was another man in the picture (the child’s father.) so if he can’t accept a man being a father to his child then he can kick rocks! :woman_shrugging:t2:

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co parenting is so much easier and better for the child to have everyone together! (Happy dont force it if its going to cause you and your child father stress) I personally think your bf needs to realise weather he likes it or not your baby father is going to be in your life

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Invite his dad. It’s for your son. Your boyfriend is going to have to either get used to the fact that y’all share a child or hit the road

Maybe he’s not the right one either

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He needs to get over it. Me and my daughters father decided we would split holiays except for her Birthday. We would come together and do the party together because the day was about her… no one else and shes happiest when her whole family is together celebrating her day. So thats what we do… my boyfriend had an issue with it also at first but I told him it was about my daughter no one else so he got over it and I invite his family also so she has my boyfriends family who comes also…

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You should invite him and your boyfriend needs to get over himself. It’s not about him!

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The new boyfriend should 100% understand that your child has a father, that father is going to be involved in her life for the rest of her life which means since you are her mother you will also be involved in his life. Man up or step out.

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It should actually prove to your bf that coparenting is all you are interested in with your ex. Kinda sounds like the bf has security issues if he is in a relationship with you I would think he would want what’s best for your son.

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Uhhhh ??? Father invited no questions asked…thats his baby too

You should tell your boyfriend it’s not his kid and he doesn’t get a say. Also if he ever wants a part in co-parenting alongside your ex and yourself then he’s gonna have to get used to it. Your ex is in your life for the rest of your life because of that child and there’s nothing he can do about that.

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Get rid of the boyfriend. That’s the father of said child, now unless he hasn’t done anything for this child or is in/out of child’s life, why keep the father away?

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Invite ur ex it’s his child as well not ur boy friends

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i kind of see this as a red flag. inviting dad over for random reasons i would understand your new guy being upset. but for a birthday or holidays? not his call for sure


my son is 5…I coparent with his dad.
I’ve invited him to the last 2 birthdays and its him to show up or not … (he has) .
depending on situation. I think a choice is good . my son wants him there. so I’ll extend the invite. the rest is him

good luck mama

My fiance has been to every single birthday that his sons mother throws. Myself and our children have gone the past few years as well. It’s important to both of them (and myself) that their child sees they’re love for him, by celebrating birthdays together.
My stepson is now 6. And he gets really excited about us being there.

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Your child comes first. His happiness depends on how you and your ex get along for his sake. If your current guy has a problem with this, he is probably feeling insecure. He needs to understand that your child is your priority and having a healthy relationship with your ex is for your son’s benefit. If he doesn’t want to be a part of this, you may have moved in too soon. Don’t compromise for your child’s sake.

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The new bf needs to understand that your child needs both parents to get along and yes you should be able to do birthdays together. Your bf needs to get used to the fact that your ex will always be a part of your child’s life and the better y’all get along the better for the child in the middle.

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Invite your Baby daddy to her birthday party your boyfriend need to understand it is not for u it is for your child

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I really think it’s up to your child honestly ! I cant stand my ex husband but my son wanted him to come to his birthday party - so I invited him. And of course I act civil and nice like I always do! But it’s really up to your child. If your child is ASKING for their dad to come then yes invite him. If your child hasn’t said anything about it then don’t worry with it!
As far as the boyfriend- no. I understand he would feel awkward with your baby daddy there, BUT he knew going into the relationship that you have kids with someone else. So he knew he would have to deal with your ex. You need to tell him if he cant handle the situation then he just needs to hit the road- because there is going to be a million times that you and your ex will be at the same place same time for yall’s child.
Its something he will have to get over in order to be with you and have a healthy relationship. He doesnt have to be your ex’s bff, just civil enough to get through the events.
My ex boyfriend was always, jealous when my ex husband would come and be at stuff and it really caused a huge strain. But my kids come first. That’s one of the many reasons he is my ‘ex’!!
Trust your gut and mother instincts!!

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