Should I invite my family to my wedding?

Just send them a wedding invite. Then the ball is in their court.


His family is your family now yours don’t deserve to be there they cut you off for loving a POC do not put your husband in a uncomfortable situation they have already let you know they don’t approve Why chance Then showing their ass are ruining your big day

For my wedding my husband told me that it wasn’t his family, it’s our family. Everyone just sat wherever they wanted. My dad was there and 2 of my great Aunt’s came in for my wedding. My Aunt’s came just because they missed my mom’s funeral so that was how they made it up to us. Otherwise it would have only been my dad.

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K so I had a huge wedding. It wasn’t fancy. We roasted pigs that were part of our wedding gift. I had not a lot of family at mine because they are all from other states. I had my parents, grandparents, siblings and an aunt. We had 380 guests at our wedding and we spent a total of $8,000. Literally 365 of the guests were my husbands and my wedding was so great I didn’t even notice some of my people were missing not to mention you do not need that negativity in your life! Especially not the new life you are trying to build.


You have a new and beautiful family​:heart::100:don’t worry about the toxic mess you left behind​:joy_cat:


You can always ask. If they say no thats on them

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No. If they were racist towards your future husband, imagine how they would treat your children!!!
Keep then far away from the life you’ve built with a man that loves you. The family you come from is nothing conpared to the family you build yourself.
Focus on the future


If you want them there, then I would invite them! If they don’t show, it’s their loss!!:heart:

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Invite them if you want to. The ball will be in their court. Good luck and congratulations. Many blessings for a happy future x

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I say invite them n leave it at that. If they come they come, if they don’t they don’t. My first mistake of a wedding, my family didn’t come except my grandma and uncle. Parents didn’t even bother nor anyone else. Then I got remarried after my divorce to someone everyone in my fam loves but they still weren’t there, but to be fair it was a courthouse. They all (except my lil bro but :fu: him) came to our wedding reception we had 2 days before we got married, n that was good enough for me


Speaking from experience, dont invite someone who is toxic with the hope of their presence being a positive thing. Itll end up hurting you, its really not worth it.

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Girl, my wedding was exactly the same. I had my mom and dad, my brothers and an aunt and uncle. THATS IT!! The rest on “my side” was my boss and his wide and friends. My husbands dads side of the family, sat on “my side” of the church just to even it out a little bit and make side look more even. We invited my whole family (so we didn’t regret it later), and no one showed up because they didn’t like him. That showed me who they were. Just embrace his family that is embracing you and don’t worry about the rest.

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Overreacting? To what? I’m not sure what you are hoping for but if your “family” is not in agreement with your relationship simply because of the color of his skin, then you are better off without their presence. It’s an unfortunate reality that you will ha e to learn to accept, and you will need to learn to embrace the people in your life who are a real family to you. Family are those who care, who are supportive, etc
 instead of wishing for what you don’t have, embrace and be thankful for what you do have.


Invite them, if they don’t show up it’s on them not you!


Have your wedding in peace
Don’t invite them

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Send them invitations, but don’t be surprised if they won’t come. I’m sorry your family is acting like this to you. Maybe they will surprise you. Congratulations, and enjoy your special day.


Keep in mind if u invite them there is a huge chance theyll ruin ur day


Any daughter would want their parents and siblings by her wedding its natural before doing anything ask yourself will they make any harsh comments if they were to attend which will leave your husband and his family hurt.

If answer is yes only extend an invite to your parents it is just proper that they witness your happiness if they don’t attend its their loss .

Sometimes is better to cut ties with toxic people
. Even when they are your family. I haven’t spoken to my family, including my mother in years, TOXIC IS TOXIC


I wouldn’t want family coming to that when they don’t support who you’re marrying. Also not the place. Not the time. They will ruin your day


Racist need to be irradiated just like all of the other diseases that have plagued this country. Go marry your and everybody else be damned.

I reached out to the people who mattered to me and the only ones who showed were my mom, stepdad, and my 4 siblings. Nobody else on my side. My husband was fortunate enough to have a decent amount of family. We had mainly close friends there. It didn’t matter cuz we still had a great day

If I were in your place, I would send invitations to my family. If they choose to come, great. If they don’t, it’s by their choice and not yours. Then, weather they come or not, don’t have a HIS/HERS side at the wedding. Have the guests fill in the seats from the front to the back on both sides, so when you look out, it’s not everyone on the grooms side and fewer on the brides side. On a side note, you should never let someone else dictate your happiness. It was your family who turned their backs on you, not the other way around. I hope that you’re one of the lucky ones, marrying into a family that loves you like their own because even if your family doesn’t come around, you’ll still have family. Congratulations!


I personally wouldn’t. I get you feeling conflicted, it’s supposed to be a happy day enjoyed by friends and family. But 6ou have family - his. I’d just not have a bride/groom’s side-“sit wherever you want, we’re all family here” deal and enjoy your beautiful day.

Do you. I had no family at my wedding, and my older 2 kids refused to come. It’s your day, feel comfortable not obligated.


Let it all go with your family. Tell them your getting married when and where and be done with it. It’s your day and be happy

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I know they are your family but why would you want racist people like that at your wedding that asking for trouble


Yes invite your family! Call your mom let her know how happy you are. Perhaps they should get to know him. Family pre wedding get together?Let her/them know how much you want her/them there, now and in the future. You just want your family there for your special day!!

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Invite them all,if they don’t come it will be on them.
You showed you’re the bigger more mature person,by not holding grudges.


My family and I kind of split ways after my first pregnancy, but I always invite. By doing that, you’re being the bigger person, and it’ll be on them if they don’t show up


Girl I would not contact your family if they cut you off for the color of your man’s skin.


Personally, my husband & I didn’t “do the drama” & we didn’t let anyone pay for our wedding.
Our marriage was ours & ours alone.

We got a marriage license for $18, we bought outfits for ourselves & my 2 young daughters at a classy 2nd hand store.
We got married at our local city county building, by the Mayor for free.
& Our mutual friend was our witness.
Afterwards we had a cookout for whoever felt like joining us.

We just celebrated 19 years last week & to this day I wouldn’t change a thing :heart:

Do what feels right TO YOU & FIANCE noone else :wink:


Change the way you think. After you say “I do” you will have a room full of family that support your life choices not half a room who support and half who don’t. You say you aren’t rich why waste $$ on those who don’t? Your wedding is about unity and love

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If your family isn’t supportive of who you love they would just ruin your day and even if they tried to hide how they feel bad vibes still be there


If they don’t accept your husband then they do not deserve to come.


If they don’t support your decision on being with someone you love then they are not worth your time seriously as long as you are happy that all that matters


I’m not reading all that BS. If you gotta ask, then NO

All that matters is that you are marrying the man that you love. You have yalls children there plus His family which is your family as well. Yes they ain’t your blood but sometimes water runs thicker then blood.
Plus if they can’t not support you in who your with just cause the color of your loves skin. Then u dont need them. Only thing they should of cared about is how he makes you feel and how much he loves you and the children that is the only thing that should of mattered.


I’ll come to your wedding and sit on the bride side​:raising_hand_woman:t4::heartpulse: every girl dreams of this day. His family is your family now. Don’t over think it or let it ruin your big day with your soul mate!! I’d honestly have a small intimate wedding and have one kick ass honey moon afterwards. Big weddings are over the top and unnecessary. I was married in a courthouse with my friends and family by my side and that was more than enough for me! Plus having racists whom don’t accept your significant other because the color of his skin would just cloud your beautiful day. You don’t need that kind of negativity or energy around you.

I wouldn’t want racists at my wedding. That just screams trouble to me. Plus, would you want to subject your husband to that? I’d be hesitant. But that’s just my opinion.


You can still extend your invite. Atleast, in the future you can look back and say and see you did invite them. Than wonder, What would have been if you invited them. In this day, you can see who would show LOVE and SUPPORT in the side of your family.


I can’t believe people today still want to us set us back to the “old fashioned days” (the negative parts). I guess it depends on how strongly you want them to be part of it as to if you should have them there. Maybe just mail the invites and leave it on them if it’s that important to you? But don’t let them ruin your special day if they do come bc they “don’t agree”. And don’t let them ruin if if they don’t either! What should be important is how that man loves, protects, and provides for you and your children. The color of anyone’s skin should never be a determining factor to liking someone or disliking someone.

If your family isn’t supportive about who you love (especially for racist reasons) I wouldn’t want them there.
Invite close friends, sometimes our family aren’t blood, but the people
Who show up and support us.
I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way though. I can imagine I would as well.


They are the loosers; you just need to be happy!

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Family isn’t always where you came from (blood). “Family”can be the ones who came into your life and never made you feel like you were anything less because of your choices. So instead of focusing on blood focus on those friend that made you feel at home in their lives instead and have you a phenomenal day! It will always be ur bloods loss, not yours!


Talk to your family. Invite them. End of the day that is your family. You will make peace with the outcome if they still choose to be ignorant.
Also,going into a marriage you don’t want it to be one-sided, it’s only natural to want your family there. They’re also missing out on their grandchildren.
One other thing, you will feel more at ease going into Marriage with you and your partner doing what you 2 can afford.
Don’t let his family pay for everything , that’s when people talk


You may have family members that honestly love & support you. However for some reason or another they can’t show it. I say invite them let them know you love them. It may push those that haven’t been able the show you support to come around. You’re extending the olive branch of peace. That makes you the better person.
On a side note
 what does your soon to be hubby thing/ feel about it? Because honestly he is the one that has been & will be there for you!


You’re not overreacting. Enjoy your day with your new family!


Im in
 When and where? I can be your sister or cousin for the day or weekend or for how ever long you need.


Invite them anyway. If they Come, great. If not, No drama. Enjoy YOUR day !!! Congratulations :clap:


If they cut you off leave them enjoy your new family


The only family I have come to my wedding is my kids and my dad . Because my family’s do not like my partner . And I do not need fight at my wedding :triumph:.


If you have any family that is supportive, just invite them. Also, make one of those “choose a seat, not a side” signs, it will make you feel a lot better that day if your side isn’t more empty. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


He and your children are your family now.
Your relatives are petty and ugly humans.
Your relatives are toxic.
Love is Love.
Surround yourself with the people who love you with no restrictions.
Dont make your day uncomfortable for you or anyone else who is attending.
Enjoy your day with those who truly want to celebrate your love for each other because they genuinely care❀

Just try to focus on how much he and his family care for you!
Forget the assholes who wrote you off because they disagree with your love. Love is love, and it should be celebrated

Just show up and be happy dear. If your family is that ridiculous you don’t need them in your life. Your husband’s family has made it more than clear you are welcome and that they support you both. Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials!!


Don’t waste your time inviting them they won’t come

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I would extend an invitation to your family . If they choose not to come , it is their loss . Jesus made us all and Does not see color .


You’re not overreacting. It’s completely normal to wish you had a loving family to support you on your wedding day. That doesn’t mean you should reach out to toxic family who cut you off due to their racism, and that’s what really happened. They didn’t cut you off because you married a black man. They cut you off because they’re racist. It may seem like semantics, but framing the situation properly puts the responsibility for the estrangement squarely where it belongs, on them. I know this will be difficult and you’ll be hurting, but please, as you walk down the aisle that day, look around at all the smiling, loving faces who are there to support you. This is your new family. :heart:


If the cut you off cause of you “man” then they don’t deserve to go to your wedding. If his family is excepting you with open arms then thats all the family you need.

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My grandpa used to say. Leave the ball on the other side. Send your invites, maybe they come, maybe they don’t. And there is your answer. But you threw the ball and now is in their court. You have done as much as you could. (Or don’t, good luck​:green_heart::+1:t3:)


Don’t you be the one to cut off your parents and siblings

If it comes from their side you won’t have any regrets

Call your Dad and Mum
and talk


Reach out to them . Tell them your happy news . They’re reaction will speak volumes . If you don’t give yourselves a chance , you’ll always be wondering " what if " .


I would invite family and see if anyone comes to the wedding 
as I see it 
your the bigger person sending them a invite.

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I’d call you parents & talk & even meet up to discuss how you want them in your life & families. They may want to be there just were afraid to call or if you changed numbers etc. due to moving & they stopped trying.

I’ll be your family!!
Don’t worry about anyone who isn’t happy for you!!!

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You have his family who have welcomed you. Family doesn’t have to be blood.


By asking should you invite family I think answers your question it’s your big day send the invites it may hurt if they don’t turn up ,but if they do it will show they are still there for you at least your know either way where you stand and who is there for you on your big day xx

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Reach out to them my family was the same way I was surprised my grandparents showed up at my wedding! But watching my grandparents and my husband’s grandma sit at the kitchen table talking about the old days was priceless they really enjoyed each other’s company! It was really my grandma who had a fear of black people because she was jumped as a teenager so it was just fear. And I feel like we can Break that barrier! It worked for me and hopefully it can with yours but every family is different!:woman_shrugging:t2: good luck I know it’s a hard position to be in!! :heart::heart::heart:

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Call them and tell them ur happy news , you will soon find out how they feel , if they don’t accept your partner just get on with ur life enjoy ur kids and love his family

His family are going to be your new family. My dad has cut me off for having a boyfriend let alone falling in love and he never wants me to marry so try not to worry I know it feels like your alone without your family but if your new family are welcoming with open arms then tbh I’d be really happy with that x

Tell them what you’re doing and tel them it’s an open invite, they either do or don’t but it’s their loss


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I invite my family to my wedding?

Honestly if they have acted like this because of the skin color of your fiancĂ©, they will make your wedding horrible and you won’t have the long lasting beautiful memories every bride should


Gonna probably be the odd one out here but. :woman_shrugging:
First, your feelings toward your family are completely valid. Their backwards view of the situation doesn’t mean you love them or where you came from any less. There should be some sympathy and grace toward that and time to come to terms with it before the wedding, with your partner’s help. However, I would think of it as disrespectful to your husband to subject him to people who judged him so harshly over something like the color of his skin on what is supposed to be a very special day for him as well. He is your family now, and while that might not totally alleviate the sting of not having your folks at such an occasion, neither of you are responsible for the consequences of their mindset, such as being invited to a wedding, and it shouldn’t tarnish such a momentous occasion. Remember that this day is about you and him only. I work in the wedding industry and so often people get caught up in issues with their family that, while quite understandably stressful, take away from their day.


Send the invite and that lets them know you are ready to move forward and be the better person and forgive them. If they choose not to come and be a part of yours and your kids lives then that’s on them. You tried and should never feel guilty about it!

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You could send out a wedding announcement with streaming information.

It’s seems as if you want them to be apart of your special day but you’re afraid they may hurt your feelings or do something rude.

You could also just send an announcement after the wedding is over.


Ask them to come if not there loss not yours you love him be happy enjoy your beautiful day love to all


Invite those people you want be there
no need to beg or explain to them why you want them there
they know this is an important day in your life and for your future. Someday the children will know you were snubbed because they didn’t approve. How will they EVER justify not showing up to their grandkids
or how will anyone else in the family justify it? If they dont accept this then they are letting the kids know they’re not accepted. I’m sorry you are in this situation.


I noticed at my wedding 8/8/2021 that it was okay that I didn’t have a lot of my family there because when I said I do it was me taking not only my husband but taking his family too. I went to having no family to having a big ass family that are so kind caring and honestly everything I ever dreamed of having in a family. I was super greatful for all the help and support I had from my in-laws.


I didn’t have a lot of my family at my wedding and although I was bummed, I appreciated everyone that was there and it was drama free! I personally wouldn’t want people there that don’t respect me nor my husband.


His family are your family too! You’ve obviously been accepted by his family and it’s a shame your family couldn’t accept him but you don’t need people like that in your life- family or not :heart:

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Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! This is a rough one because being disowned just sucks. I think it says a lot about your character that you still want them there.
Reaching out takes a lot of courage and I admire that. Personally, I wouldn’t be able to do it. I’d feel betrayed and that’s not something I completely forgive or forget.
My advice: cling to your new family. Your in-laws. Maybe someday your family will come around :slightly_smiling_face:

For your own piece of mind invite your family and leave it there. If they want to come they will if not it’s there loss. If they don’t support your choices they don’t deserve your respect. I’m sure your fiancĂ© s family will make the day one to remember. Do you not have any friends you can invite, or even 1 best friend?. Happy wedding day :bouquet:

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Nope . Why bring them on your n your husband day when they do not accept him . You embrace that new family who love you and support you Two. Your family sounds very toxic .

No way- I feel my day would be ruined, love your new husband , family n kids, it’s all you will ever need :heart::heart::heart::heart:enjoy the day!!


I personally wouldn’t contact them. If they judged your relationship by the color of your fiancé’s skin and essential cut ties with you for falling in love then that’s their loss. You’re not overreacting for being upset and mourning the loss of family, especially on a big occasion like this. Your family isn’t justified in their actions at all. I personally wouldn’t want anyone at my wedding who didn’t love and support me and my future husband and family.


I mean my mom objected at my wedding
although years later I understood why but it still sucked at the time
if they haven’t been there for you all this time then it’s their loss on your special day
don’t let that steal your magical moment

I would b the bigger person and invite them. If they show then GREAT!!! If not then that is THEIR loss!!! At least it shows that you were big enough to put the differences behind you and step up to b the bigger person.


It’s your day!!! If they can’t be supportive then they won’t be able to truly enjoy your day with you! Love sees no color!

It’s all about celebrating your love n if they can’t accept, sad to say, but you’ll be happier without them there.

It should only come down to ur happiness! If they can’t set their feelings aside and be happy for u on ONE day that is the biggest day of ur life, then they don’t need to be there. I’d send out invites just to show you want them there, it’ll be up to them whether or not they come. Just don’t get ur hopes up, but feel in ur heart u showed ur being the bigger person.
Congratulations on ur engagement! Enjoy ur big day even if they don’t show.

I wouldn’t. It would make me happier knowing my day went as I planned it instead of having people there unsupportive of my life choices just because of the color of skin my SO has and have shit go wrong. Thats super toxic and if they feel that way they can stay right out of your life.

His family is now your family if they are loving & supportive of your relationship. Only have people there that you want there & that love & support you both. It’s your day & his day. It’s not about anyone else or their feelings.


Idk if I would invite them personally because of how they reacted to the situation
 it is a day for y’all,not drama it would be hurtful. My opinion
 let them miss out they love you and he does it’s all that matters if they didn’t agree with your happiness to begin with I don’t think they should be apart of it.

I think u should invite them is either they come or stay away the main thing is that u invited then and at the end of the day ur heart is cleared and u have ur life to live.


If it were me, I would do all I could to include them. At the end of the day, you tried and will have no regrets for doing all you can to amend the relationship

I’d send invites. Then they know and can chose 1 way or other but if they don’t come they can’t say they didn’t know. They may come around 1 day but you must live your new life as best you can with or without them.

No. Dont invite them if they cut you off because you love someone thats fucked up. And you said they have kids
are they his or from a previous? If they’re his they are mixed babies and they dont need to grow up or be around negative ass racist people anyway who may hate on them or treat them differently because of the color of their skin. And same goes for your future hubby. Yall are getting married and you should have his best interest at heart too. You don’t want him being uncomfortable at his/your wedding. Its a huge milestone in a relationship and it should be about yall. It would suck not having family there
 But you have to do what is best for your little family girl.

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