I would invite them as long as they aren’t the type of people to make a scene. If they come It may be a chance for them to be accepting and start coming around more often. If they don’t come then it’s their loss.
You could try reaching out to invite them but they don’t sound like people who would cheer for you anyway. I am so sorry that you are let down by the people who are supposed to love you most
I didn’t and it was the best decision I ever made.
If they cut you off and are that racist why would you want those type of people there with I assume
Your biracial children and everyone else that wants to love and celebrate your relationship?!
You want racist people around your kids and your newly extended family? They cut you off for even liking him… idk. Whatever you do just please keep your hubbie up to speed so he can gather his thoughts and protect himself if they do show.
I would send an invite. Leave it up to them to come or not. You will know you tried.
Nope. I had 4 members of my family at my wedding. My husband? Over 100. Don’t invite people you know will ruin your day.
Send invites! Then the ball is in their court and you would have done your part. If they don’t show up then it’s their loss!
Perhaps it’s not the colour of his skin. Did you ever think of that ?
Don’t make your wedding day about them, waiting to see if they come or not. Enjoy your day and your new family. Congratulations to you both😊
I wouldn’t even invite them! What kind of “family” acts like that? Let them miss out and enjoy your new family
Invite them and it’s on them if they don’t show. Maybe you have cousins that would love to participate!!
No, you deserve to be surrounded by love that day and clearly they can’t give it to you
I’d send pics to them AFTER the wedding. Lol
Invite them. Send them my the invite, and if they don’t show, then atleast you did your part. Go and be happy.
I would come to ur wedding
Do what’s in your heart
I would not invite them, if they didn’t like the relationship a wedding won’t make it better plus they could try and cause problems
Congratulations first of all if you already invited your family and they chose not to come then that’s their loss getting married is about what you want if you’re happy and your soon to be husband is happy and your kids that’s all the family you need marriage is about your family your happiness your families happiness which is your children and your husband it’s not about your mom your dad your brothers and your sisters that are disregarding you like you’re no one
It’s not a good thing it’s sad but be happy his family is now your family and like I said if you reached out to your family and they choose not to come or they choose to treat you bad and dislike your soon to be husband then you don’t need them in your life
Send an invitation. If they come, they come, and if they don’t they don’t. It will be their loss.
It will hurt as they are your family and it’s what you picture in your head as a child walking down the aisle with your family on side and his on the other but sometimes it’s not the right thing. They are racist and as much as it’s your day too I couldn’t imagine having all them haters around me on the day love is everything and I can only imagine as happy as your soon to be husband is for you he would be uncomfortable too. Plus why pay for people who don’t accept your partner just because of skin colour I wouldn’t waste my breath never mind my money on narrow shallow minds. Hope you have the best day whatever the outcome
Family supports family. I’m sorry but you do not need them. His family sounds like great people. If yours loved you at all, they’d be there.
Your family is racist. Why invite them and ruin your day or make your soon to be husband and in-laws uncomfortable with their racism?
Invite them they may be happy to see you
If you want to be happy and enjoy your wedding dont invite your racist family. They will ruin it and you and your groom dont deserve that.
Send the invite. At least you can say you did include them.
Send the invite!! Worst they could do is not show up
If they don’t approve of my man, no way in hell I’m even offering them to come ruin my day. Maybe missing out on such a monumental event will make them reconsider their shitty opinion.
I wouldn’t want a bunch of racists at my wedding who didn’t like my husband to be. You must have some friends? Surround yourself with people who actually love you.
8m going to control the toxic ppl that aren’t in my life I don’t let them in now
I would give them the option to RSVP. Send an invitation and see if it opens any doors.
I know it’s hard but why have family attend your special day that are have a problem with color of all things in 2021. Take away the old fashion option of his and her sides to the church or beach or field your doing this in so when you look back you see the family that will be there for you from now on.
Only reach out if their presence will bring you joy. You deserve to be happy. If they are going to be petty, gossipy and racist, leave them where they are.
I’m so sorry. I guess it don’t hurt to try? I would atleast get ahold of your mom and any sisters you may have.
If you lived by me I would be honored to come and be a part of your family to help you celebrate
His family is your family! Family is who is there for you but you should invite who ever you want just do not be upset if they do not come. Take it as knowing who your family truly is. I dont have a lot of family but i have great friends who have become my family.
if your family doesn’t want to be there, then that is on them, AS for ‘your side’,don’t you have any friends? If so, that is ‘your side’ Family doesn’t necessary mean blood relatives, family is friends
Hunny you are the generation break , it’s going to be tough on you . But your children, his family, they are all amazing people and if your family can’t see past their skin , they’re not honestly good family.
There is no excuse to act like that .
I wouldn’t invite them . Cant respect my husband. I don’t respect you .
And you don’t get to celebrate my happiness with bitterness in your heart .
Send them an invite. It lets them know you still love them and care about them and you want them to be a part of your life. If they don’t show up, that is their loss. But keep your head held high because you have a new family that cares about you and is accepting you with open arms!
Elizabeth Connell be the bigger person and invite them. If they don’t show up enjoy the life you still have with your amazing husband
Invite them if you want but if they should decline…. Try not to let it hurt you to much…. Because they are missing out. That’s a THEM problem NOT a you problem.
Just remember…. You built your OWN family. Better to be missing toxic people then to have them be toxic toward you and ruin your wedding. Stay strong. You can put little charms that have your family members photos and attach them to your bouquet of flowers.
Your family is the people who show up to support you on what to you is a very important day.
Reach out, send the invite. And then sit back and wait to see if you matter more to them than their pride.
And on that day if they don’t show up, don’t be sad, look around you and see all the people that did. Those are the people that cares for you. Those people are your family.
Unfortunately I get not having your family.
However, I cut most my family off years ago. They were toxic and treated me like crap literally all the time. The other part need cut off because they treat me crappy too and my mental health is suffering.
My husband and I have been married 9 years in November. His family has been more of a family to me then mine ever was.
If having your family will bring you joy then call them but if they are only going to be mean, and petty, and racist then forget them.
It’s not easy but it is possible.
I wouldn’t!
Let their racist POS asses stay home. You don’t want their negative energy there anyway.
Have a wonderful lovely wedding celebrating with your new husband and his… YOUR new family.
You are marrying this man, his family is your family. I would not invite people that cut me out of their life because of who I love, period. If they aren’t WITH you, they are AGAINST you. And you don’t need that kind of negativity in your life and especially not on your wedding day.
You will probably feel better about the situation if you give them another chance and ask them if they’d like to be there on your big day, Good Luck.
Give them the option.
If they have not reached out to you, you already know how they feel. It is a sad situation but they created it so embrace your new family and enjoy your day.
They sound horrible, so fuck’em. Just because you’re related to someone doesn’t make them family. Family loves you, supports you, encourages you, is there for you. Family doesn’t cut you off because of who fell in love with, family doesn’t make you feel bad or guilty for finding love or starting a family or career choice. He loves you and sounds like his family loves you too, so you have family there, even if they’re not blood.
I personally would invite them , then leave it , what will be , will be , but they then could be there if they want to be x
I’ll be your family!
Do not do it dont invite them. Just be with your own lil family and be happy toxic is toxic. Family or not
Your heart loves who it loves white or black so if your family can accept that then that’s their loss let them go and just move on when they’re ready then they’ll come around but you have to do for you
If you love that man he should be your focus! Just invite your family! If they come they come! If they don’t come, it’s okay too! This is your day to do as you wish.
CONGRATULATIONS! on your wedding
Do not give them the chance to ruin yalls wedding. Afterwards if you want to reach out and see if they’ve overcome their racist ways go for it. But I’d also attend therapy Bc most likely you’re not going to have your family around and these feelings will come up for ever family oriented event.
No…my husbands family were not at our wedfing…6 years latet they dtill don’t approve of me n have no idea we r married
Don’t involve them. It’s their loss in memory. Only those who care about you & your happiness may make make an effort to reach out. Enjoy yalls special day
Enjoy what you have love if they cut you off yrs ago you could be just heading for heartbreak either way do what you think is right but I hope you have the wedding of your dreams xx
My family cut me off to leaving hubby to pay for everything. I had a second hand dress off one of his relitives. No fancy car or anythng. But learnt its not about the fancy wedding or the reception. Its about you and him. If you love the man as he loves you thats all that matters…it dosent matter if he is black white of even green.colour does not come in to it. Go with you heart i did , i had 36 happy years untill he passed away… yes there was no one on my side…but when i walked in to the church. His family had spred out to both sides. Amazing site to see. I wish you all the best…follow yoyr heart xx
Do you,I’m getting married and no family of mine is coming too many opinions as I grew up hearing,too many cooks spoilt the broth this is my life I’m going to live it without it being dictated after God I captain my own ship you should too
Simple question and you answer the question yourself… Whatever the answer, that is what you do…
Does your heart want your “family” there?
If your family haven’t contacted you since they cut your off, why make you think they will celebrate that with you? Your family is your husband and your children. So do t feel bad about it. Those are the most important family in your life right now. The rest don’t matter.
You’re better off without them going because its supposed to be the happiest day of your life and if they cut you off because of the person you fell in love with they’re gonna make it miserable and full of drama. I’m sorry you are going through that I know how you feel when I married my husband none of my family bothered to show up I asked them to come and they didn’t find it important enough Because they didn’t want me to get married to the person I love. It sucks but it was still amazing because his family made it very special for us And it is still one of the happiest days of my life with or without them And it will be for you too.
As long as you two and the vicar are there who cares who’s behind you, you have a life time in front of you that’s all that matters.
Personally I wouldnt. If they cut you off due to the colour of your man’s skin…they’re not worth it.
Send them an invitation. They can never say they weren’t invited.
Be thankful for his family enjoy your life and enjoy your special day love each other and be happy nothing else matters
Just invite them if they dont show at least that cant say you didn’t invite, but it will be their loss ,I’m proudly married to a black man we have been married for 31 years an my family will do for him as quick as they will for me
When I get married, there are certain family members that ya…it’ll be obvious they were excluded.
But I want my day a happy one, worried about drama would cloud that for me…so I just plan to cut that drama out from the jump. If you weren’t supportive of us, you don’t get to come celebrate our day with us🤷 it’s that simple.
But then again, elopement is looking SO good for me at this point. Cuz no matter how I try to figure out we could do it, one side is gonna lose their mind(as distance makes it hard and both families are 3000kms apart).
So at this point, I think we’re just gonna pop up married and be like SURPRISE!! lol cuz officiant is only $250 and they marry you anywhere, even your living room🤷lol
(But I’m one that doesn’t want a big wedding. I don’t want to be center of attention lol)
Send an invite, then they can’t use that as something to have more attitude. Even feeling they won’t show, at least you invited them.
You can’t make your family come to your wedding… it is their loss. Don’t lose any sleep over it
To each his own. I’ve been married 2x. My family wasn’t invited to the 1st one because they cut me off. Life still moved on. I even had a baby. My 2nd, the groom and I just went to the pastor’s office and was married in front of our kids. Life still moved on. My family and I talk once in a while. Do I wish things could’ve been different and have celebrate all the milestones in my life, my kids lives, even in their lives, of course. You can’t dwell on the past. It’ll only keep you sad. Be there for your husband and build a life together. Your “family” will either come around eventually, or not at all. It won’t always be easy and you’ll think about them almost daily. Don’t let it hold you back. Good luck and congratulations.
Just had my wedding with only 2 blood relatives invited. His family came and our close family. Family can be toxic just like anything else. Do what’s best for you!
Invite the family that will help celebrate your happiness with you… if that means it’s only his side, we’ll that’s your family too now. Embrace the ones that lift you up and support you, don’t worry about anything else…
I would put the offer out there just so they can’t day you didn’t invite them . But if they didnt show up,it would be no skin off my back. It shouldn’t matter if he’s black, white, purple or green, love is love and if you find that special person it shouldn’t matter what they think, they should be happy for you.
If they’re toxic now what would they be like on your challenging days? See them supporting you or trying to divide you? You said they were not keen with interracial marriage… Do what makes you truly happy. Congratulations
I wouldn’t toxic people will just make ur day toxic.
There’s no way I’d want someone to attend my wedding if they didn’t approve of my relationship and cut me off!! I say don’t invite them. Enjoy your day knowing you’re around those who support you and your man’s relationship
I’ll be happy at your wedding, going to have to find new family…I’m up for adoption
Me and my partner have decided to elope simply for the fact that we don’t want any drama. Family can’t say a thing about it
Your future husbands family IS your family now. You dont need to include those who didn’t want to be there when you guys were just dating or engaged. Enjoy these moments with your future hubby; you don’t get them back. Embrace your NEW family, and create everlasting memories you can pass on to your kids🖤 Congratulations you guys! Nothing but love and happiness from this day on!
Family is what you make it. Doesn’t have to be blood to be considered family. Was in the same boat as you many years ago. But I snuck off and got married and was married for 2.5 years before I got pregnant and couldn’t hide it anymore. They cut me off as expected. But other people who loved me took us into their arms. Have your wedding and don’t let those people who don’t accept it to be present at something so special.
This is why the “love sees no color” mantra is just that. You had to be honest with yourself or at least admit that your family was racist before moving forward so you could accept that when this day did come, they wouldn’t be around. It’s hard for me to feel sad because honestly, idk how some of you loved your whole lives not seeing your loved ones for who they are.
It’s probably because I’m Black so I’ve been subjected to racism since I can remember. Just move on… that’s all you can do.
I was disowned 50yrs. Ago when I married a Mexican man the love of my life mixed race marriage was hard back then but you should extend the invitation and if they don’t show move on ,don’t let their racist opinions affect you,you have to make your own life with the man you love ,time moves on & so should you
Be happy with your man and your kids baby.everything will fall into place.family is not always blood
This is the same situation as myself…… I decided after speaking to my father he said he happy with whatever I do, so I decided to just get married in Ireland with my partner family
The only person that matters at your wedding is the person you’re marrying.
Invite your family, if they don’t come you did your part. Their loss, your new family appear to be willing to fill in any gaps in your life.
Invite them. If they don’t accept then don’t feel bad. It’s y’all’s day and don’t need drama.
You had a large. Beautifulwedding
Ur family disowns u who cares if they not there his family support u guys thats the people u should be worried about their ur family and care
Invite stranger’s, they’ll care more.
Gurl if they wanna be racist le them you won’t need them around your kids anyway