Should I let my 18 year old brother travel alone?

Let him go! Be his shoulder to lean on when need be and keep a positive attitude towards it.

What if she’s 14 saying she’s 18. There’s a lot that could go wrong with this. He sounds pretty innocent. I would be Leary of a venture like this.


No or road-trip with him.


Sounds like he’s getting cat fished. Offer to go with him?


I would encourage him not to go unless you’ve actually seen her, maybe FaceTime? There are so many schemes even for boys that when he gets there it’s a man up to no good instead of it being who he thought he was talking to. Maybe she could come visit instead. I’d be very cautious!

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He is 18 !!! Shit I moved out on my own at 17. You can’t tell him what to do. You are also NOT his parent

Yeah I would be protective also

Don’t think I would be happy .but truthfully he’s 18 can’t you go with him for support

This is a GROWN MAN at 18. You don’t LET a man do anything. Back off. This is his life and his business.

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Let him go experience life. Slip an apple tag on him If you feel the need. But talk to him, voice your concerns and make him aware to go you MUST have his itinerary and he must check in. But do not hold him back from moving in with his life.


It’s not your choice. Stop trying to control other people. Let him go. Might be a trip of a lifetime. Might be a catfish. Either way he’s living his life and learning along the way. Ask him to check in but that’s the most you should do.

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Just for his safety I would talk to the girl and her parents online. Where’s he staying? If they don’t get along is he out his place to stay? How old is she? Do parents even know he’s coming? Look her up online n make sure she really exists.


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Does she have snapchat? If there’s no possibility he’s being catfished he should go

I had the same situation with my son right after he turned 18. I would not let him go alone to meet someone from online like that. With my son I told him his dad and I would take him and we would go from there. If we knew all was good then we would leave. If we thought something shady was happening he would be leaving with us. He was fine with it because he knew we had his best interests at heart. You just never know when it comes to internet relationships.


Just cause he’s 18 doesn’t mean he is safe. Talk with your son about human trafficking and any issue that you feel could happen and you are willing to go with him. Facetime with the girl and plan with her, meet parents and then next time he can go alone


Yes BUT But…… Tell him you want to talk to her, you need the GPS tracking turned on on his phone for you to track him… and you need to know the address of where he’s going to be staying and you need a picture of her drivers license and or ID card…
Explain to him that there are a lot of boys and girls that go missing, if you have to pull up the website of missing and exploited children there are plenty of 18–year-olds and 21–year-olds and on there. Also tell him he needs to be 100% honest with you for his safety.
:roll_eyes: Ignore all the comments that say he’s 18 he’s adult he can do whatever he wants…. I understand where you’re coming from, it’s no different from when my boys turned 18, 
Maybe is it possible she can come to him?? I mean how old is she???


I will not let him go soon, it does mean you are a bad sister.

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He’s an adult. His hookup is prob a 59 yr old dude

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WTF you don’t have a say
He is a legal adult and you’ve never been his legal guardian anyway :rofl:


I mean he’s 18 he can do what he wants regardless but I feel like it’s a very irresponsible and risky move to go with limited money to meet someone who may not be who they say they are.

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He’s 18 you gotta let that bird fly.

I have an idea tell him sure you can go but you need to take another friend of yours from here a nother guy friend that way I’d something should happen two heads are better than one ,now there you can call brother friends phone and check up with out bugging your brother lol and you can let him go and nor worry as much because he’s taking someone from his town

Im on the fence. Yes, its ok for people to say he is 18 he is an adult mind your business. But what happens if something terrible happened? Then she would be a horrible sister for not asking questions or wanting to make sure her brother is safe? He is 18 not 28 he is barely an adult. They lost their mum 6yrs ago so he would have only been a 12yr old so no doubt you have played a mother role. Ive done this too so i know why you’re being protective. Especially after everything he has been through (mum, bullying etc)
He needs to learn to go out into the world, make mistakes yes. But just let him know its not rainbows and butterflies out there. Dont stand in his way,…guide him. Treat him like the “adult” when he “acts” like one. Prove he has a back up plan if all goes south.
Hope for his sake he gets his girl and all this stress was for nothing :purple_heart:

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I would let him go with concrete plans and alternate plan b and c plans too.
Talk about worst case scenario and what he will do, etc.
I would give him some more money as well.

He is grown and can make his own decisions. But, I do understand your concerns with this crazy world we are now living in. But he might try to do it without you letting him.

You have no say if he goes or not!!!

Ummm yes. He needs to be a big boy. Won’t have someone holding his hand at 25, 30, 40 …

I would be afraid for him it may not even be a girl you never know and could get robbed


I was already moved out and married at 18, and your wondering if you can give permission for him to do something at 18?? Math ain’t mathing here….

Hes 18 lmao. It isn’t your choice to make.

The only reason I wouldn’t want him to go is because you obviously still treat him like a toddler so he has no idea what the real world is. You’re hurting him more than you’re helping him.

Tell him to sign up for the military – Air Force and then decide after basic training …

He can do as he wants at 18 but I would try to talk him out of it. There is way too much going on today over the internet. She may even be a he ! No one knows. How does he know she’s not a psychopath? Way to dangerous nowadays to be that trusting


He’s 18 right? Like a legal adult?? You have no say

Everyone is point out hes 18. What about the fact he want to go see a girl he don’t know. It could a trafficker, she couldbe setting him anything is possible. Sit down and talk with him about this trip and the girl


In this day and age trust your gut. I wouldn’t let him go.

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It may be a western thing but 18 is just a number for POC, just because he’s 18 doesn’t mean we can’t tread cautiously and try to protect our siblings. Meeting people online is dangerous and he needs to be more upfront with you re: details. Anything could be waiting for him on the other end.


He is grown. End of story

if his 100 percent going mayby do a tracker on his phone or a check in time each day for him feel safe and ur mind from worrry

Go with him make it a road trip


No way. Too much trafficking!!! She is probably not who she said she is. I would talk him out of it. Trust your gut.


He may be 18 but you never know if he’s being lured ! BE CAREFUL


Get more details…regardless of age he is still your brother…and the way things are happening these days your concerns are valid. Great job looking out for your brother.


Technically you can’t stop him but warn him the girl may not actually be a girl at all guys get trafficked too just have a long talk with him


Be careful of cat fishing. I wouldn’t let my son.


You can’t let him do anything as he’s an adult and in charge of himself. Is there any way you can go with him? Has he video chatted with this chick? Get her name and do some investigative work. Send me her info on here and I can do it for you. I’ve busted a cat fish before for my poor cousin who naively fell in love with this heifer who turned out to be a 50 year old lady. LOL poor guy


He’s an adult let him go

Sounds like your gutt instincts are telling you ur answer already.


He’s 18. He makes his own decisions now. End of story.

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I’m a worrier also. I can’t wait to go to bed tonight so I can lay there worrying about things I have No control over🥴

Make sure it’s a return ticket he buys … at least he will have a ticket home if it goes bad


No no no!!!
Watch a few hours of crime tv and ID TV and see all the murder and robbery happening on young teens.
You tell him once he saves $1,000.00 and a trip coordinated with AAA, he can go. That’s a compromise he can ponder over. Better than saying no and he splits in the middle of the night.

I’m sick of hearing he’s 18 an adult! Just because he legally turned into an adult (a legal age that governments around the world decided) it doesn’t make him safe or mature! They lost their mum so obviously this woman has been his rock. Goodness me
The comments of let him live and let it go!! Really? So if something happens to him? Will you all say well bad luck??
You are right to worry and although legally you can’t stop him :woman_facepalming:t2: talk to him about your worries. Yes he does have to live his life and make his own mistakes but you have the right to worry
Just talk to your brother with love and kindness and address your concerns.
All the best​:pray:t2::kissing_heart:


Travel with him make it a road trip let him meet this girl if things don’t go how he was expecting big sis is only around the corner he is 18 he can do what he likes and saying no will probably just make him want to go more and probably keep secrets


You have every right to be concerned for him, I have a 18 year old son and I would not let him travel to meet someone he doesn’t know, for all you know or could be some type of trap for him, I wouldn’t let him go!


Go with make it a fun trip


Can you go for supporting him to be on the safe side?


He’s literally an adult. He can do what he wants.
You have a right to be cautious because so many sketchy things happen online, but, it’s ultimately not up to you

He is an Adult, but with crazy people in this world you have to worry, tell him for the girl to visit him or you & him can meet her somewhere :+1:

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He’s 18 so he can do what he wants- however you have every reason to be concerned. This is dangerous and you’ve lost your mom and I would hate for you to lose your brother too. Please go over all the dangers this could bring. I would insist on talking to her- get her address and doing some recon your self before he goes.


He’s a big boy. Let him experience the world. He will make mistakes, we all do, but you learn from that. And he’s not leaving the country or anything

I had a newborn at 18.

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He’s 18. Give him some money but have him promise to check in every once in a while so you know he’s safe. It’s very sweet of you to worry. Talk to him about your concerns.


I would try to talk him out of it, there have been too many people gone missing with meeting people online. you don’t if it’s a trap or not.


If it’s only a 4 hour drive, go with him. Make it a vacation! :heart::100:

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He’s 18…. Let him do what he wants.

….so was it you or your mother that breastfed him?


Even though he is 18, he hasn’t met this girl and flying 4 hours to meet people he doesn’t know while little money…He needs to hold off with the trip or have you accompany him to make sure he doesn’t get scammed.


Umm. You don’t get to “let” him… he is an adult. Let him live and learn… give advice if you like…help with making a contingency plan… Other than that encourage him … to live

I would say let him go. But tell him to arrange to meet this girl in a busy place and make sure you know where he’s going. Make sure he has his phone so you can track him if necessary. If he doesn’t get in contact. Or play it the other way and invite her

He’s 18. You don’t let him, you can’t stop him. Just be prepared to help when he calls

They should video call first does the girl have her own place or live with her parents? If she lives with her parents she should see if it’s okay with the parents before letting him come stay … but it’s good to get out and experience life but most long distance relationships don’t work …I flew to Mexico by myself when I was 14 and 18 & I was fine … he should make sure he has enough spending money though

I see you’re not into true crime.
He needs to join hobby clubs or something that brings him around his type of ppl .

I would accompany him that might sound a little crazy…but it’s a crazy sick world .

He’s 18 let him make his own choices just be on standby for him. Things like this are what he learns from

Any chance you could go to? Just in the background? As support. Make sure he’s safe. I’m sorry, but I would be just as worried and hesitant. There is so much evil in this world. He’s may now be 18, but 18 can be young. I just worry about the scary people on the other side of the web.
Our maybe encourage him to bring a friend?

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U go with him… bandits are kidnapping ppl n selling body parts…

Ummm your not his mother or his father plus he’s 18 get off his :eggplant:


Try to talk him out of it…

Ask him if he talked to her on video call , like legit could be a catfish person , it be hard to trust , but then again i worry allot so , but i would try to get him to invite her insted to be on safe side

If you are so worried, go with him but stay out of the girl’s sight.

Not a good reason to go. Red flag

To many play on young peoples emotions.They know exactly how to lure them in.I know he wants to meet this girl and I feel for him,but you need to see if you can do some kind of research on her,demand a face to face live chat with her or something.


No sounds fishey to me No

Go with him! But first gotta do your research on this girl and make sure she checks out, is he FaceTiming with her etc?!


to many things could happen hopefully you can reason with him that your worried for him .if he goes . sounds like he is not telling you everything my older sister kept me out of trouble so just try the same.good luck.

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He is 18 but meeting people in line is dangerous, he should have a buddy with him.

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I would find out her name, the city and state she lives in then Google her name and pay the couple bucks to get the info on her. Your brother may be 18,but there are alot of sick people out there who like to prey on people like your brother. I would also say we are given gut instincts for a reason and if something is off then tell your brother how you feel. If your brother decides to go then make sure you k ow his flight plan, her name, address and so on.


No absolutely not…something doesn’t sound right!!


This just happened toy brother and he got scammed, he barley made it back home. Meet her first, get concrete evidence. It could be real but imagine if it’s not, the depression and alone feeling WILL GET WORSE.

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I mean at 18 can you really stop him? It sounds like all around a bad idea but i doubt there’s much you can do if he really wants to go


First, you can not stop him. He is an adult. Second, go with!!! Third, just communicate with him.


Too many predators out there.

It’s the fact he’s 18 for me

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Dont let him go alone

he can get married at 18 so if wants to go travelling why not

Y’all really just forget there’s creeps on the internet catfishing people and especially YOUNG folks. He’s never met this girl and he’s willing to go hours away? That’s how people get hurt, picked up, etc,
You’re not wrong op for questioning all of this and caring about his safety.


That definitely makes me nervous. Being in a state of depression makes you more vulnerable to meet someone. PERIOD!!! I’m not liking this one bit.

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He is 18. I don’t think you can stop him, if he has his own money. The info you have really sucks. Can you or a friend go with him? At 18, it is time to let him stand on his own (I can hear his arguments) and all that but this situation is scary. Do what you can to make sure he has a reservation lined up at a hotel before he goes. See if he will Face Time or Zoom or What’s App with her while you are there so that you can see her. Get her address. Get her phone number. How do you feel about an Apple Tag, for his safety? Can you add his phone to a Find My app? Do an Internet and Facebook search on her. Make sure he has an Uber account. He probably cannot rent a car due to his age. Drive him to the airport. Ask him to check in every day at a certain time. Offer him a ride when he gets back. I agree with your concern about going hours away to meet up with some unknown person. If you can talk him out of it, that would be great but I bet he would still figure out a way to see her.