Should my four year old daughter be allowed to call my fiance Daddy (insert the first name)? Some background… I have a four-year-old daughter that I share custody 50/50 with her father. Her father and I separated in June of 2018, and our divorce was final as of December 31 2019. I am with a new and have been with him for one year and four months; we are getting married as soon as all this COVID craziness is over. My fiance and I are going in tomorrow (April 28) to have our daughter. Now my four-year-old absolutely loves my fiance and calls him Daddy (his first name). I had left it up to her as to what she wanted to call him as I feel it should be the child’s choice as to what to call a step-parent. My ex has heard her calling my fiance Daddy as she has been calling him that for almost a year, and never once has he said that he had any problem with it. Well, last night, I got a message from him saying that it bothers him and that we need to correct her and not let her call my fiance Daddy. Right after I got a message from my ex’s mom pretty much saying that I was a bad mother for letting my daughter call my fiance Daddy and that he is “only a stepdad and doesn’t deserve the title of Daddy,”… I feel that it should be my daughter’s choice to call my fiance Daddy or not. My fiance loves her like his own and has treated her like his own since he first met her… I feel like if we stop her from calling him Daddy at this point, right after her sister is born, when it was never a problem before, that it will confuse and hurt her and make her think that he doesn’t love her and that she isn’t as important to him now that her sister is here… I don’t know what to do at this point; any advice would be helpful.
I agree with her bio dad. He’s present & it makes him uncomfortable. I wouldn’t want my children calling anyone else mom. My bonus babies call me Jacqueline. They know I love them and would do anything for them. Actions speak louder than words. It’s a lot less confusing than you would think.
Whatever your daughter is comfortable with. Biological dad needs to look at it from a different perspective, none of it is to hurt him. Only to help the daughter feel more comfortable and involved and honestly it’s a good thing your daughter likes him that much. Be understanding of course of where Dad is coming from though
I AGREE with the childs Father! He is Present and Active in his child’s life, HE SHOULD BE RESPECTED! I too am Divorced and REMARRIED, Our son calls our partner’s by thier NAMES, Mommy and Daddy are referred to as Mommy and Daddy. Its wonderful she loves your Fiancee, Allowing her to call him Daddy is Disrespectful to her FATHER, personally I wouldn’t TOLERATE it
My daughter calls me and her her stepmom “mommy”
She started when she was about 3 and it did bother me for a while but now its second nature. I call her “your other mommy” now also… Its an awkward transition, but her other mama has been in the picture since she was 2 and is a wonderful part of my daughters life.
It should of been discussed honestly. Thats an important title. In my situation I call my bonus child my daughter. She calls me by my name and once in a great while mom. But its something we all agreed was okay
I called my step dad , daddy since the age of 7…they got together when I was 6. I am now 44…and STILL call him daddy. My biological father is my father… The man that was there when I had nightmares, started my period, had my first heartbreak, started junior high, started highschool, graduated, had my child, etc etc is the one that deserved the title of daddy. Blood makes a father…not a daddy. My father was still there, but he was not there every single day for me, or the middle of the night when I had a nightmare…my daddy was.
That’s a tough one. I think I would have waited until after the wedding. And discussed before.
Her dad is present in her life. He as a right to feel the way he does.
So you are saying she calls the step dad daddy Tom( or whatever his first name is) she calls her bio dad daddy. Don’t see why that is an issue. She knows the difference between the 2 men. I would apologize to bio dad for not thinking about it hurting him and also explain why you don’t want to tell her she is not allowed to call the step dad daddy Tom anymore. If dad truly loves his daughter he will not want her to feel less than in her own home. He is a big boy and can understand a lot better than she can right now. The more people who love the children and make them feel save the better.
My son called my husband dad when he was younger and my husband and I corrected it the first time he did.My husband explained to him that he loves him like his own Son but he only has one dad and his dad is present so I agree with the bio dad. I mean I wouldn’t like it if my son called anyone else mum, and rightfully so I am his only mum. If the dad wasn’t present that would be a different story. Each to their own I guess.
My child call me new husband daddy chris and their dad just daddy there is no issue
I think it’s disrespectful unless the bio dad agrees.
I totally agree with Laura Deeds-Hale - your precious little girl knows with all her heart who her real dad is and truly loves him but loves her future new step-dad as well which she calls daddy(his name) and it is wonderful that she feels that comfortable and loved to be able to that and since she has been doing it for so long and nothing was said until now it’s seems it might be a tat of jealousy there with your new baby coming - they are going to be siblings and since she is with you 50/50 it’s normal she does this and I’m sure she has never called her bio dad by this other man’s name when calling out for her daddy when she is with him - and I feel you wouldn’t have an issue if he were with someone new and your daughter felt loved and comfortable and called her mommy(her name) when with them - have an open heart to heart with your ex and see if you can come to an understanding for her sake bc if you start “correcting” her now it could cause her issues that she isn’t going to understand at this age. Good Luck sweetie and I think it’s awesome that she has two awesome daddies to love her.
Put yourself in her father place would you like if she called your ex wife mom? I wouldn’t
Sorry but with bio dad in the picture and having her half the time, he definitely should have a say.
You are absolutely wrong for allowing this. She already has a Daddy. Also, I don’t know what state you are in, but this violates the Shared Parenting Guidelines in Florida. There’s a possibility, depending on your state, that you could be in trouble with the courts for this.
My oldest calls her step dad just dad her sisters call him joshy ( Josh is his name) they’re dad does not mind because he’s part of their life as a father figure just like I don’t mind if they ever start calling their step mom mom we all have a good relationship and we show r kids that. Mom and dad are just titles its how kids are treated that matters.
I would talk to your daughter and your ex together with your partner ask your daughter why she calls him dad and if actual father is uncomfortable maybe compromise with a different name. Also don’t tell your daughter she is wrong or In trouble.
MY OPINION is if you can have a civil conversation with both bio dad and soon to be step dad and find out what everyone one is comfortable with my step children called me momma tori so personally I see not problem in it but every situation is dealt with differently… I can see both sides just do what is best for your daughter no matter what! Children are resilient and no matter the decision when she’s older she call him what she wants… also I call my step dad pop so other version of dad can be discussed
My oldest (24yo now) called her father [first name]-Daddy and my late husband Daddy-[first name]. Her father was in and out and barely around until she was almost 3…my late husband was there from the time she was 18 months until his death. She now calls her father “Dad” and still refers to my late husband as “Daddy.”
His wife has been her bonus mom since she was almost 3…and she calls us both Mom now but when she was young she called me “Mommy” and her “Mom.”
Seems kind if late in the game to me to suddenly want her to change what she calls your fiance if Dad has been fine with it up until now. Also I would be wary of doing it with the new baby coming because she could feel it is a rejection of her because of the baby.
Good luck to you…whatever you decide to do. Just keep her best interests at heart. Honestly to me that is more important than her father (an adult) suddenly feeling it needs to change.
I personally think that it should have been discussed with the bio dad first because it’s a respect thing and to consider his feelings on the matter maybe he would have felt different if you would have explained that she chose to call him that and listen to his feelings on the matter to than maybe he would have been ok with it maybe. Also I mean if you daughter decided to call him daddy on her own and he’s good to her I can see and understand your point to as well maybe y’all just need to have a conversation about it and tell him your feelings and listen to his feelings than maybe y’all can come up with an agreement or something good luck
Keep to the bigger picture here, your child is super lucky to have two present daddy figures in her life. some children don’t have any
Do you want her to call another woman mommy? It’s pretty disrespectful, in my opinion, considering her father is in her life.
You can have 2 dads or mums and know the difference. I wouldnt change things now expecially as shes getting a sister, she needs to know all her parents love her just like before her sister. Plus it’s too embedded in her now to start changing it without hurting her feeling and making her feel rejected by him… if this was an issue to begin with then it should of been addressed then. As long as hes serious about the relationship with your daughter about always treating her like his own then I would leave it. Bio dad will get over it in time as long as he still feels important to his daughter too. You cant let your ex rule your life now. Also you have to be prepared when he gets into a relationship and marries someone she will have another mum too a step mum. (Which wont be able to replace you, just someone else to love and adore her too). X
I would say put yourself in the dads shoes how would you feel if he had a girlfriend and your child called her mommy. Im glad your daughter feels that comfortable with your fiance and it doesn’t make you a bad mom at all however i understand bio dads feelings as well. Maybe try reassuring bio dad its in no way trying to take his place or be disrespectful to him and that their is room for all of you to love the kid.
How would you like her calling another woman mommy?
Ok everyone is concerned with the parents feelings, but HELLO that kid will be CRUSHED if you correct her. As a child that went through this situation, I would’ve been absolutely heartbroken if my step mom corrected me and didn’t let me call her mom. She tried to say momma(first name) but I refused and just called her mom, my bio mom was mommy. Point being, The child knows who her dad is, but has a great relationship with the step dad! Let them have a great loving relationship, that is hard to achieve from a broken home. Focus on being great coparents and that’s it! She understands her dads place in her life but is too much of a child to express that. Let her decide what to call him, she’s just a little girl and expressing her love.
So you’ve been together for and year and four months and she’s been calling him daddy for almost a years. Which means you let her start calling him daddy after 4 months of being together? Thats so wrong on so many levels. Unless dad isn’t active in her life then no one but him should be called daddy imo especially starting after only 4 months of knowing the guy.
It is hard as she is so little and her other siblings will. Maybe call her biological father daddy and her step dad bonus daddy or daddy ( first name). I call my step son bonus child ( albeit he is 22 now). Good luck
I personally wouldn’t make the 4 year old feel bad for calling him dad if she chooses to do so. So she has two daddies. But the conversation needs to be brought up to bio dad that if his daughter does this it doesn’t take away from the fact that he is her dad. That she is blessed to have two dads in her life that love her. Whatever his decision try to do what’s best for the child. Also explain to him if a more permanent mother figure would come into her life that you would expect the same as well, as in let the child choose if she feels comfortable to call her mom and have 2 mommies. It would be ideal that she felt loved and safe in both households no matter what. I’m for the child chosing who she calls everyone.
It has nothing zero to do with what the mother wants or the father wants or The stepfather or a stepmother all y’all can go to f****** hell. The only person making another person a parent is the child if the child wants to call if her parents or his parents are split up and want to call the stepdad stepmom or dad that is up to the child it should never ever ever be brought up by any of the parents it should only come out as natural from the child’s mouth because that’s what she feels that person to be. Every adult okay most adults in this post thread y’all are literally abusing children by not allowing them to feel a natural way when you are the ones who created the issue and limiting the child from feeling certain ways that’s abuse by forcing the child to feel a certain way that is also abuse why when you have a child your family is not yours anymore it is the child get over yourself okay so it didn’t work out with f****** partner number one does it mean you go to partner number two and force your first born into how you want the family to be because you know what you already started with the firstborn and that’s disrespect you’re teaching your child right off the bat how to disrespect people get back to the basics
Yeah, y’all have to talk about this together (without MIL), maybe in a counselor’s office if things will get testy. I can see where it would get odd if one child gets to call your fiancé Daddy and the older one has to call him “Name.” Though some kids call their bio parents by their first names too. Once a decision has been made, rehearse what you will tell your daughter and MIL so it’s kind but firm and takes their feelings into account but allows for no more discussion.
But kids are adaptable, and the relationship is what matters more than the title. I’m glad you all are concerned about everyone’s feelings. Good for you!
Maybe ask the ex if there’s another paternal name he could live with, such as Papa, or Papi or a term in another language that your baby could also use, but that would distinguish him from bio dad (though Daddy Name would seem to do that).
Is the impending birth putting your ex’s nose out of joint? Does he feel like with a new baby at your house daughter will no longer want to spend time with him, or is he jealous of your happiness? Maybe he needs reassurance that he will always be supremely important to his daughter no matter what the situation and knows who her bio dad is regardless of title or circumstance.
Once the baby is older and if it’s OK with y’all, maybe ask him if he would like your younger child to consider him as a bonus parent and call him Daddy Name also, and have both kids stay with him on occasion. Of course this depends on whether your daughter and newborn are inseparable or if the older one would be happy to get away from the chaos and get all the attention for a while!
Good luck, and how blessed you are to have so many people in your lives to love your daughter, including your ex mother in law.
I would talk to bio dad about it. After letting her call stepdad daddy for a year already I would not want to make her change that if it was going to be changed it should have been done at the start.
Be careful, this can be considered parental alienation and parents have been able to obtain more parenting time because of it. She might love the next-door neighbor like a mother if she started calling her mom and family would like you very much pure. And what are you teaching her by showing her that the only way to show appreciation for a man being nice to you is to call him 'daddy". You and your fianceYou and your fiancé she wanna teacher is there going to be many men in her life that really going to be nice to her, and I just wanna be nice to have a new dawn reason without any strings attached without having to feel like you have to reward him with that title in your life.
He had a chance to voice his concerns a year ago!! Why now? It sounds like he is putting his feelings above the child’s and it’s going to really confuse her I would think. I get why he wouldn’t want her to call someone daddy but after a year of her doing it and letting her do it is past when it should have been stopped if it was that big of an issue for him. I don’t understand why after a year he is now making something out of it maybe ask him why after so long does it bother him.
I would be thrilled if another woman treated my children so well that they wanted to call her mom.
What does your daughter call her bio dad? It sounds like to me that he’s not much of a dad to begin with if she’s calling your fiance “daddy”. My bio dad was never in the picture and when my stepdad came a long with called him dad or daddy.
All this hate coming from people. In my opinion if he’s just now after a year plus saying he doesn’t like it and his mom said you were a bad mom for it, it sounds like HIS mom has an issue with it and he doesn’t want to upset her by letting it go like he has been. Sounds like his mom needs to butt out of it and let dad make his own decisions like he has been with not caring the daughter calls her bonus dad daddy (his first name).
I don’t think it’s disrespectful to call her fiance Daddy I would let her call him what she wants her sister will be going to calling him daddy and so that would make her feel left out if she wasn’t able to after doing it all this time my daughter called nearly every mama she seen her mama plumb up till she was in her twenties I never had a problem with it as long as you know who the Mama and Daddy really are it does not hurt for a child to call their step daddy or stepmama daddy or Mama I think it’s wonderful to call them that just so shows that they got more than Mom and Dad in their life they got two mamas and two daddies which is a blessing considering there’s so many out here that don’t even have one mama or one Daddy
Mostly likely she calls her “step dad” daddy (insert name) because he gave her the same sense of protection and comfort and love and attention that she gets from her bio dad. There is nothing wrong with that. I told my son’s father that if my son was to ever call a woman he was with mom on his own that I would be fine with that because that means she reminds him of me and takes care of him the way I do. Let the child call her “step dad” daddy and the bio dad needs to put his feeling aside and think about the daughter and the reasons she might be calling him daddy
Let the child call him whatever they are comfortable calling him. My daughter used to call my ex matt dad. He was not her father but raised her from 4 months to 8 years old when she split.
Whatever she is comfortable with
He will get over it. The fact that she loves him enough and trusts him enough to call him daddy should be enough for him. She knows who her dad is, he can grow up
What if the shoe was on the other foot and she was calling your her dad’s girlfriend mommy. Also you said you’ve been together for 1 yr four months and that is what she was calling him for almost a yr. Which means she didn’t come up with that her self. She’s to young to know to do that. If you introduced him by name that’s what she would call him not being rude but it’s obvious. You share 50/50 with her dad her dad communicated he doesn’t like it which I do not blame him. So correct it. I’ve been with my boyfriend five yrs my son was about 6 when he met him. He does not call him daddy. I have a almost two yr old with my boyfriend now and it’s not confusing for my two yrs old. And you said your child goes to dad’s 50/50. So youre more worried about calling your boyfriend a different name will be confusing for the new baby. But not being at your house won’t be. Your infant wont understand. My two yrs old knows when his brother leaves he asks for him and I say bro bro is at his daddy’s. I just don’t feel your four yr old who was three at the time decided on her own first time meeting your boyfriend was like I’m gonna call him daddy so and so. If you introduced by his name that’s what your 3 yr old would call him by. It’s been a yr now though of this… So it may be confusing to her now. Dad maybe struggling because of the new baby. But also I find it hard to believe this is new. Or she just started calling him daddy so and so. I don’t feel this post is 100 percent truthful because there are too many details that don’t add up to me. Or it is and because of the new baby bio dad is feeling his child is going to forget him.
hes a step DAD so whats she suppose to call him stepdad? if child wants to then let her doesnt mean real dad any less than a dad
I’d say whatever she’s comfortable with, let dad know she’s not trying to hurt him but also sees your fiancé as a father figure
Many parenting plans have a clause in them to prevent anyone but mom or dad being referred to as such. What does your parenting plan say?
My opinion is, if she’s doing it on her own why stop her? If you were forcing it and making her call him dad it would be different. My ex and I made an agreement when we split that we wouldn’t ever force our kids to call someone else mom/dad unless the boys who are 9 and 7 want too. Will it sick if they want too? Sure but they are in control of their choices of what they call people as long as it’s not disrespectful.
If he wants her to stop calling him that, HE needs to have that conversation with her. Not you. With a new baby who will inevitably call your fiancé daddy and she used to call him daddy ____ she is gonna wonder why she’s not allowed and eventually think it’s because he doesn’t love her like he does the new baby if you or your fiancé say something.
I was in your daughter’s place. My parents let me choose. My step mom was always Ma, that’s what my brothers (her boys) called her and my dad called her. I struggled with my step-dad, growing up I called him by name, now he is dad.
There is nothing wrong with having more than 2 parents that love a child.
I personally think its wrong. He isn’t her Daddy
…um excuse me what?? You’re getting married. Not just dating him. It would be a different situation if the child were older and felt differently themselves. But she’s calling him daddy all on her own and he cares for her as his own. He definitely deserves title of dad. Bio Dad is gonna have to get over it. Kids should not be forced to call steps mom or dad or forced NOT to call them that. It should all be up to the child. If you separate you know your ex partner will find someone else and they are gonna fill in for when you aren’t there. I don’t make my boyfriends kids call me mom and neither does he. But their mom makes them call her boyfriend Papa John. I don’t make my kids call my boyfriend dad. They call him dad on their own. My girls father is not in the picture and my son’s dad works out state currently so doesnt see him often. My son calls his dad papa and my boyfriend daddy. The only reason I don’t like my son calling his stepmom “mom” is because there’s alot of nasty history there and i hate her with a passion. Otherwise I wouldn’t have had any issues. Maybe one day I’ll get over it. Your ex had the chance to tell you it made him uncomfortable and doing this now would mess with your daughter’s emotions. There is no need to change how she calls him. Ex MIL is just plain hateful in my opinion.
Her real father has the child just as much as you. The real father is present in his child’s life. So NO his child should NOT be calling your fiancée DAD! How would you feel if he was getting married and your child started to call his other half “Mom”???.. It’s great that your other half loves her, but she has a real father that loves her, cares for her, and is just as much part of the childs life as you are. Have some respect for that!
What ever makes the child comfortable…Who cares what ex husbands mother thunks
We left it up to our kids. Them calling the bonus parent mom or dad does feel like a punch in the gut. But no need to make the child feel bad or make them stop. It gets easier to hear with time.
There is no way! I would never want my kids to call another woman Mom and I gave others that same respect. My step daughter wanted to do this at four also and I told her that she had a mother and she could come up with a different name for me. She started calling me Momma Mia. I told her she could call me mom if she still felt the same way at 13.
People are flaky here. The ones who go against your child’s wishes should not be taken seriously . . Please don’t destroy your child’s outlook because people are selfish and narrow minded .
Let her. If she feels like calling him dad them thats her right
If she is calling him daddy (his first name) I don’t see the problem. She has her daddy and then she has daddy (first name). It’s her choice and always should be.
It is wrong They have one dad and mom
She knows who her bio dad is. When you have a blended family you do have more than one mom and dad(step). She should be able to call him whatever she wants. Your ex needs to grow up and be grateful that so many people love your child. Explain to him that you are not replacing him as her Father and she knows the difference between the two.
So, you let your toddler start calling someone “Daddy” after only 4 months of dating him?
And the people saying they’d be fine with that are idiots. You can’t even really know a person in four months! Most relationships don’t end up working out and every new guy can’t be their daddy.
If the child wants to call him that then why not? Why take away what a child wants to call someone because of another’s selfish behavior? It’s about the child, not immature “adults” that can’t get over themselves.
If the child’s biological father is very much involved in her life, then she shouldn’t be calling anyone else Dad. My mom married my step-dad when I was 8 and my brother was 6. We both immediately started calling him Dad, but that’s because our biological father didn’t have much of anything to do with us. She doesnt have to call him Dad to see or know that he loves her and cares about her. If you would prefer that she not call him by his name, come up with something else for her to call him. There are a million ways to say “dad” without saying dad. Decide on something that everyone is happy with… something that has the same meaning but doesn’t upset her biological dad.
That’s fine if its ok to you for her to call other female a Mom…
She is four and trying to make sense of the situation. She had seen this man for a year and he has taken on a father type figure. I personally don’t see an issue with letting her call him whatever she feels like (with in reason ofc) as long as bio dad isn’t hurt or if he hasn’t been there for her. Sounds like he has though since it’s 50/50 custody. This situation is a little different though because she has already been calling this man Daddy (name) for a year and it wasn’t a problem before. Now he could have not felt comfortable with saying anything being that y’all are separated or it could just be ex MIL sticking her nose in.
Now on the flip side, put yourself in your child’s father’s shoes. Would you mind her calling his significant other if and when he has one Mommy (insert name here)? It’s tough but kids are resilient and if it’s an issue everyone involved needs to come up with a solution or compromise. Best of luck.
My step daughter calls me Krystal and always has. I’ve been her step mom since she was 11 months old, so before she could talk. She will every now and again call me mom, but it doesn’t bother me. She can call me mom or by my name, either way she knows I’m her step mom & I love her and that’s all I want credit for.
The child should be able to call a step parent whatever they want. Co parenting is a huge deal & very important.
I personally feel like it’s really disrespectful, especially when he’s only been around a year and change & you let it start happening at only a few months? I know I’m probably coming off as really judgmental rn but honestly if the rolls were reversed and his girl of a few months was being called mommy, you’re saying you’d be okay with that? I doubt it.
My oldest calls her god father Daddy (first name) and her dad, dad. And my youngest calls that childs dad Daddy (first name) and her dads Da. Promise we don’t care and never have. People have blended families and kids see who cares for them or is there for them or loves them. I’m the step mom who has been called everything from my name to mommy
As long as she is not being forced to call your fiancé daddy, she is making the choice. These terms of endearment are a sign of respect. Your daughter is showing respect. As hard as it may be to hear for her bio dad or you (when she gets a step mom) Remember the most important thing. The more people that love our children the better. How can that possibly hurt? These “names”do not mean that the child loves the other parent any less, it just means they love them and respect them in the caring figure they have become to be.
I may be the odd ball out here but I’ve called my step dad daddy for 18 years… I started out calling him something else but not long after my mom and him got serious I started calling him daddy. I’m 26 now and still call him daddy I called my step mom, mom for a while but she didn’t deserve the mom title lol
my grandson calls his step dad dad and refers to him as his parent. prior to my son’s death, he always referred to them as daddy matthew and daddy greg. matthew is my son. my son died 9/24/16–when his little boy was 4 years old. to this day, he still calls my son daddy matthew but no longer refers to greg as daddy greg, it’s just dad. this does not bother me. what bothered me more was the day i heard him say, daddy greg really isn’t my dad, he is my step dad. it broke my heart. i then explained what a dad and mom is. in my case, we have a good relationship with the mother of my grandson and her s.o. i know alot of people will disagree with this, but i see nothing wrong with your cihld referring to him as daddy joe. encourage the relationship between your child and the dad and hopefully everyone will get on the same page as what is best for the child and not the parent(s).
The child has a dad and that is the one she should call dad. Doing the math, the child was 3 when she started calling him dad four months after you got together? That wouldn’t have just happened unless the child was somehow instructed to. Just my thought… should have never been allowed to start. It’s disrespectful to the real dad who has been there 50/50.
Would you be bothered if your daughter called your exes girlfriend mommy? I personally think it’s wrong. Theres one mommy and daddy and if both are in childs life they deserve the title. Step dad or step mom to me is the appropriate title
I grew up calling both my dad and my step dad daddy they are both my father’s… I don’t see the issue with it…
She was calling him daddy way too soon! You dont even know a person in 4 months. You dont even really know a person after a year! Letting your child call a stranger daddy after only 4 months is completely reckless to that child’s life. How would you feel if she called another woman mommy?
This little girl has two men that love her like a daughter. When the new baby starts to say “daddy” to this little girls step dad, but she can’t because it hurt her biological fathers feelings, she’s going to feel like an outsider. I understand that her bio dad is on fact in her life and a great father. Calling someone else daddy will not replace the relationship or emotions that she holds for him. Life is so complicated and confusing, why add to it? Let her have her 2 daddy’s that love her unconditionally.
Can she call his gf mommy
I agree with you in this regard. At this stage she is very young and would not understand why she can’t call your fiance Dad if her soon to be born sister gets to call him Dad. Maybe you could let her choose a special nickname for your fiance that she and her sister could call him as a small gesture to her father? I do feel though that if you discuss your reasoning mentioned with her Dad that he would understand and not want his daughter’s feelings to be hurt by making her call your fiance something different to what her sister will be calling him. And as Julie Verdugo mentions, calling someone else Dad does not mean that she loves her own Dad any less. All the best, I hope her Dad will be understanding.
If I were you I would sit down and have a talk with her tell her you know who your father is even though he and I do not live together now it bothers your dad that you call my boyfriend daddy and it bothers my boyfriend’s mother that you call her son Daddy so why don’t you call him Daddy and his first name like this daddy Bob and then her biological dad daddy that way it would be different and she would probably be more comfortable that way and if everybody else doesn’t like it tell them get over it!
Let your daughter call him whatever she’s comfortable with.
I’ve been with my husband since my step daughter was 2 and she’s now 13. Never once has she called me mom. She has a mom. A 3 year old wouldn’t start calling a new person in their life daddy unless somebody else referred to him in that way. I would respect her father’s wishes, especially if he is actively in her life. You don’t need to correct her but simply refer to your fiancé by his name when you’re talking about him. If you keep saying bring this to daddy then she’ll refer to him that way. Start saying bring this to (insert name) and she’ll understand.
If you have full custody of your daughter and your future husband continuously plays a significant roll in her life, she will call him daddy, so do not change a thing. The child gets to call the shots on this one, so parents and ex-inlaws back off. Follow thru and demand no one talks to her about it, especially at her age
Even with 50/50 custody she would have eventually started calling him dad
So as an adopted kid I had my bio parents mama “their name” and daddy “their name” and I’d switch who I called mama and daddy based on who I was with. Adults need to be adults and get that there’s no harm in having another person in their lives
I dont see a problem with it. Why make a deal out of it? It doesn’t harm anyone…and you are marrying him and she will have a sister soon that will be calling him daddy…so if you are married to him and he takes care of her like his own,then deserves the title daddy. Would do more harm than good to change it now…
My step dad/ adoptive dad was always called daddy. I love him so much and couldn’t imagine life without him. He came into my life when I was about five. He was finally able to adopt me when I was 16. He is my dad. My father wasn’t the greatest so my situation is a bit different.
Honestly as long as the child knows who is who, just let her do what makes her more comfortable
When my son was 3, I got married to someone who is NOT his father. He saw his dad regularly but still wanted to call my husband Daddy Aaron. HE chose that and asked if it was ok. His dad, my ex, never had a problem with it. My son is now 11 and still calls his step dad by daddy aaron and his dad is still dad. It’s literally no big deal.
He should be happy someone else loves her like his own and share the title happily
No. Dad is dad. Mum is mum. Anyone else has a name thats not mum or dad. !!!
I know a child who calls him stepmother “mom 2” and I love that. I think it’s so cute, respectful and fitting. I don’t think I could ever be okay with my kids calling another woman mom, but I think mom 2 or mom (insert name) would be okay. Hard to say without being in that’s situation. Sounds like you and her dad may need to talk about it.
At that age you just want your daddy to be around a lot n the obsession of him being around it’s pretty nice. I think you should be open to her and be honest. Tell her her daddy is her biological dad and that your fiancé can be her daddy too but that if she has any questions she can ask you anything. Just be there for her but yeah she should choose.
Girl no matter what you do someone will always disagree its up to you what happens in your home.
I feel like it’s not up to the other parent or their parents it’s up to the child. My step dad is my dad, I do also have my birth father who is also my dad, it’s not up to anyone but that baby what she wants to call him.
I think you should let your daughter call him daddy. And her bio dad needs to learn to get over it. If that’s what she is comfortable with then let it be. That doesn’t make you any less of a mother
I honestly think you should respect the other parent. Awesome he is a great dad to your kiddo but she has a dad who’s actively involved.
Let her if she’s the one choosing it. My niece who I have raised since she was 8 1/2 months old cuz me and my husband who came into her life at 2 years old mommy and daddy and she know her real parents and she knows exactly who I am to her and who my husband is to her but in her eyes I’m not her aunt I’m her mom.
Maybe she can call him something else like papa (insert name here)? I think she should be able to call him what she wants but then I had a flash of my daughter calling someone else mommy and I think that would bother me
My sister and brother has called my dad “dad” ever since my parents got married. Their father never seemed to be bothered by it tho. Its not like they loved their dad any less. They just had one extra dad in their life.