Should I let my daughter choose her haircut?

Make her earn the money for the haircut.
(If you choose.)
Personally After her earning money for styling Id warn her if she doesn’t like it after and complains or has a mood she must contribute to the next hairstyling.

I always allowed my daughter to decide even though they found it wrong.

Hard to control teens. Pick your battles. Realize it is hair. Give her a bit of control over herself

Don’t sweat the small stuff it’s the big stuff that should worry you. Hair will grow……

It’s hair. It will grow.
Pick your battles.
There will be bigger things coming. If you battle little things (hair cuts) when the big ones come along you have no where to go. You are against everything.

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its her hair …i let my kids choose …longer hair can cause headaches

What is a pixie hair cut like short back n sides n spiked.

She is old enough let her it will grow back if she don’t like it and if it makes her happy then she should go for it

Let her. I was allowed to choose my hair style since I was in 2nd grade.

Type a contract up . Have her sign it . Discuss it with her . Remind her if she chooses the haircut there might be consequences. Sometimes when girls are 12 this yearn for a new look is right about PMS time . Let school start snd then allow her to make her own decision.

Get her to sign a handwritten note stating she did it with free will and WILL NOT WHINE AND BLAME ANYONE BUT HERSELF IF SHE DOESNT LIKE IT!

I’m older but I would maybe try to get her to try something less extreme first big u don’t think she is going to like it. Moms usually know their child.

Get her karate lessons…did that with my first one …a child I went thru he’ll to keep alive when very young…when I learned. bullies at a respected private school had been trying to push him down a hill.

I see most of us agree - let your child choose their own hair style ( per school) it really helps them feel good / and learn the consequence of action .

Take her to a wig salon and try on a wig with that cut. If she doesn’t like the look, then no hair lost.

It’s hair…it will grow back

Yes! Pick your battles and this is her express herself

She’s old enough to choose just make sure she knows the work that goes into it

Her hair, why Not? It will grow back…

At 12 I think it’s reasonable to allow them to start becoming their own person. The only cause for worry is if their behavior changes and is going down the wrong path. But if she’s responsible and we’ll rounded and just wants to express her own personality it could be a good thing for her.

Please allow her to make mistakes while they are not life threatening…she needs the practice.

I have had a pixie since I was 12 and I’ll be 64 this Friday. What’s the big deal about a pixie? Did I read that right?? She will take her anger out on you and her dad?? Hahaha you need to get a grip on a good switch!! Who runs your house :flushed:

It’s their hair let them have it the way they want it

Pick other things to fight about!!! It will grow out!!! Let her do it!

She is old enough, but not necessarily mature enough to choose - so let Her have some say in deciding!!

Children learn by making decisions. If she doesn’t like it, she won’t do it again.

Only 12 she’s been old enough to pick her own style

Take her to a wig store and have her try on different styles.

Is that a new style? Let her. Who knows she may be your little designer to be.

It’s a benign mistake if it is a mistake. And it’s a harmless mistake for her to start learning what’s involved in desicion making. Let her learn she has power but along with it come responsibility for consequences

What do you mean “bullied again?” I don’t understand why people keep sending their kids to schools where they get bullied.
Give her examples of all the times she took it out on you and her dad and say no.

Why would a girls want a boy haircut? Encourage your daughters to be, look, and act like who God made them.

No. She will want more and more so when you start it doesn’t stop. Wait one more school year.

Hair will grow back!

I’d let her. It’s hair…it’ll grow back.

Let her do it and so be it if that happens. It will be a lesson for her.

I’d let her try on some wigs with a pixie cut and see what she thinks. Other styles, too. And if she gets it cut and takes it out on you…I’d be saying, It was your decision.
Oh and as the adult, Why aren’t you saying ‘ No and stop asking

I always let my children wear their hair the way they wanted providing they kept it clean and tidy.

Yes - its the first step in owning your own body

People are missing the point. You are trying to keep her from being bullied. Use your better judgment. At the end it’s your heartbreak.

Begin by putting her n check u know adult-child role. Make the adult decision and stand ur ground. Since when r kids n charged making their own decision. Give n next demand may ruin ur child’s life.

Its hair and should be her choice.

Maybe letting her do what she wants with her hair at that age will make her stronger if she’s not gonna let the bullies bother her about it.

Why would you ask strangers on FB rather than let your child get her haircut and deal with any fallout as part of decision-making. She needs to learn to accept responsibility for her decisions in life. And her hair will grow out again. It’s not like it would be short forever!

So why do u let her be disrespectful to you and her Dad??

Pick your battles. A haircut is NOT one.

Why would you assume she will get picked on ?

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Hair grows. If she makes a mistake? It will be changed when it grows.

She is twelve and has a mind of her own. If she agrees with you buy a pixie cut wig and let her try it. The nearest and closest are the ones who cop the fallout if any thing happens.

Why wouldn’t you let her pick her haircut

Ots her hair not yours so it should be ber decision.

Try to figure out HER rationale.

Whats wrong with a pixie?

Let her do whatever she wants to her hair. She is finding herself and it will grow back

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Who is paying for the hair cut?

Let her have the choice of haircut. She will be happier.

Yep. Let her do it. If she doesn’t like it well, we’ve all been there

Her hair…her feelings…her time to spread her wings and fly! Smile and wish her a happy landing!

Yes Let Her Start Making some decisions! Might feel better about herself!:blush:

It’s the beginning of her self-expression let her do it! :raising_hand_woman::heart:

Great advice here! I sure hope you let her cut it as she likes.

I think she should be able to try it yes

I let my 8 year old do the same cut. She gets picked on constantly. :disappointed:

Pixie haircuts are adorable

Let her cut it! Give her some control over her own body, it’s just hair😊

I never made an issue over hair. It’s not worth it!!!

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Let her. If she hates it, she will learn about consequences. If she loves it, she will gain confidence.

Yes she that age now we’re she nos what she would like

Are you the parent you said no no


She is 12, let her cut her hair.

Yes. Let her be herself. My mom cut my hair all the time.

Yes she’s 12. Hair grows!!

I do not have a daughter, but I say no!!!

Let her choose this is how they become themselves

Vicky you are Ann Landers ! You give the best advice ! You should start a page " Ask Vicky !

Her body, her choice.

I like Jamie Curtis’s pixie look

Let her decide. The other girls will be jealous of her thats their insecurities

It’s hair, it’ll grow back

It’s just hair. Yes.

Yes, 12 yo is old enough to know how you want to look!

This is a phase she is going though. My granddaughter went though it and seemed to act so different. My pastor who was also principal at a private school for several years assured me it was totally normal and she would return to her normal self. He was totally right. That lasted about a year and she’s in her second year of college and is the sweet , precious girl I watched grow up. I had two boys so I didn’t understand the girl stuff. She will be fine!

You know what you want to do divine or identity

it’s only hair.

Yeah she’s the age now let her

If she gets teased she needs to stand up for herself and put them in their place. Go for it. I think she’ll look awesome.

Ok let me say props to your daughter for not caring what others think of her. She is old enough to start making choices . You as a parent need to let her and if she gets her feelings hurt and takes it out on you , suck it up your the parent. If you keep avoiding her being able to deal with emotions good or bad she will never survive out on her own. You need to figure out a way to talk to and deal with your child’s emotions And stop stifling her so you don’t have to deal with the consequences of being a parent and raising a child

Its her hair, her choice, shes old enough

Let her do it. It will be good for her.

My parents made me get a pixie hated it. I was 8

They grow up and we have to let them :pensive:

Try it. Hair always grows back. I’ve messed up my daughter’s hair a few times. She was never mad about it or made fun of because of it… some were really really bad, I cried because of it.

Well it sounds like the haircut is solely for your attention because you sound resentful. Your child isn’t “taking out” anything on you. She just wants some love at home when she doesn’t get it at school. You obviously don’t know her feelings. Stop being so narcissistic and be there for your kid.

Let her have her haircut anyway she wants but make sure you tell her beforehand if you choose this haircut and you don’t like it when it’s done and do not blame it on me.

Good lord, better make sure that it’s a hairdresser that knows what they are doing. I’m 52 and just got a ‘pixie’ cut. Mmm… My 11 year old son has a cuter hair cut than my ‘cute pixie’ cut

You’re being very disrespectful to her by not supporting her choices. Don’t tell her she’s going to be bullied for something before it even happens. That’s bullying in and of itself.


I let my girls pick their haircuts at age 7. Taught them to take care of hair themselves. It’s hair, it grows back if she doesn’t like it

Find a store that sells wigs and let her try the cuts and styles on so she can see and feel what it would be like. Bring a trusted friend with her and let them discuss the pros and cons of each style. Unless it’s really off the wall go sit in a corner and stay out if it. Her head her consequences.

Let her get her hair cut,its one of our body freedoms ,how you wear your hair…i took a terrible beating from a step father because i cut my hair…i wanted it that badly…my entire life ive always had a thing about my hair because of thst…its just hair , a renewable resource!!

Tell her she can get the haircut if she signs a
contract with you that says if she hates it or gets bullied for it she can’t react negatively towards you or anyone else, or she loses a privileged such as internet, tv or phone. You can set limits such as, first violation of contract-one day loss of cell phone. Second violation-2 day loss of phone and internet, etc. Let’s see how bad she wants a haircut after those stipulations.