Should I let my daughter choose her haircut?

Let her its her hair i just went thru this with my grand daughter

Let her choose. Both my kids wanted to dress Goth when they were in highschool. I let them because that is when they need to be able to do those things. When they get out of school and get a job they will (most likely) have to dress a certain way. Relax mom, it’s only her hair!!

My vote is let her. Hair grows back if she doesn’t like it. She is almost a teen and these are the types of decisions that you need to start letting her make while still removing any adult decision from her.

I had long hair braids I could sit on until I was about 10 or 11. I wanted it cut so had so short was almost a bald cut. I loved it and keep it short to this day some 60 years later. Never regretted my decision.

Kids at twelve know what they want so if she has long hair suggest you take her to just cuts grand central opposite food hall, they will cut it shorter n continue to restyle as she is comfortable with the length. Like to hit it off short totally within one minute would shock but I had long hair and they did three or four shorter styles before the final chop. Love it.

Her hair let her decide. My mother refused to let me decide my own haircut till I was 16 and I hated it.

I usually help or pay for my 12 year old to do what she wants with her hair, but there have been styles we have discussed at length before hand because she will do minimal maintenance and it ends up looking a mess all the time with certain cuts. Just something to consider :slight_smile:

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Don’t let her do it. She’ll regret it and so will you. I did it at her age and it took years before I had normal looking hair again.

At 12 years old your daughter should have some autonomy as to her haircut! Short of dangerous spikes extending out to poke people eyes out, I think her choice should be respected.

my daughter does what she wants with her hair.

Yes, let your daughter have the haircut ! She is showing her independence and when she expressing that she doesn’t care what others care about her " new " haircut , she is displaying that she is finally gaining her footing to having the " bullies" leave her alone !!
And as for her taking it out on you and your husband , parents are suppose to encourage , support and keep children safe . So encourage her and let her make her own decisions to a point .

Yes, its her hair. It will grow back if she doesn’t like it. Also a critical lesson in being a woman is what you do to yourself you have to live with.

Yes let her :heart: I had a pixie cut when I was younger an hated it, but was so cute on my cousin and wanted the same thing. You can always have her hair cut a little at a time. she may like her hair a certain length before going short. At 12 they are definitely trying to find their self and what they like. Now the taking things out on you when it doesn’t go her way may need to be adjusted a little bit. Communication is key an somethings don’t need to cross the line as walking over you. There are boundaries for a reason an acting like that gets you grounded & things taken away real quick. Smart mouthing does too. Respect your parents to earn respect an always let her know you have her back an support her through the rough times. Talk to her about bullies an standing up for herself no matter what.

Let her, it’s on hair it will grow back. If that’s the style she feels she will be comfortable in, just go with it

The young girl who played the granddaughter on Blue Shield had a pixie haircut and it was adorable on her.

For sure! It’s just hair. Teaching kids consequences is so important. Should she hate her decision if she loves it, that is an incredible feeling at 12.

Pick your battles. A haircut shouldn’t be a battle. If she doesn’t like it - it will grow again. Not worth the hassle. Mum of 6 so I do understand

Pick your battles carefully at this age. Let her choose her own hair cut!

Let her change her hair it will grow back. My daughter hated her long hair and took pair of scissors to even shorter when we went to get it fixed

It’s just hair, you can always get little colored pieces threw out it, it grows

Let her! Hair grows back! Let her express herself! Let her put color or whatever she wants done to her hair. As for other people tell her to just ignore the ignorance of other people. If she likes it that’s all that matters.

I let my 8 year old twins start choosing their haircuts at 6. They both have pixie cuts and love them

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Being 12 is hard enough without a bad hair cut. I would take it up gradually not all at once. You know, start with a Bob cut then go from there.

Take her somewhere that sells wigs and let her see how it will look on her

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Better to learn to make her own choices early. Hair grows back.

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Yes, she’s old enough to decide and it will grow back… she’ll never learn a thing if you keep controlling her life.

My daughter wanted a pixie cut her dad said no but we compromised and she has had a chin length Bob for a few years. I didn’t care what she did with it. She wears mostly clothes from the boys section. That’s what makes her comfortable. People think she’s a boy all of the time and she doesn’t even care. I wish I had her confidence at her age. The only thing I won’t buy her is boy. underwear

I let my kids pick their hair cuts very young. Like age 5 . At 12 I would definitely let them. Its their hair

hair grows back. let her experiment

Let her do it. She is old enough to know what she likes and it sounds like she has plenty of confidence.

Hair will grow back unlike tattoos. Tattoos just bleed and sag with age. My son had a pony tail. Daughter is a red head with dreds

Am I the only one that see’s a problem with her taking things out on her parents that happen at school??


Who cares what plp think they dnt live in her shoes irs her hair she can wear how she wants it’s an of expression of who she is

Let her learn say well I think no but if you have too … but please don’t blame me if it all goes to hell in the other hand if those school mates bully or tease her and she’s sad please take time to hug her she is only twelve tell her the best way to get them back is to study hard and get better marks

I got a pixie - from ponytail length - at 12, when we moved from France to Florida and my hair was always sweaty from playing and bike riding

I let my son pick his haircut to a degree it has to be within the school standards but the fact he gets a haircut is a huge step when he was younger it was almost impossible to get his hair cut with his autism that’s why I’m not too fazed
Hair grows back that’s the beauty of it

Our family decided that hair was not going to be one of our battles. It grows back. My advice, pick your battles wisely. Good luck whatever you decide!

I let my daughter make a similar decision when she was 12 & she was miserable, especially when a substitute teacher lined her up on the boy side of the room!:sleepy:

I went over this with my daughter. She wanted the back short and the front long. What I have heard being called the “Karen” cut. I tried to talk her out of it but she wanted it. So I let her get it. They exact thing happened that I thought would. She did get teased. But she didn’t let it bother her cause it was what she wanted. So I say let your daughter get it and if she tries to take it out on you, remind her this is what SHE wanted

Let her try on a wig in the style she wants to cut her hair. If she likes it. Let her cut it.

Pixie cuts are very in style! She may hate it but she is young. It will grow fast. I let my daughter do it in 2nd grade. She loved it! Didn’t care what anyone said and grew it out.

I was not given the choice to let my hair grow out except for my brother’s wedding then chopped off again. I am sure it was one reason I was bullied. My hair was cut short like a boy. I hated it. It took a long time for my hair to start growing faster and now it grows like a weed.

I regret letting my daughter…she’s 42 now and still blames me for allowing.

Hell yeah! I let my kids choose. It’ll grow back if they don’t like it… And if they love it, great… if not… they won’t want it again :slightly_smiling_face:

I was so restricted growing up, that I have always allowed my children the freedom to dictate their own personal styles. My only limit is when it comes to tattoos. LOL. I do my best to teach my children, to be true to themselves, while informing them of the potential backlash they may receive from their peers.If they’re good, and it complies with school dress code, then I’m good.

Mine has been super short since that age. I took a lot of crap for it in high school, but I never once thought about changing it.
IMO you send a terrible message when you don’t let a child do things they really want to because you’re concerned someone, who doesn’t even matter in the grand scheme of things, might pick on her.
My dad wouldn’t let me play softball when I was about 12. I never knew why until I was around 40. He was afraid I’d get picked on. I can’t even put into words how disappointed I was in him for making that call for that reason.
Empower your child. Do not hold her back. If she’s begging, she wants this pixie. Let her have it, please.

It is just hair! Let her have some control and stop making it about you.

She is old enough to make choices of her hairstyle…Hair will grow back

Yes if u think she is mature enough if u think she is not put yourself in her shoes and see what u think

Yes. She has to learn to deal with her hair and people. Trying to protect her won’t stop what’s going on.

Hair grows. Let her. She’ll will wish she didn’t. Don’t tell her I told you so. Let her say Mom YOU were right.

Yes. If she is pretty sure that is what she wants, let her do it. Have her look at pictures in the salon and get the advice of the stylist. Then, let her choose, unless she wants to do something really crazy.

I would say yes, I let my kids wear their hair the way they wanted, it grows back.

Not doing something because someone will bully you is literally surrendering to bullies. Let your child get the cut and teach her how to deal with bullies. She will get bullies at every age…and if you teach her now, she will be able to deal with them every single time.

My daughter asked for a short cut at 5 now at 25 its long and beautiful

Let her cut her hair and tell her that if she does not like it, too bad as she chose it. Actions have consequences, but fortunately the hair should grow back.

Let her cut it and reinforce that 9f she is bullied to try and not let it bother her. Bullies are trying to make themselves feel better but your daughter has the ability to turn the tables. My granddaughter is 13 and has been chosing her haircut and color for her bangs. Tell her she is better than the bullies.

Braid it up, put it in a bun at the top of her head, then have her look at herself in the mirror. Does she like how she looks? If she does let her cut it, hair grows back.

12? Yes. You may as well because she may end up doing it herself…if she’s anything like me.

One question. Is she the parent or are you the parent? The answer is no. You should not let her get a pixie hair cut for her sake.


Absolutely! Hair grows. It’s 1 small way children can Express themselves

Honestly by not letting her choose her haircut you are teaching her what bullies think is right. Let her be her!

If she cuts it and doesn’t like it maybe dyeing it a fun color would help. Be sure beforehand she understands it is her decision and you will not be blamed if it doesn’t go as planned!

See if someone can photoshop a picture of her with a pixie cut. There are photoshop groups on FB and from what I’ve seen the people are really nice

Let her wear her hair how she wants to!

I don’t understand. Apparently she was bullied in the past, but is no longer? What does a haircut have to do with that bullying, or any other bullying? And should mom’s fear of an angry tween be reason for not allowing a haircut? I’d lay down the law about the tweens behavior should things not go well, and stick to it if they don’t. I certainly wouldn’t let them punish me for something I didn’t do. Get her a punching bag or something and tell her to mind her manners around her parents.

You shouldn’t, she might demand for more and believe she can always get what she wants. Tell her when she gets to a certain age she can get one or during summer/vacation.

She Needs Counciling ,NOW.! Taking It Out On Her Parents instead of the People Doing The Billing is Showing She Is NOT Thinking Cleary !! Has She Had Any Brain or Head Injuries in the past Few Years. A New Hairdo Isn’t Going to solve her Problems !! Let Her Be Her !! Its’ Her Hair. If She Wants It Chopped Up. Then so Be It. Hair Grows Back Out !! That Doesn’t Make You Noticed.Your Face ,Bright Eyes ,& Smile do . You Should Explain that to Her !! Have Her Know What Ever Reaction She Has is On Her. You Didn’t tell them to do it !! & You All Won’t Be Blamed fr. It.If There is Already Kids Getting in Her face Tormenting Her or Bullying Her it Definitely Should Be Addressed at School. You Should Go to the School & Report What You Believe is Going On !! Talk With the Kids Parents in an informal Meeting at the School. Let Them know it Will Not Be Tolerated. There are now 3 sides to Every Story. Hear Each Person out. To Make A Good Decision on what Is the Truth & Falsehoods !!!

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You know her best! They go thru phases and this is just one of them. I personally don’t believe in letting them do whatever cuz they are their own person. At her age she still needs your guidance and heaven forbid if she does get bullied and it does affect her, there will be nothing you can say to take that hurt away. She shouldn’t have to go thru that at this age because of a haircut. True in life there will be people who bully others but by then she should be able to handle it as an adult, not now. Only my opinion, so no hate comments please.

Allow the haircut. Anything other than that would be telling her that she needs to live her life based on other people’s opinions.

Put her hair in a ponytail. If she likes it then she’ll know what to expect.

I didn’t even need to read this whole post to say yes. Let her cut her hair the style she wants.

so life lessons we learn through mistakes…bad hair cuts. if she hates it you’ll know, if she doesn’t you’ll know.

It’s only hair…self expression is part of growing.

I couldn’t get past where she would take it out on her mom and dad if she didn’t get her way :astonished: She’s only thirteen years old, for pete’s sake.

It’ll grow back; and so will her self esteem…

You should allow her to make decisions about hair at her age. You should not allow her to deflect responsibility by blaming you for her choice nor should she be acting out toward you. These are distinctly different issues. Her anger toward you will only get worse if she is allowed to act out. With making decisions comes responsibility for outcomes. A beautician can talk to her about her hair.

Its hair, it will grow back, leather do it

Aww she is at an age where she should be able to choose… but the awful part as a parent is if they regret and get bullied for it. Best of luck and I hope all her friends and not friends comment on how pretty she looks x

My son asked for a Mohawk at age 7. It was so long that when he didn’t “'hawk it up,” he looked like he had shaggy blonde hair. Shortly before his 14th birthday, he went to football camp. Most of the other players got a Mohawk or some variation. Steve got a buzz cut. He has had a conservative (short) haircut ever since. He just turned 25.
Hair grows. The only difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut is about 6 weeks.


If she doesn’t get the cut , she will take matters into her hands and it won’t be pleasant!

Let her try shoulder length cut first see how things go with that if all well let her get her hair however she likes

I would say, yes! I raised two girls. If they had waited short hair at that age, I would have said yes.

Take her to a wig store and let her try one on.

Please let her have bodily autonomy. Hairstyles are not something you should be dictating at age 12. Styling a pixie is very easy and if you’re afraid she won’t be “feminine enough” and get bullied, there are lots of ways to make it girly.

As long as you explain she has to live with the consequences. She is old enough to chose what she wants within reason. It will grow back it might give her confidence…

She needs to learn how to make decisions in her life. Allow her the choice and be her support system. If things are not good at school, find out why.

I would have her collect pictures of the cut she wants and then you two can go through them and pick out the cut. Take the winning photo to the Salon with you.

If you don’t let her, she’s likely to cut it herself

She’s getting older, have her pick out a style that you are both comfortable with…

She’s 12. Hair grows back.

I always told my kids “ it’s your head. I don’t have to take it to school, you do”.

Maybe allow her to get a cut/style that is half way between her length now and a pixie cut to test the waters.

My girls are 13 and 15, I let them get what they want. I’m not the one that has to wear it. They change their minds every couple of months but they enjoy getting their hair done and never had any problems with them being bullied. They go short long black blonde. They are so back and forth. I make sure they know each time they are the ones that have to wear it.

Hair will grow back. Let your child express herself. In the grand scheme of things, hair is way down on the list. 12 is old enough to make that choice.

Please, let her have a pixie. If she is bullied, you Mom, step up.

My boys have been choosing their own haircuts since they was 6 and 7.

If she’s likely to blame you get her to sign a ‘disclaimer’ that she wants it and list all the potential consequences.
It’s hair and will grow back.

Take her where she can try on a wig in the cut she’s looking for

She’s showing consistency in what she wants. Let her be happy in making her own choices.