Should I let my daughter choose her haircut?

You could try one of those apps which will show her what a certain type of cut would look like before she has it done some of the hairdressers have them in the salons. Why not do a mam and daughter day when she’s having it done so she feels she has your support. It could be a building block for bigger decisions that will come down the line where knowing she can go to you and you will be there to support her when she needs it most

I absolutely let my children have the hairstyle they wanted from the time they first asked to cut it! It’s hair, it grows back and it’s expressive!

One day I let my daughters be and experiment and said it’s just hair after many discussions. One bleached her hair badly and cut bangs lopsided. Her hair is still fragile and thin and it never quite grew right. I spent hundred and hundreds getting it fixed. My other daughter put colors to cover colors and I spent hundreds and hundreds to fix it and it still has some red tones from other dyes poking out.

Kids want something one day and by the next day they’re over it.

Don’t stop her from doing things because of the fear other people will bully her about it


Down load an app that shows how she would look with different hair styles if she still wants it then let her go for it and support her .


First off check she’s doing it for the right reasons and not because her friend has it or because someone told her she should. I would also encourage her to think about and not make rash decisions- I wanted a side fringe when I was that age because everyone else had one the best thing my mother ever did for me was to tell me no ! Hahaha

An idea buy a wig of what style she wants then let her trial it, style it etc if she loves it then get the hair cut for her

My sons always choose their haircuts they’re 12/13. They just like what they like… just make it clear that you warned her and if she takes it out out on you guys, she won’t be able to make that choice for a while.

You need to stop worrying about what your kid will get bullied for. Kids will make up the dumbest shit to go after. I legit got bullied and had a rumor go around school that I dint wear underwear beacuse they couldn’t see the outline of it through my pants. Let her make her own decisions, she will learn more from them then she will from anything else

It’s just hair if she doesn’t like it it will grow back


As my mom always said…. It’s just hair. Hair grows back. Hair can change color. If she wants a pixie cut, let her. She’s 12 so she clearly isn’t a baby. I’d let her.

It’s hair. Let her choose what she wants. She is trying to find her style and identity. Plus hair grows back. You need to be supportive of her decisions. I was 13 when I pierced my lip my mom was so supportive and a lot of parents wouldn’t have been. I appreciate my mom for never stopping me from doing what I want with my body. I’m 28 now and my mom is my best friend.

It’s her hair. It will grow back.


My 12 year old wanted the “wolf cut” aka the shag haircut. She was turning 13 in a couple days and figured it’s time to let her express herself and find what she likes! I was worried she wouldn’t like it but she loves it and it actually looks super cute on her.

Not doing something due to fear of being bullied just hands the power to the bullies. Teach your daughter to be proud of her choices and that she chooses what is right for her not what suits others


She’s 12, not 5. Yes let her! I agree with Colette, though. Make it fun, have her download an app and see what it would look like on her so you “can try it on” before committing. If she loves it, go for it!


Part of growing up…let her try


Make her write out an agreement that she will not take it out on you and her father if she doesn’t like it. I personally would tell her to get over it and shut the he** up. But it sounds like she rules the roost at your house. Your house your rules. If she starts running her mouth, pull out the agreement. It may or may not help. But worth a try. :woman_shrugging:.

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It’s her hair!! Let her do what she wants with it!!!

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Let her start being an independent, strong, healthy young lady that doesn’t need someone making every decision for her. And, let her deal with the consequences of those decisions if that be the case. If it’s not mentally or physically harmful, let her be!!!


By telling your child no because she may get bullied your teaching her that she can not be herself and must make decisions based on how other people will see her… it’s only hair and people will bully people’s regardless of a haircut. Instead teach her that she is beautiful and perfect the way she is or wants to be and bullies only bully others because they have their own issues that they are unable to face and instead take it out on people who don’t deserve it.


If she is responsible and takes care of her own hair then I’d say yeah let her since she’s 12 but if she not one to take care of her own hair then I’d hold off a lil bit or show her how she will have to fix and take care of her new style… There’d be no taking it out on the parents no matter what happens… Be there for her even if it’s a mistake… That’s how we learn!!!


Let her choose. When I was twelve I had no say about ANYTHING. It is important she have a voice.

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Yes, it can grow out if she doesn’t like it and it may look really cute.

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My son is 10 and I took him to the hairdressers and told the guy that my son will say what he wants done, son sat and told the guy and he got it done nice…sometimes we have to let them have a go at being an adult so if they fall we are there to help them on their feet and show them where they went wrong…remember when you were a kid…did you wish you had a choice…as they say…its only hair not a tattoo

Buy her a wig & see if she really likes the look when she sees it on her. If she still wants it, let her. If she regrets it, it will grow out.

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My youngest daughter got pixie hair cuts from the time she was like 4 until she was 7. Now she wants to grow it out and my 9 year old wants hers pixie so we just got it cut for her. As kids they don’t get to express themselves in very many ways. It’s her hair. Let her do it

Its her hair. Let her be in control of her own mind and personality. It will grow back.


I say let her do it so many parents wont let kids express them selves. The school tells them what to wear. I think they need a little freedom. My 10 year old granddaughter got hers in a pixie. It looks so cute. You really gotta think like a 12 year old. I didnt learn until i was a grandma. To loosen up and give the kids a little freedom. If she was a bad kid and never did what you ask of her then make her earn the right to choose.

I wanted to shave the side of my head when I was 12… I was able to at 13/14. My mom let me and she warned me ab the other kids. But the comments never hurt me. Most of the time I got compliments. You gotta let them explore and venture out a little bit. WITHIN REASON.

“only 12” You mean she is 12 years old and at the age where she is supposed to start finding her place in the world by trying different things with her hair, clothes, music etc. Dont stifle her. If she says she doesn’t care what others think, you should be encouraging that attitude, not doubting it. Worse case scenario, she doesn’t end up liking it, she does get teased and takes it out on you. Thats all part of life and its lessons, for you both!
Its hair, it will grow back. She might be the coolest kid at school because of it and if not, there are hats.


Buy her a short haired wig, if your concerned… show her how to change up her style without commitment before she actually commits. Or show her an app that changes your hair style. Sometimes it’s more curiosity then wanting something. Then if she still wants it, I say go for it.

My granddaughter had friends pressuring her to cut her beautiful hair into a pixie. None of them had their hair cut that way. It was a way to be mean. Her mom said no for three years. She is now 15 with beautiful hair and is so happy they did not convince her to cut it short. Girls can be so mean.

“She’ll take it out on me and her dad” welcome to parenting. She is 12, projection and blame are supposed to come from her, not the other way around. Your job is to redirect her. And why are you encouraging to be afraid of the opinions of small-minded people. Being a parent isn’t always a walk in the park.


It’s just hair. Let her cut it.


Your child isn’t giving you a hard time - your child is having a hard time, she just lacks the language, communication skills and comfort level to talk to you about it. It’s your job to teach her these things.


i had to get almost shaved every spring. hated it

I’m in exactly the same place. I have just agreed. She is just trying to find out who she is. My thinking is, it’ll grow back. Good luck x

It is only hair. It will grow.

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Yes and if she don’t like it then it will grow back🤷🏼‍♀️

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My thoughts are she is a kid let her experiment with her hair but maybe therapy if this is gonna be a deep issue

Don’t make your kid go to school in a wig :joy::joy:
It doesn’t matter if she’s ‘only’ 12 or not, it’s ‘only’ hair at the end of the day. It will grow back. Parents that try to control things as trivial as a hair cut need to check their priorities.

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let her make the choice… as she gets older she has to make choices the rest of her life .


It’s hair. It will grow back. It’s a great way for her to make a big change and express herself without it being permanent. Pixie cuts are very low maintenance but they definitely need to be done correctly so I would recommend you find a professional who is familiar with the cut.


Sounds like YOU are more worried about what people will think than she is…


Maybe try a wig on first

Let her be her! Haters will hate!


Do you wash brush and style her hair, or is this something she does on her own? I’m going to assume she does this herself. So IMO she should be able to pick her haircut. When I was 12. I chopped from my butt to my chin. Terrible idea, I had a super round chunky face. But its what I wanted. And I cared for my own hair. So I got to cut it. Good news is hair grows back. As far as.her taking her.feelings out on you guys, if it’s not.the hair it’ll be something else. She’s a preteen, there are countless other issues shell.take.out.on you two

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Let her do it. Itll be hard for awhile if she doesn’t like it but I guarantee she’ll never do it again and she might even listen to you next time.

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Maybe she cares what people think Bc you’re projecting that insecurity onto her. That’s what it sounds like to me!


Try to see if she will compromise on a shorter bob hairstyle… meet her in the middle. Pixies require alot of styling… daily.

Hair grows back pick your battles.


As a Stylist, there is nothing worse than giving a child a haircut they do not want. I would suggest maybe ordering a cheap wig off of Amazon and having her “try” the look first. If she loves it, then let her have her haircut the way she wants! If she hates it, glad she found out this way. As for bullying, it can happen over someone wearing the wrong colored sock to school… it’s about teaching her to not only stand up for herself, but also show her how to be confident in herself, even when others aren’t.


Let her cut it. Give her the body autonomy she deserves. Hair can grow back. And she will appreciate you letting her embrace her individuality.

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It’s not your hair, stop projecting on her.


Depending on how long she has been asking, let her get it. When my daughter asked for a pixie hair cut, I asked her to think about it for a couple months to make sure it is truly what she wanted to do. After that time frame, she still wanted her hair cut short but she had changed her mind on the exact style. We got her hair cut.

Try one of those apps that let you try hairstyles. That’s what I did when I chopped off my hair. No regrets I love it shorter

I think more worried about what people say and think then you’re daughter happiness

She’s 12. Let her cut her hair

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I like the idea of trying a wig. My 14 year old had hair to their waist and cut it in a pixie and loves it. Let your child choose for themselves and be as supportive as you can.

Twelve is old enough to start forming some independence. I would suggest you make out a contract saying that you are letting her choose that hair style against your advice and have her sign it. If she becomes disgruntled over her friends comments, show her the signed contract.


You gave birth and you have raised her to be an independent thinker. Soooooooo mama let her be her own person. If she chooses to cut her hair, let her. It is only hair. It’s her hair not yours. She still is your little girl. It. Is Only. HAIR.

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Is there a app that shows different hairstyles…
I know one for glasses…
Or try on wigs…talk to hairdresser…
And let her make decision…


Let her choose, it’s hair! She’s old enough to have a say.

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My daughter had hair to her butt. At 13 she wanted to cut it off and I mean short, I cried she loved it, they have to b their self as much as we dislike it

You allow her to take it out on you. Make it clear to her if you have to hers in writing. She should debate you. Set standards not expectations


It’s only hair and will grow back. And why would she get teased for cutting her hair? Try the hairstyles on her pic first,I’m sure there’s an app or something to look at different hairstyles on you before cutting to see if they suit you. Or get her to chat with the hairdresser and see what they recommend her,face shapes mean some styles suit better and hairdressers understand that.

Let them express themselves now…

My daughter wanted the same but i believe only because i did. So i did let her cut her hair short just (not a pixie) to just see if she would be ok with it, she liked it but hasn’t since asked to cut it pixie style :woman_shrugging:. I would let her now for sure tho as she loved the shorter hair.

It’s just hair. She’s old enough to decide how she wants it.

let her cut it … it will let her be who she wants to be. :smiling_face:

You want to protect her, I understand that more than you know. She may gain more self confidence and courage having her hair cut in the way she would like.
Reassure her if she has it done, it will look amazing and if she doesn’t like it, her hair will grow. Sending love to you. Xxxx

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Let her cut it, if she’s not keen when it’s done then she can grow it again.

Definitely it’s a way of learning who we wanna be xx

Hair grows back… Let her

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Let her do it mama, it’s just hair. She’s starting to come into herself and wants to experiment a little bit. Better a haircut than drugs or pregnancy imo❤


First let her do it. It’s her hair …and second teach her to fight…thus ending bully problem

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Bullying is the school and teachers responsibility to deal with , your daughter hair cut choice is her choice and being bullied should not be the reason to deprive herself having it . If she gets bullied , tell her to let you know and you storm and see the principal and the teacher to stop it or you will let it reach the higher source to be able to implement to avoid it from happening . Why don’t the school start charging the bullies parents so that the parents will discipline their own children’s , teaching your kids to learn to depend themselves if provoke is acceptable and understandable but being a bully should be a serious disciplinary actions that can be include the parents , children’s under their parents care and living under their roof are still their responsibility

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I let my daughter choose her haircut?

If she wants to let her do it, if she doesn’t like it then at least she knows what she doesn’t like and maybe she’ll listen next time. It’s important to let her make her own decisions


She is old enough to choose her own hair… PERIOD!


It’s her hair so I’d let her, kids need to learn things on their own sometimes. And a lot of kids have pixie cuts so I’m not sure y that would be a bully reason. A bully is a bully they will find whatever anyway


My daughter is 12 in Nov. She’s been begging for a short cut for a year. I let her and she loves it!

There’s a lot of things children get no say in. Hair that grows back shouldn’t be one of them.


I learned raising my kids that you choose your battles. Hair is not a battle I chose to fight. It’s hair, it grows back.


Let her get the cut she wants, it’s just hair, it’ll grow back. There’s always going to be bullying sadly, maybe take her to a therapist to talk about her troubles.


Yes! Specially if she said she doesn’t care if she gets bullied. She’s showing you she’s strong and will fight for what she wants, regardless of what others say.


The rule in our home, is you can have the hair cut… if you can maintain the hair cut… I made .y oldest wait till she was 12 1/2 before she could have bangs again. My 9 year old wants an undercut because her hair is so thick.
If you can maintain it, you can have it… hair grows back, and once it’s cut… there is no going back. If your daughter understands that, then why not :woman_shrugging:


Why is this even a question?


I personally would let her go for it, hair grows back,

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She’s 12, she knows how she would like her hair. Pixie is so easy to take care of and can be adorable and fun. You’ll probably like it more than her for the ease!


Yes. I let my daughter be herself and she’s 6. There are limits but you live and you learn. If she doesn’t like it. It’ll grow back :heart:


Yes, take her to someone good who can talk to her about the best way to frame her face and have your daughter bring pictures, too.

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Let her chose. Hair will grow back if she does not like it.

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It is just hair , it will grow back

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My daughter is 10…I let her choose. It grows back.

Yep,it’s just hair.itll grow back eventually.

Its not like she wants something crazy. Its hair. It grows back.

Yes. Just let her know that whenever it starts to grow back, it’ll go through an awkward stage. But nothing cute headbands and bobby pins won’t solve.

12 is old enough to pick her haircut.and bullying happens regardless.teach her some coping skills to deal with bullys.

I’m sure at some point she will grab scissors and cut it herself. Better to take her to have it cut.