Should I let my daughter choose her haircut?

You have to pick your battles. I’ve always let my kids choose their haircuts, because it helps them learn to make decisions. Hair will always grow back. Then you can put your foot down on other things like a tattoo, piercings, clothes they choose, ect.


Would you let her get a face tattoo? There’s your answer…dont let libtardia raise your kid…your house, your rules at 18 she can shave it and walk on her hands…parenthood!


I think 12 is a great age to let her choose her haircut. Her hair will grow back if it goes wrong lol

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It’s hair it will grow back

Yes. Teach her our decisions are made based on what we want for ourselves and not based on what our peers may think or say.


Explain to her the consequences of her acting out from being picked on. She wants to chose a haircut knowing the risks of what kids will say then that’s a choice she is old enough to make. If she says she doesn’t care what anyone else thinks give her a chance to prove that! Hair grows back and if she realizes the outcome of that haircut is something she doesn’t like she won’t ask for it again.

Our daughter desperately wanted something like that, but is very sensitive. We opted for more of a layered bob.

My daughter has been picking her haircut since she was like, 4 or 5.


it’s just hair! let her choose. my daughter choose a shorter haircut than what I wanted but it will grow back

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It’s hair… it’ll grow back

Let her get it done. I’m having my daughter’s hair grow out until she’s old enough to tell me she wants a haircut. It’ll grow back anyways.

My first thought it - whatever, it’s hair, let them do whatever they want. But we also know our kids and their reactions so it can be hard. I’d say let her get it cut, but have a long sit down explaining that she cannot take any upset feelings she may have out on you. Like really sit her down at an agreed upon time, like a family meeting. If she agrees and still wants it go ahead. Lay out any consequences ahead of time.

Let her decide. She’s old enough and hair grows back! If she is excited about it then you shouldn’t care what other people think. If you’re worried about it, it would probably make her feel worried and less confident. Besides, at least it’s just a pixie! :slight_smile:

Yes, I would let her. If she thinks she is old enough to choose her own haircut, let her. My parents never told me I couldn’t cut my hair. I knew the consequences, that once it was gone it would take time to grow back… I have done a pixie cut several times as a child, young adult, and grown adult. I almost always regret it, but it feels GREAT at the time.

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I decided a long time ago that there were going to be bigger battles to fight with my girls than hair. I’m saving my energy for those.

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Only twelve? She’s at puberty age and the pixie style is really cute. Let her get it done.

Yes, its her hair, she has to deal with it and take care of it.

She is her own person. If she wants it let her do it. If she gets bullied you be there to support her and tell her she looks beautiful. Let her express herself.


Its hair. It grows back. Let her cut it.

A 12 year old should absolutely get to pick her own haircut style. I would try to build her self image by teaching her no one elses opinion matter other than her own.


She’s 12 she should have a choice in how she looks

Yes. I didn’t get to choose my haircut. Because I wasn’t the only paying for it. So I didn’t get many. And once I was made to get a perm. Did I know how to take care of a perm? Nope. Did my mom and aunt care I didn’t know how to take care of it? Nope. So let your 12 choose.

My kids have been picking their own haircuts since the age of 6. They started by going a little shorter each time. Her hair will grow back, talk to a stylist to see if her type of hair would work with a pixie first and go from there.

Yes let her but since you been telling her no make it special :person_shrugging: don’t tell her where u are going and maybe take her out to eat fist then pull up to get it done she will be so surprised and happy :smiling_face::grin:


Yes, she should be able to pick her own hair.

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For what it’s worth… I understand your predicament! I didn’t want my daughter getting bullied either so I took her to the salon but made sure she understood that shoulder length is as short as she can go for now… I told her that when she gets older she can do whatever it is she wants :smiley::+1:

Tough one! I wanted a certain ‘crop’ when I was a kid. I looked in the mirror and loved it. My mum insisted I went shorter… I hated it and can remember to this day how I felt. Ugly. She at an age where she can make certain decisions on her appearance. As long as it isn’t extreme I’d allow her to start expressing herself in her own way x

Short hair is in right now. Let her do what she wants.

I totally understand the concern of wanting to protect her but this is one she should choose. Be supportive, make sure you use a great stylist!

Maybe letting her pick her own hairstyle will give her the internal confident boost she needs to stand up to her bullys!

I wouldn’t if you think she will be bullied after she has been before. Bullying can have severe long term effects in every aspect of life. That’s just my opinion. I was bullied badly and it still hurts today.


Yes, my daughter did it. Much less brushing involved

She’s 12!! And hair grows back if SHE regrets it. Its not a tattoo!!

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I found my husband when i was 12 :sweat_smile: id absolutely let her chose how to do her own hair


To me, hair is hair. It’ll grow back if she doesn’t like it.

Let her do what she wants!

I would let her do it. It’s just hair if she doesn’t like it it will grow back

Honestly ~ my grandmother took me to get 20 inches cut off when I was 11 years old w/o telling my parents. Unfortunately, because I knew nothing about hair direction/thickness/styles I ended up with a haircut I hated that was probably the beginning of my torturous poor self-image as a pre-teen. Because my hair is SO thick and SO curly it was much shorter than I wanted, and very thick like an afro. I hated it and have never been able to achieve that length since, even 11 years later. I still regret it to this day. My parents were devastated, they both cried actually, my long curly hair was kind of my thing my whole life. Granted, I THOUGHT I wanted it, if I could go back knowing what I know after going to cosmetology school, I would have never done it. Especially at that age, everyone is awkward in middle school, going through puberty, it just really hurt my self-esteem. Make sure she knows for sure! And take into consideration her hair STRUCTURE, TEXTURE, AND THICKNESS.

My opinion…it’s hair and it will grow back.

By 12 a lot of decisions should be HERS. Good and bad, Thats how they learn!

I let my then 12 (now 13) do whatever she wants to her hair. It’s hers. I just shaved both sides and back and she only has hair on top with now mint color in it.

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Yes let her choose. My son is 7 and has been choosing what to do with his hair since he was around 5.

Let her decide. You are letting your insecurities trigger hers.

It’s hair… It grows back.

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Yes, let her. But try to get a longer pixie

It’s hair it grows back, I would make sure she knows most pixie styles involve a lot of fixing it everyday to look right. If she’s the kind of girl who fixes it daily anyways it might be a great cut for her, if not maybe not.

My daughter is 11 and just got a pixie cut. It’s cute. I don’t see a problem.


Try one of those apps where you can place her face with the haircut to see if she likes it on her before doing it. If she does then go for it! Good luck!

This is my 12 year old daughter. She’s had short hair for a lot of years now and loves it. Luckily I’m a hairdresser/barber so just so whatever she fancies at the time


It’s hair, it grows back.
I am an insecure person and did a super short asymmetrical thing and i actually helped my confidence.
Worst case she’ll realize it’s not for her, and then when it grows out a little she’ll figure out how she wants it then.


Absolutely :raised_hands: Let her learn to explore life (in age appropriate ways - this definitely being one of them) and make her own choices. As parents it is not our responsibility to make every choice and decision for our kids. They have to be able to practice doing these things in order to be better prepared for life on their own. It starts here and grows in depth and responsibility the older they get.

Also, your daughter “taking things out” on you and dad is a kids way of doing things. Kiddos don’t have all the tools adults do. It sounds like she has big feelings and doesn’t know how to express them in a healthy way.

No! Take to the Hair stylist for advise as to what frames her face best. At least teach her how to or where to go for advise. Teach her how to begin to work with her body/face at her age. Besides she just wants to “ Fit-in)“. However she wants to look good for her age as well. GOOD LUCK MOM! Don’t stress out make it a fun thing to change as we grow up.

My kids are 12 & 15 and make their own hair/clothes choices. Helps them become their own person😊

When I was young, my mother did the same. When I was able to get it cut without her permission, I shaved half my head, died half black and bleached the other. Is this what you really want?? It’s hair and guess what?? It. Grows. Back.

Let her decide. Just remind her that it’s a big decision. If it’s a cut she decides she wants to change the process of growing it out can be frustrating and annoying. However it does grow back and she is trying to figure out what she likes and doesn’t like. Honestly she could completely love and it it could be a good confidence boost.

Yes, she is old enough to know how she wants express herself. If you don’t she will just rebel

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My daughters had one… more than once n is soon to be 12… it’s just hair… don’t tell her that self worth relies on what others think or how she looks. We talked to her bout it the most recent time bout how it might not be well received n just be prepared for that possible reaction…

At a certain point you will have to let her make her own decisions and live with comes with it, trial and error we all have to learn weather good or bad :person_facepalming::woman_shrugging:let her, and bc it’s her decision and she can’t be upset at anyone but herself if it’s not what she thought it would be…hair grows back it will be a learning experience

Compromise. Something longer than a pixie, but still short. This is what I’ve let my daughter get since she was 13

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How is 12 not old enough to decide their own hairstyle are you forreal

My daughter is almost 18 and recently cut 14 inches of hair off. I was worried about the same or the other stigmas and generalizations that come with women who wear short hair. Haven’t had any issues and we both love it! Most importantly SHES happy!! Go for it….

Yesss absolutely let her be her


Hair grows back. She may cry. She may hate it. But it’s something she has to figure out herself. I do hair. I’ve seen kids super happy. And seen them cry. But it’s a learning experience for them. They get a chance to figure themselves out.

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Yes, she is old enough to make her own decisions for a haircut. She is trying to find herself. Hair grows back if she doesn’t like it. You can make her haircut purposeful and donate it if HER hair getting cut bothers YOU that much.


I let my 12 (now 13) choose her haircut this summer. She begged for a while. I feel like 13 is old enough to choose.

Pick and choose your battles.


You gotta let her make decisions for herself too. It will help her to lead to being independence.

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It’s hair and 12 is a good age to start expressing her creativity… my boys have had their hair all colors of the rainbow. It grows back.

Yes you should let her she’s 12 not 2

It is hair and it will grow back.
I let my kids (11, 9, 6) decide what they want to do with THEIR hair.
They have each had designs shaved, colors, half their heads shaved etc. Decided how you want your own hair is EMPOWERING. This was my 6yr olds FIRST cut and she had probably had 8+ inches cut off.


Mine has one. She’s been picking since she could talk lol.

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I would let her. Teach her she’s beautiful no matter what(: and or try showing her a shorter inverted bob haircut! Those are always super cute!


It’s hair, it grows back. But kids that age are mean and cruel. Especially girls. Not every cut turns out like it looks in the pictures as everyone’s hair is different. So please sit down with her and have a talk about what styles can best benefit her hair that’s close to what she wants without taking too much of a risk in her hating it if it doesn’t turn out the way she imagined. On a side note, when I was 12 my dad took me to get my hair cut for a “trim”. He had it chopped to my chin. And thus began me being called “Steve Nash” for 2 years until it grew out. And the beginning of my insecurities in my school years. Yes hair grows back, but it takes a long time.

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Let her I did with my girls, one shaved he sides, one got a short pixie cut. Let them decide, this is a learning experience for them. Now my daughter said she’ll never do it again lol…

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It grows back. Let her choose her hair style, it’ll body her esteem.

Kids that are little assholes will be little assholes no matter what, unfortunately.

That is becoming part of who she is…let her decide

Yes she is the one that is taking care of it

Let her express herself with her hair.


My parents told me I wasn’t allowed to pick my own hairstyle/color, and I locked myself in the bathroom and destroyed my hair bleaching and cutting it.

Honestly just let her do it, because kids will find a way to do it and if you don’t let her, she’ll hold it against you.

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Me letting my daughters (3 and 5) choose their back to school haircuts. :eyes:

I think they turned out super cute and match their personalities so well. Loosen the reigns mama. It’ll be ok.


Let her choose. I always just kinda did as I pleased, and sometimes my parents would express that they didn’t care for it, but still never told me I wasn’t allowed. As an adult I still change my hair ALL the time. I constantly have different colors and recently shaved it all off and it’s the same for my children. It grows back.

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At 12 shes old enough to know what she wants and should know how to defend herself


Absolutely! Help her pick out a style she wants. Talk with the stylist about what your daughter wants and loosen the reins a little. We have all had hair cuts we wish we didn’t have. Let her learn that lesson for herself.

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I’d let her try it. Hair grows back

She’s 12? Let her choose!


Let her get it. It’s just hair it’ll grow back. Let her be who she wants to be. Don’t be that parent.

I’ve always let my daughter do what she wants with her hair. It’s HER’S to do what she chooses. Its something she can feel control over. If she doesn’t like it she can grow it back out. How would you feel if someone else told you what you could or couldn’t do with YOUR hair?

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I pixied my hair at that age and had a love hate relationship with it. Let her figure it out and help her with bullying issues… <3

It’s hair. :person_shrugging: I’ve always let my son decide what he wants to do with his.

Let your child express herself. It’s only hair and it grows back.

At her age I was dying my hair and experimenting with different hair styles.

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Repeat after me “it’s just hair”


Absolutely. Her hair, her choice.

My kids were making their own decisions on haircuts/styles since about 5 years old. It’s about their individuality.

M6 daughter has had purple, pink. Blue and green. Long, short, even shorter. It all grows back. Let her have her fun while she can. :blush:

Let her choose her own haircut. I chopped my hair in high school and loved it. You can’t spend your whole life trying to avoid getting bullied, you are who you are. Besides hair grows.

My 15 yo daughter walked out of the hair salon with a Joan Jett hair cut yesterday. Her hair, her choice.

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If you are concerned about her feelings get her a $20 wig on Amazon so she can get a feel and see if it’s something she really likes. If so then let her do it. It’s only hair and hair is an accessory

Let her. If it turns out to be a lesson… you may have taught her to trust you more about other choices in her future

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Let her try it. Hair grows back.